Negative mouse acceleration in Reunion on Win11

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Negative mouse acceleration in Reunion on Win11

Post by Roenie » Thu, 20. Apr 23, 20:07

This is a two part question.

I used to play X2 with a Saitek X52 hotas. I don't want the clutter on my desk and find that aiming weapons with the mouse in TC is faster than using a joystick. So what I'm trying to do is steer the ship with WASD and aim the weapons with the mouse. I can do that in TC, but it's not working in Reunion thus far. In Reunion I can steer the ship with WASD but then can't aim the guns with the mouse. If in Reunion aiming the weapons with the mouse independently from the ship, taking the crosshair away from the center of the screen isn't possible (so that's actually my first question), in that case I want to steer the ship with the mouse instead of WASD for more precise aim and will need to fix the issue of negative mouse acceleration (2nd question).

Negative mouse acceleration in Reunion
I have negative mouse acceleration in Reunion on Win11. Moving the mouse very slowly makes the ship turn quickly and vice versa. It's very counterintuitive to play that way. Is there a way to fix this? My mouse is a Logitech G502 X and have tried without Logitech GHUB running, made no difference. Haven't tried compatibility modes yet but I doubt that'll fix it. The negative accel is applied when steering the ship with the mouse, it's not happening when moving the mouse around in the UI. TC doesn't have this issue on my system so I think it might be inherent to Reunion actually, which I have never played before. Picked it up on sale yesterday to complete my X collection.

Aiming weapons with mouse in Reunion
I can't aim the lasers with the mouse in Reunion, in contrast to TC where I can aim the lasers with the mouse. So either Reunion's ("Normal" start) starting ship's weapon mounts do not allow it and the ones in TC do (Terran Defender start, I doubt a small ship like that has turrets, so in both cases they should be "main guns" right?), or Reunion's mouse support isn't up to the same standard as TC and aiming main guns in Reunion has to be done by pointing the nose of the ship at it? Which of the two is it?
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Alan Phipps
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Re: Negative mouse acceleration in Reunion on Win11

Post by Alan Phipps » Thu, 20. Apr 23, 22:01

Regarding the negative mouse acceleration, make sure that you haven't bound an analogue device output to a digital game input, or vice versa. I don't know if that would directly cause what you see, but it wouldn't help.

If not that, then see if any in-game toggle options designed to reverse mouse inputs are having an undesired effect in this particular hardware/driver case.

Lastly, what does your mouse driver/control panel have to say on such sensitivities/accelerations?
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Re: Negative mouse acceleration in Reunion on Win11

Post by Roenie » Fri, 21. Apr 23, 00:43

Hi Alan, thanks for your reply.
Alan Phipps wrote:
Thu, 20. Apr 23, 22:01
Regarding the negative mouse acceleration, make sure that you haven't bound an analogue device output to a digital game input, or vice versa.
Nothing like that applies here... I'm not rebinding things or using input devices other than kb+mouse.
Alan Phipps wrote:
Thu, 20. Apr 23, 22:01
If not that, then see if any in-game toggle options designed to reverse mouse inputs are having an undesired effect in this particular hardware/driver case.
The only toggle like that, that I've used, is the one that inverts pitch. Disabling that doesn't solve the issue.
Alan Phipps wrote:
Thu, 20. Apr 23, 22:01
Lastly, what does your mouse driver/control panel have to say on such sensitivities/accelerations?
I don't use acceleration: it's not enabled in windows, nor in the mouse driver software. Sensitivity is set to midpoint in Windows and in the driver there is only the DPI setting that determines the constant speed.

Interestingly, TC has a "classic flight mode" toggle that when activated causes TC to in cursor flight mode (in which the ship's orientation follows the mouse without having to hold the mouse button) have the same mouse ship steering with inverted mouse acceleration as Reunion. And like Reunion you then also can no longer aim independently from steering even when you disable mouse follow mode, because classic flight mode is on. Same behaviour as In X3:R where the only available mode seems to be "classic". In TC outside of classic mode with mouse follow mode disabled you can aim the weapons with the mouse independent from ship steering.

In short, enabling classic flight mode in TC carries over both problems from Reunion to TC. The negative acceleration with mouse follow mode ship steering and the inability to mouse aim the weapons outside of mouse follow mode. Is a hotas the only viable option then, to play Reunion?

Tested with mouse polling rate 125Hz rather than 500Hz, negative acceleration didn't go away.
Tested with mouse DPI 400 rather than 1600, negative acceleration didn't go away.

If I can somehow make Reunion let me aim with the mouse seperate from the ship's steering the negative acceleration in cursor flight mode (where the ship follows the cursor) becomes a non issue, because I won't be using follow mode as I'd be able to just steer the ship with WASD. Without that separation I can't use WASD to steer the ship because with aim tied to the ship movement WASD is too inaccurate.

Maybe there's a mod out there that adds TC's mouse weapon aim to X:R? I've searched for a bit, haven't been able to find one yet.

Edit #2:
Found this searching the Trilogy subforum:
RAVEN.myst wrote:
Mon, 27. Jun 16, 07:12
A thought occurs to me: in X2, the mouse interface was appallingly bad for combat, and the game really required a joystick. This problem persisted into X3 Reunion, but since X3TC, the mouse interface has been vastly improved
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