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The most up-to-date version is 1.60

Download links for the most up-to-date version, and earlier versions, of the CWR mod can be found on the forum here.

When the mod was in beta, the numbering went up to 2.0B. After it was considered "released", the number restarted at 1.0 and have increased to 1.60.


Change log for the released mod

CWIR Version 1.60

1) Lots of minor bug fixes/improvements 
2) Config option to turn on or off free missile reload for player ships 
3) Some support for lost sectors and TO (station construction features) - Optional files available from Nexus with the main mod download.

CWIR Version 1.55 RC 
1) Further Improvements to Station destruction/damage 

CWIR Version 1.5 RC 
1) Fixes to Station destruction, ships should destroy stations correctly. 
2) Changes to Capital ship missiles making them have a larger range and do more damage. Astrobee, V Launcher and Torpedoes (just range and lifetime for this one) 
3) Some tooltips for when you can't do something (like build a station somewhere) 

CWIR Version 1.4 
1) Changes to Assigntocommander and mmmvoyager scripts 
2) Changes to the HV Faction (should shut down ships properly when taking sunken frigate now). This wont take effect until the script is called so might have to wait a while, but should eventually shut them all off. 
3) Added hybrid rahanas to PMC shipyard. 

CWIR Version 1.3 RC 
1) Should fix problem of new commanders being placed on ships when docking at a shipyard. 
2) fixes to the escort script. Ships were not always properly disappearing when their jobs were finished. Should now disappear after a couple hours. 
3) New plunder command for your ships. Command is located in the following dialogue option: *pilot* -> more ... -> Voyager -> Do Plunder at ... 


In order for plunder to work properly you need to be docked (the albion skunk) at a station or CV that needs the resources/tradeware because this will be used for the plunder command. 

For example, if you are building a station but your CV is missing some high tech resource. You can dock at the CV and then com one of your ships which will be used for the plunder, tell it to plunder and then your ship will look at what the CV needs and go and try to plunder the resources. They take relation into account and wont attack friendly factions. 

They will also loot wares that are left behind in a zone after battles, etc. 
The plunder command can be used on small ships too, but they wont attack because of how weak they are. They will search for lost wares in zones and try to collect them however. Pilot skill is taken into account. 

CWIR Version 1.25RC 
1) Should fix issues with HV and Family ryak not being completely destroyed. 

CWIR Version 1.2 RC 

1) If you own your own shipyard, you can replicate (clone construction) any ship that you own at your own shipyard. You will still have to have the full resources required to build the ship, but you will be able to build any ship that you already own. 

2) Some minor bug fixes/improvements

CWIR Version 1.1 RC 

1) S collector name will appear correctly in buy list of Xenon matrix 

2) NPC's will now spawn on Xenon stations. These are Xenon synthetic lifeforms, just like you are when playing the Xenon start! This means, you can now get a trade agent on the Xenon matrix and you can hire crew, buy missiles, use a mechanic, etc. This should fix the issue with the Xenon matrix not always showing what it is buying, let me know if it works fine (need trade agent on xenon matrix) 

3) When buying S collectors, you can now equip them with the correct drones. 

4) Fix for Mining/collectors to be able to select a resource to gather. Seems there is a VANILLA issue where if there are more than 5 resources in a zone, it wont display all possible resources to collect (it shows all minerals first and then gases so all gases wont display). Thanks to Unitrader for fix. 

5) Fix for ships being built at NPC shipyards for the player (they were giving you full crew when they shouldnt)

1) Changed zone patrol behavior (let me know if it doesn't work, might need to reassign ships)
2) Some other minor fixes here and there.

Change log for the earlier beta phase

CWIR Beta Version 2.0B 

1) Hopefully a fix for loop and freeze issues 
2) Fix for duplicate PMC shipyard (if you already have one in your game it will stay there) 
3) Some other fixes/changes/improvements

CWIR Version 2.0A 
1) New Xenon stations, and invasion logic (still being worked on but mostly implemented). 
2) New Xenon start! This is intended to be difficult and limited to mostly conquest. There is a very basic Xenon economy (they only harvest ores and gases). They have a shipyard and something else which is a secret Smile You will have to figure it out on your own! Xenon will produce ships at their shipyards and will invade all clusters if they can! They do have a logic to their invasions, but they will still send ships out haphazardly too. Do not leave them to go unchecked forever...... 
3) New Xenon gas collector medium ship (same as ore miner but it collects gases) 
4) If playing as Xenon, small and medium ships cost nothing to buy and can be bought en mass as much as you want as long as the shipyard has them! For L and XL ships, you will have to pay some credits (this is mostly due to certain limitations but also balancing) but they are pretty cheap. As there is no significant xenon economy, the only way to earn credits is by selling gas/ore to the shipyard (but this is a VERY SLOW way since they don't hold a lot of cargo and ores/gases don't give that much credits) or by boarding ships and selling them to the xenon shipyard (by which ships will also be used by the xenon, basically "assimilation"). 
5) The story is that the Xenon have decided to develop Synthetic lifeforms to mimic humans (who created them to begin with). (Actually, because of the game engine and certain limitations, we need to add npcs to the xenon faction in order for the player to play as a xenon and for the shipyard to function correctly). Despite these limitations, though, I think it is a pretty cool idea that the Xenon have developed synthetics in order to infiltrate the organics for the purposes of destroying them all! You play as Xenon Synthetic lifeform 0 and your co pilot is #1! The rest of the xenon npcs are further production of said synthetic lifeforms. 
6) The xenon start is not entirely complete (need to work on story and such), but it is mostly complete. 
7) Bug fixes and performance improvements/changes to spawning scripts, etc. 

If you want to check out the new Xenon stations and see what they do, try starting a new game as a Xenon! The stations are very very cool and fit right in with the Xenon, I assure you. Not to mention what the special station does Smile Let's see if you can figure it out.

CWIR Version 1.95 Beta
1) Couple of clean up scripts/bug fixes
2) HEV initialization script for HEV stations if no crew and production
3) Secrets

CWIR Version 1.9 Beta 

1) Some improvements to the movement scripts/updating 
2) Some bug fixes and changes to jobs 
3) Minor changes to various scripts/balance changes/performance

CWIR Version 1.8 Beta changelog


1) New Diplomacy feature, donate ships. 
2) Ships built at a player shipyard will now come with a full crew of w to high level quality (taking from your own station population). I will set the range from 1 to 5 and it will be random. If you want to change the range, open up npc_shiptrader.xml in the MD folder of the mod. In the Buildfinished cue, pretty much at the top, find the cwircommander, cwirengineer, cwirdefence, cwirarchitect and change the numbers, you can see all the skills listed there so it is self explanatory. 
3) Faction specific shipyards, all shipyards in the game (excluding DLC) are now faction specific! 
4) Improvements to brspawnnpc file (now spawns less specialists and specialist clean up if too many) 
5) Some minor bug fixes/improvements. 
6) There are now a total of 6 Sanahar Ships for HOA. There is a Container, bulk, energy, liquid, and 2 different hybrids (one B and L, one C and E) 
7) HOA JOB traders now only use Sanahar ships! 
8 ) Heretic Vanguard station in Murky Skies switched to Franton Pharma 

PLEASE READ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THOSE UPDATING TO 1.8 ON PAGE 215!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CWIR Beta Version 1.7
 1) Added new feature "contractor". Hire a contractor to take care of building a station for you! Will build all modules and surface elements. 
You WILL NOT have access to the station until it is done and building the station may take a long time, keep that in mind! Also, remember, you must have the credits in your personal account to purchase the entire station when it is done or else the station will be sold to someone else! This could also be used to have factions obtain new stations if you intentionally do not put money in your account when it is done.

2) All escort ships for Jobs fleets are now configurable in the cm_config file!!! Think the Job fleets have too many ships or your PC is having trouble with so many ships? Edit the config file to lower the amount of Capital ship escorts and fighter escorts accompanying job fleets (Job fleets are always led by ONE ship, either a Capital ship or fighter ship and then escorts get added to that one ship). REMEMBER TO EDIT THE CONFIG TO SET THIS TO YOUR LIKING OR TO THE CAPABILITY OF YOUR PC. THIS MEANS THAT EVEN PEOPLE WITH LOWER END PC's CAN ENJOY THE MOD BY SETTING THE ESCORTS TO A LOWER NUMBER!

3) Fixes/improvements to scout behavior and invasion fleets. 

4) Brand new Fleetulator! Script that handles automatic fleet creation for Invasion fleets, troop transport invasion fleets, Job Escorts for Job fleets, etc. All which can be configured in the cm_config file. Want more ships? You can do that. Want less ships? You can do that too! Smart and intelligent population of escorts for all factions in the game! It is also slightly random so there will be many different variations of fleets!

5) All military Capital ships which are built at a shipyard by NPC faction or any Capital ship the player sells to a NPC shipyard will find a fleet or squad to join and will go and join that squad/fleet. 
For small ships, any military small ship you sell to a faction will join an existing squad/fleet and will go and fight and patrol and such! (thanks to w.evans for helping me with this and also Unitrader!)

What this means is that you could potentially be a shipyard company that supplies a faction with ships for their wars (or just a supporter of a faction helping the war effort). 

Previously, the ships sold to a faction would move.patrol but they would remain alone. Now they will join other fleets/squads which makes them even more effective! Selling multiple ships at a time will have them form up into squads and they will go out and fight! 

Even small ships which are produced at NPC shipyards, when not used by jobs but spawned out of the shipyard, will also have jobs to fulfill. NO SHIP WILL BE WASTED BY MOVE.DIE AGAIN!

6) New mechanics for selling ships to your own shipyard!! Now you can be a real shipyard dealer in every sense of the word! If you sell ships to another faction shipyard, they will join that faction. However, if you sell ships to your own shipyard, you will be selling to any potential buyer of any faction you are of neutral or higher standing with. These ships will be purchased by these other factions and used for whatever the purpose of the ship is. Military ships will go on patrol or find other fleets/squads to join, trade ships will trade, mining ships will mine, etc. You will also now receive a reduced mark up on ships you sell to your own shipyard. You will no longer receive a 50% mark up, now you will only receive a 15% markup (subject to change based on feedback).

CWIR Beta Version 1.6 Changelog:
1) Improved scout/invasion files
2) Improved brspawnnpc file (script that spawns employees on your stations, should limit specialists to a max of 10 which should stop any issues of bugged out npcs (although I haven't had the issue)
3) Changed credits you receive from selling ships to your own shipyard from 50% to 42%
4) Updated MICT escort script which is included in CWIR (escorts should be better now)
5) Minor changes to fight script.
6) 3 New game starts, PMC, AG, and HOA. 

CWIR Beta Version 1.5 Changelog:
1) Bug fixes (of course) (mostly minor stuff)
2) Changes to the fight script for, what we hope, is better performance but mileage may vary here depending on your PC. This is a difficult thing because we add so many features into the fight/turret scripts and if we have to take them out for performance, it kind of defeats the purpose. If you didn't know, our fight scripts have smart targeting of turrets, stops ships from firing on ships you are boarding, etc.
3) NPC invasions against the player! NPC factions you are enemies with will send out scouts looking for your stations, if they find your stations (even in empty space) they will report back to their base. If they report on your asset locations, an invasion of your assets may take place! Be on guard!
4) Some balance changes and also beefing up of security forces in certain zones. Factions will now defend gate zones and jump beacon zones much more heavily (an extra fleet, ROC consolidates Devries more when in control).
5) Fixed shipdealers and shiptraders for compatibility with the different menu's when you sell ships.

CWIR Beta Version 1.4 Changelog
1) Fixes to bugs with diplomacy features
2) possible fix for attaching cvs to captured stations
3) improvements to ships attacking stations both IZ and OOZ.
4) Changed Diplomacy so that you receive reputation when trade is 10 million plus in favor of AI faction
5) Minor balance changes
6) More German language support
7) Increased Radar Range for most ships (to help them find some of the newer build locations which may be out of their initial range)
8 ) Improvements in the Station destruction code

Still investigating
1) issues with build locations not being freed after station destruction (Have not been able to reproduce this, seems to be working on my end)

CWIR Beta Version 1.3

1) Several bug fixes to patrol script, construction scripts and clean up of some debug log errors.
2) Change in how much tax income you get to a tenth of what it was previously, but you will now receive taxes every 30 minutes. If you were receiving 10 million in taxes an hour before, you would now be receiving 1 million in taxes twice an hour, so 2 million per hour.
3) New feature! Diplomacy!
4) Option in Config file to turn on or off the vanilla flee mechanic for ships (defaults to off)

CWIR 1.2 Beta

1) Several important bug fixes.

CWIR 1.1 Beta

1) Bug fixes and more bug fixes.

CWIR Version 1.0 Beta Complete

CWIR 1.0 Beta
1) New script which will not freeze your game and also some new functionality. Allied ships shouldn't attack your boarding target once hull reaches a certain amount. Also allied ships won't attack hull of stations you or NPCs are boarding.
2) Fixed hyperdrive so that it works properly and now you can't just send probes out to anywhere you need to drop them in a zone and you can hyperdrive to probes and jump gates.
3) New feature Station boarding for NPCs and player. NPCs will attempt to board the stations of their enemies and the player! These also include new invasions followed by a new troop ship.
4) stations that get destroyed will no longer respawn. They will now be constructed by a CV by any faction that takes over the zone. These CVs don't need resources to construct these replacement stations.
5) other misc. bug fixes and some balance changes
6) A few new messages which will be written into your log keeping you informed about what is going on in the universe (telling you about invasions taking place with troop ships, keeping you informed when you board stations, etc.)
7) Marines have an upkeep cost (part of the salary that must be paid out)
8 ) Some balance and performance tweaks (removed many of the fighter escorts for medium freighters, but not all)
9) Fixes to how trade and mining ships act when stations get boarded and captured.
10) ROC will now build some new stations, they will build 2 new metalworks stations in Scorched Aura and 1 new crystal refinery there too. They will also build a construction shop in Darned Hot Air.
11) Some balance tweaks (also some streamlining, removed all escorts for MEDIUM size freighters so hopefully that will help performance a little)
12) New Station rebuilding script. Does not require save/reload and factions will rebuild their stations. Some minor work needs to be done in Omicron with this (to take into account if Heretic Vanguards conquer OL, but other than that everything is good). In Albion, all factions will rebuild their stations, if HOA conquers PMC territory, they will rebuild PMC stations for themselves, same for PMC in HOA territory. Some unique stations will not be rebuilt unless by original faction
13) Some stations are weird and will look strange until rebuilt fully, like the PMC exchange, this is known and it is because they weren't supposed to be able to be built so they are not in proper build order, etc. No big deal with this.
14) Stations which get boarded and taken over wont have ships coming to them if they are enemy, ships will now stop trading/docking/whatever with stations which were boarded and captured by another faction.
15) You can now help defend a station from being boarded by destroying the troop ship even after marines have boarded the station.
16) New Xenon outposts
17) Performance tweaks (Better cues for hopefully better performance)
18) NPC Corporations will build new stations which will require resources to build just like you!

CWIR Version 1.0 Beta Preview B

7) Marines have an upkeep cost (part of the salary that must be paid out) 
8) Some balance and performance tweaks (removed many of the fighter escorts for medium freighters, but not all) 
9) Fixes to how trade and mining ships act when stations get boarded and captured. 

What is not in yet: 
1) NPC station construction (new stations which will need resources)

CWIR Version 1.0 Beta Preview A

1) New script which will not freeze your game and also some new functionality. Allied ships shouldn't attack your boarding target once hull reaches a certain amount. Also allied ships won't attack hull of stations you or NPCs are boarding.
2) Fixed hyperdrive so that it works properly and now you can't just send probes out to anywhere you need to drop them in a zone and you can hyperdrive to probes and jump gates.
3) New feature Station boarding for NPCs and player. NPCs will attempt to board the stations of their enemies and the player! These also include new invasions followed by a new troop ship.
4) Stations that get destroyed will no longer respawn. They will now be constructed by a CV by any faction that takes over the zone. These CVs don't need resources to construct these replacement stations.
5) Other misc. bug fixes and some balance changes
6) A few new messages which will be written into your log keeping you informed about what is going on in the universe (telling you about invasions taking place with troop ships, keeping you informed when you board stations, etc.)

CWIR Version 0.9j 

1) Toride to Maelstrom gate fixed
2) Terracorp stations can be destroyed
3) Some balance changes in jobs and some changes to where some fleets go
4) Changes to miners assigned to stations
5) Scan points for all new ships (Ships need to respawn for this to be working)
6) Fixed Outposts CV's not spawning and hence no zone changes/stunted invasions!
7) Should be Linux compatible, let me know if it isn't
8 ) New Hyperdrive feature! Jump in your fleet into enemy territory!
9) Fixed issue with plot games where Twilight sentinel would not be conquered because of the Plutarch overwatch station.
10) Reivers and Plutarch are now enemies and will fight over DEVRIES along with HOA and Canterans. (Reivers VS PMC VS ROC&HOA). HOA is weak, though, and wont be able to commit much to DEVRIES if their home sector is not secure.
11) ROC will now attempt invasions into ALBION- AUSPICIOUS EXCAVATION if they have control over Twilight Sentinel and all home zones in Glaring Truth. If they are successful, this will halt the PMC invasion into DEVRIES but PMC will attempt to take back their territory!

12) New Message in Tips part of your log informing you of when a faction is building an outpost cv and where! Spy Network!! Use it to stop a faction from building an outpost or capture it for yourself!


CWIR Version 0.9i

1) Fixes HEV ships, proper placement of shields.
2) Fixed all game starts that CWIR adds.
3) Minor bug fixes and balance tweaks.


CWIR Version 0.9h 

1) Some fixes, station destruction should work now. 

CWIR Version 0.9g
1) Now should work fine with Rebirth 4.0 and HOL
2) Balance tweaks
3) Bug fixes

Version 0.9f (25.10.2015)

1) PMC Badlands colony should now be destructible (works for me!) 
2) some minor bug fixes and such!

Version 0.9e

1) PMC badlands colony no longer counts to faction strength (PMC should now die out even if they have the badlands colony left) 
2) Some minor balance changes to some fleets.

Version 0.9d

1) Galaxy Range will now work with miners assigned to stations 

2) There shouldn't be any more issues with enemy security forces spawning from stations (I hope) 
3) Russian translation and language support (thanks to Davedee) 
4) Small tweaks to balance (lowered several ship spawns, increased spawn times for many fleets, lowered escort amounts for some fleets, especially fighters for omicron fleets) 
5) Tweaked station destruction, currently a station will be destroyed if one of the following criteria are met: Hull percentage of entire station reaches 25% or the health of all modules averaged is 25% and station hull reaches 25%) 
6) New Game start. Ambitious Entrepreneur. Fully decked out Albion, 100 million credits, 4 Taranis ships and 3 CV's loaded with resources to immediately construct a few stations. Start in Blurred Reflection, Maelstrom, Unending path. 
7) some other minor fixes and such. 

Version 0.9c

1) War between Heretic Vanguard and Argon Government will be about 60% of the way complete, what this means is: 
a) HV could be completely eliminated by Argon Government 
b) Support for HV to conquer both Devoid Clime and Commerce Core 
c) Argon Defense of Devoid Clime and Commerce Core and counter attacks if necessary. 
d) Argon government build up of forces in Sigma Sector if they conquer it (turn Sigma Sector into a veritable stronghold in preparation for XENON) 

2) OPCV (Outpost Construction Vessel). THIS IS HOW IT WORKS, open up the universe map and go to sector view, then look at the zones in a sector, click plot course and then the menu will open up, and there are 4 options there. "Build outpost at my zone" "Build outpost at chosen zone" and then 2 for probes, same deal. If you want to build an outpost in your current zone, select build at my zone. If you want to build in another zone, just make sure when you click plot course, it is on the zone you want the outpost to build in. You will need 10 million credits and that's it, hit the choice and the outpost CV will be spawned near a shipyard if possible and then go to the place you picked and it will build an outpost. NPC factions have to do the same (outpost cv can be destroyed) 

3) Split now strongly defend their home (Blurred Reflection and Sixth Scripture) - Split can also now be completely eliminated. For now, they will never leave Blurred Reflection. They will come into conflict with Heretic Vanguard (who look for resources in their space) and Xenon. 

4) Seeded resources in Split space for HV to mine. 

5) Bug fixes 

6) New Heretic Vanguard Game start! Friend to HV, and neutral to Omicron Lyrae Corporations. Enemy to Argon government and EVERYONE else! 

Heretic Vanguard strategy is strong turtling defense in sectors it controls, slow invasions of new territory. (Slower spawning but greater numbers as they conquer sectors and focus on heavy shielding and reinforced hulls, less firepower, greater diversity in role of ships) 

Argon favors Blitzkrieg type attacks with overwhelming firepower (faster spawn times, heavy focus on firepower with good shielding and hull, less diversity of ships)


Version 0.8B Alpha

1) Fix for destruction of player stations and NPC stations. NPC stations shouldn't have any issues being destroyed and player stations should be able to be destroyed now. 

2) removed managers from outposts, hopefully no tradeoffer issues? Let me know (but this will only work on brand new outposts) 

3) You can now go into the config file in the MD folder and turn off the automated builder if you would prefer not to use it or just change the amount of money needed to activate it. 

4) Free Construction Vessel has been removed on new games.

Version 0.8 Alpha

1) New "tax" script which gives taxes to the player based on how many docking bays a station has and a random amount of NPC's that may have visited the stations. This is to simulate the kinds of fees, taxes, etc. that people pay when traveling to stations or selling their goods on stations, etc. Zones you own with your stations or with NPC stations will have NPCs who pay these various "taxes" 

2) New Salary Script. You must pay your employees a salary! There are some limitations here. Money comes out of the player's account, not any managers. If you have no money then it wont take any money from you so the system could be cheated by having no money in your account when the time comes to pay salaries. Salaries should not be so great that it is too much of a hindrance, though. Salaries are relatively low but if you have a lot of employees it adds up. 

3) Heretic Vanguard as a real faction. HV has a large and small shipyard, they have all kinds of production stations as well. Sigma Sector in Maelstrom is their stronghold and they will defend it to the death! They have everything they need in Sigma Sector for an economy and production. They are at war with Argon government and everyone else except for the corporations of Omicron Lyrae. Heretic Vanguard use the Titan Armory Capital ships and normal Omicron lyrae trade ships. KNOWN ISSUE - MAY NEED A NEW GAME START TO SEE THE SHIPYARD IN SUNKEN FRIGATE FOR HERETIC VANGUARDS 

4) In current version, NPC outposts can be difficult to destroy in zone because of the Zoltek Reactor, this should now be fixed but please let me know if it isn't. KNOWN ISSUES PLAYER OUTPOSTS AND OTHER PLAYER STATIONS DONT SEEM TO BE ABLE TO BE DESTROYED CURRENTLY WORKING ON IT 

5) Micro jumping (safe jumps) have been changed to be more effective and informative. Now, chance to jump is based on the shield percentage of your ships, so more damage to shields, greater chance of jumping to safety. 

6) Other small bug fixes, tweaks and changes. 


1) New outpost CV which is somewhat automated. We are still working on the specifics with this. As of right now, the way it works is that you purchase an "Outpost CV" from a shipyard, which is different from a normal CV. It is much more expensive and it only builds an outpost. It does not require any resources to build the outpost as it has all the required resources necessary to do so. You wont order them to build like a normal CV, but there will be a command for build outpost in this zone and the CV will come and build an outpost in the zone you conquered. NPC factions will also use outpost CV's. When needed, an outpost CV will be spawned at their faction shipyard (or if no shipyard, one of their zones) and it will fly to the zone and attempt to build an outpost. 

Known issues with this: If an outpost CV is constructing a station and it is destroyed, the station will still continue to build whatever module it was building when the CV was destroyed. It won't build any further modules, but it will finish the one it was building. Your ships wont target the constructing module (although they will destroy whatever modules are finished). Module needs to be fully built to be destroyed. THIS IS STILL UNDER GOING DEVELOPMENT AND THERE ARE ISSUES THAT STILL NEED TO BE WORKED OUT 

We will need feedback on all the new features as well as the Heretic Vanguard faction! Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions, thanks! 

Version 0.66



Version 0.65

1) War in Albion and Devries is COMPLETE!! (minus tweaking, balancing and changing of pace which will be most likely constantly changing depending on feedback and such). Fleets will patrol certain zones of importance, attack or defend zones, etc. This is partially dynamic (Fleets follow certain pre determined patrol routes, but can choose these at random in some cases and in others they do not have much choice. This is a different way of doing things than the algorithms that Rubini coded in CM but should give the illusion of realism. Fleets will travel just like you your fleets do). Full support for PMC, HOA, REIVERS and ROC. Each faction will grow as they conquer territory and will secure what they conquer. HOA can take over all of Albion and will grow stronger. Reivers or ROC can take over all of DEVRIES and grow stronger. PMC could take over all of Albion and most of Devries and grow stronger. 
2) Every single faction in Albion and Devries is now completely able to be fully destroyed! Everything can be destroyed and eliminated, including all trade ships, stations and military ships. They will not keep spawning or come back if you are able to defeat them. (As a side note, using the mod that allows stations to be constructed by the player for a NPC faction could very well bring a faction back from destruction) 
3) Micro Jump issue with player ships should now be fixed. (RUBINI FEELS THIS IS FIXED BUT NEEDS TESTING) 
4) Changes to Retaliation forces so that they shouldn't be overwhelming anymore. 
5) Minor bug fixes, etc. 
6) Pace of war has been slowed down. Fleets do not spawn as often as before and depending on the fleet may take a considerable time to re-spawn (think as much as 2 hours in some cases, please give feedback on this). 
7) Much greater variation in fleet sizes (They range from very small to very large. Small fleets might only have 3 or 4 capital ships with their fighter escorts, which also vary. Large fleets might have a dozen or so capital ships with their fighter escorts, which also vary. Need Feedback on this as to performance!) 
8 ) New Script by Rubini that can simulate the buying of resources for your CV's. How it works is, if you give your Architect an excess of 5 million credits, he will simulate the purchase of resources in order to construct stations. Over time, he will buy resources (no ships will actually deliver). If you give your Architect less than 5 million, the Architect will not simulate the buying of resources. This script will allow you to build a station even if you can't find the necessary resources out there. For example, if there aren't enough fusion reactors, no worries. Give your Architect just one credit less than 5 million and the Architect will purchase goods as normal, keep giving them credits when low to buy all resources. Wait till you only need fusion reactors, give Architect more than 5 million and the architect will buy the fusion reactors, but watch the credits because if credits dip below 5 million it will stop.

Version 0.6 Alpha

1) All new BR.move.patrol script, thanks to Unitrader for help 
2) Job Suppression script updates 
3) Ships sold and built at shipyards (Capital ships only except when selling small ships but not small ships built) will have jobs as they should (all fixed now) 
4) Changes to speed of invasions/defense and checks on faction strength (should be a slower experience now) 
5) Lots of bug fixes, hopefully no more bugs. 
6) War in Albion and Devries should be very interesting now (give me feedback, pls.) 
7) Player is now entirely independent and can choose their own way (help other factions conquer, or conquer on your own but this is still being worked on) 
8 ) An alliance menu will come in future versions. 
9) Adjusted EWS sounds on main md script for CWIR, deleting any canteran specific and adding player allied ones (hasrelation.member) 
10) Added new sound for the above 
11) Redone the relations at start (ROC&HOA, PMC&Rv, Argon enemy to Ryak, Teladi enemy to teladigunrunner, ROC&HOA enemy to PMC, all factions unlocked - including SS, HV and Xenon. (In the future you can ally with any faction and work with them including HV, SS, Xenon, Reiver, whatever) 
12) Added 2 new settings on config file for retaliation forces max capship number (one specifically for xenon) 
13) Included all new trade ships that are used in military fleets on the code including to check for trade/mine ships in danger to microjumps 
14) Player and xenon can now build outposts and can have zone ownership as they conquer them (In the future, Xenon will have their own unique outpost types, Player can also now build the PMC overwatch station, will do more with this in the future.) 
15) Mining ships can now be sent to enemy zones by the manager - take care! (You will get an alert if enemies are present)
16) Fixed debug log for safeshipmove_ooz script ($jumpdrive) 
17) Fixed debug log for lawenforcement 
18 ) Fixed debug log error for masstraffic.police watchdog (Needs testing to see if it is working. Let us know if you see any strange police behavior)

Version 0.5 Alpha

1) Some Bug fixes (KNOWN ISSUES DEBUG SPEW ABOUT BR.move.patrol) 
2) Job Suppression should now be working correctly 
3) Ships built at shipyards now do proper jobs and will have the right drones on them (all combat ships will have fighter drones and construction drones from the shipyard, etc.) Traders will trade, miners will mine. 
4) Some changes in what factions get what fleets and some condition changes. 
5) HOA will invade ascendancy if they can, will try to take the big empty first, then Buried treasure and then the rest of the sector if they can, but it will be difficult! 
6) Some changes to war in Devries, fleet changes and such (reivers are a little stronger)

Version 0.4 Alpha

 1) New Populate player station with NPC script. Populates with all of the most useful NPC's and they will have a range of stars from 3 to 5. They are all wearing correct uniforms and could be from any faction/race. 

2) Fixes to Stromvok Cruisers, they had a hole in them heh 

3) Fixes to ships not attacking certain places (PMC and ROC were not fighting in Devries as they should). So now, all of Devries will be a war zone as it should be although Glaring truth will be secure until PMC and Reivers have a strong foothold in Devries. Once they do, the invasions of Glaring truth will happen and the ROC will be fighting for their lives hehe. 

4) Ships escorting capital ships will now be using a new script (Basically the MICT one) so when first installing the new version of the mod, there may be strange behavior at first as escorting ships will stop working until new ones spawn. 

5) ROC and HOA relations should not drop now! (I hope) 

6) I am going to remove the NEGATIVE reputation to the player for PMC and all of the Positive reputations. You are still essentially "Allies" to the ROC until Rubini gets back and we can work on changing that, but, now you will have more of a choice. You could decide to sort of side with PMC and help them conquer instead since relation with them will now be set to 0. ROC will still ask for help from you, though, etc. It is just a TEMPORARY fix for now. You could also just choose to be "neutral" and reap the benefits financially of the war. 

7) Will provide a new game start created by Airstrike Ivanov (Starts you in DEVRIES with some ships) 

Also, guys, if you didn't know. The mod adds lots more Universe traders which travel around. There are more traders than vanilla, especially ones that travel to different clusters.

Version 0.3 Alpha

-- Disabled CM Code for invasions. Response fleets are still active and will most likely remain active (I like it). 
-- Invasions done entirely by JOBS and patrolling fleets!!! BEWARE!!! 
-- Devries and Albion is a big war zone, but it is not chaotic but ordered chaos!! Factions will seek first to control strategic zones in order to expand and attack! Some places are especially dangerous, like Far Out!

Version 0.2 Alpha

-- Now includes code to allow for complete extermination of any faction in Albion or Devries. Have not touched Omicron or Maelstrom yet 
-- Now there are conditions for fleets and fighter squadrons being spawned (this does not include CM spawns) 
For example, if PMC does not control Twilight Sentinel, but they control Auspicious Excavation, they will send a fleet to invade Twilight Sentinel. If they control Twilight Sentinel, they will spawn invasion fleets 
which will attack Devries. There are other such conditions (although it is still small in comparison to what it will be)

Version 0.1 Alpha

This mod is limited in scope right now. As versions progress and we eventually get to beta, there will be many more features. 

-- Includes the latest Conquer Mod features 
-- Includes the latest WWX Features 

--Currently, factions can't be completely wiped out just yet. The code is in place, it is just a matter of me adding in all the variables. The next version will have this in place. 

--Currently, you are allied with ROC. In the future, this will not be the case. I hope to make it so you can ally with any faction or go it alone and conquer all. 

-- There is currently one fleet that can be defeated for good (this will be expanded on). If Plutarch Mining Corporation controls Twilight Sentinel, it will launch a fleet to attack Devries. If they do not control Twilight Sentinel, this fleet will not spawn. This may not seem like much, but this is the first example of complete job suppression. Soon, all spawns will be able to be completely eliminated when certain criteria are met to the point that all factions can be eliminated forever. 

Needs extensive testing!! BACK UP YOUR SAVES!!! This is an Alpha and I make no promises or guarantees on your saves or your game. If you have used WWX or Conquer Mod, it is fully functional as the latest versions of both of those mods. 

Need feedback on war between the factions. How is it affecting gameplay? Economics? 
FEEDBACK on how the game runs too please. I will most likely have to keep removing spawns so that the game runs well enough. Let me know if it is working well, slowdowns, etc. 

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