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Post by LameFox » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 06:22

Aven Valkyr wrote: How do I get the stock market moving?
As far as I know or can find written anywhere, you shouldn't have to. Some may be slower than others (f.ex. Boron are allegedly really slow) but if you can't see any stock markets changing at all then I guess maybe your install is broken.
Aven Valkyr wrote:How do I move an asteroid from postion A to position B?
I haven't done it yet myself but there's a tractor beam to do it with. It's a station class ware so you'd need your own TL to fit it on I guess, and you can get it in Ore Belt and a few other systems.
Aven Valkyr wrote:When I make a complex (not the Saturn hub) why don't the connection tubes pop into place?
Not sure about this, I've honestly always hated the vanilla ones too much to use them. >__>
Aven Valkyr wrote:Is it not possible to make a small scale complex without having to spend 150 mil on 50 factories? Or is dropping a Saturn complex the only way to do it?
If you're using the calculator (it sounds like) then below those preset sizes is a thing that lets you select different ones with arrows. It can definitely go below 50 if you don't want something that big.

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Post by Zaitsev » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 06:22

Aven Valkyr wrote:How do I move an asteroid from postion A to position B?
You need a TL with the Plutarch Tractor system installed, plus the necessary resources (e-cells, crystals and quantum tubes) on board said ship. Then you need the TL to be in the same sector as the asteroid you want moved, and once there you activate the tractor system (found under "General" in the command console), choose what you want to do (move or merge asteroids), choose target (either sector and position if you're moving or anoter roid if you're merging), click "Engage" and presto, asteroid moves.
Aven Valkyr wrote:When I make a complex (not the Saturn hub) why don't the connection tubes pop into place?

Is it not possible to make a small scale complex without having to spend 150 mil on 50 factories? Or is dropping a Saturn complex the only way to do it?
The factories will still connect as far as I know. The tubes seem to have been removed though, and I'm guessing it's because they caused a huge performance hit once you started connecting more than three stations.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Aven Valkyr
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Post by Aven Valkyr » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 06:37

holy crap so not only can I merge asteroids but I can move them to any position I want remotely?? Damn that's awesome. And so also, tubes have been removed? I can live with that. They were insanely annoying. So a question about merging asteroids then, if I have say one at 83 and one at 100, do both of them combined make it 183? Therefore eliminating the need for a bunch of mines..

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Post by Ferenczy66 » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 06:55

Aven Valkyr wrote:holy crap so not only can I merge asteroids but I can move them to any position I want remotely?? Damn that's awesome. And so also, tubes have been removed? I can live with that. They were insanely annoying. So a question about merging asteroids then, if I have say one at 83 and one at 100, do both of them combined make it 183? Therefore eliminating the need for a bunch of mines..
yes...exactly 183 would be the new yield.

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Post by Zaitsev » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 06:57

Aven Valkyr wrote:holy crap so not only can I merge asteroids but I can move them to any position I want remotely??
Yes. If you have enough resources on board you can move an asteroid from Getsu Fune to Mists of Elysium if you want to. It does cost more resources the further you want to move it, but once you can afford a TL you should have little trouble either buying or producing the stuff you need.
Aven Valkyr wrote:So a question about merging asteroids then, if I have say one at 83 and one at 100, do both of them combined make it 183? Therefore eliminating the need for a bunch of mines..
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 09:31


Zaitsev's replies pretty much covered your questions.

The Complex hub kits do require a Positive Terran rep and prices start from under a million for the Hub units depending on size required but be ready to make some really big expenditures as you will find the OCV plot will require the resources of several hundred million credits for the hubs to be properly equipped with stations.

A Quantum tube HUB X20 will cost 90.000.000 million credits in all. The hubs themselves are merely the premises not the factories themselves.

Late game you will be spending up to 400 million credits per hub to give you the resources you will need.

The good news is that you can auction of hubs that are to small once you have removed all the factories from them and selling them off and by reassigning the Ore/Silicon values back to the sector asteroids.

Failure to do this will see those values lost and the Sectors barren of resources so read the fine print on the flat pack manual carefully.

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Post by temetvince » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 16:12

Aven, iirc the mod won't even install if you don't have the no steam exe (assuming your game is installed through steam).

I understand reinstalling is a big burden, but the answer to your problems is your install is botched and the stock market is not going to work until you fix it, as well as the other problems.

Also, use a completely fresh install without mods.

Hope this helps! It's definitely worth it.

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Post by Kadatherion » Sat, 14. Mar 15, 23:00

So, I've been back to the game (after more than a year) this past month having noticed Litcube had released his total conversion. I've run 1.50 with several of memeics' tweaks, and I just had to stop by to say thanks: it's been an extremely enjoyable playthrough.

For the first time playing X3 with fleets and vast infrastructures didn't become a painful micromanaging hell, and that last battle I had against the OCV before considering the game "won" was one of the most epic and cinematic moments I ever had in a sandbox game (heck, I went there with a MLCC fleet of a dozen Astraeus, a few Boreas, an Excalibur with 36 Sirokos and a couple Aquilos sprinkled on top: that was... awesomely overkill :P ).

I'd like to take the chance to give a bit of feedback on the few (very few!) things that didn't totally convince me or that I think could be improved upon though, and a couple of trivial bug reports.

Repetitiveness: If I had to find one general thing "missing" in the whole feel of the game is that it feels a bit "grindy" at times. Having all the plots disabled (not that after all this time the vanilla plots are per se so important), as well as the Khaak being gone and all of the dangers coming from specific areas, can sometime cause a bit of repetition. It's good to prevent headaches with your UTs, for instance, but as you have to fight the same enemy over and over again pretty much always in the same places, it can get a bit tiresome. I believe that's an area which could be worked upon more, but I trust the EMS module will grow up in that direction spicing the universe up and increasing variety.

Phanon: They felt much weaker than their old standalone incarnation. Once you are flying an M2 they are not a threat in the slightest anymore: you can fairly easily clear their sector as soon as they spawn. While I like how there's much less missile spam than there was in the old version (which was the main reason why you couldn't take them out alone), I think something should be done to make at least the last 2-3 incarnations of the Phanon a bit more worrisome.
Even the last generation only had a couple M7s and a few M6s to throw out as hunting parties (which, by then, I could immediately take out camping the gate in Guiding Star), and the sector itself didn't feel much more fortified than in previous gens, 2 (or 3?) M1s, a couple M8s, the usual TL and fighter wings. Very easy to deal with.

It might be they are meant to be a threat earlier in the game, leaving the OCV for when you begin playing with the big guns, but with how I progressed in my game they felt a bit underwhelming.

OCV: They are super badass, they look super cool, and with memeics' tweak to their behaviour they are definitely not trivial or easy to exploit in their AI. You still can - sometimes - manage to bypass them taking out the station before really having to face them, though, so I guess something could be done to ensure battlegroups stay closer to the station, or maybe the station itself could be given some stationary defenses (OCV overpowered lasertowers?). I was definitely able to reconquer systems alone a few times simply jumping in the middle of the sector, destroying the station before they could get to me and rape me with their gamma kyons of badassitude.

Another (cheap) trick one could do to stop them in their tracks is putting a ring of fire around one of their gates (IE: the one in Tokyo Lambda to their home system): they seem to mostly ignore the lasertowers, except for the stray PX that once in a while gets caught trying to scoop up loot, and in the meantime all the deca fade collectors are taken out, effectively halting their advance further down the string of systems. BTW, the deca fades bail at an alarming rate: if you use such cheap trick their bailed ships will build up to the HUNDREDS in a matter of hours.
Bottom line: it's a cheap exploit, so you just have to avoid doing that, but I suppose it could be nice if lasertowers where recognized as valid targets by the battlegroups. A 360 ring of fire would still reap havoc in their lines, potentially giving the chance of reconquering a sector alone, but at least it wouldn't be a one time fire and forget "stop the OCV" button.

P.S. I know that when you defeat the OCV it's basically The End, not much else left to do, but still it feels a bit odd you don't get any kind of reward apart from the bounties you have collected in the meantime. I don't know, blueprints for the otherwise unobtainable OCV ships, maybe? I mean, if you have beaten them it means you have a fleet that can level the whole universe anyway, so there's no more "balance" concerns to take into consideration: just a badass toy to play with for a couple more hours before calling it quits, I guess.

Marines: With how the game scales economic wise, an old vanilla issue is back with vengeance. I began training a squad of 20 marines fairly early in the game, but when they were finally ready for some serious action I was already at the point where you think in terms of billions, and ship capping really isn't an interesting endeavor anymore. I did use them to cap a couple of Phanon M1s, but it was just for novelty of it, as the 100/200 millions the cap is worth my complexes were making in a few minutes in SETA.

I do like the simple vanilla training system, and don't really feel there's need for deeper approaches like the Marines Training and Repair script, but the training speed should be made a lot quicker imo.

Deploy Satellites Network: One of the first things you should do as in this mod everything depends on having property in sector. Which is fine and I like, it avoids lots of headaches with traders. However, for some reason this command does not consider the autojump settings of the assigned ship, which slowed down the placement of my network a lot, and also forced me to micromanage my explorer ships to prevent them from going 'round half the universe to avoid a xenon sector in between their actual position and next destination.
It should work with autojump, simple as that.

Saturn Hubs in complexes bug: To avoid cluttering of the property menu, I decided to put my Saturn hubs together in three megacomplexes, one for building materials, one for weapons and shields, and one for missiles and other amenities (jump cores, lastertowers, etc). When you put these hubs together the new complex leaves behind the E-cells surplus you had, so you might want to add another small saturn hub dedicated to energy to the mix (plus I wanted a BIG one in the shipbuilding materials one). For some reason the actual output once put in the complex is incredibily small though (like few hundred e-cells per cycle in one complex, even though the saturn hub I used should have crunched out something like 150.000 e-cells per hour).
From the looks of it I suppose the vanilla complex mechanic gets somehow confused, and maybe reads the e-cells output of the previously forgotten surplus from one of the other saturn hubs, instead of the energy one you jut put in.

No biggy, I added a standalone Saturn Hub to manage energy needs for my headquarters and MLCC docks, but it's something you might want to take a look into.

Jumpdrive cores and MLCC: This one is odd. For some reason, while everything else scales accordingly, as you add ships with jumpdrive cores to an MLCC dock, the capacity for jumpdrive cores gets capped at exactly 1388 units. Even though 9 M2s on a starliner dock, set to autostock 250 cores each, should amount up to 2250 for one full restock. No matter what combination of ships and stocks you use, that 1388 seems to be a hard cap. Every other ware (energy, missiles, etc) scales accordingly, as intended, instead.
I gave the M2s 250 cores instead of the 125 they need for one emergency jump to ensure the dock capacity was higher so that my freighters would keep busy stocking the dock with lots of spare cores, in case I wanted to have 2-3 engagements with the OCV in a row without having to wait for the stock to replenish after the first, but that odd cap got in the way.

That's it, all I can remember worth reporting from these several weeks of great fun. This is really X3 brought to its full potential, so, again, thank you for these countless hours of entertainment.

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Post by LameFox » Sun, 15. Mar 15, 02:36

If a UT gives me a 'Fuel resupply quantity is lower than jump energy required' error and I tell it to just get back to trading* will it eventually sell the wares it had already bought? They seem to hold on to them for a very long time, so I've been removing them manually at this point, but it's kind of tedious and a lot of the time if it's something fairly cheap I just tell them to drop it and make room.

*that is assuming its cargo hold isn't entirely full and that's why it can't refuel.

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Post by dizzy » Sun, 15. Mar 15, 04:39

Thanks for your feedback!
Kadatherion wrote: OCV: They are super badass, they look super cool, and with memeics' tweak to their behaviour they are definitely not trivial or easy to exploit in their AI. You still can - sometimes - manage to bypass them taking out the station before really having to face them, though, so I guess something could be done to ensure battlegroups stay closer to the station, or maybe the station itself could be given some stationary defenses (OCV overpowered lasertowers?).
Yeah, this is a known issue documented for my "better OCV patrols" tweak. I need to essentially change the logic so at least one battle group (headed by an M2 since that's how they organize with my change) should stay near the OCV Station. But in my game this wasn't a big issue, generally they were close enough that it was risky to jump in and take out the OCV station before the patrols intercepted.
Another (cheap) trick one could do to stop them in their tracks is putting a ring of fire around one of their gates (IE: the one in Tokyo Lambda to their home system): they seem to mostly ignore the lasertowers,
I would have to check the code to confirm it but my suspicion is that they ignore anything that is not a moving ship or building, like lasertower and satellites, since they leave the latter alone and giving the player 24/7 constant intelligence over their strength which is not very realistic. Having the player blind to what is going in in an OCV sector would add to the challenge. All other enemy factions (Xenon at least), seem to hunt them down but Phanon left one satellite in their sector for a long time.
BTW, the deca fades bail at an alarming rate: if you use such cheap trick their bailed ships will build up to the HUNDREDS in a matter of hours.
Oh yes, I had a Ring of Fire for a few game days in a sector in the Omicron Channel, interrupting their supply lines and then I had to capture and sell over 500 bailed #deca.fade ships, lol.
X3LU 1.5.2/1.7.0 Youtube series with: IEX 1.5b + LUVi, SIaF r7 (previously also used Phanon Plus 4.02, Revelation Plus 1.04, Diverse Game Starts - LU Edition)
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Post by pwated » Mon, 16. Mar 15, 15:34

Re. colour blind friendly colours - its a bit tough as there are many types of colour blindness but colours that are fairly reliable are ones used in things like traffic lights. E.g. a cold green blue is quite easy to distinguish from a warm red - for me anyway. As a general rule the more lurid the colours are the easier I find it to distinguish them so even for colours that look very similar to me (like warm red and green or "warm" blues and purple) I can tend to tell them apart if they are very vibrant.

Don't know if that's helpful!

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Post by Litcube » Mon, 16. Mar 15, 17:19

temetvince wrote:Hi Litcube! Long time no see :) I sent you a message on skype the other day but I think you must have been busy. Then I got busy myself and haven't checked again to see if you've responded.

Hm. Got no message... :(

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Post by jerkrage » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 02:19

Might be a silly question but i was looking high and low as how to open the SCS menu or Supply Command Software menu for my ships to supply them selves? Looking at the wiki for the mod it doesn't really say how. Thanks! Oh and love the mod so far btw amazing!

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Post by Aven Valkyr » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 04:53

Ok so I did do a completely fresh re-install of the game. Deleted everything (except saves) and copied the entire game to a new folder where it could be used separately. I installed the no steam fix, then installed LU. Then did the update. Then did the music. Everything seems to work pretty good. The stock market works albeit EXTREMELY slowly almost to the point where it's not worthit. My squad mates follow me when I jump, they jump as well. I've been having a pretty good gaming experience so far.

So now on to my next question. I have purchased and M7 and an M6 through running combat missions. I also have a TL and a handful of M3's for scouting and such. I have been doing the build missions and they have been great. However I also want to start training UT's. So I purchased cheap (under 300K) second hand haulers and fixed them up. Gave them all trade command 1,2,3 as well as best sell/buy, trading extensions, JD, quantum JD, and basically everything else they would need. I got all 3 of them set to do universe trading. I sent one to paranoid prime, the other to seizewell, and one to mars. The one in seizewell is working, where as the other 2 just sit there and their orders are set to "none". They don't sit there and search for best sell/buy like the one that actually works does. I double checked them all and they are all running the software. I have satellites everywhere now so that's not an issue. Is there something I need to do to get these guys rolling? Sorry I forgot to mention, they are actually sector traders, brand new to the trading world. Thanks

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Post by LameFox » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 05:15

I would try giving them the ST command again and check your message log to see if there is any sort of error message. When it fails outright and sets to 'none' I usually get one from them explaining why.

For instance I found that I could tell some sector traders to trade with a range of jumps before they could actually do that; any number above 0 and they would fly there but fail to start and send me a message saying they needed to be level 8. That can be easy to miss if you're doing something else when they arrive and report the error.

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Post by Cardoyle » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 11:30

They may not have anything to trade in those sectors if just starting off. Its best to train up Sector traders in small self contained economies first, some good examples are in the wiki, I.e Empires Edge, Credentia etc

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Post by Litcube » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 12:41

jerkrage wrote:Might be a silly question but i was looking high and low as how to open the SCS menu or Supply Command Software menu for my ships to supply them selves? Looking at the wiki for the mod it doesn't really say how. Thanks! Oh and love the mod so far btw amazing! ... dia_Update

Aven Valkyr
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Post by Aven Valkyr » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 15:47

LameFox wrote:I would try giving them the ST command again and check your message log to see if there is any sort of error message. When it fails outright and sets to 'none' I usually get one from them explaining why.

For instance I found that I could tell some sector traders to trade with a range of jumps before they could actually do that; any number above 0 and they would fly there but fail to start and send me a message saying they needed to be level 8. That can be easy to miss if you're doing something else when they arrive and report the error.
Hmm i think you nailed it here. The one that works didnt ask for a jump range whereas the ones that don't did ask. It said "set jump range 0,1". So I was like ok and set it to 1. I will try again with zero. So you figure empires edge? I will give it a shot. Ive put up MAD amonts of sations in the eastern argon territory. My ST's should be UT's in no time. I really like how lucrative the income making in this mod can be. I havent touched the stock market and bought at quasar, cerberus and mammoth all through running combats. Claiming ships has helped immensely. Now im at the point where i have a surplus of money. Im going to build up a fleet of about 30 UT's and get my rep increased especially with terran. I like how this mod gives you a reason to really get that massive fleet going. Im excited to "beat" the game and then try again as a trader :)

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Post by LameFox » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 16:29

It's always good to check the message log. A lot of things are explained in there that the game doesn't indicate in any other way, especially if you miss the brief audio announcements. Why traders have given up on life, where your ships disappeared to or why they're damaged, who is responsible for your missing satellites...

I used Ore Belt for most of my STs, and Heron's Nebula when I had more than one training at once. It doesn't look like much but they take energy cells to everything and ore from mines to that central dock which basically swallows it, then they reach level 8 pretty quickly and I change their jump settings and send them on their way (I don't wait for them to buy their own drives anymore).

Also if you want them to use your own stations to trade, you should make sure the station is set to allow your traders. I don't remember if that is on or off by default.

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Post by jerkrage » Tue, 17. Mar 15, 18:15

Litcube wrote:
jerkrage wrote:Might be a silly question but i was looking high and low as how to open the SCS menu or Supply Command Software menu for my ships to supply them selves? Looking at the wiki for the mod it doesn't really say how. Thanks! Oh and love the mod so far btw amazing! ... dia_Update

Wow thanks litcube didn't even know that existed even though i read the wiki a million times haha. Really awesome mod enjoying every minute of my x3 experience!

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