Collect Drops "Repeated Order"

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Collect Drops "Repeated Order"

Post by Daymo » Sun, 28. Apr 24, 08:45

First of all sorry for my english.

And Second, do you have any solution to use L or XL ships to auto collect drops? Because i started using them on my defensive borders against Xenon instead of M or S (because they get destroyed often)... Im asking this because by default this ships launch only one wave of collecting drones and end up only collecting less than half of the items, because my station destroys for example 6 xenon ships and so the ship launches 6 drones to collect but if more 15 are destroyed after the drones are launched these ships wait for them to come back and only then launches drones again to collect other drops and end up not collecting any because meanwhile they disappear and then starts this endless "no time for drones to collect" making only possible for the ship to start collecting again when the waves stop for a while so the drones have time to return before more ships getting destroyed... If there is no solution is this the best place to put this idea to be improved? Because having ships with 150 collector drones when they can´t be used individually is quite annoying.

Best Regards,

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Re: Collect Drops "Repeated Order"

Post by BitByte » Sun, 28. Apr 24, 11:26

Like you mensioned L & XL ships use cargo drones to collect boxes so them are extremely inefficient for being collectors (by NPC). Drones are slow and them can get easily killed by enemy. Captial ships are only good for player use as can use cargo magnet to get lots of boxes from distant.

This is reason why I use Pegasus Vanguards controlled by NPC for collecting drops in warzone (Xenon entry gate) - small & fast. So far haven't lost even single of them and I have 2 of them operating so reduces time what 1 ship needs to work per repeated order round until landing to Odysseus and start again.

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Re: Collect Drops "Repeated Order"

Post by Feloidea » Sun, 28. Apr 24, 14:07

L and XL ships are really, REALLY bad at this. Just buy an S fighter with decent shields and speed and set that one to repeat orders collect drops. Works like a charm for for and the smaller, faster ship has no problems zipping through the aftermath (or even ongoing low intensity battles) and collecting everything. I've got a bunch of these set up near gates with regular Xenon incursions that get beaten back by local defence stations. These are also cheap to replace if one does get destroyed, though this rarely happens when set up to flee (and drop laser towers).

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Re: Collect Drops "Repeated Order"

Post by Daymo » Sun, 28. Apr 24, 19:06

BitByte wrote:
Sun, 28. Apr 24, 11:26
Like you mensioned L & XL ships use cargo drones to collect boxes so them are extremely inefficient for being collectors (by NPC). Drones are slow and them can get easily killed by enemy. Captial ships are only good for player use as can use cargo magnet to get lots of boxes from distant.

This is reason why I use Pegasus Vanguards controlled by NPC for collecting drops in warzone (Xenon entry gate) - small & fast. So far haven't lost even single of them and I have 2 of them operating so reduces time what 1 ship needs to work per repeated order round until landing to Odysseus and start again.
by Feloidea » Sun, 28. Apr 24, 13:07
L and XL ships are really, REALLY bad at this. Just buy an S fighter with decent shields and speed and set that one to repeat orders collect drops. Works like a charm for for and the smaller, faster ship has no problems zipping through the aftermath (or even ongoing low intensity battles) and collecting everything. I've got a bunch of these set up near gates with regular Xenon incursions that get beaten back by local defence stations. These are also cheap to replace if one does get destroyed, though this rarely happens when set up to flee (and drop laser towers).
I normally use that method but the problem is they end up being destroyed because my defense stations are inside Xenon Territory and not in the safe side of the gate, because that attract more xenon which means more drops, so even with "flee from fight" option they end up further inside xenon territory and using an XL class they wont get destroyed and xenon dont focus drones at all, my ship in Tharka´s Cascade XV still have 150 collecting drones after almost 200 hours there being one of the most active Xenon spot.... I´ve been using Irukandji since its the fastest scout but probably weaker than Pegasus, ill try Pegasus to see if there is any difference... But any way should be something to be worked i think... If you can equip a Building ship with 200 collector drones they should work individually like small ships stationed inside Ship or station.

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Re: Collect Drops "Repeated Order"

Post by Koizuki » Sun, 28. Apr 24, 20:41

Daymo wrote:
Sun, 28. Apr 24, 19:06
they end up being destroyed because my defense stations are inside Xenon Territory and not in the safe side of the gate, because that attract more xenon which means more drops,
Honestly, this sounds like it's working mostly as intended. I do agree that flee behavior could be improved a bit, especially if they are near a gate that connects to friendly territory, they should prioritize using that to escape.

However, it sounds like you're knowingly setting up on the 'hostile' side in an effort to collect more drops, which comes with the inherent risk of being destroyed by enemy forces, which... seems to be exactly what's happening. It is a calculated risk, but that risk is not zero. The drops would have to be significantly higher to outweigh the potential loss of the ship+inventory every once in a while.

Personally, I simply set up on the "safe" side with a defense platform, maybe a dozen or so fighters defending position there as well, and I use an unarmed M ship (Nemesis early-game or Cobra mid-game personally) to collect drops with their "base" position some distance behind the defense platform. They're quick enough, especially if outfitted with SPL engines, and can tank a couple hits while they immediately flee on any attack due to being unarmed, while the fighters immediately swarm and provide cover. I've done this in a couple different sectors over time (starting with Hatikvah's Choice I of course,) and with 3-5 gates covered like this, I have enough mod parts to basically start modding even my hundreds of Boas and patrol Destroyers. This way, I may lose the occasional defense fighter, but my drop collector has never died, which is a good enough tradeoff for me.

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Re: Collect Drops "Repeated Order"

Post by user1679 » Tue, 30. Apr 24, 09:03

Feloidea wrote:
Sun, 28. Apr 24, 14:07
L and XL ships are really, REALLY bad at this. Just buy an S fighter with decent shields and speed and set that one to repeat orders collect drops. Works like a charm for for and the smaller, faster ship has no problems zipping through the aftermath (or even ongoing low intensity battles) and collecting everything. I've got a bunch of these set up near gates with regular Xenon incursions that get beaten back by local defence stations. These are also cheap to replace if one does get destroyed, though this rarely happens when set up to flee (and drop laser towers).
Another tip to add to this, you can also put a "dock and wait" order to have the S cargo collector dock at a ship in your fleet if there are no drops left so it has a little extra protection. The only thing you have to be aware of is if you change sectors while the S cargo collector is docked, it will undock and fly back to the sector where the "collect drops" order was placed.

I really wish there was a fleet command "Collect Drops For Commander" which would make the drop collection circle change dynamically with the commander's position.

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