
The place to discuss scripting and game modifications for X³: Reunion.

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Post by jbarkingmad » Wed, 28. Jan 15, 15:44

Hi, I managed to get hold of a version of this game (X3 Reunion) which I haven't played for years. Really enjoying it. However I want ot get my hands on a Hyperion, but can't be bothered doing the Bala Gi mission at present. Is there a way (some sort of patch) to download this for purchase on the current game I have been playing (just a fair way into this and have factories and ships I don't want to lose).

Please can someone come back to me and let me know either way as to whether this can or cannot be done. It would be greatly appreciated.

Also if it can be done, I am a bit naff with computers so would need the idiots guide to help me installing this.
Cheers muchly in advance.

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sat, 31. Jan 15, 14:09

Check out LV's Cheat package linked in the Cheat Scripts Sticky at the top of this forum. I'm not sure, whether it has an option to add a ship to a shipyard for sale, but it definitely has an option to create ships.
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