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Maximum Price700,242
Average Price654,432
Minimum Price608,622
Cargo ClassL
Shield Damage Per Shot (IS)3,969
Shield Damage Per Shot (OOS)1,581
Shield DPS (IS)9,450
Hull Damage Per Shot (IS)2,970
Hull Damage Per Shot (OOS)1,183
Hull DPS (IS)7,071.43
Energy Cost Per Shot (MJ)117
Energy Cost Per Second (MJ/s)(IS)278.57
Rounds Per Minute142.9
Range (km)6.4
Projectile Speed (m/s)2,561
Turret Turn Speed (rpm)31.2

Multiple Hits



  • Secret Containers

  • NPC Ships

Compatible Ships


  • Truelight Seeker


  • Panther Raider
  • Tiger


  • Pteranodon


A beam laser of the Split equivalent to the Plasma Beam Cannon. The fast projectile speed means this laser has good accuracy even at long range while the multiple hits on impact mean that targets take additional damage dependent on their size. The high range of this weapon means it is possible to bombard targets and intercept missiles from a safe distance making ships equipped with Phased Array Laser Cannons very dangerous. The only downside of the PALC is the availability with Phased Array Laser Cannon Forges not being available for purchase and not being spawned by default on game start meaning their only common source is Secret Containers in UFJD sectors, M7 ships spawned by Fight missions and rare spawns on Split capital ships which need to be boarded. In general it is preferred to reserve PALCs for use on the player ship and Pteranodons for in sector use.

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