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Updated for 5.10


Behaviours represent the default actions of NPC Captains employed by the player. In other words, if a ship has no current orders, or has just completed an order, they will follow their Behaviour until told otherwise.

Please note that if a player takes control of a ship mid-order, the Captain will re-initiate the previous order after the player relinquishes control (instead of reverting to their default Behaviour). This allows the player to take control of any ships fluidly without having to repetitively reset orders after they leave. This can become especially helpful in the mid-to-late game after player teleportation has been realized. 

Impact of "Remove all orders" Command 

  • Remove all orders - removes only the orders in the ship's order queue but retains the ship's behavior
  • Remove all orders and assignments - removes all orders in the order queue, resets the ship's behavior, and removes the ship from any command hierarchies

Setting Behaviours

  1. Open the Map and locate the Ship you wish to adjust the Behaviour of its Captain
  2. Right-Click on the Ship in the Map to bring up the context menu, and left-click on the "Information" option:
  3. Stay on the Map and, looking at the top-left area, change the view to the Behaviours tab by left-clicking the icon:
  4. Within the highlighted section below, left-click on "Hold Position" to view and chose from default Behaviours (listed in the table below). Within the highlighted section above there are also to additional checkbox options.
    • "Stay docked" (Only if the ship is already docked)
    • "Hold fire"
  5. Below the highlighted section above we can adjust how the Captain responds to scenarios (and chose if we want notifications or not):
    • Police Interdiction (where a Police scan found illegal goods):
      • Attack
      • Comply (dropping requested wares; default setting)
      • Escape
      • Wait
    • Pirate Harassment:
      • Attack (default setting)
      • Comply (dropping requested wares)
      • Escape
      • Wait
    • Finding abandoned ships:
      • Claim if possible (a Marine will be sent to board the ship)
      • Ignore (default setting)
      • Mark
      • Protect

Available Behaviours

Behaviour typeBehaviourSkill requirementSetup steps for the Default Behaviours menu in the Map
  1. Left-click on the area to the right of "Area to patrol".
  2. Left-click on the Sector you wish the Captain to Patrol.
  3. Left-click on the "OK" button at the top of the Default Behaviours menu (see images below).
  4. Left-click on the "Confirm" button in the Default Behaviours menu (see images below).
CombatProtect Position0
  1. Left-click on the area to the right of "Area to protect".
  2. Left-click on the Position in a Sector you wish the Captain to Protect.
  3. Left-click on the "Confirm" button in the Default Behaviours menu.
CombatProtect Ship0
  1. Left-click on the area to the right of "Ship to protect".
  2. Right-click on the Ship you wish to be Protected (can belong to another Faction).
  3. Left-click on the contextual "Select" option.
  4. Left-click on the "Confirm" button in the Default Behaviours menu.
CombatProtect Station0
  1. Left-click on the area to the right of "Station to protect".
  2. Right-click on the Station you wish to be Protected (can belong to another Faction).
  3. Left-click on the contextual "Select" option.
  4. Left-click on the "Confirm" button in the Default Behaviours menu.
MiningAutoMine1Mining Ship-specific; only available via station assignment
MiningAdvanced AutoMine3Mining Ship-specific
MiningExpert AutoMine4Mining Ship-specific
MiningSector AutoMine0
Mining Ship-specific
MiscellaneousRepeat Orders0
NavigationDock and Wait0
NavigationFollow Ship0
NavigationFly to Object0
NavigationFly and Wait0
NavigationHold Position0
ScrapAuto Salvage2Restricted to tug-class ships
ScrapAuto Recycle2Restricted to salvage-class ships
TradeRevisit known stations1
  1. Left-click on a ship in the Map.
  2. Right-click on empty space in the map and select "Update Trade Offers".
TradeFind Build Tasks0Builder Ship-specific
TradeFill Shortages2
TradeLocal AutoTrade0
TradeAdvanced AutoTrade3

Images Showing the Location of Common Confirmation Buttons

Training and skill increase

(see also Crew)

Each NPC can have their skills in each area (piloting, engineering, management, boarding and morale) increase from 0 to 5 stars. NPC can increase skills by either doing tasks, the player using training seminars or the use of the terraforming projects. From typical activity service crew will reach 2 stars relatively quickly, from there progression slows and it is unlikely that they will ever reach 5 stars from regular activity, instead they must be inflated artificially using training seminars. Marine's skill increases from successful boarding operations and they can become quite proficient quite quickly, marines do not benefit from seminars.

  • No labels


  1. Anonymous

    Patrols - As of Patch 1.5 ships on Patrol seem to just cruise randomly around the sectors border. And they do not adhere any set formation, which results in scattering into single units, after a while.

    Can we set a route, multiple checkpoints or a radius?

    1. It's best to provide feedback via the Egosoft forum where a Developer is more likely to see it.

  2. Anonymous

    Top of page has image issue. 1 clean white box above first image

    1. Sorry about that, and thanks for mentioning. Fixed.

  3. Anonymous

    Are there plans to overhaul the UI?  sometimes its confusing when to use a right click left click etc.  Could you clarify that in more detail took me a while to figure out the correct sequence at times.

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for the feedback. On this page I've done a rewrite, added another image and fixed an error. Please let me know if it is still unclear.

      As for the UI, it's best to provide feedback via the Egosoft forum where a Developer is more likely to see it.


  4. Anonymous

    Any chance the behaviour table could get another column that tells what the behaviour actually does?

    For example I haven't been able to find out what "Distribute Wares" does and only theories on what "Plunder" does.

    1. Anonymous

      Please, yes, this page needs explanations. Definitely no clarity on what "Plunder" actually is, for one, but even the others - what really is happening?

    2. Anonymous


      Need descriptions for each behavior. And there are new behaviors, for example: Better automine.

  5. Anonymous

    Where is an explanation of concepts like a Wing and the distinction of "Protect" and "Defend" vs being a "group" or "fleet" or whatever other terms I've seen?

    1. Anonymous

      Under Combat And Weapons > Fleet Management

  6. Anonymous

    I cannot find anywhere that you describe how to set default behaviors for your entire fleet. Can you supplement step 6 with another section describing how to set defaults for these behaviors across your entire fleet? I know it's under Player > Empire > Default Behaviors, but even that's very hard to find because that button in the Empire screen doesn't look like a clickable button.

  7. Anonymous

    Thank you for this page. I helped me get my capped ship to a dock. I can't seem to create queued orders is that related to  former marine as pilot qualifications?

  8. Anonymous

    I have a Zeus Capital ship stopped and won't move waiting for repair drones. Listed as critical. I cannot delete the command. The captain will not get up. I have 20 (MAX) repair drones onboard. Any suggestions? 

  9. Anonymous

    Wanted to check what the distribute wares task actually does as It doesn't seem to do anything in my game, Also auto miner has now been split up into different skills levels

  10. Anonymous

    "Impact of "Remove all orders" Command 
    At this time (v1.50), the "Remove all orders" command will reset Default Behaviours. Therefore care should be taken when deciding whether to use that command"

    Shouldn't you use proper name for the command that properly refers to the activity it performs like "Reset to default behaviours" instead creating wikipedia entry about how "Remove all orders" works?

    I know it would be the first place in X4 UI when command is clear and properly refers to action it performs but hey you have to start somewhere?

    1. This manual entry was kind of a left over based on an older version. The behavior/situation evolved meanwhile and that older statement no longer really applied (manual was updated accordingly).

  11. Anonymous

    Will this page be updated for 3.0? I find the new subordiante group settings very welcome but also very confusing. I know about the explaination given in but I'd like to have this information in the manual, since it's easier to find.

  12. Anonymous

    Any chance the behaviour table could get another column that tells what the behaviour actually does? Thanks, 

  13. Anonymous

    In other words, if a ship has now current orders

    Think this should read "if a ship has no current orders"

  14. Anonymous

    Thank you for clearing that up. I thought I was missing an entire tab/screen for giving advanced fleeing options It was driving me nuts.

  15. Anonymous

    Where can I learn more about all the NPC character skills ?

  16. Anonymous

    There is an error in the table 'Available Behaviours' under 'Navigation' for 'Explore': Explore has zero stars in needed pilot skills, not 3! The pilots can gain up to 3 stars in skill by exploring, but she needs no stars to begin with. (One star is much better, but it will work with lower skill too).