Game crash.

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Terran Conflict, X³: Albion Prelude or X³: Farnham's Legacy.

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Post by CBJ » Tue, 10. Feb 09, 20:50

You got a response to your last question, to which you said "ok thanks". You then posted the same question again. If you want a different answer then you have to ask a different question! Creating a new thread every time isn't going to help you or anyone else.

Posts: 14
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Post by Olasuvan » Wed, 11. Feb 09, 01:57

how i can get reply anymore. I try to change a subject because its not crash. game works after 1 minute but it do it again an again everytime i do something bigger.

Posts: 52245
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Post by CBJ » Wed, 11. Feb 09, 02:07

If you want more help then you'll need to provide more information. Did you try the disk defragmentation I suggested? How often does it happen? What is this "something bigger" that you do that triggers it? How long does it actually last? Is there any disk activity during the pause?

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Post by Olasuvan » Mon, 16. Feb 09, 16:38

I do the diskfragmentation. It didn't help.

This freezing happens really often. Everytime i start a game then it do it when i go to spacestation and out of it. Sometimes it even freeze when i shoot and explode another ship.

Freezing time is about minute everytime.

There is disk activity during the pause.

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Post by Erazerhead » Sat, 7. Mar 09, 23:59

Try running the game in XP compatibility mode. Worked for me.

Beltu Cadros
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Post by Beltu Cadros » Wed, 11. Mar 09, 21:31

This sounds very similar to a problem I had when I first got X3TC.
I'd had and played X3 Reunion with no problems at all, then not really used the computer for gaming for a long time (about a year; too many good games released for the 360 :p ). Then when I got and loaded up X3TC, it was loading up fine, but locking up left right and centre, essentially any time there was a lot going on (initial sector loading, big fights etc) it would lock up, sometimes looping whatever sound file was playing at the time. If I left it locked up for a minute or two it would eventually spring back to life and carry on as if there was nothing wrong.

After much head scratching, I found the problem; my GPU was hitting well over 140c under load! So I whipped the card out, removed the fan case and found a year and a bit worth of dust and crud welded to the heat sink.(oops) There was a clear cm of compacted dust on the sink, so virtually no air was getting through it. I gave it a good clean and replaced the contact paste, and hey presto; problem solved.

My system is far from spectacular:
AMD Athlon 64 3700+ (2.19 GHz)
1Gig RAM (yus, just the 1 gig)
NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT (512Mb)

But the game mostly chugs along fine @ 25 to 40 FPS on the following settings:
Textures: Medium
Shaders: High
More light sources: Yes
Colour Variations: Yes
AQC: Yes
Antialiasing: x2
Anisotropic: x8
Glow: Yes

If a major battle rears up, it'll drop down to the 10 – 15 FPS range, sometimes lower (like when the game rather unsportingly dumped three Kha'ak Carriers and a hundred or so scouts on me during one early patrol mission) but dropping the settings to low/medium solves that (sticking in a bit more RAM would probably help me here too).

But anyhoo, for me at least, the issue was a bit of a school-boy error, I went from lock ups to the game performing well above my expectations just by doing a spot of dusting. That and the dog is now banned from shedding hair in the study :D

Posts: 14
Joined: Thu, 15. Nov 07, 14:02

Post by Olasuvan » Sun, 13. Sep 09, 18:08

I got new computer when i try first time this game so its not dust problem and yes i try xp compatibility mode but not working. Now i try again play the game because there was more patches available but its didn't work out. But i find whan thing what maybe info about the problem. My i7 cpu all processes got huge peak when the freeze cames. I have tried low resolution and everything but maybe this help something if samebody got i7 too.

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