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Version / DateDescription


March 14th 2022

  • New Feature: Scrap recycling.
  • New Feature: New Paranid capital ship designs.
  • New Feature: Personal office on HQ.
  • New Feature: Support for AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR).
  • Added several new achievements.
  • Added "special" NPCs offering new mission chains.
  • Added hidden pirate operations that may include valuable targets.
  • Added new equipment mods.
  • Added cooldown time to station storage hacking.
  • Added fifth subordinate group for station subordinates.
  • Added new default behaviour Local AutoTrade.
  • Added options to control whether player ships wait for player under certain circumstances.
  • Added notification if player-owned capital ship is ordered to go mining but has no mining drones.
  • Added support for copy and paste in text fields.
  • Added possibility to change equipment of multiple ships of same model at same time.
  • Added information about multiple production methods to Encyclopedia.
  • Added info about production cycles per hour to Encyclopedia.
  • Added Retrieve from Internal Storage option for stored ships.
  • Added mouse steering HUD indicator.
  • Added trade offer icons to Map legend.
  • Added buttons for quick access to Map filters.
  • Added map filter to toggle rendering of satellite coverage.
  • Added markers for failed orders in Map menu.
  • Added AI order and behaviour descriptions to mouseover tooltips on Map.
  • Added station upkeep and storage information to Selected Object section in Map menu.
  • Added texts to explain status icons in Logical Station Overview.
  • Added hull integrity efficiency display to Logical Station Overview.
  • Added hull info to station modules in Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Added Default Behaviour icons to Object List and Property Owned menus.
  • Added hull and shield details to hull shield bar mouseover texts.
  • Added mouseover text to explain warning icon for research entries.
  • Added icons to improve display of workforce capacity and growth effects.
  • Added preview for Default Ship Skin in Custom Gamestart Editor.
  • Added Reloading UI message when changing certain settings.
  • Added key binding to deselect current target.
  • Added new voices for Duke's Buccaneers and Realm of the Trinity faction representatives.
  • Added alarm sounds for enemy proximity and enemy attack.
  • Added new multi-tiered fight music tracks.
  • Added holographic effects to Terran 4-dock pier to make capital ship docking easier.
  • Added warning when starting game with NVIDIA version 436.51 drivers or older.
  • Added warning when client becomes modified during gameplay.
  • Added info about saves being modified to Load Game menu.
  • Added option for mods to specify maximum supported version of game or other required extensions (maxversion attribute in dependencies).
  • Changed behaviour of contested sectors to become ownerless if old owner no longer has any claim.
  • Changed name of Distribute Wares order to Fill Shortages.
  • Changed colour for illegal wares in menus.
  • Changed position of Reset View button in Map menu to upper left corner.
  • Changed Trade Filter Max Price in Map menu to apply no filter if set to zero.
  • Removed fleet delivery requirement for repair drones for Split story missions Declaration of Curbs and Fires of Fate.
  • Removed research resource warnings for research that is not yet available.
  • Removed rectangles around small details in scan mode.
  • Improved stellar output in Bright Promise and Heart of Acrimony II.
  • Improved hints and warnings during some complicated sections of HQ story.
  • Improved visuals of faction vs faction guild mission intro room.
  • Improved fighter combat movement.
  • Improved initial approach of capital ships in combat, particularly against stations.
  • Improved carrier combat behaviour when all subordinates are set to Docked.
  • Improved choice of mining location by mining ships.
  • Improved aim accuracy against surface elements of moving targets.
  • Improved loadout range for NPC construction vessels to give them more construction drones.
  • Improved coordination between multiple free-flying police ships operating in same sector.
  • Improved mission briefings by removing certain distracting map elements.
  • Improved accuracy of gas and mineral indicators on map.
  • Improved saving of loadouts and construction plans by enabling text input by default.
  • Improved information and target monitor display for hackable control panels.
  • Improved logbook entry for ships that have fled.
  • Improved trade filtering on Map when combining specific ware filters and other filters.
  • Improved Map to show icons matching text filter even when zoomed out.
  • Improved Selected Object info in Map.
  • Improved docking hint by not mentioning spacesuit if target does not have matching dock.
  • Improved button position for ware, sector and faction selection in Map and Global Orders menus.
  • Improved button position for trade ware selection in Logical Station Overview.
  • Improved Object Info menu to remember previous tab, where possible, when opened from Interact menu.
  • Improved sorting of trade orders when selecting Default Behaviour.
  • Improved consistency of turret group naming in various menus.
  • Improved notification of recurring order failure resulting from assignments or default behaviours.
  • Improved menu navigation with controller in Player Information and Transaction Log menus.
  • Improved ship controls to be enabled while multi-stage hint text is shown.
  • Improved joystick button auto-repeat.
  • Improved interior locations for Argon station designs.
  • Improved fight music trigger conditions.
  • Improved determination of available threads on Linux systems.
  • Improved saving time.
  • Fixed triggering of Data Mining achievement when receiving blueprint as random scan reward.
  • Fixed The Unworthy Entrepreneur gamestart intro narration cutting off.
  • Fixed Going Offensive mission potentially getting stuck if mission left for too long.
  • Fixed Torus Mission not continuing after successfully flying through initial airlock in Neptunian Terraforming story.
  • Fixed Save Them From Themselves mission remaining active after NPC has defected during Mutually Assured Destruction mission.
  • Fixed A Matter of Respect mission getting stuck if player runs away before fight or if informant's ship is scrapped before player approaches mission area.
  • Fixed welfare module research mission not being available from savegames.
  • Fixed passenger transport missions occasionally not having guidance when accepted.
  • Fixed some missions getting stuck when using Moreya while under cover.
  • Fixed incorrect lines being spoken during welfare module research mission.
  • Fixed hack station missions instructing player to dock when standing on docked ship.
  • Fixed some Split War Subscription missions sometimes requesting Sentinel type instead of Argon Vanguard.
  • Fixed player getting offered A Heart for Pirates mission despite leaving Yaki territory on bad terms.
  • Fixed War of Intervention mission guidance getting stuck if fleet commander is assigned to different patrol fleet.
  • Fixed helpful hint in deliver ship missions never appearing again.
  • Fixed Paranid story skipping to final state after progressing mission in custom gamestart.
  • Fixed station subordinate upkeep missions sometimes not completing after ship assignment.
  • Fixed dialog during Teladi encounter at Mars-Asteroid Belt Gate getting interrupted by Terran plot dialog if cutscene is skipped.
  • Fixed Zyarth's Coffin mission getting stuck because of missing trade offer on delivery station.
  • Fixed case of Coffin ship not undocking during To The Other Side mission in Split story.
  • Fixed Dr. Rick Feynman repeating dialog during Second Assistant and Data Transfer missions in Segaris Pioneer story.
  • Fixed ships delivered for certain missions potentially ending up with wrong owner.
  • Fixed some saved mission loadouts not being loadable (does not fix loadouts that have already been saved).
  • Fixed crew amounts of player property ships not being imported correctly from exported Custom Gamestarts.
  • Fixed imported custom gamestarts that were over-budget on import still showing as over-budget after reducing costs under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed crew amounts in Custom Gamestart Editor not allowing all values under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed several cases of custom gamestart faction relations being overwritten during story missions.
  • Fixed welfare module blueprint not being available if unlocked via custom gamestart.
  • Fixed freeze on manual ware exchange between two ships.
  • Fixed capital ships colliding with invisible objects.
  • Fixed unrealistic player ship movement when colliding with smaller objects.
  • Fixed player-controlled capital ships aborting travel mode when colliding with asteroids.
  • Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck after passing control to AI and leaving.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack My Current Target continuing to fire after selecting non-hostile target.
  • Fixed Building Drones showing hourglass icon on radar and map.
  • Fixed miners assigned to Mimic their commander changing their anchor space when their commander changes sectors.
  • Fixed fleet subordinates not engaging hostiles according to their assignment when in transit.
  • Fixed some NPC stations not having, or wanting, sufficient drones.
  • Fixed certain discounts/commissions not unlocking when they should.
  • Fixed asteroids appearing to suddenly spawn near mining ships.
  • Fixed capital ships continuing to strafe in combat if forward guns are deactivated while already engaged.
  • Fixed cargo containers dropped when hacking station storage sometimes ending up inside modules.
  • Fixed station plots being able to be placed in fog of war or overlapping other stations.
  • Fixed ships sometimes repeatedly docking and undocking while fleeing.
  • Fixed standby pilots remaining inactive even after player has taken control of another ship.
  • Fixed ships docked waiting for player removing their next order after being told to proceed.
  • Fixed container magnet not working well on certain capital ships.
  • Fixed certain random drops from destroyed asteroids not getting cleaned up over time.
  • Fixed dropped cargo being instantly picked back up again by pushing containers away from hull.
  • Fixed destroyed objects disappearing instead of being wrecked under certain conditions.
  • Fixed some characters remaining on bridge of boarded ships after successful operation.
  • Fixed automatic targeting failing to aim at capital ship engines.
  • Fixed small plasma weapon not being able to gimbal up/down.
  • Fixed forward-mounted missile launchers doing damage with no ammo when player not present.
  • Fixed ships and stations destroying objects in highways when player not present.
  • Fixed ships engaging mass traffic ships when moving long-distance while patrolling.
  • Fixed turrets on ships not firing on valid targets if set to Attack Fighters or Attack Capital Ships but no turrets are set to Attack All Enemies.
  • Fixed carriers with active subordinates plotting positions far enough away from targets that they lose sight of their targets and disengage.
  • Fixed carriers with subordinates getting too close to their targets when in combat.
  • Fixed police ships sometimes forgetting about ships and stations that they already scanned.
  • Fixed Deposit Inventory order being removed from repeated order queue if pilot has nothing to deposit.
  • Fixed very rare case of ships failing to avoid collisions with stations.
  • Fixed ships sometimes failing to dock after being sold.
  • Fixed movement problems when undocking from moving ships.
  • Fixed getting stuck if pressing Shift+D while crouching on board ship.
  • Fixed subordinates of very full carriers not getting repaired at their carrier when they dock.
  • Fixed falling through some floors on dock areas of capital ships that are themselves docked.
  • Fixed rare issue where stations may not have certain rooms.
  • Fixed missing group training option when assigning crew to player HQ with group training capabilities.
  • Fixed not being able to retrieve ship from storage under certain conditions.
  • Fixed rare case involving invisible cargo space reservation for wares that are no longer needed but still have manual storage amounts defined.
  • Fixed extremely rare case of automatic storage allocation failing for stations with excessive amounts of storage.
  • Fixed rare case of insufficient cargo allocation for terraforming projects.
  • Fixed research resource amounts overriding trade ware storage allocation.
  • Fixed incorrect price of Proton Barrage MK1/Mk2 and Meson Stream Mk2 weapons.
  • Fixed Hatikvah Free League and Scaleplate Pact not having access to blueprint for Behemoth Main Battery.
  • Fixed docking guidance going through walls at certain dock areas.
  • Fixed some game settings not being reset when restoring defaults.
  • Fixed more cases of NPCs warping to their destination.
  • Fixed some capital ship bridges staying at red alert after having once been in combat.
  • Fixed ship stopping when opening menu while matching speed despite Maintain Speed in Menus being set.
  • Fixed max range for Advanced AutoMine and Advanced AutoTrade being capped at piloting skill minus one.
  • Fixed ship crews bailing in response to player demanding they surrender while in spacesuit.
  • Fixed attacking ships sometimes overshooting their target on long-distance movement.
  • Fixed ships assigned to trade for station build storage refusing to do so unless build storage is able to pay for it.
  • Fixed inconsistent ship behaviour when trading between player stations that don't have money.
  • Fixed inconsistent cargo numbers when using Ware Exchange.
  • Fixed sub-missions in Mission Briefing context menu being wrongly marked as completed under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed mission offer groups in Mission Offers menu sometimes requiring 2 clicks to collapse.
  • Fixed missing user question about discarding planned default behaviour under certain circumstances
  • Fixed Ship Behaviour menu not being displayed under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menu selection in Behaviour menu jumping to first row.
  • Fixed missing options in Interact menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed not being able to select or target objects on Map under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed trade and mission offer interactions being available while selecting order parameters.
  • Fixed resource warning icon for research that has already started.
  • Fixed mission context menus not working when NPC object is selected.
  • Fixed Boarding menu reporting more marines being assigned while pods are in flight.
  • Fixed station plots in Xenon sectors showing plot fee before placing.
  • Fixed equipment mod crafting sometimes showing more properties than are possible.
  • Fixed stimulants production module being at wrong position in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Logical Station Overview not correctly visualising connections of production modules with three different resource types.
  • Fixed Terran E pier geometry being at wrong position in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Manorina (Mineral) front hatches intersecting in Ship Build/Upgrade menus.
  • Fixed equipment listed for shopping list entries in Ship Upgrade menu.
  • Fixed sort order of equipment in Ship and Station Configuration menus.
  • Fixed missing ship information in transaction log when involved ship was destroyed after transaction (applies to new entries only).
  • Fixed various minor issues in transaction log.
  • Fixed workforce efficiency info being hidden in Logical Station Overview for some player stations.
  • Fixed missing sector selection for Buy and Sell orders.
  • Fixed Resource Probe scanning range value in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed issue with shift-selecting docked ships in Property Owned menu.
  • Fixed ship system indicators being visible while docking/undocking.
  • Fixed Map camera jumping when returning from Plot Management tab.
  • Fixed duplicated Player HQ module in Station Build menu of empty plot.
  • Fixed selecting Fleet commander on Map changing to Unassigned Ships category.
  • Fixed option to hire being available for enemy Builder ships.
  • Fixed Logical Station Overview options being missing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed jumping selection in Manage Plots tab of Map menu.
  • Fixed menu position in Behaviour and Individual Instructions menu jumping to first row.
  • Fixed alert levels not shown in Object List or Property Owned menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed incorrectly scrolled view without scroll bar in Logical Station Overview when hiding display of Economy Statistics.
  • Fixed orientation of certain icons in Map info boxes.
  • Fixed comm cutscenes occasionally getting stuck.
  • Fixed menu crash in Behaviour menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed text input in Steam Big Picture mode.
  • Fixed being able to duplicate controls that are not remappable.
  • Fixed incorrect camera position when saving and loading while sitting on station.
  • Fixed nearby ships sometimes being invisible.
  • Fixed certain large landmarks not being visible from long distance.
  • Fixed room overlapping with trader's shop on Argon trade stations.
  • Fixed docking bays on Teladi capital ships being placed above intended location.
  • Fixed minor graphical glitches on various Terran station modules.
  • Fixed excessively dirty cockpit glass on Argon L capital ship bridges.
  • Fixed collision mesh in cockpit on Katana.
  • Fixed Katana paint mod affecting unwanted surfaces.
  • Fixed delay in updating crosshair hull and shield bars.
  • Fixed flickering target shield bar in hazardous regions under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed docking hint remaining on screen much too long if docking permission is repeatedly requested.
  • Fixed turret positions on Teladi capital mining ships.
  • Fixed Magpie cockpit hatch pushing player into ship wall when opening.
  • Fixed Katana ramp not opening correctly.
  • Fixed Kukri not having a wreck.
  • Fixed mirrored text on 3M6S dock area.
  • Fixed certain cases of flickering asteroids.
  • Fixed lens flares being visible through hull of own capital ship.
  • Fixed verbal notifications being repeatedly spoken by player-owned ships with looped orders.
  • Fixed Steam/Galaxy overlay and OBS capture with latest graphics drivers.
  • Fixed underlying cause of specific long freeze.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.

5.00 HF 1

March 15th 2022

  • Fixed Kyd from stranded gamestart being invulnerable.
  • Fixed player-owned station being selected in The Station Swindle mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed captured High-Tech Traders disappearing in High-Tech Hold-Up mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed incorrect pay-out when personally towing wrecked ships to processing module.
  • Fixed encyclopedia description text for Teuta.

5.00 HF 2

March 17th 2022

  • Fixed Axiom refusing to fly to Woodworm Scrubs in The Past a Prison mission of Pirate story
  • Fixed objective sometimes reverting to Install Mod in Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed ammo selection disappearing when using ship editor in custom gamestarts.
  • Fixed Erlking turret blueprints not being obtainable.

5.00 HF 3

March 22nd 2022

  • Fixed Aurora Casino being selected as target in A Demonstration of Power and A Change in Management missions.
  • Fixed bar disappearing if player leaves early during Trading Lessons mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed missing actor in bar during bar investigation during Arcadian Ambitions mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed research not being possible in Avarice story when starting custom gamestart with Protectyon set to researched.
  • Fixed ship travelling to Avarice sometimes not being warned about Tide.
  • Fixed Kha'ak Forager ships not firing weapons.
  • Fixed game sometimes freezing when loading certain savegames.
  • Fixed saving sometimes taking excessively long.

5.00 HF 4

March 24th 2022

  • Completed localisation of update 5.00 for Simplified Chinese.
  • Updated localisation for Russian, French and Polish.


April 7th 2022

  • Added option to choose which ship to transfer to Mr Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III in mission Scrapyard Salvage of Avarice story.
  • Added Protectyon Shield Generator to Logical Station Overview.
  • Added station type icons to station HUD elements.
  • Added automatic mouseover tooltips for truncated texts.
  • Added target elements for Vaults and Landmarks.
  • Added ware reservation information to station cargo display.
  • Added option to use Ctrl+Shift together as modifier for keyboard input.
  • Removed asteroids from Next Target list.
  • Improved player ship starting weapons in Spear of the Patriarch gamestart.
  • Improved Tangling with the Teladi mission by rebalancing loadout of pursuing fleet.
  • Improved ambush attack handling in Enigmatic Avarice mission of Avarice story.
  • Improved time between Boso Ta's calls for Cease and Desist mission in Segaris Pioneer story.
  • Improved ending of Avarice story to avoid reputation loss and prolonged engagement with Vigor Syndicate.
  • Improved balancing of Protectyon availability on Tidebreak.
  • Improved visibility of Long Range Scan ping of Erlking Vaults.
  • Improved aiming of weapons against certain targets such as Kha'ak stations, mass traffic, new ships, and other structures.
  • Improved application of construction plans to stations to reduce cases of modules being recycled and then reconstructed unnecessarily.
  • Improved workforce growth/decline rates to avoid large swings in consumed resources.
  • Improved precision of movement by individual player-owned ships given explicit movement orders.
  • Improved flee behaviour of fleeing ships that already have travel mode active.
  • Improved combat movement of fighters attacking other fighters when the player is around.
  • Improved input information shown in Interaction and External View messages.
  • Improved layout of Ship Modification menu.
  • Improved display of messages on Message Ticker.
  • Improved background in Windfall.
  • Fixed Casino welfare mission sometimes having no objectives.
  • Fixed Casino welfare module research not unlocking in certain cases.
  • Fixed Going Clean mission for Hatikvah sometimes getting stuck.
  • Fixed player sometimes not being able to dock spacesuit at Astrid during Answers in a Faraway System mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed involuntarily being teleported out of spacesuit during Answers in a Faraway System mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed unique Astrid equipment sometimes being missing after successfully capturing it.
  • Fixed rare freeze during Track Ship mission.
  • Fixed missing engine and shield generator on story Katana.
  • Fixed Duke's Buccaneers and Paranid factions not being at war after specific diplomatic choice during Paranid story.
  • Fixed selling Protectyon for high price not triggering The Freest of Markets achievement in Avarice story.
  • Fixed Boso Ta repeating himself in certain cases during Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed issues with racing ship being destroyed prematurely in Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed Boso Ta signal leak not being discoverable in Tides of Avarice sectors.
  • Fixed incorrect Brantlee dialog during Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission in Avarice story.
  • Fixed Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III missing during dock conversation with Ebby Bro during Scrapyard Salvage mission of Avarice story.
  • Fixed player relation to VIG faction to bring it back up to neutral if it dropped after Avarice story ends.
  • Fixed player being addressed with gamestart character's name in Arcadian Ambitions mission despite having changed it.
  • Fixed Haile Shinamon briefly being hostile towards player if Amplifier is destroyed under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed Godrealm of the Paranid and Holy Order of the Pontifex remaining as client faction for Build Station missions after specific player diplomatic decision.
  • Fixed issues with hacking station in Pirate story.
  • Fixed transfer of credits for mission trades not working.
  • Fixed Vigor Syndicate and Riptide Rakers defence stations not having correct crew.
  • Fixed not being able to reliably use anomalies with large ships.
  • Fixed workforce resources not being bought on stations without production or build modules even though Fill Whole Habitat is set.
  • Fixed some instances where ships that are otherwise able to trade are unable to do looped trades.
  • Fixed hacking of turrets not being taken into account in damage calculations when player is not present.
  • Fixed incorrect weapon damage calculation if same weapon appeared in active primary and secondary weapon groups.
  • Fixed ships sometimes fleeing towards their attacker even though not fleeing toward highway, gate, or station.
  • Fixed police ships and station customs finding illegal wares in cargo holds of ships equipped with Mirage mod.
  • Fixed pirates determining cargo of ships equipped with Mirage mod.
  • Fixed cases of stuck large trade ships trying to execute trade.
  • Fixed ships and modules destroyed while under construction not contributing correct scrap.
  • Fixed last module destroyed on station not contributing scrap.
  • Fixed laser towers firing on enemy objects that are not hostile.
  • Fixed loss of ability to use control stations in first person under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed miners sometimes not being able to gather resources even in non-depleted areas.
  • Fixed stations with processing modules not buying any Raw Scrap if all solid storage capacity is allocated manually.
  • Fixed player receiving excessive gratitude for destroying hostile ships around stations.
  • Fixed Build Storage storage being destructible and restored destroyed storage.
  • Fixed capital ships not being able to collect crates full of cash.
  • Fixed rare case where NPCs would not appear on stations.
  • Fixed certain stations not allowing docking in very extreme savegames.
  • Fixed bridges for docked capital ships being missing from station elevator destinations under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed certain rooms sometimes not appearing in transporter menu.
  • Fixed Closed Loop production method not being listed for certain equipment in Encyclopedia.
  • Fixed overlapping texts in Target Monitor and Message Ticker.
  • Fixed selecting specific ware on map overriding all other trade filters.
  • Fixed module search and filter in Station Build menu.
  • Fixed Match Target Speed and Map pan/rotate toggle not working as toggle once any control was remapped.
  • Fixed auto-selected target being lost immediately when looking away in gamepad mode.
  • Fixed current target being lost when changing between mouse and gamepad input.
  • Fixed having to toggle flight assist twice after turning off travel mode.
  • Fixed Direct Mouse Steering mode turning off after using menu.
  • Fixed incorrect button icons being displayed when playing with controller under Linux.
  • Fixed air marshals sometimes performing incorrect gestures during docking.
  • Fixed incorrect positions of certain turrets/shields on Barbarossa.
  • Fixed floating antenna geometry on Baldric and Jian.
  • Fixed off-centre collision issues with Shih.
  • Fixed weapons not being able to properly target Helios E.
  • Fixed various French voice and Chinese Traditional localisation issues.

5.10 HF 1

April 13th 2022

  • Fixed Lu t'Cca not being in his cell in Prison level 1 after player leaves area during The Past a Prison mission of Pirate story.
  • Fixed Teuta potentially getting stuck trying to dismantle wreck that is already being processed by processing module.
  • Fixed player getting very large amounts of money when player-owned capital ships collect deployables.
  • Fixed drones disappearing when recalled while launching.
  • Fixed remaining cases of ships attempting to mine areas without resources.
  • Fixed French voice and Russian localisation issues.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.

5.10 HF 2

April 27th 2022

  • Fixed long freezes and poor performance in station designer with very large stations.
  • Fixed excessive damage from capital ship engines in superhighways.
  • Fixed workforce consuming resources more often than intended.
  • Fixed strange location names in notifications and log.
  • Fixed incorrect orientation of some turrets on Split M Container Storage module.
  • Fixed menu crash when opening Object Information menu for Kha'ak stations.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.

5.10 HF 3

April 21st 2022

  • Re-enabled access to paint mods in online inventory.
  • Basic online functionality is re-enabled, i.e. you can log in to, and out of, your Egosoft account from within the game.
  • You will be able access any paint mods that are in your online inventory, with the same limitations and conditions as before.
  • You will NOT be able to build new venture docks or send ships on ventures, and you will not see any menus related to this.
  • You will NOT receive any "visitor" ships from other players.
  • No labels