[X3LU] Mayhem 3.21b

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Post by Joubarbe » Sun, 23. Aug 15, 09:49


Of course, what I meant is that Teladis won't care... (even if it's not completely true, because I suspect Teladi Police being pissed off when you attack random ships)

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Post by temetvince » Sun, 23. Aug 15, 22:15

Thank you! Wow, my brain totally went somewhere else with that didn't it? It's interesting how different people can read the same thing and get completely different meanings out of it. :)

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Post by Joubarbe » Sun, 23. Aug 15, 22:25

True, and still, people get angry easily.

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Post by xypher stone » Thu, 1. Oct 15, 03:22

This looks awesome to say the least!
Time to wage war agains anyone in my way! :twisted:
thanks bet i love it :lol:
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Post by conquestor » Sat, 17. Oct 15, 14:06

I started a new game for this mini-mod and I'm loving it so far, however, I do have 1 issue.

I'm trying to play as terrans, and getting trade software mk3 is really damn hard. Can that be added to Earth torus or something?

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Post by Joubarbe » Sun, 25. Oct 15, 14:04

That's why Teladis are neutral.

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Post by Berhg » Tue, 10. Nov 15, 01:01

Hi Joubarbe! You're Mayhem mod drew me back to playing X3LU after a long hiatus. Thanks for the work! I'm still in very early game, but I'd like to ask if something I'm seeing is expected in Mayhem. I'm playing an Argon start and periodically I'll see an Argon M3 or TS Weapons Dealer hostile towards me. I've noticed that in all cases the ship flown was non-argon. I also saw a sabre flown by an Argon pilot fighting with an Argon weapon platform.

I wonder if another mod is conflicting. I'm playing with several of the new LU mods including Miscellaneous Tweaks, Quick Wings, Small Improvements, Sat Monitoring (Excellent quality of life mod!), Mk3 Improvements, Easy Connects (Another excellent quality of life mod!), Stolen Saturn, and of course Mayhem installed last.

Could you or Wanabe comment on how Revelation Plus may interact with Mayhem? I saw Wanabe's post where he mentioned Phanon Plus should be ok, but if Revelation plus was mentioned with regards to Mayhem I missed it.
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Strange weapon SCH in Mayhem.

Post by hanuland » Mon, 21. Dec 15, 01:04

I'm Korean, so I don't speak English well. sorry about that.

But, I must say about SCH and few things, because I love this mod and my pleasure.

First thing,
I begun as yaki few weeks ago with MayHem10RC. It was very hard start.
However, finally argon and terran became my best friend.

This two race absolutely required, I'll need a lot Saturn Complex Hub and Headquarters.
Eventually this two things will be very important for MLCC on my experience.

So I built SCH005L x 3 that was space fuel, energy cell and mass driver factory for initial profit.

A Space fuel and energy cell SCH is working well as soon as engage, but mass driver SCH doesn't.

I begun check it out why, also three time rebuilt totally.
and I found the "Cycle time" is 9:20:00. What? It seems very long time than LUV.

Is it intended? Weapons factory require long time? It is more than M2+ build time on LUV.
if it is intended. THEN, I CAN WAIT! despite never helping profit.
BUT, this mass driver factory not working, even it has resource 100%,
and the "production finished gauge" is always 0%. NEVER COUNTING.
that mean, all weapons SCH is impossible on this mod? then, wow, i'm confusing.

Second thing,
As I told above, I started with yaki. when I took over one of unknown sectors, my reputation dropped all 200 point. why?
I am yaki. that mean, player is another race? then yaki starting is why? i'm confusing.

Last, one suggestion.

at least, What about SCH from teladi.(like Teladi stolen SCH script, currently this script not compatible with Mayhem10RC)
If I use MLCC? it has required headquarters and many SCHs on my case.
Headquarters is from argon. SCH is from terran.
That mean, this two race must be absolute friend?
It was so strange on my think.
Because argon and terran wasn't friend by story of AP vanilla, and now all race is chaos on Mayhem.
and also I hate terran sectors. there are big stations.
Well now, this two race absolutely must be best friend with player, FOR THE USING MLCC.

This mod awesome and very exciting, but I don't understand about some situation.
so I said few things.

thanks again, Joubarbe and Litcube.

EDIT 1) I just tried gamma ray cannon SCH. It works. same way, same SCH. hm, I don't know, why massdriver SCH didn't. :o

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Post by Joubarbe » Mon, 21. Dec 15, 08:58

Hello hanuland, and thanks for the feedback.

The problem you have with Saturn Complex Hubs has to my knowledge nothing to do with Mayhem, as I didn't modify anything related to weapons or SCH in this mod. You've probably noticed that your Mass Driver SCH was not working with Mayhem, but I'm pretty sure the problem is not coming from Mayhem.

In my experience, being friend with another race is not that hard at all. That's why I did the bounties system, because it's an easy was to improve your reputation. In early games, I never use SCH because it's too expensive. With my Easy Connect script, it's way better to manage vanilla hubs. Also, Teladis are neutral to everyone ; that means that if you play Teladi, you will also be neutral to everyone.

So yeah, if you absolutely want a Headquarters, or SCHs, make Argons and Terrans your friends. The challenge of Mayhem is also in that. I won't give you any friends.

When you conquer a sector for you, it costs you reputation from ALL races of the universe. You cannot capture a sector for your race, only for you, and I find it obvious that other races don't like that (as said in the message you receive when you do such a thing). Also remember that stations will be automatically built in player sectors, so there's a serious benefit from capturing your own sectors, and that needs to come with a cost.

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Post by hanuland » Wed, 23. Dec 15, 03:57

Thanks for your reply.

1. for reputation.

I see. I got your point.
so I just went to Xenon 347 sector and defeat anything in there.
after that, my reputation quickly increased for all race except terran. :o oh, my....

2. for SCH.
for test.
I did reinstall LUV and load old LUV saves. (there are gamma lay cannon SCH also.)

a. LUV only and do not install any script and mod: gamma lay cannon SCH's Cycle time : 01:46:24

b. LUV + Mayhem 1.0 only :gamma lay cannon SCH's Cycle time : 08:52:00.
This is same in Mayhem 1.0RC.

The problem you have with Saturn Complex Hubs has to my knowledge nothing to do with Mayhem, as I didn't modify anything related to weapons or SCH in this mod.
I can't believe your comment. :lol:

Actually, SCH is useful for early game profit in LUV. but now cycle time is too long. so SCH is useless in Mayhem at early game.

still, I don't know why. but I felt I have to report to you for this fact.


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Post by Joubarbe » Wed, 23. Dec 15, 08:44

I'll look into it ; it's definitely strange !

EDIT : Are you sure you're using the same SCH size for both your tests ? I have no problems on my side. Try to 1/ Remove the Mayhem CAT/DAT files 2/ Remove addon\scripts\setup.Mayhem.xml. Do the first step, then check, then do the second one, then check.

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Post by hanuland » Wed, 23. Dec 15, 18:06

Are you sure you're using the same SCH size for both your tests ?
of course, I did so. and SCH size doesn't matter in my case.

for example)

Under LU, gamma lay cannon SCH.

005 size SCH : Cycle time: 01:46:24, number of products: 5.
100 size SCH : Cycle time: 01:46:24, number of products: 100.

Cycle time was same, only "number of products" was different.

but, under Mayhem,
005 size SCH : Cycle time: 08:52:00, number of products: 25.
I have to wait long time for sales.

For testing method.

I have three LU folder each, one is LU and other is Mayhem.
Those folder are totally different.
1. games\litcubes Uninverse->lu + your satellite monitoring + Small Improvements and Fixes by memeics
2. games\X3LU_mayhem -> now playing(mayhem1.0 rc + your satellite monitoring + Small Improvements and Fixes by memeics)
3. games\X3LUV_mayhem(for testing) -> mayhem1.0

For "saves" folder in Documents, also 2 saves folder. and I just rename folder from saves_mayhem, saves_lu to "save" appropriately.

Am I wrong for testing?

but the..... now...

01:46:24 * 5 = 25 (08:52:00)?

wow,, I was confusing totally. :(, so It was same?:lol:

thanks and sorry.:oops: now I see what is different.

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Post by Joubarbe » Wed, 23. Dec 15, 21:07


The thing is I'd love to modify cycle times, but it's actually impossible to do so by scripting. That's why I was pretty sure it didn't come from Mayhem.

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Post by hanuland » Tue, 29. Dec 15, 08:23

Hello~ Joubarbe.

Happy new year!

Just I have a question.

Today, I just did take over the Xenon Sector 596 and 597.
This sectors has been destroyed by OCV already.

Finally, I did destroy an OCV station of center in sector.
After for a while, there are appeared 5 x mammoth of Xenon. :o
What is that?

and I tried capture the sector. and A message arrived.
Message from: Breaking news
The sector Xenon Sector 597 has fallen under influence of an independent empire. Even though the news is quite disturbing, because the Commonwealth seems to be completely absent of this battle, the fact that the Omicron Channel Virus has been destroyed in this region is an excellent news! ...
but the sector's ownership is not changed. still Xenon's sector.

Is it intended?

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Post by Joubarbe » Tue, 29. Dec 15, 08:46

That's weird indeed ; you should be able to capture any sector.

What happens when you try to capture it again ?

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Post by hanuland » Tue, 29. Dec 15, 09:20

According to your comment, I did capture the sector Xenon597 again.

then, yes, changed ownership. :o

oh~~ it works. :) but the....

this is something strange....

1) OCV -> Xenon 597 : I need pay some my reputation point.
2) Xenon 597 -> mine : Also I need pay my reputation point.

hehe,, twice!

It's happened.

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Post by Joubarbe » Tue, 29. Dec 15, 10:55

Yeah, that's strange, I wonder if there weren't some conflicts between LU setting the sector back to Xenon and Mayhem trying to capture the sector for you. Maybe it was bad luck... (because what I only do when you press the capture hotkey is : "change sector race to Player", and that's it... that shouldn't give any problems)

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Post by gastovski » Wed, 30. Dec 15, 00:36

Doesn't work with diverse game start mod, wish it would.

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Post by solarahawk » Wed, 30. Dec 15, 02:30

How so? What issues do you see?

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Post by Joubarbe » Wed, 30. Dec 15, 03:56

It's important to have arbitrary game starts in Mayhem. Reputations are set, and it's specifically balanced for Mayhem. However you can alter everything by editing both director\starts.xml and types\gamestarts.xml.

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