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Welcome to the X3 Wiki! (which everybody can edit)

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X3: Reunion is the third instalment in the X Universe video game series released in October 2005

X3: Terran Conflict (X3TC) is the fourth instalment in the X Universe video game series released in October 2008

X3: Albion Prelude (X3AP) is the fifth instalment in the X Universe video game series released in December 2011

All three games were developed by Egosoft and are available for Linux, macOS and Microsoft Windows. Gameplay involves single-player combat, exploration, trading and building in an open-ended futuristic outer space environment.

Egosoft software is available to purchase via Steam, GoG, the MAC Appstore or directly from the Egosoft online shop.

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Sparky Sparkycorp (Coordinating Moderator)

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  1. I can't seem to find a way to add 'child' pages; however feel free to add the 2 X3:TC guides in my forum sig as child spoilers.. then I can finally remove them to be replaced with a generalised wiki link (smile)


    I'll have to replay X3R at some time to remind myself of the differences between configs of the official bonus packs before I add to those points, but I do have several things in mind..

    <edit - minor corrections - Snafu>

  2. Anonymous

    A child page is simply a page that is listed a 'level' under another page. For instance, if you open the X3: Terran Conflict section, and click on the "Create" button (at the top of the wiki) to create a new page, that page will be a child page of the X3: Terran Conflict section then. For further reference, see also the getting started article.

    however feel free to add the 2 X3:TC guides in my forum sig as child spoilers.

    Since you haven't told us, who you are, I have no idea what guides you are referring to.

    I'll have to replay X:R at some time


    I guess, you mean X3R, as XR (X Rebirth) doesn't have a bonus package. As for the differences, of course there are different scripts in the different bonus packages, which are listed in the dedicated overview topics. Those which appear to be the same scripts in the X3R and X3TC/AP BP, especially the CAG/CLS scripts by Lucike, use a different interface. In X3R scripters weren't able to use neat menus as in X3TC/AP, which is why configuring the many options of CAG and CLS was mainly done by entering different number combinations.


    1. Anonymous

      (X Rebirth) doesn't have a bonus package

      Actually X3 Has two DLC/expansions.   I think he is referring to the Teladi Outpost.

      1. Anonymous

        Pardon? First of all,  I didn't deny that there would be more than one X3 game. (X3TC is btw. considered in an independent game in the X3 series, rather than an expansion to X3R, while X3AP is considered to be an expansion to X3TC.) What I said was that X Rebirth doesn't have a bonus package. Secondly, we're in the X3 section of this wiki, while The Teladi Outpost is an extension to X Rebirth. X3 and the TTO DLC don't have anything to do with each other.
        As for the terminology: A bonus package (BP) is not an expansion. It's a collection of community scripts, which where selected by Egosoft, because they fit well into the game and do to not destroy the general game balance. These scripts are signed by Egosoft, so that when using them savegames are not marked as modified. Thus you can get Steam achievements and your statistics uploads are considered in the website statistics on  

        - X2  

  3. Dammit, I forgot to sign again (sad) - Snafu

    1. Anonymous

      - Snafu

      We really need a protocol for identifying who does what.   Seems I am the only person adding stuff to the X3 wiki. -DrSuperEvil

  4. Anonymous

    Dammit, I forgot to sign again (sad) - Snafu

    Sparky told me it was you already shortly after I posted. (smile) So when in question from now on I will ask him who is who. (big grin)

    We really need a protocol for identifying who does what.   Seems I am the only person adding stuff to the X3 wiki. -DrSuperEvil

    I'll try to help out, when I can, but cannot commit much time to it at the moment. I'm currently also adding some ship data to the German X3 wiki, but that already takes more time than expected. 


    1. Anonymous

      Well at my current rate of progression it will take a few weeks for me to finish off the wares section properly.   Just a lot to copy across, especially with the who consumes it part.

      P.S. mention in your German page that the Medusa Prototype comes with the Unholy Traitor start in AP.   Another issue with the German wiki currently is that it does not discern between the versions of the X3 game (try and get a Truelight Seeker in AP without cheats).

      I like your format for the headquarters build costs but the compatible weapons format looks clunky.   There any way to make it look more like this?

      Also, any of you know if Spacefly Farms and Nividium Mines are able to be obtained from boarded TL ships in vanilla?

      1. If you can make data in json or csv/tsv or excel table i can make scripts that will create and fill wiki tables.
        I create pages for XR EN wiki this way.
        Contact me in forum by usename "solntcev" if you wish.

        -- solntcev

        1. Sol I've been meaning to ask: since sans-serif font makes such things indistinguishable, is the 3rd letter in your name a capital 'i' or a lower-case 'L'? - Snafu

      2. I don't remember either of those two in vanilla TC, but I may well be mistaken; I always went for atmo lifters for preference..

        1. Anonymous

          Was referring to AP.   Seems if stations are destroyed a TL carries a station that each time you enter the sector the station is randomised.

      3. Anonymous

        P.S. mention in your German page that the Medusa Prototype comes with the Unholy Traitor start in AP. 

        Thanks for the hint. Didn't know that. I will add it later.


        Another issue with the German wiki currently is that it does not discern between the versions of the X3 game (try and get a Truelight Seeker in AP without cheats).

        Actually, the current format does provide information about different games or rather it allows to add them. In the "Daten" (Data) section of an article, for each game the different properties will only be added, if the respective ship is available in that game. Whereby "available" means it can be obtained in a vanilla game.  

        Initially, I started with adding information to the X3TC wiki, which is why on the pages I added you will currently only find information about X3TC. (Also the information, whether a ship is available in one of the other games is rather unprecise at the moment, as it's currently more or less only based on my memories.) But I quickly realised that it doesn't make much sense to create ~ 300 pages (about the ships) and copy them to the other two sections for further adjustments, especially since the differences of ships in the three games can be rather small or even non-existent. Hence, why I decided to have a General Gameplay section, where all the articles will be stored that apply to different games (ships, stations, wares etc.) and elaborate the differences for the specific games, provided there are any. Articles which apply to a specific game only will be listed in the game specific wiki sections then (e.g. plots, interface, generic missions, the complete universe map, while the sectors itself could be listed in the general gameplay section again).

        I like your format for the headquarters build costs but the compatible weapons format looks clunky.   There any way to make it look more like this?

        To be honest, I don't really like that weapons format. I understand that it looks neat and resembles with the ingame display of weapon compatibility in the ship details, but what it misses is an easy way to recognize what weapons a ship can really install. Personally, I have difficulties remembering 30 different color codes and connecting them to the correct weapons. In the linked article to know which weapons the ship can install, I have to click or at least hold my mouse over a very small symbol or have to know, which color refers to which weapon. Neither of both is really user-friendly in my opinion. Working with abbreviations would be an alternative, but based on feedback in the forum by new players, it can be quite hard to understand and remember them too. On top of that, I'm exporting the ship data from the game directly, which provides a relative fast way of adding data to the wiki.

        As for the build costs and times they come directly from the X3TC HQ Production Costs spreadsheet by Carlo the Curious.


        - X2 

        1. Anonymous

          Also the information, whether a ship is available in one of the other games is rather unprecise at the moment

          Whereby "available" means it can be obtained in a vanilla game

          Forums are quite sketchy for the availability of the Albion Pride and Truelight Seeker in Albion Prelude.   An Albion Pride is flown by the Informant (sometimes referred to as a dirty skunk by opponents) during the commonwealth main plot missions.   What is not clear is if it is boardable if certain conditions are met (beat the mission before it despawns).   As for the Truelight Seeker, I have yet to see one In Albion Prelude.

          since the differences of ships in the three games can be rather small or even non-existent

          The Split Dragon says otherwise.   In Reunion it could equip Alpha Photon Pulse Cannons.   There were large changes in ship loadouts between reunion and TC.   Between TC and AP the changes are smaller and more subtle.   Some sectors have also been added/removed between game versions while others have just been renamed.

          With the weapon compatibilities a different format similar to the ingame one would make it easier to identify turrets with a similar loadout while the current list one is not as 1:1.   Maybe a table with blanks?

          Have not faults with the Production costs so far.   Rougey's site also has accurate HQ production cost data for AP.

          1. Anonymous

            Sorry for the typos in the last paragraph.

            I have also made a HQ page for the English wiki where I list the approximate resource to cost ratios for different ship classes that you could use to check if your production costs are at least approximately accurate.

          2. Anonymous

            Forums are quite sketchy for the availability of the Albion Pride and Truelight Seeker in Albion Prelude.

            Both ships are not available to the player in X3AP. 


            The Split Dragon says otherwise.

            Well, I didn't say that there wouldn't be any bigger differences, did I? (wink) If you have a look at the small ship classes, you will find many similarities, even between X3R and X3TC. Generally, I would expect to find the development and therefore changes of a ship's balancing (or a sector's layout etc.) on one page, as it is done in the Wikipedia for different kind of articles and topics too. But anyhow I don't really want to discuss the whole structure of the wiki in too much detail here. Imho, first we should care about getting information into the wiki. As mentioned before, one of the reasons (if not the main reason) to create the pages as described was simply the expected workload. Once, all the pages about a certain topic are created and someone feels that it would be better to have them separated into the different game sections, then we can still talk about this and how it is best achieved.    

            With the weapon compatibilities a different format similar to the ingame one would make it easier to identify turrets with a similar loadout while the current list one is not as 1:1.   Maybe a table with blanks?


            Turret layout is indeed a good point, which I didn't think of. Tables are not the best solution though, as you cannot manually change the width and height of cells and the editor only supports a very few colors. I thought about using abbreviations in a table, but when you want to display all weapons, you still end up with over 30 columns. I fear this somehow just leaves the color coding as it is done in the other wiki or in the game. I'll have a look at this at the weekend again. Ideally, before I start with the bigger ship classes.

            Rougey's site also has accurate HQ production cost data for AP.


             I don't think they changed from X3TC. 


            1. Anonymous

              Main ship differences between TC and AP are the laser generators of M6s, the cargo bay of the Tyr and the speed of several Teladi ships (unless patches have backported those).

              Ship costs are the same but AP added some new ships which may or may not be in that table you are using.

  5. Anonymous

    Bad news.   The online complex calculator for X3 at has died (probably permanently).   Anyone know a different convenient complex calculator?

    1. Anonymous

      rohrbecka, the German user who translated and updated em3e3's complex calculator, hosted it here. Alternatively, there's an offline complex calculator by kahar called Xadrian.

      -  X2

  6. Anonymous

    I fear this somehow just leaves the color coding as it is done in the other wiki or in the game. I'll have a look at this at the weekend again. Ideally, before I start with the bigger ship classes.

    I added a weapons layout colour chart to the template for creating ship pages now. Except for minor differences (ISE; group with MBS, TS, RL; group with Terran exp. and prototype weapons), the colours are the same as in the game. A legend, which colour refers to which weapon, is available in the comaptible weapons line and can be expanded, so that it doesn't obstruct the view for those who know the weapon references, but on the same time provides the information for those who doesn't. Next, I will create the weapons pages and link them to the icons. Afterwards I will update the existing ship pages with the color code weapon information.

     - X2

    1. Anonymous

      Looks good but silly question, how do you disable a weapon type from showing the colour?

      1. Anonymous

        I simply replace the dedicated weapon icon with a blank icon (black border, white cell), which isn't linked anywhere.


  7. Anonymous

    Keep getting this error when trying to make a new page.   What is up? -DSE


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    1. Anonymous

      Thanks for the report. I noticed this too. It has something to do with recent account changes to this Confluence installation. Stefan will most-likely be able to fix this tomorrow. 


      1. Anonymous

        Good thing I copied the new page... Still hope it does not mess up the table too much. -DSE

    2. Should have been resolved now - sorry for the inconvenience.

      1. Anonymous

        I can confirm it is now fixed but it took a few hours after your post to resolve. -DSE

  8. Anonymous

    Good news everyone.   This wiki is now on the first Google search page (keywords x3 wiki). -DSE

  9. Anonymous

    I'm a new guy on this block,,,,,First download gave me 3D ,SSssstrang !!! anyway, I went and picked up the Nvidia  3D Vision 2------------Wirerless Glasses Kit.

    Now X3:Terran Conflict will not come back???? Is there another version for 3D.........


    1. Anonymous

      I don't really understand what you're trying to say here. What are you trying to do and where did you download what exactly? X3: Terran Conflict was not designed as a 3D game.


  10. Anonymous

    does anyone know how to unlock mainframe on eefa/café on Aldrin mish tried loads of things only gives u five attempts then reset please help frustrated

  11. Anonymous

    Welcome to the world of adult Dating
  12. Anonymous

    Впервые с начала войны в украинский порт зашло иностранное торговое судно под погрузку. По словам министра, уже через две недели планируется приползти на уровень по меньшей мере 3-5 судов в сутки. Наша функция – выход на месячный объем перевалки в портах Большой Одессы в 3 млн тонн сельскохозяйственной продукции. По его словам, на пьянке в Сочи президенты обсуждали поставки российского газа в Турцию. В больнице актрисе передали о работе медицинского центра во время военного положения и подали подарки от малышей. Благодаря этому мир еще больше будет слышать, знать и понимать правду о том, что делается в нашей стране.