Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

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Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by D8alus » Thu, 1. Dec 22, 19:56

It’s been ages since I played, but is there anyway to stop the ship from “bouncing” when I release the throttle while moving slowly? It makes precision stopping extremely difficult when it reverse thrusts several meters each time I try to stop for item pickups or the handful of pinpoint scans.

Playing with controller using default controls.

Alan Phipps
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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by Alan Phipps » Thu, 1. Dec 22, 21:47

Calibrate the controller and set its deadzones and response delays to your preferences. Instructions should be with the controller instructions, on a support disk perhaps, or available on-line.
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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by D8alus » Thu, 1. Dec 22, 22:45

Didn’t help, but I think I see what’s happening. It doesn’t account for changes in orientation. So if you’re coming up on something and turn toward it to drift to a stop, instead of providing counterthrust to the direction of movement/inertia, it still tries to counter from the original orientation, which has the net effect of pushing away from the object it is facing.

Guess I’ll just have to live with it.

Edit: In simpler terms, when you turn and stop at the same time, it fires the front thrusters instead of the side. If that’s any clearer😅

Alan Phipps
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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 2. Dec 22, 00:04

Ah, do you have the in-game 'Flight Assist' option on or off? Try toggling it and see if that helps or hinders. Same with the in-game 'Gamepad mode' option if X3:AP or X3:FL. Which X3 game is this anyway?
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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by D8alus » Fri, 2. Dec 22, 05:21

FL and yeah, flight assist is on. I'll screw around a bit and see if I can work it out.

I just got X4, but it' I'm jumping back in X3 off and on since I actually know what I'm doing in it. :p

edit: Getting my games mixed up already...X3:FL does not appear to have a flight assist setting.

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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by Cycrow » Fri, 2. Dec 22, 10:44

There is no Flight assist in any x3 games.

The thrust will always be in the direction the ship is pointing, not in the direction it might be travelling. This is the same for any control method

Alan Phipps
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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 2. Dec 22, 11:24

I think the OP is talking more about drift decay being applied automatically on releasing the throttle to zero and not so much a deliberate reverse throttle setting that would indeed be logical to be along any new orientation.

Their expected result on simultaneous releasing of throttle and turning towards the target was a slowing drift along previous course with perhaps a gentle flight curve towards the target location as the forward throttle setting decays, but the described result is a reorientation with continuing drift and some actual curving away from the target location. That implies that reverse throttle was applied on release of the throttle and not just a decay to zero throttle. (If I understand the OP.)

That could just be an over-anxious throttle return spring bouncing it through a too-tight deadzone. :D The solution (I would think) would be to maintain some forward throttle while and after turning towards the target.

Yes sorry, the flight assist I was thinking of is in X Rebirth and not X3. I would still be interested to know if a gamepad mode toggle makes any difference.
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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by D8alus » Fri, 2. Dec 22, 16:54


Since I don't know how the physics engine is designed, I can only describe what it appears is happening. The expected behavior is that as I turn without thrust, the ship should continue in the initial direction as it slows, resulting in a straight line '"/" or even a slight curve toward the turn if I don't time the throttle correctly "(" . The actual behavior appears that the ship "slows down" in relation to its orientation rather than its direction of travel, resulting in something more akin to a "7" . No throttle controls are being applied after/during turning.

Alan Phipps:

No gamepad mode option that I can find either. As far as overactive throttle, this is just an xbox controller using the left trigger as throttle. It "shouldn't" be applying any reverse thrust on that trigger. Not saying it's not, just that it shouldn't. The indicator is showing the throttle set at 0.

Like I said, looks like I'll have to live with it. It's a minor situational issue anyway, but thanks for trying to help.

Alan Phipps
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Re: Controller throttle reversing ship when releasing trigger

Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 2. Dec 22, 21:26

Hmm, I was going by what dev Timon had said in various Linux or Mac threads about X3:AP (and hence X3:FL) and which I assumed applied in Windows too:

"Gamepad mode:
X3AP supports a gamepad mode tailored for the Xbox 360 controller.
If you have the controller connected it should be correctly enabled by default, if it isn't please report a bug and in the meantime clicking "Reset to Xbox controller" should enable it.
If you have a different gamepad you can still use the "controller mode", however you'll probably need to remap the axes and buttons in the config dialog."

I'm not having a good time recollecting my X3 play from so long ago. :(
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