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The Ayosana and Remakron are unique support ships that serve many special roles in your fleet. Once you've acquired one, you can hail the captain (Hail - 5.More) and issue a number of orders.

Repair service

Hail-5-1-1: Repair service at...

This order tells your ship to fly around the local sector, providing free repair services to any of your ships and stations, and also providing these services to factions who are friend-level or higher with you. The AI will not prefer your ships over friendly factions. Useful if an ally suffered a heavy hit in a raid by an enemy faction.

Hail-5-1-2: Repair service ships and stations at...

This order tells your ship to fly around the local sector, providing free repair services to any of your ships and stations, and also providing these services to factions who are friend-level or higher with you. Unlike the above order, the AI will prefer your ships over friendly factions. Useful for repairing stations and ships your marines recently "convinced" to come to your faction after boarding.

Hail-5-1-4: Restore wrecked

This option is only available when there is a wrecked ship in the area. This opens the menu options to Salvage or Recycle a ship wreck. Pick the ship (hovering over each option will tell you the distance of the wreck from your salvager) to get the options.

1: Salvage ship

This will order the ship to attempt to restore the wreck, claim it, and dock with it to begin repairing the integral components (hull, engines, jump drive, drone docks, capship shield generators). The chance of success is entirely dependent on the type of ship (XL is harder than L to repair), the combined skill of your salvage ship's crew (engineer, pilot, and architect), and the number or marines or construction drones on board. If your crew fails to do the repair, a message will pop up explaining repair is not possible on the ship. A Remakron with over 200 construction URVs will have little chance of failure.

2: Just Restore Ship

This will order the ship to attempt to restore the wreck as a neutral vessel, fly off to the side, and begin remotely repairing the integral components (hull, engines, jump drive, drone docks, capship shield generators). The chance of success is entirely dependent on the type of ship (XL is harder than L to repair), the combined skill of your salvage ship's crew (engineer, pilot, and architect), and the number or marines or construction drones on board. If your crew fails to do the repair, a message will pop up explaining repair is not possible on the ship. A Remakron with over 200 construction URVs and a good crew will have little chance of failure. This option is incredibly useful when training your marines, as they can gain easy yet valuable boarding experience on the neutral vessel, without incurring the wrath of the local law enforcement.

3: Recycle wreck

Remarkably similar to PHQ ship recycling in X3, this option orders your vessel to break down the wreck into valuable ship components, and recover the components in its storage bay. The option will be grayed out if you lack the necessary storage space for all the components. Leaving the sector currently seems to cancel this order, and the time it takes to fully recycle the ship is dependent on the number of construction drones you have.


Selecting the salvage option won't destroy your ship. Instead, what this option does is order your Ayosana or Remakron to serve as a tug for your target ship, docking with them and providing repairs to it (assisting the ship's own engineer if it has one). This is the same as the 5-1-4-1 option to salvage a wreck. They'll stay docked through jumps, hyperdrives, and boosts, which is extremely useful if you need to haul that freshly acquired I Mk3 from Toride to a safe base in HoL for safer repairs.


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