Bridge(?) Mission not happening / Starting from scratch

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Bridge(?) Mission not happening / Starting from scratch

Post by smiley » Tue, 26. Sep 23, 22:39

The mission that is supposed to start the first time you enter Omicron Lyrae is just not happening. Do you have to meet some sort of requirements (other than having high enough rep with the Argon) for this mission to spawn? Is there some easy way I can fix this or will I have to reload the whole game from scratch?

If I do have to reload the whole thing, what mods does anyone recommend? It's years since I last set things up, so I can't remember what mods I used last time, though I'm sure I'll recognise a few.

Thanks in advance


Edit - Sorry - Terran Conflict, if it wasn't clear.
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Re: Bridge(?) Mission not happening / Starting from scratch

Post by smiley » Wed, 27. Sep 23, 19:40

Well, here's a weird update.

The Bridge Mission has finally spawned. I have been flying around the area of Omicron Lyrae for some time, doing the first Goner Mission. I did a transport missions up to Circle of Labour, then another up to Heretics End. Then I found another back to Omicron Lyrae which was really tight on time (flying an Eclipse). The Bridge Missions didn't spawn when I entered Omicron Lylae, but after I left the station where I'd just dropped off my fare.

I don't know what changed - I had just become Argon Federal Overwatch, but that's about it.

So, I'm still interested in mods people might like to recommend, but if not, I guess this thread can be closed.

If you can keep your head while all around are losing theirs . . . you'll be taller than them.

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