Cursor spinning

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Cursor spinning

Post by Honved » Sun, 12. Apr 20, 18:55

This sounds suspiciously similar to my own mouse/keyboard control issues. The mouse sensitivity is incredibly high, and I can spin the ship in circles with just a twitch of the mouse, even with the game's control sensitivity reduced from 50 to 20 in both vertical and horizontal axis. Tapping the "x" or "z" keys briefly to change speed results in either no change or a 30-50% jump in a single quick tap, so docking or any other maneuver is impossible: Stop, fight with the controls to re-aim the ship, speed forward (because it's "all or nothing"), then stop, re-aim the ship, and race forward again. Essentially, I've tried on three occasions to play it, and managed on the third try to crash my ship into the destination dock to advance the main plot one step, but then I had the same control problems on the station: the key controls work, but using the mouse to look anywhere but straight forward caused the camera view to spin.

This is a GOG install, on a fairly fast i5 processor, and a Logitech mouse. It works fine on every other game I've got, including X3:TC and AP. I've got no Internet service to the floor of the building where my gaming PC is set up, so it's a major hassle to tear it all down, then haul it downstairs for basic dial-up service, or to work after hours for a high-speed Internet connection. That means no automatic updates, and any reinstall or patch may require some serious effort. At this point, I've already given up on the game, but as a long-time fan of X3 would like to know if X4 has the same control code, in which case there's no point in me buying that either.

Alan Phipps
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Re: Cursor spinning

Post by Alan Phipps » Sun, 12. Apr 20, 19:55

I split this from a thread that was both old, not quite the same, and that thread's OP issue had been resolved.

Others are generally not seeing this and a mouse is hardly a rare input device for XR. Since you have eliminated the mouse sensitivity setting, it sounds as though your mouse or its mapping to the game is somehow in digital input mode (ie on or off) rather than analogue mode. Does that give you any clues?
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Re: Cursor spinning

Post by Honved » Wed, 15. Apr 20, 18:45

That might give me some info to work with if I can figure out where to apply or change it, but it's all fairly standard hardware (it's not like nobody else has ever used a Logitech mouse with the game before) with the default game and mouse settings (at least until I started trying to fix the problem), so I can't understand why this game isn't working properly but everything else is. I'm probably going to have to try a re-install, because it's pretty obvious that it works for 99% of the other players out there. Unfortunately, that involves hauling the system to work for the high-speed connection, so it won't happen until I get a clear day and a parking space near enough that I don't have to carry the computer 2 blocks to the car. Thanks for the reply.

Alan Phipps
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Re: Cursor spinning

Post by Alan Phipps » Wed, 15. Apr 20, 18:58

Before going to great lengths, first check your in-game control mapping for the mouse to check that all the roller ball/optical inputs are mapped for analogue and not digital input.
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