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of it is to take this away from others.

Destroying ships and collecting what's left is probably the plummiest approach, not only does it usually leave very little of the target, but it also gives you a lot of prestige for a few cr and blocks a lot of options in the long run.

It is much more elegant to damage the target and then ask it to drop its cargo, although this is also fought by the lawmen, but at least the loss of reputation is only temporary. The procedure is always similar:
Find a suitable hunting ground.
Find a S/M ship with worthwhile cargo, high-tech for example.
Shoot the ship quickly to 10% hull and then leave it alone for 10 seconds, otherwise he will not go to the comm.
Ask for the cargo to be handed over. And collect it.
Leave the area quickly.
As long as no one dies, everything will be peaceful again after a few minutes.
The possible profit depends on your own cargo and can amount to about 300k Cr with your own freighter in tow. If you only have one battleship you will only get 20k-50k Cr.

Capturing foreign S/M ships is basically similar to looting their cargo holds, except that you demand the surrender of the ship.
In this case, it is also advisable to annex the booty only a little later, after the matter is over.
As long as no one dies, everything will be peaceful again after a few minutes.
The profit from capturing depends mainly on the value and usefulness of the loot ship and its cargo, and can easily bring in 2 million if you are lucky.

The top class is taking over an L/XL ship and its cargo.
There is a lot more to consider here.
The hunting ground is much more important as all sector guards will try to intervene and may even call for reinforcements from neighbouring areas.
Before the start of the operation, it is advisable to save in order to have a backup in case of a catastrophic outcome.
You need a small fleet of S/M ships to get enough marines together to capture even one civilian L ship, at least all marines of the squadron are used automatically.
First scan the object of desire, switch to scan mode and scan via the right-click menu, without this information it is not possible to plan further action.
Now you should check whether enough cargo is loaded to make the operation worthwhile.
Right-click on board to plan the actual manoeuvre; there are two options: the strength of the intact towers before the boarding capsules are allowed to start and the strength of the hull from which a breakthrough takes place.
On the right there is also useful comparative information about the strength of the attackers and defenders, once you have made a sensible choice here you only have to achieve the chosen conditions.
You should leave shield generators intact if possible and also ignore drones if possible, any destruction of surface elements and drones causes permanent loss of reputation.
Engines should be switched off if the target is approaching a gate and can otherwise be ignored.
Target-following missile turrets should be eliminated first.
In the current version, the Green Scale Pact does not suffer reputation loss from attacks, so it is preferable as a hunting prey.
The hunting ground
If possible, the hunting ground should have no/weak sector protection and belong to a faction that has only a few other systems.
Neighbouring systems would send reinforcements if the worst came to the worst. It can also be advantageous to board the sector guard first.
If the prey and sector security are not allied or even hostile, it becomes even easier.
For XL ships, you should plan at least 100 naval recruits.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    This was very helpful. Thank you.