[Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

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[Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by Hairless-Ape » Mon, 19. Feb 24, 12:39


  • Renegades is the latest in the Mayhem 3 line of mods and is a fully complete Albion Prelude add-on providing new features, numerous bug fixes, and creative enhancements.
  • Built on top of Zero Hour 2.2, Renegades has ALL the features of the previous Mayhem 3 releases and more.
  • Renegades is geared largely towards improving the operation of Fighters and their focus in the game. Fighters have been enhanced, and their Support role features have been extended and fixed.
  • The initial Release is a FULL install and very large (4.3 GB). It encompasses everything from Litcube, Joubarbe and Hector0x.
  • Much additional work has been done to add Quality of Life enhancements and to enhance some of the main game play elements. I welcome your feedback.

Without Hector0x, this release would never be possible and we all owe him a thank-you for his dedication. Hector0x is taking a minor break from Zero Hour, but will likely return with new awesome features in the future. Until then, I give you Renegades to satisfy your craving for More. This is a new release and I'm one old guy. It's easy for me to miss things and as always, you are the beta testers. Hopefully it's solid, but there are some extensive changes and no developer can see everything coming. Please report any release oriented bugs and expect it to be a little rough the first time though. I would greatly appreciate any bug reports to be a private message to me and rest assured,I will get on it. Plot related Bugs or issues/enhancements have not been addressed in this release. If Hector0x provides any plot fixes, I will integrate them. I may touch on them much later if Hector0x doesn't. Renegades is a work of love, on my own time and it has required an extensive amount of time to prepare for you. Please be gentle with your comments :) Thank you.

1. Download: Renegades 2.5 (Full Zip Download) or (Google Docs Download)
2. Latest Incremental Release: Release Version 3.0 (4/20/2024)
3. Latest Patch: Patch
(Note: The 3.0 release includes ZMap 1.7.7)
  • Extract each of the above, in order, to your Mayhem 3 folder.
  • Run Cleanup.bat
  • Create a new map with ZMap (If you don't, the new sound effects for the new Renegades feature won't be there, and displayed version information on your load screen will be wrong, but otherwise it's still playable with an old map)
  • Start a New game. Required.
Optional Zero Hour sector backgrounds pack:
---> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-yfpHa ... 0XHDf/view
Note that Cat/Dat files are numbered to match a stock Mayhem 3 installation without any submods and bullet/ship trails not having been disabled by the user.

Note: This is a Complete patch on top of Albion Prelude. You no longer have to install Litcubes universe or it's patches or the other items Mayhem 3 typically asked for. They are all here. Just be SURE to run the Cleanup.bat file as noted below, or things may not work well.
  • If you already have Mayhem 3 Zero Hour installed, just overwrite it with this archive, apply any patches or new incremental releases, generate a new map, start a new game, and you're good to go. Otherwise, read on. (Note, be sure to delete any old /addon/types/TShips.txt file you may have)
  • Go to the X3AP steam properties and makes sure the game is in English. Turn the bonus package option OFF as it's not compatible with Mayhem 3
  • Install X3 and copy the entire game folder to a new folder (C:\Mayhem 3)
  • Download and Extract the Renegades main 2.5 archive over the top of your installation (link above).
  • Download and Extract any incremental Release over the top of your installation (link above).
  • Download and Extract any incremental Patch over the top of your installation (link above).
  • Run "Cleanup.bat", which you will find in the root folder (C:\Mayhem 3\Cleanup.bat). This removes old .pck files and old load screens that came with X3AP. Note, the Litcube install used to do this.
  • Copy your "No Steam" X3AP.exe to your folder. This can be found at https://www.egosoft.com/download/x3ap/bonus_en.php
  • Run ZMap to create your first working map (see below)
  • You're done. Enjoy.
Initialize the Map system
From here on out, you MUST use ZMap to create all your maps. Many Zero Hour and Renegades features were built on things only ZMap provides.[/i]

Create a ZMap
  • Run ZMap. (/ZMap/X3_Mayhem_Galaxy_Generator.exe)
  • Select your install folder. (C:\Mayhem 3)
  • Select your save game folder (C:\Users\yourlogin\Documents\Egosoft\X3AP\save\)
  • Select whatever options you want (defaults are fine) and click "Generate Systems". You can repeat this over and over until you like the map.
  • Click various icons at the top to turn on/off sector attributes and terran systems from the displayed map. This will not affect the actual map.
  • You can re-Generate only the Gates or System stats with the 2 provided buttons without changing the system layout.
  • Click the "Save/Load Galaxy" button.
  • Enter a name for your new map just to the right of the "Save" button (or click Random for a random name)
  • Click "Save"
  • SELECT the map you just created in the left column.
  • Click "Set Active" - This copies any Selected in the Saved Galaxies list to the game folder, which is what makes it active.
  • Exit the Editor.
  • Run Mayhem 3. (X3AP.exe - nosteam version)
Last edited by Hairless-Ape on Tue, 7. May 24, 14:12, edited 46 times in total.
Out of my mind. Back in 5 minutes.

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[Mayhem 3] Renegades - FEATURES

Post by Hairless-Ape » Mon, 19. Feb 24, 12:41

Latest Incremental Release (V3.00)

New Features and Fixes
The main Renegades Plot has been added. FEAR the Renegade!
  • There is now a new mystery to be solved, dangers to be faced and benefits to be reaped. Late game, Renegades will no longer be content to wait in distant sectors hoping to catch one of your ships. They will become more aggressive and seek you out as your military power grows. Solve the mystery, but be careful, as opening this can of space worms can make you or break you. Commonwealth reports have been coming out regarding a hidden base being used by a group of trouble makers. Operating from within their hidden sanctuary, they pose an increasing threat and will continue to harass you unless you finally put a stop to it. It is rumored that their home system is inaccessible by everyone but them, but surely there must be a trick to it. Destroy what renegades you can find, and gather the clues they leave. If you succeed, you can end their threat forever and possibly gain something special from learning their secrets. If you fail, you will find that Space can be a very cold place to die. Note: Renegades can be turned off using the in-game Cheat menu. This will prevent any new renegades from being created.
  • Production messages are no longer sent to the player Message log book. This was getting cluttered with hundreds of useless ship or station creation messages.
  • Added an AUTO-SAVE Feature! Yes, it will now automatically save your games in rotating save slots 11, 12 and 13. You can set the interval in the 9973 config file. It is off by default. The enable is in the Cheat menu in-game.
  • When a sector becomes abandoned either through destruction of all stations or manually abandoning it, this sector can no longer be conquered by any of other NPC factions for a 24 hour period of time. This allows the player to pursue a scorched earth policy when invading a major faction so that the enemy is not constantly back-filling systems for free that you already purged. If a race destroys a sector or abandons one, they alone can claim or reclaim that sector without a delay. This period is adjustable in the 9973 file but defaults to 24 hours.
  • Destroyed Pirate bases now drop half of their station wares regardless of any setting in the 9972 file.
  • Updated column sizes for outpost logistics ship display lists.
  • Stripped colors from fleet ships displayed under fleet leaders in the Fleet Settings Screen to improve performance.
  • Fixed an issue where non-fighters were being assigned as support ships when joining a fleet. Also removed code that attempted to send ships to secondary carriers but never to the lead carrier.
  • Fixed issue where fighters trying to find a carrier in a fleet would also now consider the fleet leader to be a viable landing place.
  • Support ships would continue to attack a target even when extremely damaged. Support ships will now break off from an attack allowing them to dock up for repairs, provided they are not under direct fire.
  • Some automated ships that can be home-based at stations that are NOT outposts (such as an explorer homebased at an advanced satellite factory) were going back to their station for repairs and sitting there indefinitely because non-outposts do not repair ships. These will now return home and then go to the nearest outpost and when done repairing (or inspecting), they will return to their homebase station.
  • Added the "Attack Stations" command for individual large ships. Prior to this, to get a ship to automatically attack all stations in a system, they had to be part of a fleet action.
  • Changed description of the "Double food consumption" perk to "Triple Population Growth", which better describes what it does, rather than what it costs.
  • Selling agents were not properly using full trade range when set to "all reachable factories". Also sped up process a bit.
  • Changed jump beacon restrictions on hard mode to allow the player to place them in Commonwealth owned space, provided the players notoriety is at least at level 6 (3,333). On other modes players can drop beacons wherever they want. Also raised default number of jump beacons to 6.
  • Changed the advanced engineering perk to be 2x production time instead of 6x. This wasn't much of a perk.
  • The ability for a Player with Infamy to declare a truce with an enemy is now allowed, provided the player's overall military strength is double that of the enemy they are making peace with. While the enemy may not trust you, power has it's privileges and if you want peace, you get what you want. Note, faction military power levels are only computed every 8 hours due to the CPU cost of the operation.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Message log to lock up when the name of the message Author was colored.
  • Fix provided by Betelgeuse97 for when you are siding with the OCV. "Sectors do not lose claims. Sectors do not become protectorates. Reputation with other factions is not reset to neutral. Before, siding with the OCV wouldn't give extra manpower. This has been fixed by providing twice as much manpower."
Updates included from the last Patch:
  • Fixed "Close Bonds" mission so that it can now be completed. The player must still drop a jump beacon in the first phanon sector, but this will be converted to Phanon property and this will complete the mission.
  • There was a problem after attacking Neutral Traders with your ships, where those attacking ships of yours would continue attacking other Neutral traders if set to attack-all-enemies.
  • Made another attempt at fixing reported lockup condition where your player ship is under fire while exiting a system.
  • Support fighters were docking up periodically if their carrier was attacking a station. They now stay in space and continue attacking like they are supposed to.
  • Fixed automatic fleet repairs. In some cases, fleet ships were ignoring your fleet settings to go repair or be inspected.
  • Hard level, Beacon count restriction was allowing you one less beacon than it should have.
  • Tugs no longer put "Captured" in front of the ship name.
  • Fixed condition where a blank message would be sent to the player. This will corrupt your message log and requires you to start a new game if you started yours prior to 3/11.
  • Changed Default Power Nation status goal from 800 to 2000 due to the more accurate ship point assessment being done now. (new game required)
  • Fixed an issue where the new Cargo level display feature was making any Player Log messages appear blank if those messages included the ship name. This will corrupt your message log. Clear it.
  • Added better warning for using a jump station perk.
  • Changed renegade ship name to start with "Renegade"
  • Improved tug sector search time by 50%
  • Added a temporary fix to properly update and set the number of jump stations you have when you click the jump station perk.

Latest Patch Notes (6/1/24)
  • 6/2/24 - Fixed issue with Agents trading out of system when trade range set to Local. Slightly decreased the required minimum avg empire separation range before "enemy coordinated" invasions would form and attack the player. Added setting in 9973 file for extending default Looter range out to 10 jumps.
  • 6/1/24 - Fixed an infinite loop lockup condition where a Nomad M3 was attempting to dock at a Nomad M6 Heavy Osprey. Reported by Negmek.
  • 5/24/24 - Fixed Split Cougar Raider hull points.
  • 5/23/24 - Removed color from all 'delayed' messages sent to the player logbook. This is an attempt to determine if this is the source of the player logbook lag issue.
  • 5/18/24 - Fixed issue where colored outpost names prevented creating a working save game when you saved at an outpost
  • 5/7/24 - Carrier repair for fleet ships has been fixed. Carriers should slowly repair other fleet ships in space around it, provided they are not in battle.
Release V2.6
Renegade Incursions
Angered by the expansion of a non commonwealth competitor in the universe, these Renegades have formed a loose coalition of forces intent on slowing your progress and bringing purity back to the stars. Focused on hit and run raids, these cowardly renegades will periodically hit your vulnerable forces in remote locations. Like ghosts, they strike without warning and usually disappear back into society soon after they appear. They are limited in number, always strike alone, and are quick to run from a real fight. They use the new advanced sector scanning algorithm developed by the Goners and seldom miss a mark. They also favor the Raider class vessels which are considerably stronger and faster variants from the norm. It is rumored, that if you can find and actually destroy one, they generally carry rather valuable sums of cargo. Renegades will appear early game but drop in numbers mid to late game. Their numbers and strength vary based on the difficulty level you play at. Catching one can be difficult, but rewarding. Renegades have no problem targeting and removing your satellites or vulnerable haulers. They are difficult to spot until they decide to act. Guard your slow haulers and consider remote satellites... expendable.

Jump Beacons and Perks
Significant work has been done here to provide a more challenging experience on Hard difficulty level play. These changes force the player to treat jump beacons and jump station perks as limited resources and with some restrictions on placement that will push the player to think more strategically in both how they expand, and where they place these. New tactics and strategic planning will be necessary. On hard difficulty, no longer will you be able to plop a Jump beacon down in the middle of your enemies and then zorg-rush your entire fleet to overwhelm them, only to disappear easily when countered. The A.I. can't do it, and you won't be able to either. For all difficulty levels, jump beacons and jump station perks will be limited in number that you can have, but configurable in the 9973 config file to suit your preferences. Pirates will now periodically target and attack your Jump Beacons. You will get a brief warning, but yes, they now go after them once in a while, so guard them well.

More Enhancements:
  • The player's "Follow" option always follows targets FAR too close, to the point where you seem to always collide. This has been adjusted to around 5k and it's a much better follow distance.
  • The Logistics Overview was not taking into consideration the Energy Cells you produced from the Solar Perk. This is now added to the totals.
  • Outpost looters will no longer blindly go looting in systems full of pirates. A looter will now try to avoid looting in any system that has 3 or more of any combination of Pirates, Kha'ak, OCV, or Xenon.
  • Increased the chance of achieving nation status from 33% to 50% for each of the 3 criteria that it checks every 8 hours.
  • Total Fleet Strength (value) for a race is now based on each ships actual Value property, and no longer are fixed values based on class used. Some ships of the very same class are twice as good as other ships in the same class and yet the old system gave them all the same point value when determining fleet strength. It is now far more accurate. Fleet strength determined Nation status and also used in a few other areas.
  • I've added a new Dynamically updated Display just to the right of your ship name indicating it's Cargo level. This is for Transports only. It looks something like this: MyFullShip [.........] or MyEmptyShip []. Note, this is updated only once a minute, so it doesn't change instantly due to a limitation in the game engine. This feature can be turned off.
  • The Good Neighbor perk has been adjusted to provide far more reputation gain.
  • Added an additional Jump Station Perk reminder that it is a limited resource.
  • SEE latest Patch notes below for even more fixes.
  • Fixed a bug limiting you from docking at a station that had a lot of docked ships, and you had a docking computer.
  • 24 hour restriction on Warlord spawning was applying to NPC's killing pirate bases as well, and this needed to be Player-Only kills.
  • Jump Beacons are now at 7500 volume. Your initial TL is now seeded with 2 of these instead of 3 in order for it all to fit on the smaller TL's.
  • Fixed the Defend Position command to ask for both Sector and Position and so that it doesn't say "command accepted" before you're even done.
  • Fixed issue where Advanced ships were allowed to be both scanned or blueprints received from recycling them.
  • Fixed a Bug where your first outpost would not get resources if you used the "Drop Station At" command for it.
  • Militia fighters that became damaged would dock for repairs but would block all outpost building activities while doing so (previous patch item)
  • Fixed bug that made large ships (M7 or larger) using it's main front turrets would occasionally stay out of range when attacking outposts. (previous patch item)
  • Fixed ZMap bug where it would not activate a map that it thought was already activated.
  • Fixed Cleanup.bat to also remove bad .pck files causing incorrect spoken system names in the game.
  • Various fixes to support fighters

Initial Release (V2.5.0) Features and Enhancements
Note: I have listed out changes and enhancements to Fighters in a completely separate section below, as fighters were the focus of this release. While I've done my best to include many fixes in general, and some general changes to game play to hopefully improve the experience, the main focus for the Renegades release has been Fighters. It should be noted, that Fleet fighters constitute fighters simply added to any fleet and they operate in a very specific manner. Support Fighters are those that those with their home-base assigned to a Carrier, and they operate under a totally different set of rules. Support Fighters represent the Projection of Power for a Carrier. They act for the carrier only, and can be repaired and inspected at the carrier.

Changes to existing Game Play are those I felt suited my own play style best and similar to those changes Hector0x made to Joubarbe's original work, may be somewhat controversial. We each have our goals and things we want to see and so I've done what I can to embrace the series and make it into something I love even more. I sincerely hope you do as well.

New Features or Enhancements
  • Install - Created an integrated full install, that encapsulated all the different steps and sub-installs. You no longer need to install Litcubes universe, it's patches, or even Zero Hour.
  • Logistics - Large Ships in fleet with a Player owned Carrier as fleet leader will automatically repair slowly. A carrier acts as a space bound repair hub for it's larger fleet components when not in battle.
    The standard hull amount is repaired approximately every minute. See ID 155 in the 9972-L044.xml settings file for repair amount. To be qualified for repairs, the ship must be with the fleet, not attacking, not docked and not be a Fighter class ship. Only a Carrier class ship repairs space-born fleet members, even though TM's and M2's may also have carrier repair modules for their docked support ships. The carrier is special in this role. A Carrier repair module is required, which is standard equipment on a carrier.
  • Outpost traders were being restricted to 1 trader per ware, even if spare traders were available. For bulky items that required a lot of jumps to retrieve, this is a severe bottleneck. Raising import levels does not solve the problem if you have consistently higher demand than one trader can supply. Allowing other NPC traders at your stations is not always a desired player option either. This has been improved moderately by allowing up to 2 traders to import/procure a given resource. This boon is for Players only and does not apply to NPC traders.
  • New "Friendly Neighbor" Perk. Once you get bad relations with another race, it can be a difficult task to repair it. Dropping an outpost next to another race can damage your relations, limiting your trade and travel options. This perk will slowly repair damaged relations up to a "Neutral" status allowing your safe travel and trade with another race. Relations improve each hour a small amount, and will improve by 1000 points total every 24 hours. This Perk has no effect with races that you are at war with, or in a permanent war with. It is intended to slowly repair low reputation, but not counteract a war. This perk will not affect wars, police licenses or loyalty points with other factions. Any repeat harassment of a neighboring race, once this perk has started repairing reputation, will result in a temporary suspension of the perk towards that race for a full day. This is to prevent the player from farming kills.
  • Logistics Improvements. Player Logistics agents can now utilize distant player owned jump beacons to extend their range to those systems. Prior to this, maximum trade distance for your logistics agents was limited based on actual number of gate jumps and limited to the value set in the 9973 file (ID 103), which was 8 jumps. Extending this range further would impact performance greatly as it searches for valid trades in EVERY factory within that range. With this change, a player owned logistics agent in a system with a jump beacon (or jump-perk station) will now also search player owned systems outside the normal range, that also have a jump beacon/perk. This allows the player to utilize systems completely on the other end of the map without the need to setup "additional" dedicated outpost-to-outpost logistics agents to move goods. Note, Only player owned target systems having a beacon are considered, not any surrounding systems even if you own them. Note: Applicable only when the source/destination of the agent is set to "reachable Factories".
  • Underfunded Maintenance costs will now also draw from your Outposts funds prior to damaging all your ships. If your player account funds get too low, and maintenance costs for that cycle are more than you have, the game currently damages all your ship hulls as payment with no warning whatsoever. This can be very frustrating when you may have additional funds located in your outposts that you could have transferred if you had a warning. Now, if the player funds are not sufficient, this will go through each of your player outposts (not factories) and transfer money to your player account one at a time until you have sufficient funds to pay the bill. While this may leave an outpost with no funds, forcing you to manage it, it is highly preferable to damaging all your ships with no warning.
  • Pirates would wander around seemingly ignoring targets and then move on after 1 scan. Pirate logic has been altered to allow a pirate ship to search for targets at multiple locations within the sector before moving onto a new sector. Prior to this, pirates would move to one spot, scan once and move onto an adjacent sector. Pirates will now actively look to harass [TL] class ships as well. Pirate chances of looking for a Fighter to attack have been raised from 2.5% to 10%, but will still look for haulers as a priority. This change will improve pirate efficiency, and compensate somewhat for scanner limitations.
Changes to existing game play
  • Fighters and M6 class ships will no longer automatically attempt to dock at the fleet leader if they are not the fleet leader's actual support ships.
  • Any docked ship being repaired by a carrier will have a maintenance factor of 100% and will not require inspection.
  • Changing home base for a ship: behavior changed. Any ship that you home base to a dock-able ship will Automatically become a Support ship. If The ship is not capable of docking there, it's home-base setting will be removed as there is no reason to home-base a ship to another ship that won't allow it to dock. If the ship being home based is in a fleet, it will be removed from that fleet in favor of it's new role as a support ship. If you have a fighter sitting around, in a fleet or not, and you change its home base to a Carrier, it will go join the carrier in a Support role. Note, that because of the mechanics of the game there is no way to ensure there is available docking bay space for the ship at it's new home, but regardless it will be placed in a support role. So now, if you capture an abandoned fighter, just assign it's home-base to a carrier and it will automatically join it as a support fighter, name itself correctly, and dock up and repair. This operation can take up to a minute or so to occur.
  • All players now start with the low end Carrier blueprint (Yaki Galleon) research completed. This allows the player to utilize carriers earlier, which can be a useful tactic. This feature is offset by the poor performance of the Galleon, and it's massive population cost to crew one. Note, population requirements for all Yaki ships has been double normal, unless you have infamy, in which case it is half of normal. This has been the case since ZH 1.9, so (hint hint) you can get a huge discount on population drain for this ship if you have some infamy.
  • Huge ships (M1, M2) now come with a Triplex Scanner. The idea here, being that powerful radar equipment exists only on major ships capable of housing the equipment. All Military Transports (TM) now get a Transporter device, ensuring they can always be used as a Fleet supplier if needed: Prior to this, some had it and some didn't. Big and Huge ships now come with Docking Computers as standard equipment. AI ships no longer get a Triplex Scanner unless they are also Huge. Prior to this, they all got one.
  • Raised maximum possible support fighters for the fortress perk from 4 to 8. Reduced number of laser towers for fortress perk from 15 to 6. These did not res-pawn and were not very effective. Changed some other defaults.
  • Explorer range was highly restricted. This is no longer true. Explorers can now extend out to 15 jumps from their home. Tug range has also been extended to 15 jumps.
  • Big and Huge ships will now be produced with an initial random selection of compatible missiles and chaff. These initial missiles are free and do not require the missile manufacturing perk. Additionally, this loadout is ALSO set for the resupply values for the ship so you don't have to manually set those for every ship. Note, that the game missile allocations are somewhat random and not always optimal but I still view this as an improvement over starting with zero missiles and no resupply amounts set.
  • Jump Beacons size been changed from "Station Container" to "Small Container", and their volume has been increased from 3,000 to 10,000. Given Jump Drives were removed from the game entirely, I felt that Jump beacons needed to be a bit easier to use. This change allows you to transport, deploy, or pick up a Jump Beacon with a normal TS, rather than being forced to use a huge and expensive TL sized ship. One reason for this change, is that the ware size was only 3000, which didn't really need a TL sized ship to carry it. The only reason it did, was the Container Size was set to force a TL class hauler. Another reason for this change is simply to make it easier to move them around easily and rapidly. The primary reason for this change is the Tactical deployment of jump beacon prior to a battle. Because Jump Drives were removed from the game, Player Fleets are forced to trickle through one ship at a time resulting in being picked off easily by an NPC fleet. While this can be offset by sing a small ship to lead enemies away from a gate, it isn't a good solution or always workable. Normally, for a serious battle, players would push in a TL with a Jump Beacon, deploy it and then immediately jump their entire fleet into the sector. This change allows you to accomplish this without having to use or risk your expensive and slow TL class transport in the process. The beacon volume has been increased so you can feasibly only carry 1 or 2 of these at a time in a TS sized hauler.
  • Added Flail Missiles to Terran and Phannon. This was the only race that didn't have a Barrage missile. The "Barrage" action is still unavailable.
  • Added a small 3d object immediately above an outpost when that outpost has the Jump Beacon Perk.
  • All ships other than non-military transports and [M5] will now have their turrets default to "Attack Enemies" instead of "Missile Defense". The player's startup ship is not included in this change.
  • Changed some default colors (I.E. workers are now defaulted to Cyan)
  • New Player Factories are no longer prefixed with "Your", as this was redundant.
  • Ships captured with the "Capture Ship" command will have their homebase set identical to the capturing ship and will return to that home. Captured ships in this way will also be colored.
  • An Outpost with a high Ship Specialization level will "refund" some population back to the outpost building the ship. This is not reflected in the displayed population cost or population requirements to build the ship, but will occur when the ship is completed resulting in less population being taken from the outpost. Highly efficient outposts that produce ships will use less population.
  • Miners are now more efficient.
  • The Pirate Warlord that randomly spawns from killing any Pirate Outpost is now restricted to a maximum rate of once every 24 hours. This prevents the "save and retry" workaround, which is gaming the system.
  • Removed all logic that slowed down a Fleet commander to wait for fleet followers. There is nothing worse than counting on your fleet to reach an objective, only to later find out it's nearly come to a halt waiting on one useless damaged fleet member. If you have a damaged fleet member, they 'should' be automatically sent for repairs if fleet settings are set that way, and it should not be a tactical burden to the fleet.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue where ships with main guns (not just turrets) that had ranges well above 10k would first close the distance to their targets until they were about 9-10k away before actually firing. Reported by VoidSoul.
  • Fixed the "Combat / Defend Position" command, which was not executing properly.
  • Fixed issue with recycling station that has no actual resource needs. Like the SPP.
  • Fixed Fleet Suppliers. This was broken badly and would often result in excessive backorders of missiles that were aleady stocked, some fleet ships never being restocked, as well as extremely slow missile gathering process across player outposts, one missle type at a time.
  • Fixed "Drop Station At Location" command. This was bringing up the wrong sector for station positioning and showing the wrong command string.
  • Fixed Militia Fighters. The command string is now correct. If you ordered a Militia fighter to be inspected or repaired, it would do so but never resume it's duties. It will now also move in for repairs if it becomes severely damaged.
  • Renaming an Outpost which had a Colored name would remove the color. It is now retained.
  • Fixed instability in the Turret Firing Scripts causing lockups during large in-system fights. This was also fixed in Zero Hour.
  • Fixed recycle menu for Missiles. It now displays the correct columns and also allows you to recycle Chaff.
Fighters - Fixes, Features and Changes
  • Improved Fighter selection and survive ability across the board. All M3 class fighters have 30% more armor. All M4 class fighters are 10% less expensive.
  • Changed the "Meta" for Advanced ships. They are now better, more expensive to research and produce, but are slightly cheaper to maintain than non-advanced ships.
  • New Advanced M3 class fighters have been created for races that had none.
  • Advanced ships can no longer be scanned or reverse engineered to obtain their blueprints.
  • Fleet followers set to engage their leaders target in fleet settings do not attack the leaders current target quickly and can take up to 2 minutes to change to the leaders target. This has been adjusted to 1 minute to improve responsiveness.
  • Ordering new Fighters for a Carrier that is a fleet leader will now result in those fighters first being assigned as Support Fighters.
  • Newly constructed support fighters for any carrier will no longer just dock at the carrier. They will immediately enact their support role, meaning if the Carrier is in the middle of a battle, those new support ships will join the fight rather than dock up and wait for you to issue another attack command for the carrier.
  • Newly constructed support fighters for any carrier are now all Hidden from the overview. Prior to this, only Fleet fighters were hidden upon construction.
  • Support fighters took up to 2 minutes to switch targets to it's carrier's target when changed. This has been changed to 30 seconds to provide more responsiveness.
  • Support Fighters will not longer attack their owners target if their own hull is < 25%. For TM's, M1's and M2's, the support ship should auto-repair over time with the carrier repair module installed.
  • Support Fighters would not dock for repairs if there was any current target. Now, Support Fighters (only) will attempt to dock up and repair if their hull is very low (< 25%) unless they are being engaged. Otherwise you end up with all these nearly dead fighters that die at the first hit rather than living to fight another day.
  • Support fighters which were owned by a carrier that was fleet leader were being force re-assigned to any another carrier in the fleet. This code has been removed. Having support fighters in the lead carrier is central to our goals.
  • Support fighters would sometimes dock up unless an enemy was within 10k of it's homebase. This has been extended to 40k to reduce unnecessary docking manouvers when in battle. Additionally, once a support ship is finished attacking someone, if it's home base is attacking someone, it will immediately move to attack the same rather than docking up first. This mostly eliminates the annoying launch-and-redock action we've seen in support fighters.
  • Support ships (all) are automatically renamed to "shipType - home base name". Even if you change their carrier name, or re-home base them to another ship, provided they are support ships, they get renamed on the fly, so you always know who they belong to.
  • Carrier support fighters would NOT attack the carrier's target if the support fighter was closer to the carrier than it was to the carrier's target. This limitation has been removed.

Current Known Bugs
  • Logistics screen should also show outpost waste totals. It shows zero now.
  • Still have some occasional support/fleet fighter quirks. Too many counteracting scripts.. Working on it, but it's still far better than in the past.
  • One report of Hacker chips are not being created by the cyberware perk. I've not verified this.
  • Certain ships, after sending them for inspection, will not resume their prior duties.
  • Trade Run : Sell command won't find pirate bases that could buy space weed, even though you can manually dock up at one and then trade it manually.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hector0x » Mon, 19. Feb 24, 16:14

Thanks for providing a complete package. No more stacking of submods upon submods like DiCaprio in Inception :)
Very eager to see your different takes on things. Finally a good idea how to make carriers more strategic. And a revision of their support fighters was also overdue.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by alexalsp » Tue, 20. Feb 24, 00:04

Is it a separate mod or is it a continuation of ZH 2.2 ? Or ZH 2.2 is one mod and Renegades 2.5 is another or is it just an update? There are so many different names and versions, I'm starting to get lost in all this...


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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Betelgeuse97 » Tue, 20. Feb 24, 00:34

alexalsp wrote:
Tue, 20. Feb 24, 00:04
Is it a separate mod or is it a continuation of ZH 2.2 ? Or ZH 2.2 is one mod and Renegades 2.5 is another or is it just an update? There are so many different names and versions, I'm starting to get lost in all this...

It is a fork of ZH 2.2. Renegades 2.5 includes Litcube, Mayhem, and ZH in one package: if you install Renegades 2.5, you don't need to install Litcube, Mayhem, and ZH beforehand.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hairless-Ape » Tue, 20. Feb 24, 00:38

It is a Branch off ZH 2.2, but I've also made it into a consolidated release as noted above, so that you don't have to install all those other things.
It could be called a "continuation" of ZH 2.2, but that would depend on whether Hector0x decides to do more X3 modding in the future. We will all have to wait and see. For now, he's taking a break. It is my hope that if/when he comes back to X3, he will 'Branch' off the Renegades release. For a while at least, Renegades will be the latest and greatest in the Mayhem 3 line. :roll:

I will do incremental releases from this point on, so you won't have to download such a large archive. If you have feature requests, please don't hesitate to private message me.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by djmidex » Wed, 21. Feb 24, 02:03

wow! this game will never die! thanks for your efforts

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hairless-Ape » Fri, 23. Feb 24, 20:22

Added "Latest Fixes" above at the top of the post.
Found a couple high-value fixes that you should have. I don't believe either requires a new game.

1. Militia fighters that became damaged would dock for repairs, but while repairing would block all outpost building activities.
2. Fixed a bug that made large ships (M7 or larger) using main Front Turrets occasionally stay out of range when attacking outposts while you are in-system with them.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Ghost140 » Tue, 27. Feb 24, 04:23

Hey there ran into an install issue which i can only assume is my fault but ill explain what happened just incase. I followed the instructions for using a fresh X3AP install. I copied everything over from your install folder, ran batch, and then ran an initial galaxy setup with the OG generator. Then i made a galaxy from your generator and when i ran the map the sector names were wrong or not spoken at all. All other call outs for ships and such worked. I deleted and tried again 3 times but same result every time. I then decided to use a folder with X3AP/LU that i made for my for myself. I then proceeded to do the full install M3,then zero hour, then yours(but only copied addon,objects,soundtrack). I also downloaded zmap 1.5 for good measure. Ran the OG generator again,then yours and everything seemed to be working right.

No idea what happened but i was also one of the few that apparently experienced that sector name issue when you first released ZMAP. Hopefully everything is gonna run right from now on but I know modded X3 is notorious for appearing to run perfectly fine even though something is very wrong. Ill try to chk back in with some thoughts after 2 or 3 in game days.

Thanks to all of yours and Hector's hard work.

Quick observation. Im able to scan mercenary adv ships for blue prints, in this case a Heavy Centaur Advance. Have not tried others yet.
Last edited by Ghost140 on Tue, 5. Mar 24, 03:51, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Szynszyl » Wed, 28. Feb 24, 18:21

I wanted to ask if Mayhem Renegades is as focused on fighting everything and for everything as the old LU Mayhem and is it similarly difficult?

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Betelgeuse97 » Thu, 29. Feb 24, 05:52

Szynszyl wrote:
Wed, 28. Feb 24, 18:21
I wanted to ask if Mayhem Renegades is as focused on fighting everything and for everything as the old LU Mayhem and is it similarly difficult?
Think of Renegades as a QoL of Mayhem 3 Zero Hour. As such, the better comparison would be Mayhem 3 Zero Hour (an expansion of Mayhem 3) to Mayhem 2.

Mayhem was intended to be a turf war. Hector's Zero Hour mod adds an option for the player to fight against everyone at once in a large-scale turf war, and taking this option is hard. Otherwise, it's about similar difficulty.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hairless-Ape » Fri, 1. Mar 24, 15:01

Szynszyl wrote:
Wed, 28. Feb 24, 18:21
I wanted to ask if Mayhem Renegades is as focused on fighting everything and for everything as the old LU Mayhem and is it similarly difficult?
You can really choose how you want to approach it. If you like fighting, there's nothing like putting it on Hard difficulty, in which case the A.I. tends to declare war on you if/when you get too strong, and some of your costs are higher. With some upcoming changes I'm making, Hard difficulty will also be enhanced in a way that forces you to think far more strategically in order to expand, which is a very good thing. Certain "key" resources are no longer in infinite supply and must be managed well. On easier difficulty levels, you can expand quite a bit without too much resistance and you can pick and choose your fights easier, or even sit back and just focus on building and exploring while avoiding a fight.

One of the problems with Mayhem 3 vs Mayhem 2 is the lack of any urgency to defend your assets until you get large enough to be "nation" sized. In Mayhem 2, you had waves of OCV that hit you pretty early, and it forced you to be on your toes pretty early. For the next release of Renegades, I'll be introducing a new threat that won't be so "in your face" as the OCV waves, but will be enough to remind you that space is a dangerous cold place where rules are not always followed and that a more tactical way of setting up your logistics and defensive measures may be in order. There can be huge gaps in Mayhem 3 where there's nothing much to do but sit and watch grandma get older. A few rats in the roof chewing on the cables may be what's in order to liven up those dull moments.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by DonOctavioDelFlores » Sat, 2. Mar 24, 11:03

Ghost140 wrote:
Tue, 27. Feb 24, 04:23
Hey there ran into an install issue which i can only assume is my fault but ill explain what happened just incase. I followed the instructions for using a fresh X3AP install. I copied everything over from your install folder, ran batch, and then ran an initial galaxy setup with the OG generator. Then i made a galaxy from your generator and when i ran the map the sector names were wrong or not spoken at all. All other call outs for ships and such worked. I deleted and tried again 3 times but same result every time. I then decided to use a folder with X3AP/LU that i made for my for myself. I then proceeded to do the full install M3,then zero hour, then yours(but only copied addon,objects,soundtrack). I also downloaded zmap 1.5 for good measure. Ran the OG generator again,then yours and everything seemed to be working right.

No idea what happened but i was also one of the few that apparently experienced that sector name issue when you first released ZMAP. Hopefully everything is gonna run right from now on but I know modded X3 is notorious for appearing to run perfectly fine even though something is very wrong. Ill try to chk back in with some thoughts after 2 or 3 in game days.

Thanks your all your hard work.

Quick observation. Im able to scan mercenary adv ships for blue prints, in this case a Heavy Centaur Advance. Have not tried others yet.
Same, clean installation had no audio for sector names. Solution was to reuse my M3 + Zero Hour install and place Renegades on top.

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by naisha » Sat, 2. Mar 24, 19:30

Im playing my very first game with the mayhem series and ive got a question.

How do i transfer resources from outpost to outpost?

I thought there would be a worker job or something but i cant find anything other than the courier order.

Is that the indended method to transfer stuff from outpost to outpost?

EDIT: I noticed that agents will deliver resources (eg. energy cells) to factories outside their homebase system.

Is there a post/video explaining how the agents and traders work?
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hairless-Ape » Sun, 3. Mar 24, 22:34

naisha wrote:
Sat, 2. Mar 24, 19:30
Im playing my very first game with the mayhem series and ive got a question.
How do i transfer resources from outpost to outpost?
I thought there would be a worker job or something but i cant find anything other than the courier order.
Is that the indended method to transfer stuff from outpost to outpost?
EDIT: I noticed that agents will deliver resources (eg. energy cells) to factories outside their homebase system.
Is there a post/video explaining how the agents and traders work?
I setup an Agent for transferring resources from one outpost to another. You could do either import or export depending on some factors on how you want things distributed.
Agents are for moving things between your outposts and factories. Traders are for dealing with other NPC stations.
If you want everything above a certain quantity to be exported to another outpost:
Logistics->Agents->Add Job->Export->
For Destination, choose "Outpost", and then a list pops up of outposts you wish to export to.
Set "Minimum stock to start exporting" to 10000, or whatever stock you want to retain at the source, but remember, the hauler will grab a chunk that pulls this down by it's cargo amount, so you can always change the cargo load amount to something smaller to grab smaller chunks. If you instead want to import a certain amount from another outpost, regardless of how much is at that outpost, you can use import instead of export. It will keep importing until it's imported the amount you want and no more.

Yes, Agents can both deliver and receive resources to/from your factories within 8 jumps (not including jump beacons). This number is adjustable in one of the config files, so you can bump it up but your performance may suffer on a slow system.
Part of the benefit of using Renegades is the new feature, that Agents now have the ability to utilize jump beacons to jump across an entire map (no range restriction) using a Jump Beacon, with some minor restrictions because of performance limits (see release notes for more on this). So if you have a group of systems in one area, and you own a small group of systems across the map, you can setup 2 jump beacons across the gap, to move things between those 2 systems. This solves a LOT of problems related to agent jump restrictions.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hairless-Ape » Sun, 3. Mar 24, 23:13

Ghost140 wrote:
Tue, 27. Feb 24, 04:23
Hey there ran into an install issue which i can only assume is my fault but ill explain what happened just incase. I followed the instructions for using a fresh X3AP install. I copied everything over from your install folder, ran batch, and then ran an initial galaxy setup with the OG generator. Then i made a galaxy from your generator and when i ran the map the sector names were wrong or not spoken at all. All other call outs for ships and such worked. I deleted and tried again 3 times but same result every time. I then decided to use a folder with X3AP/LU that i made for my for myself. I then proceeded to do the full install M3,then zero hour, then yours(but only copied addon,objects,soundtrack). I also downloaded zmap 1.5 for good measure. Ran the OG generator again,then yours and everything seemed to be working right.
No idea what happened but i was also one of the few that apparently experienced that sector name issue when you first released ZMAP. Hopefully everything is gonna run right from now on but I know modded X3 is notorious for appearing to run perfectly fine even though something is very wrong. Ill try to chk back in with some thoughts after 2 or 3 in game days.
Thanks your all your hard work.
Quick observation. Im able to scan mercenary adv ships for blue prints, in this case a Heavy Centaur Advance. Have not tried others yet.
I will fix the scan issue with adv ships very soon.

Regarding the incorrect Spoken System names.. I think I found it. I finally encountered it myself during install testing and tracked down 2 issues. Not sure which one you had, but it's likely one of these 2 things.

1. \addon\mov\00044.pck should NOT be present. It's an old relic from the initial game install and I think it's one of the files litcube may delete, but since we are going around Litcube's install, we need to delete it. I fixed the Cleanup.bat file to do this, which will be available in the 2.6 release coming shortly, but for now, get rid of it because it will totally mess up your spoken system names. Make sure you delete the .pck file, and not the .xml file. That old .pck file overrides any .xml file with the same name.

2. There was a bug in ZMap that would not actually activate a map if it was displaying the map was already active. The correct files wouldn't get copied over. I'm putting out a new copy of ZMap soon, but in the mean time, an easy solution is to have 2 saved maps in ZMap, then Activate the one you do NOT intend on playing, and then select the one you DO intend on playing and Activate it. This should do the trick.

I am hoping this will never plague anyone again.. cross fingers. If this solves your problem, I'd like to hear it. Thanks.
Last edited by Hairless-Ape on Tue, 5. Mar 24, 01:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by naisha » Mon, 4. Mar 24, 06:11

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Sun, 3. Mar 24, 22:34
naisha wrote:
Sat, 2. Mar 24, 19:30
Im playing my very first game with the mayhem series and ive got a question.
How do i transfer resources from outpost to outpost?
I thought there would be a worker job or something but i cant find anything other than the courier order.
Is that the indended method to transfer stuff from outpost to outpost?
EDIT: I noticed that agents will deliver resources (eg. energy cells) to factories outside their homebase system.
Is there a post/video explaining how the agents and traders work?
I setup an Agent for transferring resources from one outpost to another. You could do either import or export depending on some factors on how you want things distributed.
Agents are for moving things between your outposts and factories. Traders are for dealing with other NPC stations.
If you want everything above a certain quantity to be exported to another outpost:
Logistics->Agents->Add Job->Export->
For Destination, choose "Outpost", and then a list pops up of outposts you wish to export to.
Set "Minimum stock to start exporting" to 10000, or whatever stock you want to retain at the source, but remember, the hauler will grab a chunk that pulls this down by it's cargo amount, so you can always change the cargo load amount to something smaller to grab smaller chunks. If you instead want to import a certain amount from another outpost, regardless of how much is at that outpost, you can use import instead of export. It will keep importing until it's imported the amount you want and no more.

Yes, Agents can both deliver and receive resources to/from your factories within 8 jumps (not including jump beacons). This number is adjustable in one of the config files, so you can bump it up but your performance may suffer on a slow system.
Part of the benefit of using Renegades is the new feature, that Agents now have the ability to utilize jump beacons to jump across an entire map (no range restriction) using a Jump Beacon, with some minor restrictions because of performance limits (see release notes for more on this). So if you have a group of systems in one area, and you own a small group of systems across the map, you can setup 2 jump beacons across the gap, to move things between those 2 systems. This solves a LOT of problems related to agent jump restrictions.

I dont know how i did not notice you can add jobs manually for agents. This solves a big problem for me because i thought i had to do these transfers via couriers which sucks because of the many many button presses to configure them.

There is also a bug i noticed. I received a message at one point and when i openned that message the game ran at literally 1 fps while the message was open. Sadly i dont remember what message it was. I think its the refugees message. There were some refugees that came to my outposts. Im not 100% certain that it was this message. It took me a while to move the mouse and frantically click the close button since the game ran at 1 fps. Once closed the fps returned to normal.
I then openned the message log and the same issue happened there. I then cleared the log and all ran fine afterwards.

EDIT: There appears to be a serious issue with the message log. Often time my game freezes when opening the log. Sometimes it unfreezes itself after several seconds, other times like now, ive waited a couple of minutes before the game unfroze itself. Opening the message log takes forever, it freezes on opening the log and then once its open it again freezes and it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to unfreeze.

Last few questions
1. if i modify an active map using the map generator, does it apply to the ongoing game or does it cause issues?
2. Can i deselect a perk? I accidentally selected the wrong perk on an outpost. I wanted to add cheap stations perk to my station building outpost but i accidentally added it to my research outpost. I also did the same mistake for another outpost for a different perk. Now i have 2 useless perks on outposts that dont need them. Any way for me to remove those perks?
3. What is the "Free Interorbital storage" perk? What is the interorbital storage anyway?
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hector0x » Mon, 4. Mar 24, 15:59

naisha wrote:
Mon, 4. Mar 24, 06:11
1. if i modify an active map using the map generator, does it apply to the ongoing game or does it cause issues?
2. Can i deselect a perk? I accidentally selected the wrong perk on an outpost. I wanted to add cheap stations perk to my station building outpost but i accidentally added it to my research outpost. I also did the same mistake for another outpost for a different perk. Now i have 2 useless perks on outposts that dont need them. Any way for me to remove those perks?
3. What is the "Free Interorbital storage" perk? What is the interorbital storage anyway?
1) galaxy map cannot be changed during play. Loading a savegame from another map is possible but your game will be buggy and broken
2) no. Only way is to deconstruct the Outpost (station's command console > additional commands)
3) its a magic chest that you can put resources in. It has a transfer fee and a delay. The perk removes the fee. NPC factions use it all the time to teleport resources between their Outposts but for the player its only useful if a sector has too many enemies to send freighters. And it cannot be automated. Putting resources in and taking them out again always requires manual player input from the Outpist Storage tab

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by Hairless-Ape » Mon, 4. Mar 24, 17:27

naisha wrote:
Mon, 4. Mar 24, 06:11
I dont know how i did not notice you can add jobs manually for agents. This solves a big problem for me because i thought i had to do these transfers via couriers which sucks because of the many many button presses to configure them.
There is also a bug i noticed. I received a message at one point and when i opened that message the game ran at literally 1 fps while the message was open. Sadly i dont remember what message it was. I think its the refugees message......
Yea, I've never used couriers in Mayhem, as agents do it all. I suppose that a dedicated courier could be useful though for high priority transfers, or more complex distribution chains.
I've seen that frame-rate bug happening myself, extremely rarely, but I've seen it and only when I opened a message. I've never been able to reproduce it and can play through an entire game without seeing it, so it's nearly impossible to track down and debug. If you could ever get to a save game spot where you see it reproduce itself consistently, I can try to track it down. Hector may have insights as well. Save your game often.. if you can get it to repeat.. send me your saved game and map (zipped).
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 2.5

Post by naisha » Mon, 4. Mar 24, 17:32

Hairless-Ape wrote:
Mon, 4. Mar 24, 17:27
naisha wrote:
Mon, 4. Mar 24, 06:11
There is also a bug i noticed. I received a message at one point and when i opened that message the game ran at literally 1 fps while the message was open. Sadly i dont remember what message it was. I think its the refugees message......
I've seen this happening myself, extremely rarely, but I've seen it. I've never been able to reproduce it and can play through an entire game without seeing it, so it's nearly impossible to track down and debug. If you could ever get to a save game spot where you see it reproduce itself consistently, I can try to track it down. Hector may have insights as well, but I suspect he has the same constraints as I do. Save your game often.. if you can get it to repeat.. send me your saved game and map.
Will do

Got another question tho :)

I have 3 fleets, 2 of them with 10 fighters each set to monitor my 4 sectors and they work fine. My third and newest fleet, 5 fighters, are set to monitor a few terran sectors as i want to keep my reputation with them high since they are my main trading partners. The idea is for this fleet to roam around their sectors and kill pirates.
The problem im having is that if there are no pirate ships in those terran sectors, they seem to go back to their homebase sector and defend it. This is not ideal since the homesector is 3-4 jumps away so they spend all the time traveling around. By the time they reach the terran sectors those pirate ships either have moved on or have been killed by the terrans.
Is there a way to force this fleet to stay in the sectors i set to monitor? In the fleet settings i have only the terran sectors set to monitor, not any of mine. Should i use patrol sectors instead? Wont that override the normal fleet behavior (as in go in for repairs)?
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