[X3] Problems installing the US version? READ THIS!

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, X-Tension or X-Beyond The Frontier

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Post by kholmar » Mon, 24. Apr 06, 00:08

i bought the game on 16 april, 2006 (7 days ago)

had a problem installing (the disk 2 .mp3 file problem)

registered here.
read this thread.
installed using the workaround.
sent the e-mail to Electronic Mail: PaulL@enlight.com or Pglintense@aol.com
also as this thread suggested (e-mail sent probably late the 16th or early the 17th)

got no response from the e-mail but
RECIEVED the new CDs in the mail on the 21st or 22nd and they were POSTMARKED april 17th.

hell, its only been a WEEK since i started this whole process and i got the disks 5 or 6 days after i bought the game.

so...i dont see what all the hoo-haw is all about.
for some of you folks who were the first, im sure it took Egosoft and Enlight a bit of time to get the problem figured out and get a process in place but it looks like its working pretty damn good now.

i suspect that those who are bitching the most are either too lazy to actually send the e-mail or are too stubborn. i dunno what else you expect Egosoft to accomplish here...but i suggest getting over it. i am QUITE certain that Enlight didnt decide one day to make their lives more interesting by shipping a bad CD press...

at least MY experience was fairly tame. i was able to play the game the day i bought with a workaround and recieved a replacement within what i consider to be a FABULOUS time frame.

/* soapbox off */

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Post by Nova_Cain820 » Tue, 25. Apr 06, 05:54

The honest truth of the matter is Egosoft has been hamstringed on getting this fixed and are left with a bunch of upset customers who can't get their game to work. Enlight has replaced many who have called but not everyone, it's been on and off. They haven't issued a recall either which is surprising but due to the fact that they have pressed a 1.0 disk and a 1.35 disk means that perhaps they are waiting untill the patching ends and they can release a correct 1.X version. Never the less Enlight has been very iffy on the helping out of alienated customers and that leaves people upset but because they can't contact enlight they come to Egosoft who had no control over the issue to begin with. and barring a legal battle there probably isn't much they will ever be able to do.

|When it comes all back down to the persoin with the disk, they should stick to the plan that is very early in the thread and is being restated for people who have had the same problem as me and need new disks. (further advice, I know it's a pain for guys who don't normally scan forums or who never have, but read the whole thread all 6 pages or so of it)
Keep calling, give relavent information in your emails and even though the emails get kicked back they should have gone through. If they don't respond to calls keep leaving messages. Keep emailing if a day or two goes by but if you are going to keep emailing make sure you ask for a confirmation email back. All of this is stated earlier in the thread.

Truth is Egosoft totally understands the anger and there are people in this forum who understand the frustration of not getting through, the truth is though you gotta stick with bothering Enlight to get this problem fixed not only for you but for everyone. When they get so frustrated that they have to issue a recall or do a new pressing things will get much brighter but complaining here doesn't do all that much in the way of fixing things. Use the contact information Egosoft and Enlight gave and keep bothering Enlight, otherwise nothing will change and you'll have 5 very expensive frisbees

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Post by Epicman » Wed, 26. Apr 06, 16:38

Good news....I hope. As of yesterday I still hadn't gotten a confirmation e-mail from Paul. I tried calling and, as usual, no answer. Before leaving a pissed of message I decided to e-mail him once again. I was going to threaten in the e-mail how if I didn't hear from him I was going to call and e-mail him 3 times a day but I thought I would wait on the threats. Well, about an hour after sending the e-mail he CCs me in the e-mail he sent to whoever sends out the CDs. So, now I'm assuming it'll be next week when I get the games. I really do hope I get them....at least I have a confirmation that they should be on their way.

I'll update you guys as soon as I get the CDs or the lack there of.

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Post by Epicman » Mon, 1. May 06, 03:21

Well, good news!!! After a month of trying I have finally received the CDs. I've yet to install the game since I've been busy but wanted to give an update.

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Post by fiksal » Wed, 3. May 06, 04:38

I thought I'd leave a comment too.
I've bought the (US version) CD from Best Buy, and it was one of those "bad sets".
This site was the first place I went to - I've read through the forum - and decided not to mess with Enlight.

I've returned the CD to the store and got store credit for it. Two weeks later they have restocked it, so I bought it again, and asked them to open it and verified that the numbers on 5 CDs were

X3D1 .3 5
X3D2 .3 5
X3D3 .3 5
X3D4 .3 5

The CDs installed without the problem and are working fine...
I guess, for those who are just coming across this problem, like I was 2 weeks ago - maybe try to decide the problem with the retailer first? rather than calling Enlight...

I've to say, Enlight as a company doesnt impress me at the moment.

good luck to everyone who came accross this nonsense!

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Post by Erdrix » Sun, 7. May 06, 02:18

I bought X3 today and I had the same issue with the installation stopping at a certain file. I'm having a problem with the /mov 08080.dat file. I used the 6 disk work around and got the game installed.

I was wondering if it was possible to get that file from someone or from egosoft? The game plays but I imagine it is going to crash when the game decides to use that missing file.

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Post by rhaildor » Mon, 22. May 06, 02:27

well i have the same problem but seeing as i got the game and have joined the army i dont have but 2 weeks and was hoping to get to play this game i liked the 2nd one and was hoping to get to play this one but i guess i should never have bought it now cause i dought that best buy has got the right ones in so i just got screwed dought i will ever buy any thang from this company agine. cause in my opinon they dont have there selfs together to produce a running game what a company well back to playing x2 what a waste

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Post by fiksal » Tue, 23. May 06, 17:17

hm, maybe you should specify what company?
I am playing X3 right now and it seems to be alright (after exchanging CDs in Best Buy)

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Post by DraconisRex » Sat, 3. Jun 06, 20:11

krummbull wrote:Thanks to all who researched/posted this. I'm continually amazed at the support and community surrounding these X games. Salute.
I certainly appreciate it. Though I'm pretty hot under the collar right now. I've been waiting form a couple of months just to avoid the bugs, yada, yada, yada, and I get a defectively manufactured product that I can't even install....

Hopefully on my second attempt the work around will work for me.

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Post by Reidel » Mon, 5. Jun 06, 14:02

I am just visiting from the Philippines and I bought the game in the 5 disc box. I have installed it without a hitch on my laptop but am not able to play it here ( since my laptop specs really sux :P ) but its not my prob.
My problem is: I will be soon coming back home and will be playing this on my deskstop but if I encounter install errors due to disk integrity, will I still be honored a warranty or replacement in my region/area? :o

the disks will not be harmed in any way along the trip back. : :wink:

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Post by CBJ » Mon, 5. Jun 06, 14:13

Once again, that's a question you will have to ask the right people: Enlight.

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Defective disks... defective developer.

Post by Dragon77Hunter » Wed, 7. Jun 06, 06:38

I wasted 2 weeks trying to get someone at Enlight to actually read my e-mails. Instead, all I've gotten is six prefabricated, "We're sorry for the inconvenience..." replies telling me it's not the disks, it's my cd drive... which is kind of an insulting thing to tell a hardware geek.

Of the six replies I got, one of them actually hit on the real problem: Enlight let an entire release of the v1.3 update onto store shelves with the same problem... it's now June, and they're still in stores. Enlight has never done anything about it in the way of a recall, and had no intentions of helping me.

EgoSoft, I hope you're actually reading these, because I've got to tell you... lose Enlight.
They don't care about the end-user, and they have no interest in providing technical support that isn't condescending, belittling, and insulting. They repeatedly refused to listen to me when I described in excruciating detail that the problem I was having was entirely their responsibility to fix. The phrases, "Return it to the store for exchange, regardless of store policy" and "We do not currently have a replacement plan..." must be part of their signature, because they were in every e-mail I got.

I'm only glad I finally found a Future Shop that had the original v1.0 release in stock. Canadian copyright laws don't make it easy to get a refund on opened software... even if it is defective.

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Call Paul!

Post by thedarius » Fri, 9. Jun 06, 18:11

Give them a call. Paul's # is in the first post, he is the CEO of Enlight. He will get you your disks.

Once I talked to him, I got my disks in 3 days. And have been playing every since.

It is worth the wait.

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Very Postive Experience after Bad Install

Post by choppermct » Sat, 17. Jun 06, 22:43

I had a bad 5 disc USA version. It would not install into disc 2 or further. Multiple error messages. From reading the forum and contacting the company rep I got the issue resolved in a week.

I contacted this man: Paul Lombardi at Pglintense@aol.com and he responed within a few hours. I gave him the registration numbers for the game and in an hour he sent me a CC: of the instructions to the printer to send me a new copy of the game. It arrived within a week. Installed complete.
I have to say this was some of the best customer support and reponse I have seen in a very long time!!!!!!! I call it OUTSTANDING!!!!! :) :D

Great forum info!!! Great leads!!! Well Done!!!!!

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Post by bubban » Mon, 19. Jun 06, 03:56

Is it at all possible to do a desktop installation and put in the missing files then or no? I'm not getting an ignore option with the error.

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Post by damnationltd » Tue, 27. Jun 06, 04:46

When you get the Retry/Cancel, take out the disc that's failing and put the next disc in the drive. It'll take a minute, but should prompt you with Retry/Ignore/Cancel or something of the like. You can then 'Ignore' and the install will continue.

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Post by Maharba » Sat, 1. Jul 06, 01:13

I ordered a new copy off of an internet site and got it in around 3 days of ordering. After i opened the box i discovered i had 6 disks, but it was only two sets of disks 3,4, and 5. I checked the disks and they were labled FINAL2_DISK 3 for the two 3s, FINAL2_DISK4 for the two 4s, and FINAL2_DISK5 for the two 5s. I sent the Enlight support page a message, and had not recieved a response, so i decided to send a message to Paul at both of his email addresses, hopefully i recieve a response soon or i will begin with constant phone calls and emails and what not. If all else fails i will attempt a refund to the seller from the site i got it from. Hopefully i don't have to go through with this for it will be a larger hassle than just getting what i paid for. I'll keep you all posted.

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Post by Confirmation101 » Sun, 23. Jul 06, 07:51

I've not having the same problem but its a problem installing the US 5 CD version.

I think its just a disc drive problem but neither of my drives worked and all I get to finding out what drives they are in a second but the problem is it wont read Disc 3, it keeps saying it cant read it.

Not to mention the autorun never worked for Disc 1 so I popped in and open clicked the Disc drive icon and clicked the run program manually. Anyway I canceled the thing after disc 3 wouldnt read in hopes of just trying it again but it wont work, the trick I used by going into my disc drive and just clicking the run icon- its not there I think theres also another icon missing but I dont remember what it was...

All I have is on the disc is

Autorun, which clearly doesnt work.
Online Registration, doesnt work either.
setup-2.bin doesnt work, because I cant read .bin files
the X3 image jsut an icon not the program
and the X3ReadMe1.3 which also doesnt work it opens up in word and I dont bother to read the long error thing

I dont understand whats going on, I got it half way installed until disc 3 and it wouldn't read it, then when I tried again I cant even launch the installation.

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Post by CBJ » Sun, 23. Jul 06, 10:59

Try the installation on a different PC. If it works there then you have a faulty drive. If not then you have faulty disks and should follow the instructions in the first post in this thread.

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Post by holymanboobs » Mon, 24. Jul 06, 18:36

I purchased X3 Reunion from Best Buy, 2 days ago. I had the 5-CD set as well. After inserting CD 2, I started getting the same errors as other 5-cd users on this thread.

So yesterday, I returned the 5-cd set to Best Buy (different one this time), and exchanged them for another set (also 5-CD).

Got home, installed CD1, moved on to CD2, and Wow! it worked. In my case, it must've been a defective CD2. In any case, I think it might have to do with problems with file compression either on the 1st or 2nd CD, because the first set (that failed), didn't appear, during exploration of CD2, to contain the path expected during installation, and hence, the error messages stating that the files couldn't be found. But the 2nd working set, CD2 ALSO did not (during exploration) indicate an existing path expected. So my conclusion is that the .bin file on CD2 was supposed to be extracted, but the expected paths are embedded within the .bin file on CD2.

Anyway, not ALL 5-CD sets are defective. Mine was also the same version as those having trouble.

The 'boobs

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