NEWS: Egosoft announces X³: Reunion, under development

General discussions about the games by Egosoft including X-BTF, XT, X², X³: Reunion, X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude.

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Jon Tetrino
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Post by Jon Tetrino » Thu, 31. Mar 05, 17:32

granted i havn't read all 27 pages, but the first few i did read made me ask something

who the hell said that X2 would be unfinished?

isn't it finished anough?

and if ur talkign about plot, how do u know that its not continuing on from X2?

just a thought

personally i hope that X3 would run with a normal PC, instead of the supped up monster needed to run X2 - and that is with the new engine. Egosoft and those who work with them are very talented developers so they should be able to sort that reasonably ok

and I myself would love save game compatabilty - at least to allow u to keep your empire going (if u play the same character, that is). Even if the story difficulty is raised because of the transfer, it'll still be nice

oh, and btw, the pic of the planet being nuked (and i'm sorry, but the blow tags are for those who havn't got that far in the X2 plot)...
...could it be another Khaak M0? or even the Xenon super weapon? who knows...
...either or that pic looks f**kin sweet as a desktop!

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Post by Cycrow » Thu, 31. Mar 05, 18:52

Enlightened One wrote:granted i havn't read all 27 pages, but the first few i did read made me ask something

who the hell said that X2 would be unfinished?
People say that the game is unfinished besause of the few remaining bugs still in the game.
Enlightened One wrote:and I myself would love save game compatabilty - at least to allow u to keep your empire going (if u play the same character, that is). Even if the story difficulty is raised because of the transfer, it'll still be nice
i doubt there will be any save game compabibility in X3, the major changinges to the system will make this impossible

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Post by Apocholypse » Fri, 1. Apr 05, 11:46

IT's fantastic, the only issue is i wanted to continue my X2 empire...
sigh, i'm breaking inside.......

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Post by Creston » Fri, 1. Apr 05, 18:41

TycoonSpaceMan wrote:
CBJ wrote:As has been explained several times, there will NOT be any form of multi-player in X³. The game is due out in only a few months and multi-player functionality in a game of this nature is far too complex and time-consuming to be possible in that timeframe.
CBJ mate I think you need to write it in bigger letters, as I don't think they are getting the message! :P so once again to all who did not get it the 1st,2nd.................1000th time

But... Can I play X3 together, with my friends?



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Post by TSM » Fri, 1. Apr 05, 19:19

Probably if you have any :P :roll: :twisted:
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Post by Creston » Fri, 1. Apr 05, 19:48

:o :( :cry:



Edit : Btw, your sig is wrong, your AMD64 does not run at 3.4Ghz. So there :P

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Post by TSM » Fri, 1. Apr 05, 20:38

it runs at what it feels like so there and sig modified just for you creston :P
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Post by harryusher6969 » Sat, 2. Apr 05, 06:07

is there going to be a mutiplayer op

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Post by Scarecrow » Sat, 2. Apr 05, 06:17



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Post by harryusher6969 » Sat, 2. Apr 05, 10:27

thats cool i just want to know it would be a good idea even if it was just for LAN but the game will be good anyway

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Low-end-computer hopes

Post by JohanTheCoder » Sat, 2. Apr 05, 12:30

I hope for some more graphic-options to be added to X3 , so even "low-end" users can reduce graphic complexity if necessery and battle those gigantic conflicts with almost 100-eds of ships without too much lagging . :wink:

I guess there are more low-end users out there than we want to think.....

Typical "low-end" config today:

Processor: around 1 GHZ (to 2 GHZ) (P4)
Graphic cards: Radeon 7500 (32 meg), Geforce 3 , etc
Memory: 512 meg

I really enjoy(ed) X2 and it's music. It made me feel relaxed (except in those sometimes very huge battles).

Jon Tetrino
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Post by Jon Tetrino » Sat, 2. Apr 05, 23:29

thats basically spot on

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Shadow WarrioR
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Post by Shadow WarrioR » Sun, 3. Apr 05, 03:12

Привет всем любителям серии X... :wink:
(вынужден писать здесь из-за того, что русский форум закрыт).

Переводить не стану, так как английский знаю лишь технически,
а электронным переводчикам не доверяю...

Если я не опоздал, то предоставлю вам список изменений, которые
я и может другие хотели бы видеть в X3 - Reunion.


1. В кабине корабля должны отображаться все турели, а не только 2
(желательно пронумерованы).

2. Просканированные астероиды на карте сектора меняют свой цвет
(а то надоедает например в Ore Belt вспоминать сканировал я
тот или иной астероид).

3. На карте сектора добавить вкладку "Разное", в которой будут
отображаться: астероиды, контейнеры и ворота.

4. В грузовом отсеке, наведя на ракету и нажав 'i' хотелось бы
получить информацию о скорости, дальности действия, уроне и
первом создателе ракеты.

5. У каждого корабля(кроме аргонских) изначально кабина не
подходит для использования
человеком. Чтоб можно было на нем летать нужно, например,
сесть в "Док Оборудования" или "Малую Верфь" и переоборудовать
кабину при помощи апгрейда под человека. (в информации корабля
желательно добавить меню "строение кабины", в котором будет
схема кабины (при переоборудовании кабины
схема будет меняться)).

6. В информации корабля добавить меню "Технические характеристики",
в котором будет находиться схематическое изображение корабля.
Там же будет указываться расположение турелей, генератора
энергетического поля и т.д. И у корабля сделать "скелет".
Например: Мне нужно у какого нибудь корабля отбить щит или левую
турель не повредив остальное оборудование на нем.

7. И напоследок, хотел бы видеть, например при установке турели
BHEPT изменения в модели корабля, при виде от 3го лица (т.е.
в местах для турелей).


Если некоторые из этих просьб будут выполнены,
буду очень благодарен... Спасибо за ВСЕЛЕННУЮ - X...

Free Trade Inn
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Post by Free Trade Inn » Sun, 3. Apr 05, 06:36

Неправильный форум я думаю камрад :P

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Post by Duriel_LOP » Sun, 3. Apr 05, 08:14

Blibble. :?
HAR HAR HAR, It be here!!!!

"There shall be wings! If the accomplishment be not for me, 'tis for some other. The spirit cannot die; and man, who shall know all and shall have wings..." - Leonardo da Vinci

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Post by CBJ » Sun, 3. Apr 05, 11:45

Free Trade Inn wrote:Неправильный форум я думаю камрад :P
He posted here because the Russian forum is locked due to a lack of moderators. He doesn't speak English and, sensibly, decided not to use an electronic translator as they usually produce rubbish (though good enough rubbish for me to have been able to work out roughly what he was saying!).

The rest of his post contains a series of suggestions for X³ which would be better posted in DevNet (though ideas posted there would need to be in English and posted according to the DevNet forum rules).

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Shadow WarrioR
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Post by Shadow WarrioR » Sun, 3. Apr 05, 18:26

Thank you for redirection...
Sorry about offtopic. :roll:

Free Trade Inn
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Post by Free Trade Inn » Sun, 3. Apr 05, 20:41

Sorry to hear about the Russian forums being closed, and since this was your first post over here, then welcome aboard.......
Oh yes dont worry about putting things in the wrong place, most of us even with English as a first language make the odd :oops: .....Er me more than most as well :oops:
If the English boards closed I guess most would end up useing bablefish and we all know how silly we would look then "Allo, Allo" TV show comes to mind :roll:
Jokes aside I hope Egosoft finds a Russian mod for you guys and even when they do you know you will still be made welcome here.
.......Er oh yes well done Egosoft for pushing ahead with X3. I was realy looking forward to carrying over my X2 empire, but at least we are getting another game. Some of the posts on this subject by some people, and I have to be quite frank, have disgusted me. I for one am very greatfull we are getting another game and to make an issue of things (in my case I was realy looking forward to the compatible saves) is selfish, childish and ungreatfull.
*Rant over* Sorry about that but you could just imagine some smart arse posting to tell me I was on the wrong forum........Oh yeah :P

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Post by Apollo911 » Mon, 4. Apr 05, 13:54

Typical "low-end" config today:

Processor: around 1 GHZ (to 2 GHZ) (P4)
Graphic cards: Radeon 7500 (32 meg), Geforce 3 , etc
Memory: 512 meg
Aw-that makes me below low-end:
2.2Ghz Celeron!
.....256MB Ram, though my crappy SiS 650 gfx uses 64mb of that. I seriously need a new pc.

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Post by Creston » Mon, 4. Apr 05, 22:22

dogma911 wrote:
Typical "low-end" config today:

Processor: around 1 GHZ (to 2 GHZ) (P4)
Graphic cards: Radeon 7500 (32 meg), Geforce 3 , etc
Memory: 512 meg
Aw-that makes me below low-end:
2.2Ghz Celeron!
.....256MB Ram, though my crappy SiS 650 gfx uses 64mb of that. I seriously need a new pc.

You were able to play X2 with that??

Yeah you REALLY need a new PC. Or at the least a marginally decent graphics card and preferably another 256 of Ram... :)


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