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Encyclopedia Entry

This Boron system suffered widespread devastation during a Xenon offensive. Many of its inhabitants were able to flee, but those unlucky enough to be caught on the planet Samsara perished before they had a chance to react. Both the planet, and the wider Boron population, were left devastated in the wake of the Xenon assault. Eventually, when the Xenon forces moved on, the Queendom was able to reclaim the system for themselves and pick up the pieces. The system held no strategic significance, nor was it particularly resource-rich. This has led to a great deal of speculation and confusion among the Boron on whether this historic tragedy was a calculated attack or pure happenstance. One theory is that the Xenon seemed to target the planet specifically, causing such unnecessary suffering to these Boron, just in order to conduct initial tests on their experimental planet-killer weapon; a weapon which they would go on to use to great effect later, in the Second Xenon Conflict. Once the Boron had rebuilt, Ocean of Fantasy was transformed into a successful hub for farming and mining. The revival initiative was launched by Atreus Shipbuilding Currents, who were looking to establish more branches in the known network.

Although the influx of trade revitalised the system, the scarred planet remained an inhospitable memorial to those who had lost their lives. The cessation of trade brought about by the system's isolation caused ship production to come to a complete halt. Only after the formation of the Provinces Adrift, were attempts made to resume shipyard operations. However, ever-prevalent ware shortages were further amplified when Kha'ak raids started to harass defenceless trade ships trying to deliver critical supplies. These raids went largely unanswered, as the Provinces Adrift were struggling to allocate enough patrols to cover all of their systems. In an attempt to protect themselves from these raids, several upstanding members of the community came together to organise a grassroots initiative. Traders organised themselves to conduct their trade runs in larger numbers. Nila Ti, a vocal proponent of the initiative, had posited that this would make them less attractive targets. Unfortunately, however, her hypothesis proved to be incorrect, and several such convoys went missing or were destroyed. Eventually, the Boron gave up on trying to maintain Ocean of Fantasy's shipyard and the focus shifted. All ship building was now consolidated into Great Reef. Not only is it situated more centrally within Provinces territory, but producing all ships in one system also makes the system easier to patrol and protect from Kha'ak invaders.

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