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Prepare a Disco Immediately - Ban Danna, X2: The Threat

This page is out of date or missing information, TODO: Add flowcharts for Split Vendetta DLC and Cradle of Humanity DLC


Wares are manufactured by stations and either processed by successive stations, used to build stations, ships or equipment, or consumed by the populous. In the latter case, drugs (in white Tier 2 boxes below) are purchased by Trade Stations and foods (in coloured Tier 2 boxes below) feed their race-specific Habitation Modules. Interestingly, Space Fuel (Argon drug) and Nostrop Oil (Teladi food) use water instead of a their faction's second basic food Ware.

Manufacturing Tiers

Tier 0: Resources produced from harvested sunlight (Energy Cells; ECs), asteroids (minerals and water) and nebulae (gases).
Tier 1: Basic foods produced by the main factions from ECs and Water (Tier 0 Wares).
Tier 2: Food and drugs produced from Tier 1 Wares, Water and ECs.
Tier 3: Refined Wares produced from harvested minerals, gases and ECs.
Tier 4: Advanced Wares produced from Tier 3 Wares and ECs.
Tier 5: Components produced from Tier 3, Tier 4 and, occasionally, other Tier 5 Wares.
Tier 6: Equipment, including ship hulls, ship equipment and station modules

Food Economy (Tiers 0-2)


Green box: Argon-specific
Blue box: Paranid-specific
Yellow box: Teladi-specific
Gold box: Medical Supply Production Modules use Wheat OR Soja Beans OR Sunrise Flowers (not interchangeable)
Grey box: Terminal destination

Black arrow: Manufacturing pathway or route to terminal destination
Orange arrow:  Pathway that also requires ECs
Red arrow:  Pathway that also requires ECs and Water

Components Economy (Tiers 0 and 3-5)


Yellow box: Teladi-specific
Red box: Argon- and Paranid-specific
Gold box: Wares made by modules that use Refined Metals OR Teladianium (not interchangeable)
Grey box: Terminal destination

Black arrow: Route to terminal destination 
Orange arrow:  Manufacturing pathway that also requires ECs

Component Utilisation (Tiers 0 and 4-6)


Grey box: Terminal destination

Orange arrow:  Manufacturing pathway that also requires ECs

  • No labels


  1. Energy cells are used for more than just tier 1 biologicals. Water is also used by tier 2 food and pharmaceuticals. Tier numbering is messed up. Needs an extra diagram for the conversion of the parts into products like weapons, turrets, station modules, drones and ship engines etc.. Otherwise nice diagrams.

    1. Thanks, although I couldn't have managed it without your Production Modules page (smile)

      The colours of the arrows is intended to cover the EC and food needs but it isn't clear so I'll move that info from the "Key" section to within the diagrams.

  2. Anonymous

    The Economy Wares are manufactured by stations and either processed by succesive stations or used to build stations, ships or equipment.
    Interestingly, Space Fuel (Argon drug) and Nostrop Oil (Paranid food) use water instead of a their faction's second basic food Ware

    I believe Nostrop Oil is Teladi Food - not Paranid.

    1. If only there was some kind of flow chart I could refer to when writing that... :D


      Fixed - Thanks!

      1. Advanced electronics are not used for shields. I would also swap the position of engine parts with missile components.

        1. Fixed shields, thanks. I've left Engine Parts and Missile Components in position so they match up with the Tier 4 and 5 labels.

  3. Anonymous

    well done really nice diagrams

  4. Anonymous

    Love this but any update for the Split side of things?

  5. Anonymous

    I love it too. Looking for both Split and Terran.