X3FL - Lost hotkeys - "Add Control" immediately sets action to LMB or Enter

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X3FL - Lost hotkeys - "Add Control" immediately sets action to LMB or Enter

Post by carv85x » Sat, 26. Jun 21, 22:48

I installed the plugin manager, backed up my saved game, checked some of the cheat features, and then removed them and turned it back to vanilla to continue my game. I was unable to start X3FL after removing the cheat packages through PM, so I did a "verify file integrity" through Steam and most files had to be re-downloaded. I am now able to start my game, but I lost ALL my hotkeys and whenever I try to add a new hotkey, it is set to either LMB or Enter right away when clicking on "Add Control", without giving me a chance to set the desired hotkey. When I hold LMB or enter, I am able to add the hotkey, but "Hold LMB" or "Hold Enter" also gets added as a new control.

Anyone knows how to fix this issue? Now I cannot play the game well anymore because I am not able to add new controls.

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Re: X3FL - Lost hotkeys - "Add Control" immediately sets action to LMB or Enter

Post by carv85x » Mon, 28. Jun 21, 14:04

Ayn update on this? I was able to set hotkeys again by loading a previous save, but it has happened again and I completely cleaned and reinstalled X3FL already twice.

Is there an alternative way for setting hotkeys?

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Re: X3FL - Lost hotkeys - "Add Control" immediately sets action to LMB or Enter

Post by andreihaiducul » Tue, 29. Jun 21, 22:30

Try disabling "Fast Menu Control" before changing the hotkeys. It's under Graphics settings.

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