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Maximum Price999,257
Average Price942,696
Minimum Price886,135
Cargo ClassXL
Shield Damage Per Shot (IS)14,280
Shield Damage Per Shot (OOS)4,376
Shield DPS (IS)23,800
Hull Damage Per Shot (IS)6,500
Hull Damage Per Shot (OOS)1,992
Hull DPS (IS)10,833.33
Energy Cost Per Shot (MJ)202
Energy Cost Per Second (MJ/s)(IS)336.67
Rounds Per Minute100
Range (km)5.9
Projectile Speed (m/s)10,644
Turret Turn Speed (rpm)22.4


  • Drop from killing deploying Lasertowers
  • Able to be transferred from player owned deploying Lasertowers using a Freight Drone

Compatible Ships


  • Lasertower
  • Orbital Laser


  • Truelight Seeker


  • Akurei
  • Astraeus Hauler
  • Carrack
  • Cerberus
  • Kariudo Hauler


  • Mammoth
  • Mobile Pirate Base Hauler
  • Ryu


A beam weapon used by Lasertowers and a few Argon, Pirate and Yaki ships. The Plasma Beam Cannon is a long range weapon with a near instantaneous impact that deals high damage making it a weapon of choice against fighters, bombers, corvettes and missiles. Despite the fantastic projectile speed this weapon often misses against small ships because it aims in an erratic pattern around the target point meaning that it does not always deal its full damage potential. Against capital ships Photon Pulse Cannons and Point Singularity Projectors are preferable due to their superior range. As player owned deploying Lasertowers can be collected again by the player ship and redeployed with a new PBC it is possible to obtain an infinite supply of this laser using only a single Lasertower. The value of this laser is also worth more than the Lasertower it is obtained from allowing them to be exploited for early credits.

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