[Index] Community Script & Mod Download Library for X3: Terran Conflict and X3:AP

The place to discuss scripting and game modifications for X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude.

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[Index] Community Script & Mod Download Library for X3: Terran Conflict and X3:AP

Post by Cycrow » Tue, 14. Oct 08, 12:43

Community Scripts, Mission Director, and Mods Library

Latest update: 2016-12-18


Unsigned scripts and mods are add-ons to your game that are completely unsupported by Egosoft. They are generally created by other members of the community and may have varying degrees of effectiveness or even problems. Installing any of these has the potential of breaking your game. In general, the users in this forum will attempt to help you solve any problems created by the installation of scripts and mods, but you cannot expect Egosoft or the official technical support channels to help you with problems created by unofficial add-ons. With that disclaimer covered you should know that the vast majority of scripts and mods linked here are stable :!:

For example, the Egosoft X-Superbox's third-party content was based on collected ideas and content from the user community. Furthemore, Bernd's message to the modding community is clear.

The following posts in this thread have links to unsigned scripts and mods that have threads about the latest versions here on this Forum. German X3TC S&M has similar library and at least some scripts there can already be used in english game without or with minor changes.

As general rule Scripts, Mods, and MD do add the ***Modified*** tag. But there couple that do not (due to this). They might be listed here.

If you're looking for scripts and mods for X3: Albion Prelude, please note the things mentioned in this FAQ article with regards to the compatibility of scripts and mods between X3TC and X3AP.


  • X3TC Bonus Package of signed scripts.
    Available from the Download page of Egosoft. Officially part of the vanilla game. However, many of the scripts in the pack do have more up to date and enhanced versions here in the Library.
  • X3AP Bonus Package of signed scripts.
    Available from the Download page of Egosoft. For Albion Prelude and with more content than the X3TC package.
  • Plugin Manager Lite (TC Compatable) by Cycrow
    Some unsigned scripts and mods are specially packaged, and the Plugin Manager is the tool to easily install and uninstall them.
  • XDownloads: Script & Mod Hosting by SS_T
    External site, where one can find a copy of many scripts & mods, even when their original links have expired.
  • Complete List Of XSP Ships by Alien ND
    Comprehensive list of forum threads with TC compatible XSP packaged ships for easy install. XSP = Plugin Manager File ;)

If I don't know what I'm looking for ...


If you have downloaded a script/mod and it seems not to work make sure you have followed the following 8 steps to happiness :-
  1. Have you enabled the script editor by typing "Thereshallbewings" as your Pilot name? (Read The Activating The X3 Script Editor Stickie for more help)
  2. Have you read the guides that are stickied on this forum
  3. If the script is an AL Plugin have you saved your game after installing it and then reloaded to check if the AL Plugin settings are showing up?
  4. Have you posted your problem in the thread which you got the script from ?
  5. If you are not sure of which script is the cause of your problem, have you posted in the What provides/causes feature foo? thread?
  6. Are you positive you have installed the files to the correct folders?
  7. Have you ignored all these tips and posted a new thread regardless?

    #7 is not advised
  8. Where has my post gone?

    If you post and it disappears it is more than likely that it has been merged into another thread because you failed to follow the above advice or something along those lines. If you go to your forum profile page and click the link that says "Show all posts by this user(you)" you will find your post quite easily.

Rules for having your scripts & mods listed in this thread

The submission rules are in the Submissions to Community Library thread, and anyone willing to submit to this library should post in that thread.

Note: [url=http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=216696][b]T[/b][b]C[/b] [b]S[/b]&M Posting [b]R[/b]ules[/url] Extra rule 5 considers reuse of scripts and mods for your own work.

Authors are requested to mention whether they allow reuse of their work, and on what terms. Look for statement of permission from either the thread of the script/mod, or from 3rd Party Permissions Index. If clear statement cannot be found, then please contact the author(s) (via PM) before you publish your derivative version.
Last edited by Cycrow on Tue, 28. Oct 08, 15:12, edited 5 times in total.

Moderator (Script&Mod)
Moderator (Script&Mod)
Posts: 22253
Joined: Sun, 14. Nov 04, 23:26

Post by Cycrow » Tue, 14. Oct 08, 12:49

[2008-12-16] Tutorial Opening The Script Editor ask questions in this thread for problems opening the SE

Community Download List (1/2)


[2008-11-07] X3TC Cheat Package by Cycrow

Artificial Life

[2010-05-06] Abandoned Ship Spawner by corbinbird ; Changes/moves abandoned ships of start
[2010-08-25] ADAMS - ITT by Jeff ; Improves turret routines of all ships
[2010-01-10] AI NPC Boarding Plugin by LV: AI ships board and cap ships including players
[2008-12-16] Conflicts by Mavor
[2008-12-16] Friendly Pirates by TycHouse & Graxster
[2010-11-28] Frontier Wars By Roger L.S. Griffiths ; Adds inter-racial fighting over control of unclaimed sectors
[2009-10-04] Galactic News System by the XTC Team; New BBS-system
[2010-02-02] Global Friend Foe Upgrade by LV: Set all races FF for all your ships every minute, stops your ships attacking races when they should not do
[2010-11-19] Hive Shield by BinaryBoy ; Ships close to other Ships get a boost in Shielding
[2008-12-16] Imperial Laboratories by LV; [Major Plugin] A new offensive race is created, & many player upgrades
[2013-02-07] Improved Kha'ak 2 by 7ate9tin11s
[2012-03-17] Improved Races 2.0 by Jack08 & djrygar; Complete rewrite of the original Improved Races script below
[2010-05-23] Improved Races by 7ate9tin11s & djrygar; Makes the enemies more active and dangerous
[2010-07-26] Jumpgate Construction Technology by LV ; Build New Jumpgates connecting to any sector
[2009-01-18] Khaak Invasions by ttl
[2009-07-30] Military Base Response revamp by ThisIsHarsh ; Intelligent and interactive military recon, patrol and response
[2009-11-14] Military Transport by Lucike ; Adds transporters to recruit personnel of the "Pilot Union" from.
[2008-12-16] NPC Bailing Addon by ThisIsHarsh
[2010-06-15] Operating Costs by Huefte ; Running stations costs credits
[2009-05-03] Pirate Guild 3 by Serial Kicked ; Smarter Pirates
[2009-06-28] Race Invasions by Xiriod
[2008-12-16] Race Patrols by ttl
[2008-12-16] Race Response Fleets (RRF) by LV;[Major Plugin] AI cap ships defend their assets
[2008-12-16] Reduced Enemy Missiles by Graxster
[2009-11-28] Salvage Insurance Contract by Cycrow
[2009-10-10] Shiploot AL plugin by Mailo ; Ships leave wrecks. Mechanics salvage wrecks and overtune ships
[2009-11-05] Station Friendly Fire Interface Hotkey by LV
[2009-08-02] Station Security Services by 7ate9tin11s ; Hire security companies to guard your stations and respond to sector incursions
[2010-06-08] The Phanon Corporation by Litcube ; Adds an aggressive competing corporation
[2010-04-03] Trade Plugin (PSS) by EmperorJon & Mark_A_Condren; Planetary trade outlets, additional NPC stations, jump to station, trade via Transporter Device
[2010-07-01] Yaki Armada 2 by Serial Kicked ; Makes Yaki smarter and stronger
[2011-12-08] Yalamandis Corp. ship construction by Marvelous3175 ; Produces fully equipped and armed ships
[2010-07-01] War Plugin by Serial Kicked ; NPC fleet action, Argon/Boron vs Paranid/Split

Combat Scripts: AI - commands for your fleet

[2012-09-01] Advanced Patrol by rusky, adds advanced patrol commands for your ships
[2011-04-30] Bounce by Litcube ; Player AI Autopilot Fix
[2010-03-31] Carrier Power Link System (CPLS) by Roger L.S. Griffiths ; Carrier draws energy from docked ships
[2008-12-16] Deathmatch Arena(DMA) by LV; [Major Plugin] Kill ships for various rewards
[2009-08-14] HKP Enhanced Missile Barrage by ChaosRas ; Hotkey for synchronous Missile Barrage
[2008-12-16] Improved Boarding By Cycrow ; Hotkeys to initiate boarding
[2009-08-01] Light Support Drone Carrier (LSDC) by Logain Abler ; Adds a Drone Carrier with production ability to the game
[2008-12-16] Medusa Rapid Fire Missile Interface by LV ; Missile attack command
[2008-12-16] Missile Defense Mosquito (MDM) by Lucike
[2010-03-21] Point 2 Point Patrol by ITFUncleDave ; Configurable waypoints of a patrol
[2008-12-16] Ring of Fire by Gazz ; Deploys Lasertowers
[2010-02-18] Security and Rescue Service by Lucike ; Security Service to patrol sectors, Rescue Service to defend attacked pilots of the Pilot Union and to rescue ejected ones.

Combat Scripts: personal

[2009-01-04] Auto Aim by Gazz ; Enhanced targeting modes
[2009-01-26] Bombardier by Chem aka ChemODun ; Weapon layout configurations
[2008-10-27] AI Ship kills payout Bountyboost by LV
[2012-05-24] Combat SQUASH Mine Launcher by Killjaeden; Drop mines in different modes via hotkey
[2009-07-09] DB Recharger by furstukin aka DB Cooper ; Use Ecells to recharge your weapons and shields
[2008-10-27] Destroy Target Hotkey by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Intelligent Targeting System by WindsOfBoreas ; Enhanced targeting modes
[2008-12-12] Kill all ships (but mine) by JMCorp
[2011-08-26] Missile Data Display by Gazz ; Display the missile data as a subtitle
[2009-03-10] Missile Safety by Gazz ; Delay activation of launched missile
[2012-05-31] Missile Monitor by kurush; addresses the friendly fire issue with NPC stations
[2012-11-05] Nuclear Tracker Mines by LV: Mines with a little more punch
[2010-05-02] Power Matrix Transfer System (PMTS) By Roger L.S. Griffiths ; Transfer energy between shields and weapons
[2008-10-22] Reset Hull and Shields Hotkey by Graxster
[2009-09-01] Weapon Select Extension by WindsOfBoreas ; Weapon (and missile) layout configurations
[2008-12-16] Weapons Quickswap by Tatakau ; Weapon layout configurations

Fleet Management

[2010-06-22] Anarkis Defense System (ADS) by Serial Kicked ; Carrier and Sector Defense Manager formerly known as Anarkis Carrier Commands (ACC)
[2013-11-25] Anarkis Defense System - Real Wings Edition by Nicoman35
[2009-07-06] Auto prep ships by ThisIsHarsh ; automate repair, upgrade, equip and config of multiple ships
[2008-12-16] Carrier Drone Support Software by LV ; Your Carriers build AI fighters to protect them
[2009-05-03] CODEA Weapon System by Lucike ; Carrier management system
[2010-05-02] Command Console Extension by Lordaeron ; Preset resupply and jumpdrive options
[2009-04-27] Custom Wing Manager by Zypherg ; Add and/or delete custom wings
[2010-11-17] Custom Wing Manager Plus 1.2 by Zypherg & vukica ; Add, delete, rename custom wings
[2008-12-23] Fleet Supply by DaOpa ; Enhanced supply commands (can buy needed items)
[2009-11-14] Hangar Manager by Lucike ; Transfer fighters between two hangars
[2010-03-04] MarCon Ind - Ship Onboard Computer System Interface by mark_a_condren ; Colourful menu interface
[2009-02-10] Massive set home command by Seedz
[2009-10-31] NICE Interface Enhancement by Gazz ; a more RTS-like way to control and bookmark ships
[2009-11-14] Personnel Transporter by Lucike ; Transfer or transport personnel of the "Pilot Union"
[2008-12-16] Refuel Ships (fix) by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Remove Prefix "Your" from Player Property by Graxster
[2009-02-15] Rename ships with Expression (RSwE) by Klyith (Conversion by Loky) ; Renames ships, stations, satellites, ...
[2011-12-27] Rename ships with Expression (RSwE) by Medevel ; X3:TC/AP compatible
[2008-12-16] Ship/Station Names Management (SNM) by UniTrader
[2012-04-11] TCAN Menudriven Ship/Station Auto Naming by Orfevs
[2010-12-10] Wing Attack Commands "Attack Fighters" and "Attack Capships" by InvrSmall

Game object or feature alteration

[2008-12-16] Accelerator to Jump Gate Conversion by Graxster
[2010-07-19] Add Disruptor Missile Fabs by TEKing66 ; Adds two Yaki owned Disruptor Missile Fabs to the sector Weaver's Tempest
[2009-09-15] Add Missing Ware Selling Locations by Mysterial ; Adds several wares to docks that weren't in any at all
[2009-06-07] AI Ammo Cheat + Dmg Mitigation by Gazz ; NPC ships always have ammo. Heavy ships can take less damage
[2008-11-28] Asteroid Creator by fud
[2010-06-08] Asteroid Fusion by mark_a_condren ; Combine/merge asteroids
[2009-01-15] Asteroid Relocator by Nividium
[2009-02-01] Create Abandonned Ships on startup by apricotslice
[2010-12-13] Create Universal Trader by vukica
[2010-05-18] Energy Cell Eliminator by Sorenson ; Factories no longer need resource: ECells
[2013-05-18] Colored Claimable Ships by qwizzie ; colors claimable ships
[2012-06-07] [Fix] Ship -> Command -> Nav -> Jump to sector by gnasirator
[2012-01-20] Manipulate Object by edwardecl ; Move, rename, or remove objects
[2013-03-22] NPC Traders With Jump Drives O My by RoverTX; NPC traders start using jump drives.
[2009-03-29] No notoriety loss from hitting jumpgates by Gazz
[2009-02-01] PHQ and Military Base in Boron Shipyards by apricotslice
[2008-12-16] Remove: Press (KEY) to turn off Classic Flight Mode by Graxster ; Disables an annoying info message
[2008-12-16] Remove Rocks from Universe by Graxster
[2009-04-02] Resource-Free Factory by arcana75 ; Factories no longer need resources
[2013-05-18] Sectormap Revamped by qwizzie ; ships and stations are displayed in race-specific colors
[2010-07-26] Terran Revitalization Project by eldyranx3 ; Adds missing Terran Stations, Marines, Main Operating Base, Ease of Terran Travel, and a new ATF Plot.
[2009-11-05] The Apocalypse by LV; turns every sector Khaak or Xenon and you must cap em back
[2008-12-16] The Marauder Shipyard by Teladidrone
[2012-02-04] Universe Colored Map by qwizzie
[2011-12-08] Yalamandis Corp. ship construction by Marvelous3175; produces fully equipped and armed ships

Gathering - collect/reuse objects from space

[2008-12-16] Apricot Cbeam/Abeam/Dbeam by apricotslice ; Collect (by teleport) wares/astronauts/drones
[2009-09-03] Apricot Salvage Pack by apricotslice ; Script collection for true Salvage gameplay
[2008-12-16] Collect Wares in Sector (modified) by Graxster ; Will stop when no more wares to collect
[2009-06-07] Collect Wares MK2 by arcana75 ; Will dock when no more wares to collect.
[2009-01-26] Debris Repair and Utilization by Xenon J (Conversion by X420TokeAlot)
[2014-01-04] Drone Mining and Trading System by Zanzal; mine using TL/freight drones.
[2013-04-17] Improved Collect Wares by Binesi
[2008-12-16] MARS Fire Control (MARS) by Gazz ; Drones retrieve cargo, satellites, marines, derelict ships...
[2008-12-16] Prospector (PSC) by Lucike ; Enhanced mobile miner
[2012-12-24] Prospector Signal Targeted by Tiek
[2008-12-16] Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1 by TECSG ; Detect and collect containers and abandoned ships
[2008-12-16] Salvage commands & NPCs by ThisIsHarsh ; Collect wares/astronauts/drones
[2008-12-16] SpaceLootTransporter by Huefte ; Collect wares (by teleport)


[2011-11-04] ADAMS - AAH by Jeff; adds a hotkey to send an apology to any target-able object.
[2008-12-16] Hotkey Manager by Cycrow
[2009-05-03] Convoy Control by Gazz ; Improved functionality for "Escort the convoy" missions
[2019-02-27] Drone Retrieval by Lonark
[2008-12-16] Launch Fighter Drone Hotkey, by XaiCorp
[2010-02-22] Logain Industries Unified Menu by Logain Abler ; hotkey access to all Logain Industries scripts/mods
[2008-12-16] Missile Defense Hotkeys, by XaiCorp
[2008-12-16] Remove Hotkeys by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Rotate and Move Objects by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Scan Target Asteroid or Ship by clevider
[2011-10-05] Set the course! by Gazz ; set a ship's course via mouselook instead of a menu / map
[2012-10-08] SDS: Ship Diagnostics Software by jack775544 ; displays information on your ship or you target
[2009-01-18] Ship Loadouts by S9ilent
[2019-02-13] Space Object Transporter by Lonark; teleports objects in space (marines, drones, loot etc.) into your ship's cargo room
[2012-05-23] [AP] Stock Exchange hotkeys by Charon_A ; adds hotkeys for opening Stock Exchange: Corporate, Local, Owned shares
[2010-02-27] Target Nearest Unclaimed Ship by Mailleweaver
[2009-02-01] Transfer Power to Shields/Weapons/Energy by S9ilent
[2008-12-16] Wing Hotkeys by Cycrow

Information gathering

[2008-10-25] Add Satellites to all Sectors by Graxster
[2013-02-07] Aran Finder by Juggernaut93; searches for the Aran in the Unfocussed Sectors and shows its position
[2008-12-16] Asset Summary Report by Carlo
[2012-09-09] Automatic Rank Variation Checker by Juggernaut93; checks changes in notoriety and player properties and writes them to the logbook or a logfile
[2009-11-25] Automated Satellite Network by alex2069 ; Satellite deployment command
[2010-07-26] BIER Scanner by Gazz ; An old-fashioned RADAR system
[2009-03-01] Camera Drone Spy by Nividium
[2008-12-16] Deploy satellites in target sector by PaulP
[2010-03-24] Display Ranks by Carlo ; Notoriety: Combat, Trade, all races, companies
[2008-11-26] Find all Free Ships by Graxster
[2012-01-17] Galaxy Explorer by gnasirator ; Automated scout
[2010-03-14] Game Start Sector Reveal by mark_a_condren ; Select what sectors you know from start
[2010-02-22] Global Production Report (GPR) by Logain Abler ; shows the current state of global production network
[2009-08-14] HKP Transponder Interface Software by ChaosRas ; Locates and maps non-hostile stations in ship sector
[2008-12-16] Invasion warnings by ThisIsHarsh
[2010-08-07] Memia Automatic Advanced Satellite by Memia ; Automatically adds an advanced satellite to the current sector if one does not already exist there
[2010-08-07] Memia AutoScan Asteroids by Memia ; Automatically scans any asteroids in range of the mineral scanner
[2010-08-07] Memia AutoScan Freight by Memia ; Automatically scans the freight of any ships in range of the freight scanner, but only if it's legal in the sector
[2010-08-07] Memia AutoScan Sector by Memia ; Automatically scans a sector when entered by the player, revealing all gates, stations and asteroids
[2009-06-17] MK3 Trading Log by SymTec
[2011-08-26] Missile Data Display by Gazz ; Display the missile data as a subtitle
[2008-12-16] Numeric Race Rank Titles by Gazz
[2008-12-16] Satellite Early Warning Network by Cycrow
[2008-10-26] Scan all Asteroids by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Sector Scanner by Nividium ; Scan sector for mineral resources
[2009-04-16] Teladi Information Service by ScRaT_GER ; Locates ships and wares
[2009-04-19] Trade Overview by ScRaT_GER ; Monitor and summarize trade transactions of ships and stations
[2012-09-15] Universe Asteroid Yields by silentdeth/morbideth ; Displays a sorted menu of all asteroid yields in the universe.
[2009-07-04] Universe Explorers by 7ate9tin11s ; Scout pilots to hire
[2009-04-27] UTProfit by Euclid ; Show profits made by ST/UT traders

Navigation Scripts

[2009-02-10] Advanced HyperDrive (AHD] by milling_horde and Loky
[2008-12-16] Align ship with ecliptic by Gazz
[2008-12-16] Apricot Jump to Derelict by apricotslice
[2008-12-16] Auto / Terran Jump by Gazz ; Ships can jump to Terran sectors
[2013-05-16] Beacon Jump by Shimrod ; P2P jump using jump beacons
[2009-02-18] Broadcast return home by Seedz
[2009-04-16] Docking Lockup Fix + Upgrade by Gazz ; Fixes a script lockup (overwrites files), AI can use Docking Computer
[2010-07-26] Enhanced Jump Interface by LV ; Jumps ships above gates to stop collisions & other features
[2008-12-16] Explorer Command Extension by ThisIsHarsh
[2012-12-12] Explorer Command Extension v2 by Nicoman35; deploys and collects satellites, explores the universe automatically
[2009-01-04] Follow me / Remember homebase + wingman by Gazz
[2008-12-03] Free Jump by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Gateless Jump Hotkey/Command by PaulP
[2009-11-14] Jump Beacon by Lucike ; Adds usable Jump Beacons for the player
[2009-03-17] JumpPoint by BinaryBoy ; Build Gates
[2009-02-01] Landing/Docking Booster by Gazz ; Speed up ships during landing approach
[2009-05-10] Move To Coordinates by Cycrow
[2011-04-30] Navigation Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon ; Free jump commands
[2013-08-24] P2P Enhanced jump by ubuntufreakdragon
[2012-04-08] Safe undocking / jumping by Gazz ; launch the playership without colliding
[2011-10-05] Set the course! by Gazz ; set a ship's course via mouselook instead of a menu / map
[2009-01-11] The Rubber Dinghi by Gazz ; All big ships (like M6/M2) can deploy one scout M5
[2008-10-27] Warp to Target Hotkey by Graxster
[2013-12-23] X-GPS by Joubarbe ; Non cheaty GPS indicating the next sector to your destination.
[2009-08-15] XTC Safe undocking scripts by the XTC Team; Standalone Version

Piracy / Acquisitions

[2009-06-21] Board Station by uberex ; Use troops to take over stations.
[2008-12-16] Bribe A Pilot by Nividium ; Buy existing NPC ships
[2009-03-01] Capture Stations by Nividium ; Use troops to take over stations.
[2009-08-08] Convert Passenger to Marine by Pelador ; Converts Passengers to marines
[2009-06-14] Hack Station by arcana75 ; Hacks a station to allow temporary docking for a fee.
[2010-08-01] Hack Target Systems by Xiriod ; Remove computer defense systems
[2008-12-16] LazCorp Claim Unknown Sector by Lazerath
[2010-04-27] Military Tracking Scanner & Captured Ship Command Reset by LV
[2010-07-26] Long Range Scanner by LV, scan cargo and abilities of ships in distant sectors
[2008-12-28] Property Baron by Nividium ; Buy existing stations from NPC
[2009-01-11] Ship Hijacker by Nividium ; Hack the target rather than shoot/board
[2010-12-14] Ship/Factory Hijacker by Mailleweaver
[2013-03-22] Station Capture Through TL Boarding by RoverTX; Add stations to TLs after player boards and captures.
[2013-08-12] Station Hacking Software by Juggernaut93; it allows to hack stations - includes a mini-plot to obtain it

Ship Commands

[2008-12-16] Apricot Beamdock by LV/apricotslice ; Teleport dock/undock ships into/from "carrier"
[2008-12-16] Auto Begger by Nividium
[2009-01-26] Autoscan for Smugglers by ttl
[2008-12-16] Command Queueing By Cycrow
[2008-12-16] Dock TS in TL/M1 By LV
[2014-03-10] Install additional shields to stations by Nicoman35;
[2008-12-16] Jump to me by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Marine Training Manager by Graxster
[2013-02-18] Missile Transformer by Juggernaut93; converts missiles into another missile type using Energy Cells and Crystals
[2008-12-16] Mobile Ship Repairs by Graxster
[2012-05-05] Release Passengers by X2-Illuminatus; release caught pilots and passengers at stations

Ship Upgrades

[2009-06-04] Advanced Jumpdrive by Cycrow
[2009-06-02] Advanced Thruster Control by Cycrow
[2013-03-22] B.A.M. - Bad *ss Marines by RoverTX; Marine based Repairs, Upgrades, and Equipment Installation
[2008-12-16] Bulk Transporter Upgrade by Al_Main (Conversion by snwboardn21)
[2009-08-05] Capital Ship energy cell Generator (CSesG) by Logain Abler ; uses surplus ship energy to produce E-Cells
[2009-06-15] Emergency Transporter Extension by Cycrow
[2009-06-19] Escape Pods by LV
[2008-12-16] Freight Transporter Upgrade by LV; Beam Flying wares within 3k
[2008-12-16] LazCorp Military Scanner by Lazerath
[2008-12-16] Marine Repairs by Tatakau ; Marines repair ship and station hulls
[2009-08-02] Mobile Production Module (MPM) by Logain Abler ; Enables ware production on TS/TL class ships
[2012-05-24] MORS MK1 by Tiek
[2009-04-19] Nanite Hull Repair by arcana75 ; Hull repairs itself by consuming shield energy
[2008-12-16] Pandora Tunings by Teladidrone
[2009-04-27] Player Workshops by Pelador ; Upgrade ships at own Docks
[2014-03-22] Replication by Shimrod; Replicator units regenerate consumables over time.
[2008-12-16] Salvage Claim Software by Cycrow
[2009-06-03] Slipstream Drive by Cycrow
[2008-12-16] The Traveling Mechanic by Teladidrone
[2008-12-16] Turbo Booster (Split) by Cycrow
[2008-12-16] Upgrade Kits (JDK) by LV; Various upgrades inc jumpdrives so your can carry >1

Station Building

[2008-12-16] Factory Complex Constructor (FCC) by Dusty ; Arrange / align stations with pinpoint accuracy
[2009-11-14] Factory Complex Constructor: X³:TC 2.5 Compliance Update by Saetan ; X³:TC 2.5 Compliance update for the FCC by Dusty
[2011-07-24] Factory Complex Constructor: Addon for stationary ships by Saetan ; this addon allows to move satellites, laser towers, etc. to be moved with the FCC.
[2011-09-03] Hephaistos Corp. Station building service by X2-Illuminatus; A service that handles the purchase, transport and construction of stations for you
[2010-06-13] HQ-Movement-Service by Rob2222 ; A service that allows you to move your HQ incl. wares and blueprints
[2008-12-16] Nividium Processing Plant by Nividium
[2012-01-04] Station Placement assistance by willyshop
[2008-12-16] Station Repacker by alex2069
[2010-10-12] Stupendously Precise Entity Relocation Gizmo by Sorenson ; Move anything with pinpoint accuracy
[2008-12-28] Super Tractor by Gazz ; Moves everything, even asteroids to other sectors
[2008-12-28] Universal Missile Complex by Draba

Station Management

[2008-12-28] Auction Services by Nividium
[2009-06-28] Automatic Moneytransfer to Station by XGamer
[2009-02-01] Cargo Delivery Service by klaatu ; Ware delivery
[2015-12-15] Enhanched Equipment Research and Development by ubuntufreakdragon
[2009-06-03] Equipment Research and Development by Cycrow
[2009-11-14] Dockware Manager by Lucike ; Add or remove wares to Docks and PHQ. Limit wares on PHQ.
[2009-10-24] Dynamic Product Pricing by MTiffany71 ; Amount of stock affects price, like in NPC stations
[2011-04-04] Empire Supply Logistics (ESL) by Vizerei ; Two-way supply logistics, built upon klaatu's Cargo Delivery Service
[2010-06-29] Freight Distribution Network Lite (FDNL) by Logain Abler ; Simpler than the FDN Mod
[2009-04-05] Green Stations by Nividium
[2009-07-11] Headquarters Management System by Osiris Sam ; Controls PHQ account and traders
[2009-06-07] Remove products from docks by arcana75 ; Removes a single product from your Dock
[2011-02-21] Ship Clamper for TC by Kitarn ; Issues docking/parking tickets and monitors parked ships
[2009-01-18] Station Financial Manager (SFM) by S9ilent
[2009-03-17] Station Storage Extension by Tim-O
[2008-12-16] TL Storehouse by morbideth/silentdeth
[2010-11-05] Universal Banking by mark_a_condren

Trade Scripts

[2009-01-11] adv. Product Chaser by wildlynx
[2008-12-16] Apricot STUT for most ships by apricotslice
[2008-12-16] Commercial Agent (CAG) by Lucike ; Enhanced station trader
[2013-09-07] Commercial Agent Signal Targeted by Tiek, CAGs will flee when being targeted by enemies
[2008-12-16] Commodity Logistics Software (CLS) by Lucike ; Ware delivery (can trade)
[2008-12-16] Economy and Supply Trader (EST) by Lucike ; Enhanced autonomous trader
[2009-04-16] Extended Trade Command Software by SymTec ; Creates repeating queue of simple trade commands
[2008-12-16] Manual Trade Extension: Best buy/sell loop by ThisIsHarsh
[2010-04-10] MK3 Blacklist Manager by SymTec ltd.
[2012-02-03] MK3 Improvement Reloaded [TC/AP] by Gnasirator ; Improves Trade Command Software MK3
[2013-05-16] OK Traders by Shimrod ; Trades multiple wares and coordinates with others
[2009-03-17] Pirate Fence by Pelador
[2010-02-11] Station Camper by Cycrow
[2010-07-01] Stock Exchange by mark_a_condren ; Trade shares
[2011-04-30] Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon ; Station trader that works for multiple stations
[2009-01-21] Taxi Logistics by SymTec ltd.
[2009-03-10] Transfer Freight via Drones by Tim-O
[2010-04-02] Transporter trade by cyberfuzzie ; Trade with station via Transporter Device, ie without docking
[2008-12-16] Universal Best Buys/Sells Locator by alex2069
[2009-03-19] Ware Hunter by Pelador


[2008-12-16] Wing Equip Like Fix and extension by morbideth/silentdeth
[2008-12-16] Wing Trade Commands - Buy ware and Sell ware by PaulP

Turret Scripts

[2008-12-16] Advanced Missile Defense by fud
[2008-12-16] MARS Fire Control (MARS) by Gazz ; Enhanced turrets, combat, scavenging, ...
[2009-11-14] MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike ; Turret control with personnel and semi-automatic weapon switching for the player
[2009-03-10] Missile Defense Mk2 by Gazz ; Working missile defense for AI and own ships
[2011-08-25] Smart Turrets by Shimrod ; Similar to X2 AEGIS
[2008-12-16] Turret On/Off Hotkey by Gazz ; Works with all turret scripts
[2009-02-10] Turrets: selective attack by Armankessilon ; Limit a turret to certain target types
[2008-12-16] Weapon Switcher by Xai Corporation ; Use AI style laser switching on player ships

Other Scripts

[2014-06-05] Autosave by X2-Illuminatus; adds an autosave function to the game utilizing the "Autosave on stations" option
[2012-09-28] Change Sector Size by Nicoman35
[2014-06-02] Customlog by X2-Illuminatus; adds an editable player logbook to the game
[2013-05-16] Custom Start by Shimrod ; Customize a new game via one-time menu
[2012-02-05] Equip ships by chms - allows easily equipment of ships at any equipment dock
[2013-12-23] Explore Stations by Joubarbe ; Complete small missions to find credits in stations.
[2008-12-16] Force NPC Undocking by Graxster
[2008-12-16] Marine Trainer by JumperBR
[2009-03-10] Dedicated Assistant Drones (DAD) by Pelador ; Drones for various tasks
[2008-12-16] Ship killed notifications by ThisIsHarsh
[2012-06-21] Terran Police Licence by X2-Illuminatus; Adds a Terran police licence to the game
[2009-06-19] Test Drive & Hire Centre by LV; test any ship and any weapon loadout
[2008-12-16] Vocal Control by S9ilent
[2013-12-23] X-Achievements by Joubarbe ; 40 immersive rewarding achievements.
[2008-12-16] X3-X3TC-Converter by SymTec
[2014-06-05] X-Mercenaries by Joubarbe ; Greedy mercenaries to hire (player and AI).
[2014-01-08] X-Missions by Joubarbe ; Total replacement of vanilla generic missions.

Utility and Library Scripts

[2009-01-26] Array/Matrix Sorts by S9ilent
[2008-12-16] Community Plugin Configuration by Cycrow
[2008-12-16] Compare Ship Stats by Graxster
[2009-06-03] Cycrows Library Scripts by Cycrow
[2009-07-09] Exact Division by Osiris Sam
[2010-12-28] Expandable Value Selections by ScRaT ; add expandable value selections to custom menus
[2009-12-10] Extended Communication System by Serial Kicked ; News/BBS and Comm Dialogs
[2010-12-28] Format Menu by ScRaT ; simplifies creating column formatted menus
[2009-10-31] Get object size by Gazz ; works OOS as well as for object types
[2008-12-16] Get Wares of Ship by WindsOfBoreas
[2008-12-16] Hotkeys with double click / multiple functions by Gazz
[2009-01-26] Hub/Station Checks by S9ilent
[2008-12-16] Ingame Tutorial Creating Custom Menu and Interface by LV
[2010-09-12] JSON parser by ThisIsHarsh ; JavaScript Object Notation parser
[2009-01-11] Maths Multiplication and 3D Trig scripts by S9ilent
[2010-11-27] MD Control by h2o.AvA ; Activates MD via SE
[2009-12-04] ms Timer and FPS by Gazz ; more accurate timing for scripts
[2008-12-16] Sector Coordinates Finder by Graxster
[2009-01-26] String Functions Library (lib.chem.strings) by Chem aka ChemODun
[2009-05-31] Tertiary Signals by Gazz
[2012-06-06] Universal Cargo Transfer by akeelah
[2009-05-31] Ware Manager by Cycrow
[2010-10-24] XML Serialization/Deserialization by S9ilent

Discontinued: Deprecated or no longer available

[2009-07-40] Improved Races by 7ate9tin11s ; Makes the enemies more active and dangerous
[2008-12-28] Warehouse by Nividium
Last edited by Cycrow on Mon, 25. Nov 13, 14:45, edited 26 times in total.

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 14. Oct 08, 12:52

Community Download List (2/2)

Mission Director (MD)

Alternatives/Fixes to vanilla

[2010-05-21] All Plots Complete - Terran Conflict by Dillpickle
[2012-03-08] TC All Plots Complete for AP by apricotslice/dillpickle
[2012-03-08] TC All Plots Complete for AP Terran version by apricotslice/dillpickle
[2012-06-21] [MD] All Plots Complete - Albion Prelude / Enable Hub and PHQ Plots for Terran Start by Dillpickle
[2008-12-23] Apricot Hub Plot Very Easy version. by apricotslice *
[2008-12-23] Apricot Hub Plot Medium version. by apricotslice *
[2009-04-27] Apricot Hub Plot Hard version. by apricotslice *
[2010-07-17] Change Population by Alex Vanderbilt ; let's you change the population value of the Player Sector
[2009-07-11] Enable Plots in Custom Start by Ketraar
[2012-05-03] Enhanced briefings by kurush; Provides more details about stock mission objectives on the briefing screen
[2012-06-21] [MD] [TC] Interactive Plot Manager for Terran Conflict by Dillpickle.
[2009-06-07] HQ Plot start by reputation only by Xiriod
[2009-07-06] Marking Unknown Sectors (MUS) by Ketraar ; Uniquely named "Unknown sectors" (if using this, do not install "Lost Numbers")
[2012-08-07] Military fight rank by vukica ; Changes fight ranks to military ranks
[2012-08-26] New Race Ranks by vukica
[2010-11-27] Organic Notoriety by h2o.AvA ; Notoriety changes based on a "realistic relations" model
[2011-01-15] Player-owned Xenon Hub Sector by Skinmeister ; Get ownership of that sector
[2011-09-21] Ranks for Xenon, Kha'ak, Pirates and Yaki by Commander SAMU ; Display reputation
[2010-05-02] Reset Corporations by Dillpickle ; reset broken corporations
[2009-04-27] Reset Plots by Ketraar
[2010-10-09] RSM - Random Sectors Management by Ketraar
[2012-06-21] [MOD] Terran Conflict plots for Albion Prelude by Dillpickle
[2011-12-03] Unique Ships Fix by F.A.B.
[2012-01-27] Universe Colored Map by qwizzie ; Sector names have colour
[2012-03-08] X3AP Hub and PHQ for Terran by apricotslice/dillpickle
[2012-01-20] ZMissionTweak by Kvalyr ; Allows user to tweak parameters (such as duration/reward) of generic missions

Artificial Life

[2009-03-18] Industrial Special Service (ISS) by Alex Vanderbilt
[2009-07-06] Ketraar's Real Pirate Syndicate by Ketraar
[2010-03-26] Menagerie Shipyard by Argonaught. ; Jumps around to sell rare ships.
[2012-04-16] X3AP Menagerie Shipyard by Argonaught. ; Jumps around to sell rare ships.
[2010-05-21] Sell Blueprints by Dillpickle; Generic missions to sell blueprints to shipyards.


[2012-10-08] [AP]Enable Impossible Mission Difficulty by silentdeth/morbideth ; Adds missions of impossible difficulty to the game.
[2009-08-31] Generic Solo Combat/Duel Mission by Mysterial
[2011-04-10] Plot - ATF Outpost by Dillpickle ; A mod (not plain MD) that adds a Plot
[2009-09-15] "Real" Invasion Defence by Mysterial ; Creates missions to destroy already-existing Xenon fleets
[2010-01-03] Rescue Princess by enenra
[2012-02-12] Stealing Logi by eldyranx3 ; Adds a new ATF Plot for X3AP
[2010-06-12] Taxi, Taxi by Jens Ka ; X2/X3R style Taxi mission
[2012-04-10] TSOG-AP by TEKing66 ; Adds ten new Terran only missions for X3AP
[2012-04-20] [MD] X3TC Corporation Mission Fixes By Dillpickle; Fixes mission lines breaking when Corp. HQ destroyed
[2012-04-20] [MD] X3TC & AP Enhanced Blueprint Missions By Dillpickle; A wider range of Blueprints offered for sale


[2008-09-05] Hotkeys with double click / multiple functions by Gazz
[2010-06-12] NVI by Jens Ka ; Numeric value input
[2010-06-12] U.101 JKa Time Format by Jens ; Convert number into formatted (date)time

Some MD code snippets from various authors might be found from this thread.




[2009-01-11] Apricot Merge Mod by apricotslice *; Includes AMS, CC, FDN, SSDN, X2, WS, Lus/Than, BSG, Norm, Snowship Starts
[2008-12-16] EMP mod

Galaxy properties

[2009-02-15] 500km Comm Range Mod by argon_emperor
[2010-10-10] Advanced Weapon Research Mod (AWRM) by Roger L.S. Griffiths ; Terran weaponry redesign
[2011-11-04] Awesomefied Beam Weapons by F.A.B.
[2011-11-15] Awesomefied Small Lasers (Add-On Pack) by F.A.B.
[2011-10-16] Aldrin asteroid pack by Zeron-mk7 ; altered model for the Aldrin asteroid plus additional asteroid models
[2010-10-12] Apricot Tree SuperHub by apricotslice ; Alters sector connections
[2010-10-21] Apricot Tree SuperHub Xenon Incursion by apricotslice ; Alters sector connections. With extra spice.
[2011-12-25] Better Visual Range And Blending for IE by F.A.B.
[2008-12-16] Deactivate Mission Guidance by Graxster *
[2010-11-01] Extended Horizons by InvrSmall; Adds 15 new sectors to explore.
[2009-09-27] Flak Volume Reducer by Killjaeden ; Replaces FFA/CFA sound-effect
[2011-02-25] Gate effect pack by Zeron-mk7 ; (no modified tag)
[2011-04-30] Gate pack by solek ; New Gate models (no modified tag)
[2011-12-25] Greek Letters Replacement by F.A.B.
[2010-05-21] Holy Asteroids Mod by TEKing66 ; Hollow asteroid models like in X2
[2008-12-16] Improved Combat Frame Rate by Graxster *
[2012-08-26] Lost Colony Expansion by vukica ; adds new sectors to the galaxy
[2008-12-28] Lost Numbers by SunBlade ; additional numbers on unknown sectors (if using this, do not install "MUS")
[2011-02-26] New gate designs by solek ; (no modified tag)
[2012-08-26] New Gate Effect mod by solek; replace vanilla game gate effect model (no modified tag)
[2010-05-04] No AdSign Mod by Killjaeden ; Removes adsigns
[2008-12-16] No Civilians by Graxter *
[2008-12-16] No Floating Icons by Graxster *
[2012-03-30] X3AP No Fog Removes fog from foggy sectors by Argonaught
[2010-03-22] No Fog by Argonaught. ; 2.5 compatible Fake Patch of TBackgrounds
[2011-09-22] No Ring Gate Mod by cattafett ; Removes the ring from CW gates plus makes all gates larger
[2010-09-12] No Station Wrecks by ThisIsHarsh
[2008-12-16] No Suns by Graxter *
[2009-02-01] Performance Upgrade Index (X3TC PUI) *
[2009-06-14] Pirate Patrols by ezra-r ; More Pirates in Pirate sectors
[2009-10-31] Remove Missile Warning Beeps by OOZ662 ; Mute by sound file replacement
[2009-10-16] Apricot Rename Hub Sector by apricotslice *
[2009-06-07] Resized Aldrin Big Rock by Someone Else
[2010-07-14] Revelation by Litcube; Adds aggressive takeover entity and several sectors
[2008-12-16] Reworked GalaxyMap + New Suns + unique SectorsoundtrackIDs by Alex Vanderbilt *
[2009-10-31] Some/No Civilians Mods + X3:R Naming Callback by OOZ662 ; Decrease civilians. Multiple versions.
[2008-12-25] Square Galaxy Map by SunBlade ; altered GalaMap mesh
[2009-01-26] SS_T's Shader Performance Mod by SSwamp_Trooper
[2010-08-29] TSOG Missions by TEKing66 ; Terran Special (black) Operations (a Mini-Plot)
[2010-07-27] X3-Unleashed by Jaga_Telesin ; Improves overall game performance by optimizing flights
[2011-04-28] XChange Guild Portals by OPR ; Increases the size of all Gates by 225%

Object availability

[2008-12-23] Add Orbital Weapons Platforms to Argon Prime Shipyard by Xiriod
[2008-12-23] Add Yaki EQ dock to Weaver's Tempest by Xiriod
[2010-04-24] Advanced Weapon Research Mod (AWRM) By Roger L.S. Griffiths ; Creates "advanced" and "enhanced" Terran weapon types. Improves rare weapon availability
[2008-12-23] Fighter Drone MKII factory in Queen's Harbour by Xiriod


[2012-03-04] Apricot Mapping Service Mod (AMS) v2, with AMS, Goner and Khaak starts by apricotslice *
[2009-01-11] ATF Agent gamestart by Seathal *
[2011-01-15] ATF Gamestart and Shipyard by Skinmeister ; Changes ATF and USC ship availability
[2016-12-11] Bigger font for easy reading by darkslimus; changes the font of ingame texts, so that they are bigger and better readable
[2010-01-26] Black HUD by F.A.B. ; HUD colour
[2012-07-13] [AP] Gamestart: Family Fortune + custom ships by Observe
[2009-12-10] GUI Remake by enenra ; HUD colour and looks
[2013-03-29] jc hud by bolgimo ; Lean and focused HUD
[2012-07-09] Homeworld Universe Mod Kit by Sand Raven
[2012-08-06] Immersive GUI&HUD by juju1111
[2010-01-15] Lucky Heir Gamestart by Ketraar *
[2011-06-30] Main Menu scene Pack by Zeron-mk7 ; New start menu background images
[2009-09-15] Menu Background Disabler by Killjaeden ; Bare start menu, faster game startup
[2010-07-14] Pirate Starts by TEKing66 ; Pirate and Yaki gamestarts
[2013-07-24] Pure X HUD by Familiar ; laconic and clear interface
[2013-12-23] PwnMi by zanzal; Hack stations for fun and profit
[2012-09-12] [MD][TC] Terran Trader Starts for Terran Conflict by Dillpickle.
[2009-08-01] Vanilla Malt Gamestarts by Snowship
[2010-10-17] X-Universe Gold UI v1.2 by TrixX ; HUD/GUI
[2012-01-20] Yaki-Pirate Controled Invasion by radical7 ; Adds Yaki/Pirate sector links, stations, invasion routines
[2013-05-16] X3AP NO Gamepadcontrols on Loading by ubuntufreakdragon

Ship/Station properties

[2009-05-03] Advanced Complex-Hub by Saetan ; Internal and Capital docking bays
[2013-06-02] Advanced Complex Hub MK2 by Zeron-mk7; replace vanilla game Complex Hub station model (no modified tag)
[2008-12-23] AMurph0's Shipyards by AMurph0 *
[2009-01-04] Apricot PHQ Extension Patch by apricotslice *; More storage space
[2009-06-14] Basic M6 Upgraded by ezra-r ; Rebalance M6's with more speed and rudder
[2008-12-16] BMTC Stronger Capital Ships / Combat Rebalance by Sandalpocalypse *
[2009-08-22] Bomber & Shuttle Docking (BSD) by Alkeena ; External docking to bigger ships
[2008-12-16] Cockpit Callback MOD by Arkblade
[2010-11-05] Combat Mod 4 by Paul Wheeler and Ulfus
[2011-02-25] Color pulsing engine effects by Zeron-mk7
[2009-06-19] Engine Colours + particle trails by killerog ; Colour by race, trail effects
[2010-05-12] Engine Effects & Trails by Algoran ; Colour by race, trail effects
[2009-06-14] Engine Trails + Smoke Mod by bounty_hunter66 ; Colour by race, trail effects
[2009-01-04] Enhanced Equipment Docks by Saetan ; Docks with flexibile storage rooms similar to the PHQ
[2012-01-08] Enhanced Tracking by F.A.B. ; Changes number of objects shown by HUD
[2008-12-23] Freight Distribution Network (FDN) by Logain Abler ; Fully integrated, scalable freight management
[2009-01-26] Hangar-Mod/External-Docking Mod by Coffee-Man ; External docking to bigger ships
[2009-01-11] Increased HUB Storage Space by Forked *
[2009-01-26] Lightspeed combat rebalance by ttl *
[2012-08-26] Military Outpost Mod by solek; replace vanilla game Military Outpost station model (no modified tag)
[2009-10-24] Missiles Rebalance Mod by imperium3 ; Improves the missiles that aren't worth using
[2010-08-12] OWP Real External docking by Xiriod ; Adds external docking to Orbital Weapons Platforms
[2008-10-27] Player HQ Hack by Graxster *
[2009-06-07] Ship Rebalance Mod by Someone Else (deprecated, use the other version)
[2010-04-29] Ship Rebalance Mod: Continued by Paul Wheeler & Someone Else
[2013-06-02] Super Player Headquarter by Zeron-mk7; replace vanilla game Player Headquarter station model (no modified tag)
[2009-04-16] Terraformer Hub (Bug-Fix) by Saetan ; Safer Capital ship undock from Hub
[2008-12-16] Turret Fix by Gazz
[2008-12-16] YS-HUD-Mod by Samuel Creshal
[2009-09-20] Xenon Q Meshfix by Killjaeden

Ships / Stations

[2014-01-08] Advanced Scirocco by ubuntufreakdragon
[2008-12-16] Complex Cleaner / Modular Complexes by Gazz
[2012-07-29] Equipment Dock pack by solek; Mod replace vanilla game Equipment dock station model (no modified tag)
[2012-03-19] New animated Stock Market Boards by Zeron-mk7 ; New models with 360° rotation animations added into all Stock Exchange stations (no modified tag)
[2013-06-02] New Crystal Fab by Zeron-mk7; replace vanilla game Crystal Fab station model (no modified tag)
[2011-05-04] New Player Headquarter by Zeron-mk7 ; Different model
[2011-08-21] Pirate Base Pack by solek ; Different models
[2011-08-21] Satellite Pack by Zeron-mk7 ; Different models
[2009-02-01] Ship - Boron Lusca M7 by Axeface *
[2010-10-10] Ship - Lost in Space by Falconek ; Split Experimental Dragon and MD missions around it
[2009-01-26] Ship - Paranid Thanatos M6 by Axeface *
[2009-02-15] Ship - Terran Normandy M6 by Tenk *
[2009-04-16] Ships - Battlestar Galactica by Hawkbs
[2009-12-23] Ships - JaySuS Space Ships by JaySuS
[2010-09-12] Ships - RoSp-Ships by Topcross
[2009-10-22] Ships - Shipexpansion by Killjaeden
[2009-06-14] Ships - X2 Callback Mod by amurph0 and killerog
[2012-02-19] Shipyard Pack by Zeron-mk7; 5 new Shipyard models (no modified tag)
[2012-07-29] Solar Power Plants mod by Zeron-mk7; Mod replace vanilla Solar Power Plant M/L/XL station models (no modified tag)
[2013-11-25] Station Mod by solek; mod replaces 30 vanilla game station models (mod make trigger "modified") Mod only for X3AP 3.0/3.1 game version
[2009-05-31] Strategic Sector Defence Network (SSDN) by Logain Abler ; Deploys Drones via AdvSats.
[2013-12-23] Terran Player Headquarter by Zeron-mk7; replace vanilla Player Headquarter station model (no modified tag)
[2012-01-08] Trading Station Mod by solek ; Replace 5 races trading station models (no modified tag)
[2012-02-04] Visual Revamp Mod by qwizzie
[2010-03-02] X-Tra Ship/Station Pack by Cadius

The ships you longed for not listed above? Perhaps they are in List Of XSP Ships Thread?
Still no luck? Most likely you are not the first one to wish for ships to exist?

Full Mods / Total Conversions

[2009-02-18] Homeworld2 mod by XDV and Shuulo *
[2010-10-10] KOG MOD by Killerog ; Sectors, stations, ships, missions, ...
[2010-08-28] New Horizons v2.2 for X3TC v.3.2 by Xchange Guild Team
[2010-01-26] Terran Conflict Overhaul by F.A.B.
[2009-10-22] Transcend II by Observe and Stu Austin
[2009-04-16] X1: Past and future mod by SS_T
[2011-04-11] X1: Past and Future Mod+ by SS_T
[2010-04-28] Unofficial Player Bug fixes 2.6 compatible by draffutt
[2010-11-17] X-Timelines by TrixX ; Rebalance
[2009-08-07] X-UNIVERSE by SS_T
[2011-07-16] X3 Rebalance Mod by Paul Wheeler and Mizuchi
[2010-10-17] X3TC Naval Shuffle by Sorenson & co ; Rebalance


* Released before X3TC 2.0, so may not be compatible.
* X3TC 2.6 was released 2010-04-27. These older entries have certainly been updated after that.
X3TC 2.7 was released 2010-06-02. Technical changelog.
X3TC 2.7.1 was released 2010-06-17.
X3TC 3.0 was released 2010-10-08. (Note)
X3TC 3.1 was released 2011-02-17.
X3TC 3.2 was released 2012-01-17. Changelog
X3AP was released 2011-12-15.
X3AP 1.0b has been seen 2011-12-20.
X3AP 1.1 was released 2012-01-17. Changelog
* Updated to 2.7.1/3.0 compatibility
Authors: Add note to Submission thread if/when you update for latest patch compatibility.

[2012-01-25] List of some AP-compatible mods by Malakie.
Last edited by Cycrow on Mon, 25. Nov 13, 14:57, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 14. Oct 08, 12:52

Ware Compatability

There is a limited number of built in wares available for scripts to use.
This table will show all available wares and what scripts are currently using them.

If multiple scripts use the same wares then it will be unlikely that they will be compatible with each other.


- MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike; 1,002,677 Cr

- Software Signature Scrambler (X3TC)

- System Override Software (X3TC)

- Navigation Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon; 1,572cr

- Taxi Logistics Software by SymTec; 2,472cr

- Commodity Logistics Software MK1 by Lucike; 7,945cr

- Commodity Logistics Software MK2 by Lucike; 10,752cr

- Friegt Transporter Upgrade by LV; 38,993cr

- Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1 by TECSG; 95,344cr

- Travel Drive by Lucike; 118,336cr

- Bulk Transporter Upgrade by Al_Main (conflict) Teladi Information Service by ScRaT_GER (conflict) Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon; 158,203cr

- Turbo Booster MK1 By Cycrow

- Trade Command Software MK3 (X3TC)

- System Override Software (X3TC)

- MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike; 9,110,822cr

- Turbo Booster MK2 By Cycrow

- Cartel-inc. Shield Hacker

- Quantum Hyperbolic Drive by Loky

- Singularity Slope Tension Converter by Loky

- Singularity Projector by Loky

- Advanced Firewall Software(X3TC)

- Terran Police Licence by X2-Illuminatus; 2,948cr

- Station Hacking Software MK1 by Juggernaut93

- Station Hacking Software MK2 by Juggernaut93

- P2P Enhanced jump by ubuntufreakdragon

- MK3 Improvement Reloaded by Gnasirator; 477 Cr

- MK3 Improvement Reloaded by Gnasirator; 477 Cr

- Missile Monitor by Kurush

Object Tasks

It is recommended to dynamically find an unused task ID for use with auxiliary tasks.


Code: Select all

$task = $ship -> get next available task: starting=1
$ship -> start task $task with script ........
Ship task 40: Lucike - CAG, CLS, EST, Prospector, Security and Rescue Service
Ship task 41: Lucike - CAG, CLS, EST, Prospector
Ship task 42: Lucike - Travel Drive
Ship task 43: Lucike - MEFOS Weapon System
Ship task 44: Lucike - MEFOS Weapon System
Ship task 45: Lucike - Security and Rescue Service
Ship task 46--50: Lucike - CODEA Weapon System
Ship task 3125/3126: ubuntufreakdragon - P2P Enhanced jump
Ship/Station task 3127: ubuntufreakdragon, commissioning of new Ships
Ship/Station tasks 890--900: Serial Kicked - Pirate Guild 3
Ship task 7037: Gazz - BIER Scanner
Ship task 7046: Gazz - MARS Fire Control (also higher tasks like 117046, all ending on ...7046)
Ship task 9050--9070: Shimrod, Smart Turrets
9056: Shimrod; Replication

Station task 7741: S9ilent - Station Financial Manager
Last edited by Cycrow on Tue, 28. Oct 08, 22:46, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 14. Oct 08, 12:52

Ship Command Slots
Command slots in the 0 - 15 range are reserved for Egosoft. Please use numbers in the 16 - 63 range.

There are a limited number of command slots to use for additional ship commands. The commands are split into different sections, each section will appear seperately in the ships command console (use them sparingly ;))

Navigation Commands

<t id="216">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_16</t> : Jump to home - Ship Tools by Lucike
<t id="217">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_17</t> : Jump to me - Ship Tools by Lucike
<t id="218">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_18</t> : Auto explore - Explorer Command Extension by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="219">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_19</t> : Scan asteroids - Explorer Command Extension by ThisIsHarsh (avoidable conflict) Jump to Jump Beacon - Jump Beacon by Lucike
<t id="220">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_20</t>
<t id="221">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_21</t> : Transfer Personnel - Personnel Transporter by Lucike
<t id="222">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_22</t>
<t id="223">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_23</t>
<t id="224">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_24</t>
<t id="225">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_25</t>
<t id="226">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_26</t> : Advanced Jump Menu - Advanced Jumpdrive by Cycrow
<t id="227">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_27</t>
<t id="228">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_28</t>
<t id="229">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_29</t> : p2p Jump - Improved Kha'ak 2 by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="230">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_30</t> : AL Mk3 Sats - LV
<t id="231">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_31</t> : Start Universe Explorer - Universe Explorers by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="232">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_32</t> : Move Universe Explorer Pilot - Universe Explorers by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="233">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_33</t> : Drop Navagational Hazard Beacon - Universe Explorers by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="234">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_34</t> : RRF Drive - LV
<t id="235">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_35</t>
<t id="236">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_36</t>
<t id="237">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_37</t>
<t id="238">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_38</t>
<t id="239">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_39</t>
<t id="240">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_40</t> : Move to Position - Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1 by TECSG
<t id="241">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_41</t> : Move to Centre of Sector - Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1 by TECSG
<t id="242">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_42</t> : P2P Enhanced jump by ubuntufreakdragon
<t id="243">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_43</t> : Jump to me - Jump to me by Graxster
<t id="244">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_44</t> : Free Jump - Free Jump by Graxster
<t id="245">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_45</t>
<t id="246">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_46</t>
<t id="247">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_47</t>
<t id="248">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_48</t>
<t id="249">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_49</t> - Apocalypse - LV Return Marine
<t id="250">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_50</t> : Beamdock - AMS by LV/apricotslice
<t id="251">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_51</t> : Jump to Derelict - AMS by apricotslice
<t id="252">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_52</t> : Jump and Dock - Navigation Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="253">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_53</t> : Jump to Position - Navigation Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="254">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_54</t> : Move To Coordinates by Cycrow (conflict) Jump Gateless - Navigation Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="255">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_55</t> : Jump to Position - Gateless Jump Hotkey/Command by PaulP
<t id="256">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_56</t> : Jump to Dock - Gateless Jump Hotkey/Command by PaulP
<t id="257">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_57</t> : Explorer Command Extension v2 by Nicoman35
<t id="258">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_58</t>
<t id="259">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_59</t> : Project Warpgate - Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) by Loky
<t id="260">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_60</t> : Hyperjump - Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) by Loky
<t id="261">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_61</t> : Quantum jump - Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) by Loky
<t id="262">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_62</t>
<t id="263">COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_63</t>

Combat Commands

<t id="316">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_16</t> : Security Service Menu - Security and Rescue Service by Lucike
<t id="317">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_17</t> : Start - CODEA Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="318">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_18</t> : MEFOS console - MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="319">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_19</t>
<t id="320">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_20</t>
<t id="321">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_21</t>
<t id="322">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_22</t>
<t id="323">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_23</t>
<t id="324">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_24</t>
<t id="325">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_25</t>
<t id="326">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_26</t>
<t id="327">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_27</t>
<t id="328">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_28</t>
<t id="329">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_29</t>
<t id="330">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_30</t> : Menu - Point 2 Point Patrol by ITFUncleDave
<t id="331">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_31</t>
<t id="331">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_31</t> : Advanced Patrol Menu by rusky
<t id="333">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_33</t>
<t id="334">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_34</t>
<t id="335">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_35</t>
<t id="336">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_36</t>
<t id="337">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_37</t>
<t id="338">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_38</t>
<t id="339">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_39</t>
<t id="340">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_40</t>
<t id="341">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_41</t> : LSDC - Light Support Drone Carrier by Logain Abler
<t id="342">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_42</t>
<t id="343">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_43</t>
<t id="344">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_44</t>
<t id="345">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_45</t>
<t id="346">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_46</t> : Att Single - Medusa RFMI by LV
<t id="347">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_47</t> : Att Multi - Medusa RFMI by LV
<t id="348">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_48</t> : Engage Holoface - Medusa RFMI by LV
<t id="349">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_49</t>
<t id="350">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_50</t> : Apocalypse - LV Take Sector
<t id="351">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_51</t> : Apocalypse - LV Call Support
<t id="352">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_52</t>
<t id="353">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_53</t> : Ship Menu - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="354">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_54</t>
<t id="355">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_55</t> : WSE Switch Profile - Weapon Select Extension by WindsOfBoreas
<t id="356">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_56</t> : Nuclear Tracker Mines - LV
<t id="357">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_57</t>
<t id="358">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_58</t>
<t id="359">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_59</t>
<t id="360">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_60</t>
<t id="361">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_61</t>
<t id="362">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_62</t>
<t id="363">COMMAND_TYPE_FIGHT_63</t>

Trade Commands

<t id="416">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_16</t> : Start/Config - Commercial Agent by Lucike
<t id="417">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_17</t> : Start/Config - Commodity Logistics Software MK1 by Lucike
<t id="418">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_18</t> : Start/Config - Commodity Logistics Software MK2 by Lucike
<t id="419">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_19</t> : Start/Config - Economics and Supply Trader by Lucike
<t id="420">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_20</t>
<t id="421">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_21</t> : Drone Mine and Trade - Drone Mining and Trading System by Zanzal
<t id="422">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_22</t> : Transfer Freight via Drones - Transfer Freight via Drones by Tim-O
<t id="423">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_23</t> : Supply Sector - Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="424">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_24</t> : Camp Station - Station Camper by Cycrow
<t id="425">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_25</t> : Supply Factories - Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="426">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_26</t> : Supply with Resource - Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="427">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_27</t> : Sell Fabware for Best price - Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="428">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_28</t> : Sell Stationware for best price - Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="429">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_29</t> : Sell from Cargo for best price - Trade Software ST1 by SpaceTycoon
<t id="430">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_30</t> : Run Taxi Logistics - Taxi Logistics by SymTec
<t id="431">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_31</t> : Extended Trade Commands - Extended Trade Command Software by SymTec
<t id="432">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_32</t>
<t id="433">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_33</t> : Workshop - Player Workshops by Pelador
<t id="434">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_34</t>
<t id="435">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_35</t> : Auction Ship - LV
<t id="436">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_36</t> : MK4 Trader - Imperial Laboratories by LV
<t id="437">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_37</t> : Trade with Pirate Fence - Pirate Fence by Pelador
<t id="438">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_38</t> : Ware Hunter - Ware Hunter by Pelador
<t id="439">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_39</t>
<t id="440">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_40</t> : Best buy/sell loop - Manual Trade Extension by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="441">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_41</t> : UTProfit - UTProfit by Euclid
<t id="442">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_42</t>
<t id="442">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_42</t> : Station Financial Manager Automate - Station Financial Manager by S9ilent
<t id="443">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_43</t>
<t id="444">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_44</t>
<t id="445">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_45</t> : TL Storehouse by morbideth/silentdeth
<t id="446">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_46</t>
<t id="447">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_47</t> : adv. Product Chaser - adv. Product Chaser by wildlynx
<t id="448">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_48</t> : OK Trade - OK Traders by Shimrod
<t id="449">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_49</t> : Access ship menu - Shiploot by Mailo
<t id="450">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_50</t>
<t id="451">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_51</t> : Universal Best Buys - Universal Best Buys/Sells Locator by alex2069
<t id="452">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_52</t> : Universal Best Sells - Universal Best Buys/Sells Locator by alex2069
<t id="453">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_53</t>
<t id="454">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_54</t>
<t id="455">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_55</t>
<t id="456">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_56</t>
<t id="457">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_57</t>
<t id="458">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_58</t> : Cargo Delivery Service - Cargo Delivery Service by klaatu
<t id="459">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_59</t>
<t id="460">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_60</t>
<t id="461">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_61</t>
<t id="462">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_62</t>
<t id="463">COMMAND_TYPE_TRADE_63</t>

Special Commands

<t id="516">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_16</t> : Start - Prospector by Lucike
<t id="517">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_17</t> : Scan Asteroids - Prospector by Lucike
<t id="518">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_18</t>
<t id="519">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_19</t> : Deploy Jump Beacon - Jump Beacon by Lucike
<t id="520">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_20</t>
<t id="521">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_21</t> : Collect in Sector - SpaceLootTransporter by Huefte
<t id="522">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_22</t> : Collect Ware - SpaceLootTransporter by Huefte
<t id="523">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_23</t> : Dock TS - Dock TS by LV
<t id="524">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_24</t> : Universal Cargo Transfer by akeelah
<t id="525">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_25</t> : Upgrade ship like - Auto prep ships by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="526">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_26</t> : Auto prep ships - Auto prep ships by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="527">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_27</t>
<t id="528">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_28</t>
<t id="529">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_29</t> : Ring of Fire - Ring of Fire by Gazz
<t id="530">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_30</t> : Repair Ship - Mobile Ship Repair by Graxster
<t id="531">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_31</t> : Repair Ships in Sector... - Mobile Ship Repair by Graxster
<t id="532">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_32</t> : Equip Apricot ships - AMS by apricotslice
<t id="533">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_33</t> : Equip for Jump - AMS by apricotslice
<t id="534">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_34</t> : Super Tractor - Super Tractor by Gazz
<t id="535">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_35</t>
<t id="536">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_36</t> : BIER Scanner - BIER Scanner by Gazz
<t id="537">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_37</t> : Marine Tasks and Duties - Bad *ss Marines by RoverTX
<t id="538">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_38</t>
<t id="539">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_39</t>
<t id="540">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_40</t> : Scan for Ships - Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1 by TECSG
<t id="541">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_41</t> : Claim Ship by - Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1 TECSG
<t id="542">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_42</t>
<t id="543">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_43</t> : Create Asteroid - Asteroid Creator by fud
<t id="544">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_44</t>
<t id="545">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_45</t> : Nanite Hull Repair - Nanite Hull Repair by arcana75
<t id="546">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_46</t> : Hive Shield - Hive Shield By BinaryBoy
<t id="547">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_47</t> : JumpPoint - JumpPoint by BinaryBoy
<t id="548">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_48</t> : Access ICD menu - Shiploot by Mailo
<t id="549">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_49</t>
<t id="550">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_50</t>
<t id="551">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_51</t> : Toggle Autoscan - Autoscan for Smugglers by ttl
<t id="552">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_52</t> : Automated Satellite Network - Automated Satellite Network by alex2069
<t id="553">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_53</t> : Custom Wing Manager Plus - Custom Wing Manager Plus by vukica
<t id="554">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_54</t> : MPM - Mobile Production Module by Logain Abler
<t id="555">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_55</t> : CSesG - Capital Ship energy cell Generator by Logain Abler
<t id="556">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_56</t> : Special Drones Interface - Dedicated Assistant Drones by Pelador
<t id="557">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_57</t> : Deploy Placement Beacons - station placement assistance script by willyshop
<t id="558">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_58</t> : Explore Galaxy - Galaxy Explorer by gnasirator
<t id="559">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_59</t>
<t id="560">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_60</t> : Hack targeted station - Hack Station by arcana75
<t id="561">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_61</t> : Carrier Supply - Fleet Supply by DaOpa
<t id="562">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_62</t> : Dock Trader - Fleet Supply by DaOpa
<t id="563">COMMAND_TYPE_SPECIAL_63</t> : Self Supply - Fleet Supply by DaOpa

Piracy Commands

<t id="616">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_16</t>
<t id="617">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_17</t>
<t id="618">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_18</t>
<t id="619">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_19</t>
<t id="620">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_20</t> : Salvage Claim Software by Cycrow
<t id="621">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_21</t> : Sector salvager - Salvage commands & NPCs by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="622">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_22</t> : Universe salvager - Salvage commands & NPCs by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="623">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_23</t> : Strip all ships docked at... - Salvage commands & NPCs by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="624">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_24</t>
<t id="625">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_25</t>
<t id="626">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_26</t>
<t id="627">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_27</t>
<t id="628">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_28</t>
<t id="629">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_29</t>
<t id="630">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_30</t> : Board Station - Board Station by uberex
<t id="631">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_31</t>
<t id="632">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_32</t>: Hack Target Systems - Hack Target Systems by Xiriod
<t id="633">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_33</t>
<t id="634">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_34</t>
<t id="635">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_35</t>
<t id="636">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_36</t>
<t id="637">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_37</t>
<t id="638">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_38</t>
<t id="639">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_39</t>
<t id="640">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_40</t>
<t id="641">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_41</t>
<t id="642">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_42</t> : Improved Races - Deploy Hikari Lasertower Array by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="643">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_43</t> : Improved Races - Deploy Tracker Mines by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="644">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_44</t>
<t id="645">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_45</t>
<t id="646">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_46</t>
<t id="647">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_47</t> : Military Tracking Scanner LV
<t id="648">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_48</t>
<t id="649">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_49</t>
<t id="650">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_50</t>
<t id="651">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_51</t> : Convert Passenger to Marine - Convert Passenger to Marine, Pelador
<t id="652">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_52</t>
<t id="653">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_53</t>
<t id="654">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_54</t>
<t id="655">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_55</t> : Spy on Station - Camera Drone Spy by Nividium
<t id="656">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_56</t> : Capture Stations - Capture Stations by Nividium
<t id="657">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_57</t> : Containerize Asteroid - Asteroid Relocator by Nividium
<t id="658">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_58</t> : Unload Asteroid - Asteroid Relocator by Nividium
<t id="659">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_59</t>
<t id="660">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_60</t> : Hack Station MK1 - Station Hacking Software by Juggernaut93
<t id="661">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_61</t> : Hack Station MK2 - Station Hacking Software by Juggernaut93
<t id="662">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_62</t>
<t id="663">COMMAND_TYPE_PIRACY_63</t>

Custom Commands

<t id="716">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_16</t> : Standby message - Commercial Agent by Lucike
<t id="717">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_17</t> : Standby message - Commodity Logistics Software by Lucike
<t id="718">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_18</t> : Work message - Commodity Logistics Software by Lucike
<t id="719">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_19</t> : Work message - Commodity Logistics Software by Lucike
<t id="720">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_20</t> : Freight Transporter Upgrade by LV (avoidable conflict) Standby message - Economics and Supply Trader by Lucike
<t id="721">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_21</t> : Standby message - Prospector by Lucike
<t id="722">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_22</t> : Work message - Prospector by Lucike
<t id="723">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_23</t> : Security Service Standby - Security and Rescue Service by Lucike
<t id="724">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_24</t> : Security Service Patrol - Security and Rescue Service by Lucike
<t id="725">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_25</t> : Complex Cleaner / Modular Complexes by Gazz
<t id="726">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_26</t> : Container Beam Slurp - AMS by apricotslice (possible conflict) Bulk Transporter Upgrade by Al_Main
<t id="727">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_27</t> : Astronaut Beam in - AMS by apricotslice
<t id="728">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_28</t> : Drones Beam in - AMS by apricotslice
<t id="729">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_29</t> : Install additional shields... - by Nicoman35
<t id="730">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_30</t> : Patrol - Work message - CODEA Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="731">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_31</t> : Frigate - Turret message - CODEA Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="732">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_32</t> : Convoy - Work message - CODEA Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="733">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_33</t> : Tender - Standby message - CODEA Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="734">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_34</t>
<t id="735">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_35</t> : Global Friend Foe Upgrade by LV
<t id="736">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_36</t>
<t id="737">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_37</t> : MARCON_MAIN_MENU - MarCon Ind Ship Onboard Computer System Interface by mark_a_condren
<t id="738">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_38</t>
<t id="739">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_39</t> : MARCON_ASTEROID_FUSION - Asteroid Fusion by mark_a_condren
<t id="740">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_40</t> : MARCON_STOCK_EXCHANGE - Stock Exchange by mark_a_condren
<t id="741">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_41</t> : Claim Unknown Sector - LazCorp Claim Unknown Sector by Lazerath
<t id="742">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_42</t> : Insurance Tech - LV
<t id="743">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_43</t>
<t id="744">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_44</t>
<t id="745">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_45</t>
<t id="746">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_46</t> : Beg - Auto Begger by Nividium
<t id="747">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_47</t>
<t id="748">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_48</t>
<t id="749">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_49</t>
<t id="750">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_50</t> : MARCON_UNIVERSAL_BANKING - Universal Banking by mark_a_condren
<t id="751">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_51</t>
<t id="752">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_52</t>
<t id="753">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_53</t>
<t id="754">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_54</t>
<t id="755">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_55</t>
<t id="756">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_56</t>
<t id="757">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_57</t>
<t id="758">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_58</t>
<t id="759">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_59</t>
<t id="760">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_60</t>
<t id="761">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_61</t> : SPERG - Stupendously Precise Entity Relocation Gizmo by Sorenson
<t id="762">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_62</t> : Manipulate Object - Manipulate Object by edwardecl
<t id="763">COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM_63</t>

General Commands

<t id="816">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_16</t>
<t id="817">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_17</t>
<t id="818">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_18</t>
<t id="819">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_19</t>
<t id="820">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_20</t>
<t id="821">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_21</t> : Rename Ships... - Rename Ships with Expression (RSwE) by Loky
<t id="822">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_22</t>
<t id="823">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_23</t>
<t id="824">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_24</t>
<t id="825">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_25</t>
<t id="826">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_26</t> : Deactivate Ship - Operating Costs by Huefte
<t id="827">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_27</t>
<t id="828">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_28</t>
<t id="829">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_29</t> : Factory Complex Constructor by Dusty
<t id="830">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_30</t> : ADS: Homebase Settings - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="831">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_31</t> : ADS: Sell Wares - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="832">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_32</t> : ADS: Buy Wares - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="833">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_33</t> : ADS: Send Defense Wing - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="834">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_34</t> : ADS: Send Attack Wing - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="835">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_35</t> : ADS: Clear Sector - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="836">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_36</t> : ADS: Dock All - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="836">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_37</t> : ADS: Defend Carrier (Nicoman35)
<t id="838">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_38</t>
<t id="839">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_39</t>
<t id="840">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_40</t> : Apocalypse - LV Create Station
<t id="841">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_41</t> : Gate Construction Technology - LV Apocalypse also
<t id="842">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_42</t>
<t id="843">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_43</t> : Factory Complex Constructor by Dusty
<t id="844">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_44</t> : TCAN Set Autonaming Aspect by Orfevs
<t id="845">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_45</t> : TCAN Clear Autonaming Aspect by Orfevs
<t id="846">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_46</t> : TCAN Set Unique Name by Orfevs
<t id="847">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_47</t> : TCAN Naming Control off/on
<t id="848">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_48</t>
<t id="849">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_49</t>
<t id="850">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_50</t>
<t id="851">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_51</t> : Repack Station - Station Repacker by alex2069
<t id="852">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_52</t>
<t id="853">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_53</t>
<t id="854">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_54</t>
<t id="855">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_55</t>
<t id="856">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_56</t>
<t id="857">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_57</t> : Scan Sector - Sector Scanner by Nividium
<t id="858">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_58</t> : Property Baron - Property Baron by Nividium
<t id="859">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_59</t>
<t id="860">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_60</t>
<t id="861">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_61</t>
<t id="862">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_62</t>
<t id="863">COMMAND_TYPE_GENERAL_63</t>

Turret Commands

<t id="916">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_16</t> : Attack Enemies - MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="917">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_17</t> : Protect Ship - MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="918">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_18</t> : Attack My Target - MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="919">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_19</t> : Missile Defence - MEFOS Weapon System by Lucike
<t id="920">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_20</t> : Mining - Prospector by Lucike
<t id="921">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_21</t>
<t id="922">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_22</t>
<t id="923">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_23</t>
<t id="924">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_24</t>
<t id="925">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_25</t> : Attack fighters - Turrets: selective attack by Armankessilon
<t id="926">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_26</t> : Attack big ships - Turrets: selective attack by Armankessilon
<t id="927">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_27</t> : Defend from fighters - Turrets: selective attack by Armankessilon
<t id="928">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_28</t> : Defend from big ships - Turrets: selective attack by Armankessilon
<t id="929">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_29</t>
<t id="930">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_30</t>
<t id="931">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_31</t>
<t id="932">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_32</t>
<t id="933">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_33</t>
<t id="934">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_34</t>
<t id="935">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_35</t>
<t id="936">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_36</t>
<t id="937">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_37</t>
<t id="938">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_38</t>
<t id="939">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_39</t>
<t id="940">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_40</t>
<t id="941">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_41</t>
<t id="942">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_42</t> : Advanced Missile Defense by fud
<t id="943">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_43</t>
<t id="944">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_44</t>
<t id="945">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_45</t>
<t id="946">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_46</t> : Defense - MARS by Gazz
<t id="947">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_47</t> : Standby - MARS by Gazz
<t id="948">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_48</t> : Offense - MARS by Gazz
<t id="949">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_49</t>
<t id="950">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_50</t>
<t id="951">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_51</t>
<t id="952">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_52</t> : Offense Mode - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="953">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_53</t> : Attack My Target Mode - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="954">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_54</t> : Defense Mode - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="955">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_55</t> : Capture Mode - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="956">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_56</t> : Custom Mode - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="957">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_57</t>
<t id="958">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_58</t> : Protect All - ADAMS - ITT by Jeff
<t id="959">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_59</t> : Missile Defense - ADAMS - ITT by Jeff
<t id="960">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_60</t> : Attack All - ADAMS - ITT by Jeff
<t id="961">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_61</t>
<t id="962">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_62</t>
<t id="963">COMMAND_TYPE_TURRET_63</t>

Station Commands

<t id="1116">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_16</t> : Lock trader - Commercial Agent by Lucike
<t id="1117">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_17</t> : Lock trader - Economics and Supply Trader by Lucike
<t id="1118">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_18</t> : Report - Economy and Supply Trader by Lucike
<t id="1119">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_19</t> : Dockware Manager Menu - Dockware Manager by Lucike
<t id="1120">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_20</t> : Hangar Manager on Station - Hangar Manager by Lucike
<t id="1121">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_21</t> : Station Financial Recording - Station Financial Manager by S9ilent
<t id="1122">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_22</t>
<t id="1123">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_23</t>
<t id="1124">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_24</t> : LazCorp Remove Crystal Need From SPP - LazCorp Crystal Free Solar Power Plant by Lazerath
<t id="1125">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_25</t> : Station Management - Operating Costs by Huefte
<t id="1126">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_26</t> : Research - Equipment Research and Development by Cycrow (intentional conflict) Enhanched Equipment Research and Development by ubuntufreakdragon
<t id="1127">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_27</t> : RnD Menu - Equipment Research and Development by Cycrow (intentional conflict) Enhanched Equipment Research and Development by ubuntufreakdragon
<t id="1128">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_28</t>
<t id="1129">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_29</t> : Warehouse Commands - Warehouse by Nividium
<t id="1130">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_30</t>
<t id="1131">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_31</t> : Retrofit Station - Green Stations by Nividium
<t id="1132">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_32</t>
<t id="1133">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_33</t> : Station Construction at PHQ - DAD Drones by Pelador
<t id="1134">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_34</t>
<t id="1135">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_35</t> : Station Storage Extension - Station Storage Extension by Tim-O
<t id="1136">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_36</t> : Buy Gold - LV
<t id="1137">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_37</t> : ADS Manager - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="1138">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_38</t> : ADS Sector Defense - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="1139">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_39</t> : FCC Command Terminal - Factory Complex Constructor: X³:TC 2.5 Compliance Update by Saetan
<t id="1140">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_40</t> : Resource-Free Factory by arcana75 (conflict) eEQ Command Terminal - enhanced Equipment Docks by Saetan
<t id="1141">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_41</t> : Remove product from station - Remove products from docks by arcana75
<t id="1142">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_42</t> : Dynamic product pricing - Dynamic product pricing by MTiffany71
<t id="1143">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_43</t> : commissioning of new Ships by ubuntufreakdragon
<t id="1144">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_44</t> : Automatic Moneytransfer to Station - Automatic Moneytransfer to Station by XGamer (conflict) HQ Operations: Automate - Headquarters Management System by Osiris Sam
<t id="1145">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_45</t> : Ship Clamper - Ship Clamper for TC by Kitarn
<t id="1146">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_46</t> : Station Menu - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="1147">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_47</t> : Access station menu - Shiploot by Mailo
<t id="1148">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_48</t>
<t id="1149">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_49</t> : FDN - Freight Distribution Network by Logain Abler
<t id="1150">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_50</t> : MPM - Mobile Production Module by Logain Abler
<t id="1151">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_51</t>
<t id="1152">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_52</t> : Station Security Services - Station Security Services by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="1153">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_53</t>
<t id="1154">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_54</t> : Auction Services - Auction Services by Nividium
<t id="1155">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_55</t> : Upgrade factory - Universal Missile Complex by Draba
<t id="1156">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_56</t>
<t id="1157">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_57</t> : set home command for a station - Massive set home command by Seedz
<t id="1158">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_58</t> : return home command for a station - Broadcast return home by Seedz
<t id="1159">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_59</t> : TCAN Set Autonaming Aspect by Orfevs
<t id="1160">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_60</t> : TCAN Clear Autonaming Aspect by Orfevs
<t id="1161">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_61</t> : Self Destruct - Complex Cleaner by Gazz
<t id="1162">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_62</t>
<t id="1163">COMMAND_TYPE_STATION_63</t> : Supply Dock - Fleet Supply by DaOpa

Ship Additional Commands

<t id="1216">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_16</t> : Start - Missile Defense Mosquito by Lucike
<t id="1217">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_17</t> : Convoy - Missile Defense Mosquito by Lucike
<t id="1218">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_18</t> : Start - Automatic Target Acquisition by Lucike
<t id="1219">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_19</t> : Start - Travel Drive by Lucike
<t id="1220">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_20</t> : Hangar Manager on Carrier - Hangar Manager by Lucike
<t id="1221">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_21</t> : TCAN Configuration by Orfevs
<t id="1222">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_22</t> : Explore this station - Explore Station by Joubarbe
<t id="1223">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_23</t> : MK3 Blacklist Manager by SymTec ltd.
<t id="1224">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_24</t> : AutoDrive - Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) by Loky
<t id="1225">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_25</t> : Reconnaissance uplink - Military Base Response revamp by ThisIsHarsh
<t id="1226">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_26</t>
<t id="1227">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_27</t>
<t id="1222">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_28</t> : P2P Enhanced jump (Autopilot konfiguration) by ubuntufreakdragon
<t id="1229">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_29</t> : Detect Crates - Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1 by TECSG
<t id="1230">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_30</t> : Hatch Egg - Improved Kha'ak 2 by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="1231">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_31</t> : Lay Eggs - Improved Kha'ak 2 by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="1232">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_32</t> : Taxi Logistics: Settings, Taxi Logistics by SymTec
Ship Additional Commands
<t id="1233">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_33</t> : Replicate - Replication by Shimrod
<t id="1234">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_34</t> : LazCorp Military Scanner - LazCorp Military Scanner by Lazerath
<t id="1235">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_35</t> : Carrier Drone Support Software - LV
<t id="1236">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_36</t> : Auto Jump - Advanced Jumpdrive by Cycrow
<t id="1237">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_37</t> : ADS Manager - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="1238">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_38</t> : ADS Auto Mode - ADS by Serial Kicked
<t id="1239">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_39</t> : Explorer Command Extension v2 by Nicoman35
<t id="1240">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_40</t> : Marine Trainer by JumperBR
<t id="1241">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_41</t> : Transform Missiles - Missile Transformer by Juggernaut93
<t id="1242">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_42</t> : Activate MORS Device MK1 - MORS MK1 by Tiek
<t id="1243">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_43</t> : Transporter trade - transporter trade by cyberfuzzie
<t id="1244">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_44</t> : Auto / Terran Jump by Gazz
<t id="1245">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_45</t> : Go to the bar... - X-Missions by Joubarbe
<t id="1246">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_46</t> : Locate Stations - HKP Transponder Interface Software by ChaosRas
<t id="1247">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_47</t> : MK3 Ware Blacklist Manager by gnasirator
<t id="1248">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_48</t> : commissioning of new Ships by ubuntufreakdragon
<t id="1249">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_49</t> : PMTS Command Console - PMTS by Roger L.S. Griffiths
<t id="1250">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_50</t> : CPLS Command Console - CPLS by Roger L.S. Griffiths
<t id="1251">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_51</t> : Cargo Collect - MARS by Gazz
<t id="1252">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_52</t> : Ship Security - Ship Security Services by 7ate9tin11s
<t id="1253">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_53</t> : Customlog by X2-Illuminatus
<t id="1254">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_54</t> : set home command for a ship / carrier - Massive set home command by Seedz
<t id="1255">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_55</t> : return home command for a ship - Broadcast return home by Seedz
<t id="1256">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_56</t> : Terran Police Licence by X2-Illuminatus
<t id="1257">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_57</t> :
<t id="1258">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_58</t> : Toggle Missile Monitor
<t id="1259">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_59</t> : Main Guns - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="1260">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_60</t> : Explore Galaxy Config - Galaxy Explorer by gnasirator
<t id="1261">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_61</t> : Release Passengers by X2-Illuminatus
<t id="1262">COMMAND_t id=t id=t id=TYPE_SHIP_62</t> : Fighter Supply - Fleet Supply by DaOpa
<t id="1263">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_63</t> : Config - Fleet Supply by DaOpa

Custom Command

Custom commands can be added on top of the existing command slots, each of these must have a unique ID.

This lists will show what IDs are currently used, any scripts using the same IDs will most likely be incompatible with each other.

IDs Available: 1400-2000, 6000+

WARNING: Any custom commands between 1300-1400 will not work in Albion Prelude (these slots are now taken by the fleet command menu)


1301: Cycrow, Command Queueing
1308: LV, Cheats
1309: LV, Tutorials
1310: LV, DMA
1312: LV, Upgrade Kits
1313: LV, Imperial Laboratories
1314: LV, RRF
1315: Mavor, Conflicts
1316: ThisIsHarsh, Military Base Response revamp (Recon uplink: DEFENSE)
1317: ThisIsHarsh, Military Base Response revamp (Recon uplink: INVASION)
1318: ThisIsHarsh, Military Base Response revamp (Recon uplink: OFF)
1350: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships (Buying upgrades)
1351: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships (Repairing)
1352: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships (Upgrading)
1353: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships (Equipping)
1354: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships (Shopping)
1355: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships (Waiting/checking)
1356: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships (Transferring upgrades)
1357: Chem, Bombardier
1381: Zypherg, Custom Wing Manager

1400: Cycrow, Cheat Package
1450: ADS Buying upgrades (Nicoman35)
1451: Upgrading (Nicoman35)
1452: Shopping (Nicoman35)
1453: Waiting/checking (Nicoman35)
1555: Medevel, Rename Ships with Expression
6500: MK3 Improvement by Gnasirator
6501: MK3 Improvement by Gnasirator
6502: MK3 Improvement by Gnasirator
6503: MK3 Improvement by Gnasirator
6504: MK3 Improvement by Gnasirator
6505: MK3 Improvement by Gnasirator
6520 -
6525: Explorer Command Extension v2 by Nicoman35
7277: X420TokeAlot, Debris Repair and Utilization
8200: Osiris Sam, Headquarters Management System (HQ Stock Trader)
8832: LV, Test Drive & Hire Centre
Last edited by Cycrow on Mon, 25. Nov 13, 14:53, edited 12 times in total.

Posts: 21877
Joined: Sat, 23. Apr 05, 21:42

Post by jlehtone » Tue, 23. Dec 08, 21:01

Wing Command Slots
Command slots in the 0 - 15 range are reserved for Egosoft. Please use numbers in the 16 - 63 range.

There are a limited number of command slots to use for wing ship commands. The commands are split into different sections, each sector will appear seperatly in the wings command console (use them sparingly ;))

NOTE: Wing commands are seperate to ship commands

Navigation Commands

<t id="216">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_16</t>
<t id="217">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_17</t>
<t id="218">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_18</t>
<t id="219">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_19</t>
<t id="220">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_20</t>
<t id="221">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_21</t>
<t id="222">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_22</t>
<t id="223">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_23</t>
<t id="224">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_24</t>
<t id="225">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_25</t>
<t id="226">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_26</t> : Advanced Jump - Advanced Jumpdrive by Cycrow
<t id="227">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_27</t>
<t id="228">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_28</t>
<t id="229">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_29</t>
<t id="230">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_30</t>
<t id="231">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_31</t>
<t id="232">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_32</t>
<t id="233">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_33</t>
<t id="234">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_34</t>
<t id="235">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_35</t>
<t id="236">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_36</t>
<t id="237">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_37</t>
<t id="238">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_38</t>
<t id="239">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_39</t>
<t id="240">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_40</t>
<t id="241">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_41</t>
<t id="242">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_42</t>
<t id="243">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_43</t>
<t id="244">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_44</t> : Free Jump - Free Jump by Graxster
<t id="245">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_45</t>
<t id="246">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_46</t>
<t id="247">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_47</t>
<t id="248">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_48</t>
<t id="249">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_49</t>
<t id="250">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_50</t>
<t id="251">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_51</t>
<t id="252">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_52</t>
<t id="253">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_53</t>
<t id="254">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_54</t>
<t id="255">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_55</t> : Jump to Position - Gateless Jump Hotkey/Command by PaulP
<t id="256">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_56</t> : Jump to Dock - Gateless Jump Hotkey/Command by PaulP
<t id="257">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_57</t>
<t id="258">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_58</t>
<t id="259">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_59</t>
<t id="260">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_60</t> Hyperjump - Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) by Loky
<t id="261">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_NAV_61</t> Quantum jump - Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) by Loky

Combat Commands

<t id="316">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_16</t> : Attack Fighters - Wing Attack Commands by InvrSmall
<t id="317">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_17</t> : Attack Capships - Wing Attack Commands by InvrSmall
<t id="318">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_18</t>
<t id="319">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_19</t>
<t id="320">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_20</t>
<t id="321">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_21</t>
<t id="322">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_22</t>
<t id="323">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_23</t>
<t id="324">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_24</t>
<t id="325">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_25</t>
<t id="326">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_26</t>
<t id="327">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_27</t>
<t id="328">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_28</t>
<t id="329">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_29</t>
<t id="330">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_30</t>
<t id="331">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_31</t>
<t id="332">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_32</t>
<t id="333">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_33</t>
<t id="334">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_34</t>
<t id="335">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_35</t>
<t id="336">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_36</t>
<t id="337">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_37</t>
<t id="338">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_38</t>
<t id="339">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_39</t>
<t id="340">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_40</t>
<t id="341">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_41</t>
<t id="342">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_42</t>
<t id="343">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_43</t>
<t id="344">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_44</t>
<t id="345">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_45</t>
<t id="346">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_46</t>
<t id="347">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_47</t>
<t id="348">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_48</t>
<t id="349">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_49</t>
<t id="350">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_50</t>
<t id="351">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_51</t>
<t id="352">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_52</t>
<t id="353">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_53</t> : Wing Menu - Smart Turrets by Shimrod
<t id="354">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_54</t>
<t id="355">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_55</t>
<t id="356">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_56</t>
<t id="357">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_57</t>
<t id="358">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_58</t>
<t id="359">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_59</t>
<t id="360">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_60</t>
<t id="361">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_FIGHT_61</t>

Trade Commands

<t id="416">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_16</t> : Buy Ware - Wing Trade Commands - Buy ware and Sell ware by PaulP
<t id="417">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_17</t> : Sell Ware - Wing Trade Commands - Buy ware and Sell ware by PaulP
<t id="418">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_18</t>
<t id="419">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_19</t>
<t id="420">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_20</t>
<t id="421">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_21</t>
<t id="422">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_22</t>
<t id="423">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_23</t>
<t id="424">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_24</t>
<t id="425">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_25</t>
<t id="426">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_26</t>
<t id="427">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_27</t>
<t id="428">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_28</t>
<t id="429">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_29</t>
<t id="430">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_30</t>
<t id="431">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_31</t>
<t id="432">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_32</t>
<t id="433">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_33</t>
<t id="434">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_34</t>
<t id="435">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_35</t>
<t id="436">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_36</t>
<t id="437">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_37</t>
<t id="438">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_38</t>
<t id="439">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_39</t>
<t id="440">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_40</t>
<t id="441">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_41</t>
<t id="442">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_42</t>
<t id="443">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_43</t>
<t id="444">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_44</t>
<t id="445">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_45</t>
<t id="446">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_46</t>
<t id="447">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_47</t>
<t id="448">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_48</t>
<t id="449">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_49</t>
<t id="450">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_50</t>
<t id="451">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_51</t>
<t id="452">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_52</t>
<t id="453">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_53</t>
<t id="454">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_54</t>
<t id="455">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_55</t>
<t id="456">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_56</t>
<t id="457">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_57</t>
<t id="458">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_58</t>
<t id="459">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_59</t>
<t id="460">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_60</t>
<t id="461">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_TRADE_61</t>

Special Commands

<t id="516">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_16</t>
<t id="517">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_17</t>
<t id="518">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_18</t>
<t id="519">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_19</t>
<t id="520">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_20</t>
<t id="521">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_21</t>
<t id="522">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_22</t>
<t id="523">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_23</t>
<t id="524">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_24</t>
<t id="525">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_25</t>
<t id="526">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_26</t>
<t id="527">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_27</t>
<t id="528">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_28</t>
<t id="529">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_29</t> : Wing Equip Like Ext by morbideth/silentdeth
<t id="530">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_30</t>
<t id="531">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_31</t>
<t id="532">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_32</t>
<t id="533">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_33</t>
<t id="534">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_34</t>
<t id="535">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_35</t>
<t id="536">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_36</t>
<t id="537">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_37</t>
<t id="538">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_38</t>
<t id="539">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_39</t>
<t id="540">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_40</t>
<t id="541">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_41</t>
<t id="542">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_42</t>
<t id="543">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_43</t>
<t id="544">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_44</t>
<t id="545">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_45</t>
<t id="546">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_46</t>
<t id="547">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_47</t>
<t id="548">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_48</t>
<t id="549">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_49</t>
<t id="550">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_50</t>
<t id="551">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_51</t>
<t id="552">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_52</t>
<t id="553">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_53</t>
<t id="554">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_54</t>
<t id="555">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_55</t>
<t id="556">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_56</t>
<t id="557">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_57</t>
<t id="558">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_58</t>
<t id="559">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_59</t>
<t id="560">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_60</t>
<t id="561">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_SPECIAL_61</t>

Piracy Commands

<t id="616">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_16</t>
<t id="617">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_17</t>
<t id="618">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_18</t>
<t id="619">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_19</t>
<t id="620">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_20</t>
<t id="621">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_21</t>
<t id="622">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_22</t>
<t id="623">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_23</t>
<t id="624">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_24</t>
<t id="625">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_25</t>
<t id="626">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_26</t>
<t id="627">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_27</t>
<t id="628">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_28</t>
<t id="629">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_29</t>
<t id="630">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_30</t>
<t id="631">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_31</t>
<t id="632">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_32</t>
<t id="633">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_33</t>
<t id="634">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_34</t>
<t id="635">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_35</t>
<t id="636">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_36</t>
<t id="637">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_37</t>
<t id="638">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_38</t>
<t id="639">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_39</t>
<t id="640">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_40</t>
<t id="641">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_41</t>
<t id="642">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_42</t>
<t id="643">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_43</t>
<t id="644">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_44</t>
<t id="645">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_45</t>
<t id="646">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_46</t>
<t id="647">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_47</t>
<t id="648">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_48</t>
<t id="649">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_49</t>
<t id="650">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_50</t>
<t id="651">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_51</t>
<t id="652">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_52</t>
<t id="653">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_53</t>
<t id="654">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_54</t>
<t id="655">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_55</t>
<t id="656">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_56</t>
<t id="657">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_57</t>
<t id="658">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_58</t>
<t id="659">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_59</t>
<t id="660">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_60</t>
<t id="661">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_PIRACY_61</t>

General Commands

<t id="816">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_16</t>
<t id="817">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_17</t>
<t id="818">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_18</t>
<t id="819">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_19</t>
<t id="820">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_20</t>
<t id="821">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_21</t>
<t id="822">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_22</t>
<t id="823">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_23</t>
<t id="824">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_24</t>
<t id="825">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_25</t>
<t id="826">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_26</t>
<t id="827">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_27</t>
<t id="828">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_28</t>
<t id="829">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_29</t>
<t id="830">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_30</t>
<t id="831">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_31</t>
<t id="832">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_32</t>
<t id="833">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_33</t>
<t id="834">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_34</t>
<t id="835">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_35</t>
<t id="836">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_36</t>
<t id="837">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_37</t>
<t id="838">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_38</t>
<t id="839">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_39</t>
<t id="840">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_40</t>
<t id="841">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_41</t>
<t id="842">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_42</t>
<t id="843">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_43</t>
<t id="844">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_44</t>
<t id="845">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_45</t>
<t id="846">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_46</t>
<t id="847">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_47</t>
<t id="848">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_48</t>
<t id="849">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_49</t>
<t id="850">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_50</t>
<t id="851">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_51</t>
<t id="852">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_52</t>
<t id="853">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_53</t>
<t id="854">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_54</t>
<t id="855">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_55</t>
<t id="856">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_56</t>
<t id="857">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_57</t>
<t id="858">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_58</t>
<t id="859">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_59</t>
<t id="860">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_60</t>
<t id="861">COMMAND_WING_TYPE_GENERAL_61</t>

Custom Wing Commands

Custom commands can be added on top of the existing command slots, each of these must have a unique id.

This lists will show what ids are currently used, any scripts using the same ids will most likly be incompatable with each other.

IDs Available: 1000+


Custom Wing Addition Ship Commands

The additional ship commands allow you to give individual commands to ships in a wing, all these commands use custom unique ids.

The list will show all the ides that are currently used

Last edited by jlehtone on Wed, 21. Sep 11, 23:50, edited 24 times in total.

Posts: 21877
Joined: Sat, 23. Apr 05, 21:42

Post by jlehtone » Tue, 23. Dec 08, 23:05

This list displays the ids of the text and page ids used, scripts must use unique ids to remain compatible.

Text files are in the format, XXXX-LXXX.xml. First 4 numbers is the id, between 1000 and 9999. The second is the language id, ie 44 for english.
id 1000 in english would be, 1000-L044.xml.

Note though that text page ids 1000-6999 cannot be used, while those text page ids are allowed (e.g. to just add commands).

Use "Find in page" rather than manual browsing to check whether an ID is listed. Text file IDs in range 7000-9999 can implicitly be expected to reserve the corresponding text page ID. Some such pages are listed explicitly, but that is in practice redundant information.


Occasionally the game may show "ReadTextN-M" where you expect a message or name. The N and M are numbers. The reason is that the game has not found the correct string. Thus, a textfile may be missing or corrupted. The N is the Text Page ID, where Text ID M was supposed to exist.

Look at the N in the error first. If it is in the range 7000-9999, the Text File ID N is hopefully below. If the N is 17, then the M may be listed in the next post.

Text File ID

The lower range of File IDs is for convenient, when the file merely adds to existing pages.

1000: Cycrow, Cheat Package
1001: Cycrow, Command Queueing
1142: MTiffany71, Dynamic Product Pricing
1171: Mysterial, Generic Solo Combat/Duel Mission
1172: Mysterial, "Real" Invasion Defence Mission
2070: alex2069, Universal Best Buy/Sells Locator
2071: alex2069, Station Repacker
2073: alex2069, Automated Satellite Network
2500: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM/CPLS
2501: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM
2502: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM/PMTS
2503: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM
2504: Roger L.S. Griffiths, Frontier Wars
3125: ubuntufreakdragon, P2P Enhanced jump
3126: advanced Scirocco by ubuntufreakdragon
3195: XDV, Homeworld2 mod
3441: Graxter, Mobile Ship Repairs
3442: Graxster, Free Jump
3500: imperium3, Missiles Rebalance Mod
3600: Sand Raven, Homeworld Map
3613: Nicoman35, Change Sector Size
4256: SS_T, X1 Past and Future Main Text file
4257: SS_T, X1 Past and Future Xbtf map text
4526: Lon - Drone Retrieval by Lonark
5853: Al_Main, Bulk Transporter Upgrade
6000: Osiris sam, Headquarters Management System
6666: kurush, Enhanced briefings
6876: h2o.AvA, MD Control

The File IDs below most likely make use of Page with same ID

7000: Cycrow, Community Plugin Configuration
7001: Jens Ka, MD-Libraries by Jens Ka
7003: Jens Ka, Taxi, Taxi
7004: Commander SAMU, Ranking XKPY
7005: Tiek, MORS MK1
7006: Euclid, UTProfit
7009: reserved
7010: Huefte, SpaceLootTransporter
7011: Huefte, Operating Costs
7012: Bishop149
7013: Gazz, Ring of Fire
7021: Gazz, Complex Cleaner / Modular Complexes
7222: Joubarbe, X-GPS
7023: furstukin, DB Recharger
7030: Gazz, NICE Interface Enhancement
7033: Gazz, Super Tractor
7034: Gazz, Follow me / Remember homebase + wingman
7037: Gazz, BIER Scanner
7038: Gazz, BIER Scanner
7042: clevider, Scan Target Asteroid or Ship
7046: Gazz, MARS Fire Control
7047: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (config)
7048: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (XTM data file)
7049: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (CMOD4 data file)
7050: Chandera, Jump Menu
7051: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (Multi-Galaxy-Mod / MGM data file)
7052: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (OOSR v2: TC vanilla data file)
7053: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (Time of the Truth / ToT / TotT Mod)
7054: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (X3 Rebalance Mod / XRM by paulwheeler)
7055: Gazz, MARS Fire Control (New Horizons Mod : Xchange Guild)
7070: DaOpa, Fleet Supply
7073: Gazz, Missile Data Display
7074: TECSG, Salvage Claim Software Mk. 1
7076: SpaceTycoon, Navigation Software ST1
7077: SpaceTycoon, Trade Software ST1
7081: Zypherg, Custom Wing Manager (intentional conflict) vukica, Custom Wing Manager Plus
7090: Gazz, Numeric Race Rank Titles
7091: silentdeth/morbideth Universe Asteroid Yields
7100: ThisIsHarsh, Explorer Command Extension
7100: Nicoman35, Explorer Command Extension v2
7101: ThisIsHarsh, NPC Bailing Addon
7102: ThisIsHarsh, Salvage commands & NPCs
7103: ThisIsHarsh, Manual Trade Extension
7104: ThisIsHarsh, Auto prep ships
7105: ThisIsHarsh, Ship killed notifications
7106: ThisIsHarsh, Invasion warnings
7107: ThisIsHarsh, Military Base Response revamp
7122: Joubarbe, X-Achievements
7171: Mysterial, All scripts/missions by Mysterial
7201: XaiCorp, general text
7206: XaiCorp, Missile Defense Hotkeys
7207: XaiCorp, Launch Fighter Drone Hotkey
7222: Joubarbe, X-GPS
7231: Nividium, Green Stations
7233: Nividium, Capture Stations
7234: Nividium, Auction Services
7236: Nividium, Warehouse
7237: Nividium, Sector Scanner
7238: Nividium, Auto Begger
7239: Nividium, Bribe A Pilot
7240: Nividium, Property Baron
7277: X420TokeAlot, Debris Repair and Utilize
7300: corbinbird, Abandoned Ship Spawner
7322: Joubarbe, X-Missions
7323: Joubarbe, X-Missions Reloaded (and X-Missions Overloaded)
7324: Joubarbe, Afterglow
7325: Joubarbe, Mayhem
7326: Joubarbe, Satellites Monitoring
7330: X2-Illuminatus, Customlog
7332: X2-Illuminatus, Autosave
7334: X2-Illuminatus, Terran Police Licence
7335: X2-Illuminatus, Release Passengers
7336: X2-Illuminatus, Add stations
7337: X2-Illuminatus, Hephaistos Corp. Station building service
7360: Dillpickle, Plot - ATF Outpost (intentional conflict) Terran Conflict plots for Albion Prelude
7401: Mailo, Shiploot
7424: Tatakau, Weapons Quickswap
7433: vukica, "The Evolution of a Financial Revolution" v4 by MarCon Company Names
7488: Military Tracking Scanner LV

7501: Cartel-Inc., Shield Hacker
7511: Ketraar, Ketraar's Real Pirate Syndicate
7520: arcana75, Resource-Free Factory
7521: arcana75, Nanite Hull Repair
7522: arcana75, Remove products from docks
7523: arcana75, Hack Station
7525: Lonark, Space Object Transporter
7529: morbideth/silentdeth, Wing Equip Like Fix and extension for upgrades
7531: uberex, Board Station
7539: Cycrow, Advanced Jumpdrive
7540: Cycrow, Advanced Thruster Control
7554: Killjaeden, Shipexpansion
7555: aXeL, Whitestar
7557: Cycrow, Move to Coordinates
7575: Hawkbs, Battlestar Galactica Ships
7600: gnasirator, Galaxy Explorer
7615: Gazz, Auto / Terran Jump
7622: Joubarbe, X-Mercenaries
7645: morbideth/silentdeth, TL Storehouse
7660: cyberfuzzie, Transporter trade
7740: S9ilent, SCA Ship Equipment
7741: S9ilent, Station Financial Manager
7742: S9ilent, Vocal Control
7743: S9ilent, Vocal Control
7744: S9ilent, General Insurance
7777: TrixX, X-Timelines (intentional conflict) Jack08, Improved Races 2.0
7810: Pelador, Dedicated Assistant Drones
7811: Pelador, Trade with Pirate Fence
7812: Pelador, Ware Hunter
7827: Falconek, Lost In Space
7901: ttl, Race Patrols
7902: ttl, Khaak Invasions
7903: ttl, Autoscan for Smugglers
7904: Seedz, Massive set home command
7905: Seedz, Broadcast return home
7906: Xiriod, Race Invasions
7907: Xiriod, Race Invasions
7908: Xiriod, Race Invasions
7909: Xiriod, Race Invasions
7910: Xiriod, Race Invasions
7911: Xiriod, Race Invasions
7920: Xiriod, Hack Target Systems
7955: Loky, Rename ships with Expression (RSwE)
7979: Equip ships by chms
7999: Jeff, ADAMS - ITT

8000: Lucike, Commercial Agent
8001: Lucike, Commodity Logistics Software
8002: Lucike, Missile Defense Mosquito
8003: Lucike, Automatic Target Acquisition
8004: Lucike, Dockware Manager
8005: Lucike, Economy and Supply Trader
8006: Lucike, Prospector
8007: Lucike, Travel Drive
8008: Lucike, Ship Hotkeys
8009: Lucike, Ship Tools
8010: Lucike, Military Transport
8011: Lucike, Hangar Manager
8012: Lucike, Security and Rescue Service
8013: Lucike, Pilot Union
8014: Lucike, CODEA Weapon System
8015: Lucike, Personnel Transporter
8017: Lucike, MEFOS Weapon System
8018: Lucike, Jump Beacon
8019: Sorenson, Stupendously Precise Entity Relocation Gizmo
8020: edwardecl, Manipulate Object
8050: BinaryBoy, JumpPoint
8051: BinaryBoy, Hive Shield
8080: Nividium, Camera Drone Spy
8082: Rob2222, HQ relocation
8091: Nividium, Asteroid Relocator
8101: Zanzal, Drone Mining and Trading System
8102: Zanzal, PwnMi
8116: Nicoman35, Install additional shields to stations
8206: reserved
8200: Osiris sam, Headquarters Management System
8222: Tim-O, Transfer Freight via Drones
8223: Tim-O, Station Storage Extension
8226: Orfevs, TCAN Main data
8227: Orfevs, TCAN Aspect Import Data
8228: Orfevs, TCAN Nameset Import Data
8250: ITFUncleDave, Point 2 Point Patrol
8251: rusky, Advanced Patrol
8276: akeelah, Universal Cargo Transfer
8300: ScRaT_GER, Teladi Information Service
8303: ScRaT_GER, Trade Overview
8316: klaatu, Cargo Delivery Service (intentional conflict) Vizerei, Empire Supply Logistics
8340: dillpickle, Sell Blueprints (intentional conflict) Interactive Plot Manager for Terran Conflict
8367: Marvelous3175, Yalamandis Corp. ship construction
8370: Teladidrone, The Marauder Shipyard
8371: Teladidrone, The Traveling Mechanic
8384: Litcube, The Phanon Corporation
8385: Litcube, Revelation
8389: Litcube, Bounce
8411: Carlo, Asset Summary Report
8412: Carlo, Display Ranks
8444: fud, Asteroid Creator
8446: fud, Advanced missile defense
8456: Axeface, Paranid Thanatos
8457: JaySus, Space Ships
8458: Axeface, Boron Lusca
8459: eldyranx3, ??? Terran Pirate Base
8460: eldyranx3, Terran Economic Stimulus
8461: Stealing Logi by eldyranx3

8501: Tatakau, Marine Repairs
8510: Serial Kicked, Anarkis Defense System / Anarkis Defense System - Real Wings Edition by Nicoman35
8511: Serial Kicked, Extended Communication System
8512: Serial Kicked, War Plugin
8513: Serial Kicked, Pirate Guild 3
8514: Serial Kicked, Yaki Armada 2
8516: Lazerath, LazCorp Crystal Free Solar Power Plant
8620: Loky, Advanced Hyper Drive (AHD)
8642: UniTrader, SNM - Ship/Station Names Management
8666: kurush, Missile Monitor
8685: apricotslice, Apricot Merge Mod
8686: apricotslice, Apricot Mapping Service
8687: apricotslice, Apricot Rename Hub Sector
8688: apricotslice, Apricot Tree SuperHub
8700: Mavor, Conflicts
8770: SymTec, X3-X3TC-Converter
8771: SymTec, Taxi Logistics
8772: SymTec, Extended Trade Command Software
8773: SymTec, MK3 Blacklist Manager
8786: Chem, Bombardier
8800: Ingame Tutorials by LV (please do not use 8800-8850 so i can port scripts over from TR)
8804: RRF by LV
8805: DMA by LV
8806: Forum Name Library by LV
8807: Self Repairing Hull Tech by LV
8808: Lordaeron, Command Console Extension
8813: (QRF) Player Resonse Fleets by LV
8815: Medusa RFMI by LV
8816: Special Marine Training Barracks by LV
8817: Player Response Fleets (not ready) by LV
8818: LV, Freight Transporter Upgrade
8821: NPC Boarding Forces by LV
8822: Jumpdrive Kits by LV
8828: Dock TS by LV
8831: Bounty Boost by LV
8832: Test Drive & Hire Centre by LV
8837: Imperial Laboratories by LV
8839: Imperial Laboratories MK4 by LV
8840: Carrier Drone Support Software by LV
8842: Apocalypse by LV
8843: Imperial Labs Collection Upgrade by LV
8844: Saetan, Factory Complex Constructor: X³:TC 2.5 Compliance Update
8845: Dusty, Factory Complex Constructor
8846: Escape Pods by LV
8847: Global Friend Foe Upgrade by LV
8848: reserved by LV
8849: Radiation Bomb by LV
8851: WindsOfBoreas. Remote Command Software
8852: WindsOfBoreas. Intelligent Targeting System
8853: WindsOfBoreas, Renaming Extension
8855: WindsOfBoreas, Weapon Select Extension
8856: MK4 UTs by LV
8857: WindsOfBoreas, Tachyon Wave Generator
8860: Medevel, Rename ships with Expression
8865: Nuclear Mines by LV
8875: Lazerath, LazCorp Claim Unknown Sector
8876: Lazerath, LazCorp Military Scanner
8880: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8881: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8882: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8883: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8884: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8885: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8886: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8887: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8888: Phlt, New Horizons Mod
8889: wildlynx, adv. Product Chaser
8897: Kitarn, Ship Clamper for TC
8899: EMP mod : LV/Digsin
8900: Draba, Universal Missile Complex
8910: Chem, String Functions Library
8930: InvrSmall, Extended Horizons
8931: InvrSmall, Wing Attack Commands "Attack Fighters" and "Attack Capships"
8971: 7ate9tin11s, Universe Explorers
8972: 7ate9tin11s, Improved Races
8973: 7ate9tin11s, Station Security Services
8974: 7ate9tin11s, Improved Kha'ak 2
8999: PaulP, Wing Trade Commands - Buy ware and Sell ware

9000: PaulP, Gateless Jump Hotkey/Command
9001: Skinmeister, Player-owned Xenon Hub Sector
9050: Shimrod, Smart Turrets
9051: Shimrod, Custom Start
9052: Shimrod, Beacon Jump
9055: Shimrod, OK Traders
9056: Shimrod; Replication
9011: Alex Vanderbilt, ISS
9110: Ketraar, Marking Unknown Sectors (MUS) (intentional conflict) SunBlade, Lost Numbers
9111: Ketraar, RSM - Random Sectors Management
9130: Ketraar, Lucky Heir
9200: spacefueladdict, Sector size & background Mod (conflict) XGamer, Automatic Moneytransfer to Station
9304: Juggernaut93, Automatic Rank Variation Checker
9305: Juggernaut93, Station Hacking Software
9306: Juggernaut93, Aran Finder
9307: Juggernaut93, Missile Transformer
9333: vukica, Lost Colony Expansion
9334: vukica, Military fight rank
9335: vukica, New Race Ranks
9350: ChaosRas, HKP Enhanced Missile Barrage & Transponder Interface Software
9400: Saetan, Enhanced Equipment Dock
9433: willyshop, station placement assistance
9450: EmperorJon & Mark_A_Condren, PSS (Economic Booster/The Trade Plugin/Planetary Support Stations)

9500: XTC, Galactic News System
9501: XTC, Galactic News System
9510: Pelador, Dedicated Assistant Drones
9521: Pelador, Convert Passenger to Marine
9550: Pelador, Player Workshops
9555: Argonaught., (X3AP) Menagerie Shipyard
9600: Cycrow, Turbo Booster
9601: Cycrow, Satellite Early Warning Network
9602: Cycrow, Wing Hotkeys
9603: Cycrow, Salvage Claim Software
9604: Cycrow, Improved Boarding
9605: Cycrow, Equipment Research and Development (intentional conflict) ubuntufreakdragon, Enhanched Equipment Research and Development
9606: Cycrow, Slipstream Drive
9607: Cycrow, Advanced Navigation Software
9608: Cycrow, Emergency Transporter
9609: Cycrow, Ware Manager
9614: Cycrow, Station Camper
9737: mark_a_condren, MarCon Ind Ship Onboard Computer System Interface
9738: mark_a_condren, Game Start Sector Reveal
9739: mark_a_condren, Asteroid Fusion
9740: mark_a_condren, Stock Exchange
9750: mark_a_condren, Universal Banking
9867: Tenk, Normandy
9868: Tenk, Normandy
9876: h2o.AvA, Organic Notoriety
9898: TEKing66, TSOG Missions
9899: TEKing66, Terran Covert Ops
9900: Euclid, UTProfit
9910: Logain Abler, Freight Distribution Network (FDN)
9911: Logain Abler, Strategic Sector Defence Network (SSDN)
9912: Logain Abler, Light Support Drone Carrier (LSDC)
9913: Logain Abler, Mobile Production Module (MPM)
9914: Logain Abler, Capital Ship energy cell Generator (CSecG)
9915: Logain Abler, Logain Industries Unified Menu
9916: Logain Abler, Global Production Report (GPR)
9917: Logain Abler, Freight Distribution Network Lite (FDNL)
9920 : qwizzie, Colored Claimable Ships
9921 : qwizzie, Sectormap Revamped
9922 : qwizzie, Sectormap Revamped
9923 : qwizzie, Sectormap Revamped
9924 : qwizzie, Sectormap Revamped
9925 : qwizzie, Sectormap Revamped
9926 : qwizzie, Sectormap Revamped
9927 : qwizzie, Sectormap Revamped
9939: RoverTX, Bad *ss Marines
9948: Killerog, KOG MOD
9949: killerog, X2 mod and KOG MOD
9950: killerog, X2 mod
9952: Cadius, X-Tra Ship/Station Pack
9953: Mechanis, Mechworks LTD Ship Pack
9960: qwizzie, X3 TC Universe Colored Map
9961: qwizzie, X3 AP Universe Colored Map
9990: jack775544, SDS: Ship Diagnostics Software
9998: Topcross, RoSp-Ships
9999: Cycrow, Librarys & Cheats

Text Page ID (Limited to IDs 7000-9999)

On closer inspection all listed Page ID's here so far had corresponding entry in the File list above, save some typographical errors on copying (and one set of erroneous entries not belonging here at all). Thus, until somebody really uses a textpage without corresponding textfile, this list remains empty.

Log File ID

07330: X2-Illuminatus, Customlog
07529: morbideth/silentdeth, plugin.wing.equip.like.upgrade
07530: morbideth/silentdeth, plugin.wing.driver
07531: morbideth/silentdeth, plugin.wing.go.buy.equipment
07532: morbideth/silentdeth, plugin.wing.cmd.equip.like
07533: morbideth/silentdeth, plugin.wing.cmd.equiplike.driver
07742: S9ilent, Vocal Control
07744: S9ilent, General Insurance
08000: Lucike, Commercial Agent
08001: Lucike, Commodity Logistics Software
08005: Lucike, Economics and Supply Trader
08006: Lucike, Prospector
08226: Orfevs, TCAN Debug log
08227: Orfevs, TCAN Aspect XML Export
08228: Orfevs, TCAN NameSet XML Export
08367: Marvelous3175, Yalamandis Corp. ship construction
08411: Carlo, Asset Summary Report
08513: Serial Kicked, Pirate Guild 3
08770: SymTec, X3-X3TC-Converter
08850: WindsOfBoreas, X3TC HUD Extended
08851: WindsOfBoreas, X3TC HUD Extended
08852: WindsOfBoreas, X3TC HUD Extended
08853: WindsOfBoreas, X3TC HUD Extended
09050: Shimrod, Smart Turrets
09056: Shimrod; Replication
09304: Juggernaut93, Automatic Rank Variation Checker
09910: Logain Abler, FDN
09911: Logain Abler, SSDN
09913: Logain Abler, MPM
Last edited by jlehtone on Mon, 30. Jan 12, 17:16, edited 69 times in total.

Posts: 21877
Joined: Sat, 23. Apr 05, 21:42

Post by jlehtone » Mon, 13. Apr 09, 16:28

Boardcomp. objects

Modders may add new objects, such as ships and weapons. Their textual descriptions are Text ID entries on Text Page 17. The game itself uses spurious ranges of Text ID's, and to make matter worse has more Text ID's in use on Text Page 300017 and 350017 for the same purpose.

Text ID's on Page 17

4415--4440: apricotslice, AMS
4443--4460: apricotslice, AMS
4463--4470: apricotslice, AMS
4473--4480: apricotslice, AMS
4483--4510: apricotslice, AMS
4515--4528: apricotslice, AMS
4772: Lucike, Jump Beacon
4803--4804: Lucike, Jump Beacon
5753--5754: Lucike, MEFOS Weapon System
5900--5911: XDV, Homeworld2 mod
5913: apricotslice, AMS
8303: apricotslice, AMS
8313: apricotslice, AMS
8456--8457: Axeface, Paranid M6 Thanatos
8458--8459: Axeface, Boron M7 Lusca
8601--8700: apricotslice, Apricot Merge Mod
9003: apricotslice, AMS
9305--9308: Juggernaut93, Hacking Spaceport and Hacking Techs Facility, Station Hacking Software
9801--9804: TEKing66, TSOG Missions
9867--9868: Tenk, Terran M6 Normandy
9869--9882: JaySus, Space Ships
12001--12299: Gazz, Complex Cleaner
12633--12634: Tiek, MORS MK1
12563--12564: Tiek, MORS MK1
19000--19999: SS_T, X1 Past and Future Mod (ship and weapon names)
20000--20200: Hawkbs, Battlestar Galactica Ships
25000—25250: Sand Raven, Homeworld Ships
50103--50126: XDV, Homeworld2 mod
50200--50220: XDV, Homeworld2 mod
55555--55556: aXeL, Apricot Merge Mod - Whitestar
73601: Dillpickle, ATF Outpost
80000--80069: killerog, X2 mod
81000--81999: killerog, KOG MOD
90000--91000: Cadius, X-Tra Ship/Station Pack
95000--96000: Topcross, RoSp-Ships
100001--100300: Argonaught., (X3AP) Menagerie Shipyard
250000--250099: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM/CPLS
250100--250199: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM
250200--250299: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM/PMTS
250300--250399: Roger L.S. Griffiths, AWRM
250400--250499: Roger L.S. Griffiths, Frontier Wars
300035--300037: Logain Abler, LSDC
300038--300041: Logain Abler, MPM
300042--300043: Logain Abler, CSesG
330021--330032: Logain Abler, FDN
330033--330034: Logain Abler, SSDN
340000--346000: Mechanis, Mechworks LTD
400000+: Plugin Manager, Custom Ware Text
500000+: Plugin Manager, Custom Ship Text

Gamestart ID's

120: ATF Agent Start, Seathal
125: AMS Start, apricotslice
126: Goner Gatherer Start, apricotslice
127: Khaak Intruder Start, apricotslice
128: Minbari Madness, apricotslice
129: Galactica Quest, apricotslice
190: ATF Captain, Snowship
191: ATF Admiral, Snowship
192: Pirate Profiteer, Snowship
193: Clan Warrior, Snowship
194: Atreus Tech, Snowship
195: Dukes Dupe, Snowship
196: Jonferco Chauffer, Snowship
197: NMMC Prospector, Snowship
198: OTAS Employee, Snowship
199: Plutarch Transporter, Snowship
200: Strong Arms Security, Snowship
201: Terracorp's Commodore, Snowship
202: Goner Split, Snowship
203: Kha'ak Invader, Snowship
204: Paranid War Priest, Snowship
205: Lost Split, Snowship
206: Teladi Defender, Snowship
207: Bounty Hunter, Snowship
208: Mercenary Leader, Snowship
209: Yaki Enforcer, Snowship
226: Pirate Prowler, TEKing66
227: Pirate Captain, TEKing66
228: Yaki Grunt, TEKing66
229: Yaki Captain, TEKing66
251: Miner Misfortune. dillpickle
252: Terran Trader, dillpickle
901: ATF Agent, Skinmeister

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