Russia-Ukraine War

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by greypanther » Fri, 21. Jan 22, 22:46

Dare I imply similarities with Hitler and appeasement? After all certain parallels can be drawn... :roll:

As an aside for anyone interested, I can recommend this fictional read about a mad Russia and China and the build up to a WWIII. written buy an ex soldier and with certain things that ring true. Well written too. :) ... C61&sr=1-1
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by felter » Sat, 22. Jan 22, 01:54

I have not been following this thread, but here's my take. Russia have been preparing for this for years, they have been testing out Europe and the surrounding areas for weakness in their military protection, so they know what they can and cannot do if they have to. They have also been testing out what nations would do, like state sponsored assassinations. They also have the EU by the balls as they hold the EU's energy in its hands as it supplies around 80% of the EU's gas supply. So if they do eventually go into Ukraine the Eu is not going to do much, as if they do Russia cuts off the gas supply and the EU is screwed as they will have no gas and will be fighting each other for what they do have.

They have been messing around with America for several years and probably know more than the Americans would want them to know, Trump probably sold all the information to them that they needed. They also have a naval advantage over America right now, what with their newest submarines. The American navy want's you to think they are on par with their submarines, but they are way far better, they are actually so good the Americans cannot track them, and they have no idea where they are. They are so silent, they could be sitting under an American naval fleet and the Americans wouldn't even know it until it was too late. They even can't defend against the Russian subs armaments, as the torpedoes they are using can't be detected till boom. And they all carry some really nice missiles, which they recently showed off to the world.

Furthermore, they keep threatening Russia with sanctions, but Russia doesn't care about sanctions, once again hit them with sanction, and they can just turn off the gas. Russia holds all the cards right now, and there is sod all we can do about it, they know how to hurt us and are not frightened to do so.

The question is why do they want to take over Ukraine to start with, it's all to do with water. When Russia annexed Crimea all those years ago one thing they didn't take into account was water as Crimea does not have a source of fresh drinking water at the time all of it's drinking water came from Ukraine but of course as soon as Russia annexed Crimea Ukraine cut off the supply leaving Crimea high and dry. Right now, all of Crimea's water is shipped in on trucks over a bridge that Russia has built, but when you have to supply water for around 2.5 million people every day by truck it gets more than a little bit tedious. So I reckon this is what Russia is after, just a supply of plain fresh drinking water, and they are willing to kill for it.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by EGO_Aut » Sat, 22. Jan 22, 09:54


According to US reports in 2008 :!: , Putin is said to have spoken in the NATO-Russia Council that if Ukraine joined NATO, Crimea and eastern Ukraine could be detached from Ukraine and annexed to Russia.
-2014 :!: they took over Crimera.

RU has a "small" border line with NATO (Estland, Lettland, Lituania), its not in their interest to expand it.

PS: I think soon east Ukraine will be an independent neutral buffer zone. Similar happend with Georgia.
Its not about water, they could simple pipeline it.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by felter » Sun, 23. Jan 22, 01:49

EGO_Aut wrote:
Sat, 22. Jan 22, 09:54
Its not about water, they could simple pipeline it.
Unfortunately, it's not that simple, if it was, don't you think they would have done that by now. Right now they use hundreds if not thousands of trucks to transport all the fresh water over land and sea. These Trucks go into Crimea to deposit their water turn around and leave empty, and they do this 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year non-stop, back and forth they go.
Remember, we are talking about supplying fresh water to 2.5 million people, you know how much water that amount of people use every single day, a simple garden hose pipeline wouldn't cut it you are talking about having to install a major water network, and it would have to come from all over not just the one water supply, meaning they would have to install hundreds if not thousands of miles of water pipework over land, then they also have the task of having to pipe all that water over or under a sea, and we are talking about a pipe network that a person would be able to easily traverse in. Then you have to think on the cost, we are talking hundreds of billions in any currency to put this infrastructure in place, let alone the amount of time you are probably looking at years not days weeks or months.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine there already is a pipeline that can do the job ready to go with just some maintenance and wars have been fought over a lot less.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by fiksal » Tue, 25. Jan 22, 06:05

I cant read Putin's mind. But I can read the official word via the official news.

And the word is: that NATO needs to be destroyed; West is corrupt and invents reasons to destroy Russia; US should've / could've been nuked when Crimea 'joined' Russia; Russia is basically at war and is under attack; Russians are under attack everywhere; Ukraine is not a separate country; disappearance of USSR is a tragedy.

If you grow this for awhile, it gets to be fruitful.

What do you think will happen? Nothing? Will war break out between Russia and the Ukraine? Will Russia and the West start a new Cold War?
to answer the original post, I actually dont know, it can go either way.

technically, Putin has nothing to lose. Crimea and Donbas proved that there are no downsides to this. Ukraine showed that it won't be a walk, so Russia settled for a trophy, an island, lawless territory and an airliner. US and NATO really dont want to be involved in Ukraine, but they are also slightly more active now. In Syria, US decided to back off. And Russia didnt mind when Turkey shot down a military plane there. Turkey is best friends. Everyone walked away happy from Syria except for all the dead.

An unknown to me - is Ukraine. With large Russian population, yet with unhealthy and understandable effect of Nationalism, growing hatred for Russians, - this potentially will not be as quiet as before. Military of course doesnt match up, but there's more to war than just this.

I plan to keep my TV on.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Chips » Wed, 26. Jan 22, 18:05

fiksal wrote:
Tue, 25. Jan 22, 06:05
I cant read Putin's mind. But I can read the official word via the official news.

And the word is: that NATO needs to be destroyed; West is corrupt and invents reasons to destroy Russia; US should've / could've been nuked when Crimea 'joined' Russia; Russia is basically at war and is under attack; Russians are under attack everywhere; Ukraine is not a separate country; disappearance of USSR is a tragedy.
Yep, info (or misinformation). As grey mentioned earlier, this draws parallels with many wars being waged - the most obvious of which was...

The rhetoric being spouted is going to legitimise the actions being taken, and especially the legitimacy of the hardships people will find due to various economic sanctions that'll be levied. Persuade them this is a legitimate course of defence of the realm/people, and they'll endure hardships that they never would otherwise. Why? Because they believe it's for a good reason (and nationalism helps). It's all NATO's fault... and if he can persuade everyone that's the case then he'll be safe from revolts/civil disobedience if sanctions are significantly harsh.

There's been several papers written previously whereby the postulated (and simulated) the impact of various hardships on populations and the legitimacy of the causes. If the hardships are severe, and the legitimacy of the cause significant, people will be more willing to endure and obey. If the legitimacy is non existent (either leadership or perception of the cause for hardships) then they'll turn into outbreaks of civil violence/looting and so on.

To hark back to WW2 - the UK population went through years of hardship, but were accepting of it and maintained a strong national spirit in the face of it. Why? Because it was legitimate. Try doing that level of rationing and more in the present day... there'd be significant unrest. Well, the media mouthpiece of Putin looks to be stoking up the former to ensure the latter does no occur. If that's really what the media are trotting out around the clock, then it would appear a war is inevitable.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by fiksal » Thu, 27. Jan 22, 04:38

Chips wrote:
Wed, 26. Jan 22, 18:05
Persuade them this is a legitimate course of defence of the realm/people, and they'll endure hardships that they never would otherwise. Why? Because they believe it's for a good reason (and nationalism helps)
You are right. It's been going on, the sanctions are for a good cause, the internal "sanctions" that target products in Russia, are too for a good cause.

Enough of people that is needed to keep the king in power, agree.

The media in Russia is quite blood thirsty, it's a bit of a run away train. As if it's only held back when something unexpected happens, off the script, for which they then need to wait a message from the higher power, to see if they should proceed. That's when an awkward pause occurs, like when a friend takes down your military plane.

So. Depends on when you tune in, you may find out that Ukrainians, with American's help no doubt, literally crusify children in Donbass, like Romans did. Comes with some gruesome imagery on TV.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by notaterran » Sun, 30. Jan 22, 19:02

fiksal wrote:
Tue, 25. Jan 22, 06:05
Ukraine is not a separate country
I wonder how many Russians believe that, and if the propaganda is working.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Warenwolf » Sat, 12. Feb 22, 19:08

And this is being posted on youtube channels and fake news sites these days:
The Ukrainian military threatens to destroy Russian civilian aircraft.

After the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed the Buk-M1, S-125 and S-300 complexes in the Donbass, it became known that Ukraine was threatening to start using these weapons against Russian civilian aircraft. The data on this subject were announced by FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov, noting that the risk of an attack on Russian civilian aircraft is very high, especially since the air corridors lie in close proximity to the Ukrainian border.

Source: ... oih-granic

(note - above mentioned site is used as front for fake news generated in Russia).
Let see whether this is preparation for some sort of Gleiwitz incident or mental preparation of Russians public for what is coming next :)

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by mr.WHO » Sat, 12. Feb 22, 22:21

Russia doing some things and Germany is friendly patting them on the back?

That sounds oddly familiar.

"Nord Stream" is a private endeavour.

That sounds oddly familiar too.

I recall there was a guy who used private endeavour to build tractors and planes in Russia, very specific endeavour...for a painter.

I'm sure it all ends well.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by notaterran » Sun, 13. Feb 22, 02:02

When asked on whether the German government would halt the opening of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, Scholz told the Post that he would not get into specifics, but that Germany's "answer would be united and decisive."

"It is absolutely clear that in a situation like this all options are on the table," Scholz said.

Scholz emphasized his support for strategic ambiguity, saying that "this is critical for giving this strong message that it will be very costly — so they cannot go to a computer and count whether it will be too expensive or not."

It seems that Scholz either wants to walk a fine line, or is low-key running interference for Russia. I'm thinking of former German chancellor Gerhart Schröder, who ended up working for a Russian oil company (Link). Will Scholz also end up with a lucrative job in a Russian company?
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by EGO_Aut » Sun, 13. Feb 22, 09:28

This said Putin

PS: I bet in a few years, Scholz will get a nice US job.

Edit: even if underexposed people see it differently, it's not about Jews.
Last edited by EGO_Aut on Sun, 13. Feb 22, 12:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Warenwolf » Sun, 13. Feb 22, 10:21

EGO_Aut wrote:
Sun, 13. Feb 22, 09:28
This said Putin

PS: I bet in a few years, Scholz will get a nice US job.

Warning :
source "Russian Insider" Ego_Aut linked to is russian propaganda channel*. To save the people some research time, they blamed jews for problems in the world in the last 30 years** (yep...never heard that one before...).
Also the way youtube suggestion algorithm works, your suggestion list on that channel will be swamped with conspiracy theories and political extremism. So unless this is your thing, log out from youtube before clicking the link and clear the cookies after you have clicked on the link above.

So let me finish this with an apt WH40K reference : "A suspicious mind is a healthy mind."

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Cpt.Jericho » Sun, 13. Feb 22, 21:16

A truly suspicious mind would also ask when is this imminent invasion actually happening? The "any day now" theme has been going on since last year and yet Russian troops have been sitting on their side of the border doing - well - nothing. To me this seems more like a smokescreen from the Biden administration to divert interest from domestic problems.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Warenwolf » Sun, 13. Feb 22, 22:55

Cpt.Jericho wrote:
Sun, 13. Feb 22, 21:16
A truly suspicious mind would also ask when is this imminent invasion actually happening? The "any day now" theme has been going on since last year and yet Russian troops have been sitting on their side of the border doing - well - nothing. To me this seems more like a smokescreen from the Biden administration to divert interest from domestic problems.
"any day now" is straw man argument.

War will happen when Putin thinks he can get away with it. You don't raise and place 100 000 men on the border for fun. It may never happen if he thinks that the cost is way more than the benefit.

Lack of war is no proof of involved parties being pacifist.

Besides, with Biden declaring long ago that he will not help militarily Ukrainians if war starts is not exactly smokescreening anything. It just makes him look weak.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Cpt.Jericho » Sun, 13. Feb 22, 23:59

"Any day now" has been the narrative of US/NATO for weeks now and nothing has happened in that way. And yes, Putin can take the Ukraine any day he wants to and neither the US nor NATO could do anything against it.
Um, Biden/US is delivering weapons to Ukraine - sending a Bearpatrol eastwards... in my dictionary this counts as aiding militarily :sceptic: .
Face it, anything the US is doing in this crisis is escalating it even further. Who actually cares if the Ukraine is ever to be allowed to join NATO? It's decades from now before anyone right his mind would even consider a corrupt state like that as a reliable partner.
Heck, just give Putin the bone he wants. Make it so that he also cannot ally with a future corrupt Ukraine and everybody can go home without losing face and wasting taxpayers money.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Vertigo 7 » Mon, 14. Feb 22, 04:41

It's laughable to take that nonsense seriously. wtf did you think was going to happen when Putin moved 100k troops to Ukraine's border?

Not one country has threatened to invade Russia. Yet Putin has loudly and proudly declared he's going to invade Ukraine. "Any day now" seems like a pretty damn appropriate assessment to me. But then again, I don't watch Russian propaganda TV so I'm sure I missed the hidden messages in there somewhere...
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Gavrushka » Mon, 14. Feb 22, 09:14

I feel friendly intelligence services are in an impossible situation. - They're seeing things we're not privy to, and informing our political leaders, leaving them in a 'Groundhog Day' situation of 'it's imminent' announcements. -Today I see the UK intelligence services are advising of further signs it's just about to happen, and that bombs could fall within minutes of Putin giving the order. - This isn't speculative articles from reporters, but from the armed forces minister here. - Thing is, it does feel like 'crying wolf' as 'imminent' has been the situation for months now. - I feel that this is part of Putin's narrative, and perhaps this is the real war he's looking to win. - I do not dismiss the notion of it happening, but I feel it's gonna be down to a serious misstep from NATO, or one of its member states, giving Putin the justification he needs to say 'well you started it.' - I think that would be his preferred scenario *if* he is really looking to invade.

But, as others have said, it would then leave his whole western front abutting NATO countries. - The other scenario, and this is 25 years out of date, is that the country splits in two. -In the late 90s, the East was very poor (I had an aunty there) and there were many who felt a strong bond with Russia. - Perhaps, a generation later, that is outdated.

UK Armed Forces Minister words from earlier this morning
“Man, my poor head is battered,” Ed said.

“That explains its unusual shape,” Styanar said, grinning openly now. “Although it does little to illuminate just why your jowls are so flaccid or why you have quite so many chins.”

“I…” Had she just called him fat? “I am just a different species, that’s all.”

“Well nature sure does have a sense of humour then,” Styanar said. “Shall we go inside? It’d not be a good idea for me to be spotted by others.”

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Warenwolf » Mon, 14. Feb 22, 12:24

Cpt.Jericho wrote:
Sun, 13. Feb 22, 23:59
Heck, just give Putin the bone he wants. Make it so that he also cannot ally with a future corrupt Ukraine and everybody can go home without losing face and wasting taxpayers money.
So the guy who has ignored previous agreements (take your pick) because "reasons" is likely to respect future agreements?

Sure your suggestion would be ideal but at best it is just kicking the can down the road.
Last edited by Alan Phipps on Mon, 14. Feb 22, 19:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russia-Ukraine War?

Post by Chips » Mon, 14. Feb 22, 19:36

Cpt.Jericho wrote:
Sun, 13. Feb 22, 21:16
A truly suspicious mind would also ask when is this imminent invasion actually happening? The "any day now" theme has been going on since last year and yet Russian troops have been sitting on their side of the border doing - well - nothing. To me this seems more like a smokescreen from the Biden administration to divert interest from domestic problems.
Odd, it's only in the last few days I've been reading the "any day now..." as they've said Russia now has the amount, support and logistics in place to invade. Meanwhile, you think Biden has somehow engineered it all to be a smoke screen.

In that case he's hoodwinked most of the world's governments and media outlets. That's some incredible work by Biden, given he can't apparently engineer success to a few little domestic problems.

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