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Maximum Price47,678
Average Price46,744
Minimum Price45,810
Cargo ClassM
Shield Damage Per Shot (IS)2,500
Shield Damage Per Shot (OOS)995
Shield DPS (IS)5,000
Hull Damage Per Shot (IS)1,500
Hull Damage Per Shot (OOS)597
Hull DPS (IS)3,000
Energy Cost Per Shot (MJ)150
Energy Cost Per Second (MJ/s)(IS)300
Rounds Per Minute120
Range (km)3.4
Projectile Speed (m/s)9,766
Turret Turn Speed (rpm)28.8


  • Only found on the random abandoned Kha'ak M3/M6 ships generated on game start in X3: Albion Prelude. This makes the number available highly random and finite. 

Compatible Ships


  • Fighter


  • Corvette


  • Destroyer


  • #deca
  • Carrier
  • Guardian
  • Hivequeen


With a projectile speed of just under 10km per second the Beta Kyon Emitter is incredibly accurate combined with a high fire rate making it highly effective for intercepting missiles and fast ships. The damage dealt per second and range is low for a corvette weapon while the Kha'ak Fighter only generates enough laser energy to support one firing nearly continually. In X3: Albion Prelude the Beta Kyon Emitter can only be obtained by claiming abandoned Kha'ak M3/M6 ships making them an extremely limited resource since unlike X3: Reunion where the Kha'ak had their own sectors and would periodically attack other sectors or X3: Terran Conflict where Kha'ak ships could be found in UFJD sectors, in X3: Albion Prelude the only Kha'ak ships found are among the random abandoned ships spawned at the start of the game. It is advisable to keep all owned  Beta Kyon Emitters in a centralised safe location for use on a Corvette (M6) if the player wants to fly one. The Alpha-Beta-Gamma nomenclature of this weapon series is a relic from X3: Reunion.

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