The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

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The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

Post by Ketraar » Thu, 23. Dec 21, 13:34


You may not know, but The Matrix (1999) is still one of, if not THE movie I like the most, ever. I had such a strong connection to it back then as I was struggling to fit in myself, so many of the story beats resonated with me strongly. Also we can agree it revolutionised scifi and maybe even cinema as a whole. I spend countless hours with friends debating meanings and interpretations of it which enriched the experience even more. 2 and 3 are not as good, but I enjoyed those too and as a whole the Matrix trilogy is very good.

For that I cannot stress enough how much of a disappointment it was to watch Resurrection last night. It was painful to sit through as it was boring as hell, found myself wondering when it was finally over. Sure maybe I had some expectation, but I dont think they were excessive. Mostly what I wanted was a recreation of the feeling of the trilogy. Just give me some slick stylish Kung Fu with some great music and we're good. But no!

Lana went to the JJ Abrams school of rehashing old stuff for the nostalgia sake without making it relevant. But unlike JJ she was clearly struggling to have a tonal vision, mixing old with new, making it feel confusing. Using old characters with new actors, but no where near coherent or even good. Especially jarring was the Agent Smith character, why put a actor in a position to fail? Not sure who is to blame, the actor or the director, but Smith was such an iconic character and Hugo Weaving gave it so much gravitas, this new one felt like a joke.

Then they clearly didn't know if this was a reboot or a sequel, so they made both, but no vision where to go or what to say. Bugs (Jessica Henwick) was basically playing Morpheus (ship captain that is looking for the One) but then the add in Morpheus (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) as well, but now he is a machine. Why do this? Why not jut make new characters? Baffles my mind trying to understand the logic of it.

I'm not even going into details about how how the world building is just atrocious and all the self/meta references added in for no reason at all, often feeling like it was a parody of itself. Lana Wachowski was again way too much worried about saying things about the real world then to make a good story. Way too much cheap virtue signalling instead of writing layered characters.

The Matrix Resurrections is a bland, self serving, boring piece of shit movie that is an insult to the original material and Lana should be ashamed of herself for ruining it. If you think I'm being harsh, I'm not, there is such much wrong with this I could write a book or make long videos about it (and I'm sure many will, but I don't have the patience). Consider this, about 25% of Matrix Resurrections uses ACTUAL!!! footage from the old ones and the story beats are 75% the same from previous movies, mostly the firs one. And if all was not enough they make Neo a joke (one scene in particular was just infuriating) and make Trinity suddenly have "Neo powers" JUST LIKE THAT! THAT IS NOT HOW YOU WRITE STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS!!! (trinity was already one ffs!).

So basically this movie is a mess in tone, no style whatsoever, no story that make sense or has anything to say, sound design is just shit, characters are worthless (only ok one is Bugs). This is Fifty Shades of grey level bad, but that one at least is sexy, but Matrix Resurrections is just sad and a complete waste of 2h30min.

I gave it 3/10 on IMDB



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Re: The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

Post by Arsaneus » Thu, 23. Dec 21, 13:59

Oh no. My hopes are crushed.

Not unexpected but I still hoped this might turn out at least entertaining .
Thanks for the review, I'll wait to watch it once it is available for streaming in CH.

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Re: The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

Post by matthewfarmery » Thu, 23. Dec 21, 14:09

Thanks for the heads up on this. I was somewhat surprised that another was done. I mean,, if they wanted to carry on the story, why not make another film closer to the originals? I loved the first film, but found the last film wanting. From your take, its as bad I I thought it would be. They probably made it because, why not? why not reboot, / remake another film for the hell of it.

I mean, this is the core problem with Hollywood now, and Hollywood has lost a lot of good actors and actresses. and directors. Sure, they been some good films out, but now, I feel a lot of films should never have been made. because Hollywood dredges the bottom of the barrel for ideas. And if that means redoing old class films, why not, as long as it makes money right? especailly in today's times.

So anyway, another film that I won't be watching, another film that is an insult to the original idea / creative talent behind the original trilogy.

I guess I won't go too far offtopic, but anyway, thanks for the heads up. Real pity mind, I hoped the film might have been decent, but you confirmed my fears that it isn't.

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Re: The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

Post by pjknibbs » Thu, 23. Dec 21, 16:52

Seems like public opinion is leaning to this as well, just checked the IMDB ratings for the movies. First one was 8.7, second 7.2, third 6.8, this one is currently sitting at 6.1. I wasn't particularly enthused about this one in the first place, but probably won't waste my time on it now.

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Re: The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

Post by Praefectus classis » Thu, 23. Dec 21, 18:50

I loved the first film but wasn't that keen on the later films. I think I'll avoid this latest offering. Ironically I watched a gem of a film in the week on Prime called Cosmos. It was done on a shoestring budget but I thought it was excellent. :)
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Re: The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

Post by mr.WHO » Thu, 23. Dec 21, 20:38

Its another pointless memberberries soft reboot, like The Force Awakens, or Halo Infinite.
Its just a waste of time as there is plenty of other movie and games to check.

I am over with crappy milking of closed trilogies with story concluded.

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Re: The Matrix Resurrections - A cautionary tale [Spoilers included!]

Post by euclid » Sun, 26. Dec 21, 19:14

Honestly, I do like it!

When there was the first word out on a 4th Matrix move it puzzled me how they are connecting the dots (Trinity dead, Neo similar, all actor have aged sind the last of the triology) without makeing it a too obvious patchwork. I think they solved that brilliantly. But no spoiler here, watch and judge for yourself. ;-)

Cheers Euclid
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