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There are four overarching classes of cargo, which different ware types fit into:

  1. Container (higher-end items like ship components).
  2. Energy (Antimatter, Energy, Ion and Plasma Cells).
  3. Bulk (stuff like minerals and refined materials).*
  4. Liquid (Hydrogen, Ions, Plasma and Water).*

*Note that Mining Ships may also trade Bulk and Liquid wares if not equipped with mining drones.

 There are 19 trade ships capable of carrying Container wares, although 8 are also able to carry at least one other cargo type. Eighteen are designated as "Trade" whereas the Phoenix Marauder is a "Fight" ship (see here for info on the significance of that). For Energy, Bulk and Liquid, there is one less ship because the Sanahar only comes in a Container class.

Statistics for all of them can be found in the table below (based on ship data linked from here ), and notes on trends and outliers follow.

Container Trade ship stats (click on heading to re-order)

(M Cr)
(m3/ k Cr)
HP/k Cr
Shield /
Total HP
GigurumContainerM1.3   12,0009.418300.050.040.097446%n/a-374721
MercanciasContainerM1.1   11,00010.320400.070.050.1211241%n/a-403832
NyanaeContainerM1.3   13,00010.117500.090.060.1511338%n/a-402824
ToucanContainerM1.3   12,0009.218900.090.060.1511840%n/a-523827
RahanasContainerL8.9 100,00011.2781501.300.301.6017919%11.2-24106
SanaharContainerL11.9 110,0009.2981501.000.301.3010923%20.0-24188
StyrvokContainerL6.1   52,0008.582600.900.301.2019725%11.2-24148
VultureContainerL5.9 110,00018.6801500.800.301.1018627%15.4-201010
LeptonMergedL4.0   40,0009.984600.600.300.9022233%2.8-281416
Rahanas C+ESegregatedL8.9   55,0006.2781501.300.301.6018019%11.2-24106
Styrvok C+ESegregatedL9.0 52,0005.874601.250.301.5517319%11.2-24106
AlbatrossContainerXL12.0 208,00017.3751502.501.203.7030832%45.7-201010
Albatross XLContainerXL16.7 416,00025.0751503.101.204.3025828%61.0-201010
CraneContainerXL9.3 208,00022.4751502.200.602.8030221%23.6-201010
ScaldisSegregatedXL17.5   90,0005.1641502.101.803.9022346%5.6-2084
Phoenix MarauderUniversalXL73.8   50,0000.7951500.800.901.702353%80.7-251510
LyramekronUniversalXL43.8 240,0005.5681506.801.208.0018315%166.3-2084
LyraneaUniversalXL14.7 270,00018.3721503.600.604.2028514%35.4-2095
TiturelUniversalXL18.8 250,00013.3511501.801.203.0015940%43.8-2095

Energy Trade ship stats (click on heading to re-order)

(M Cr)
(m3/ k Cr)
HP/k Cr
Shield /
Total HP
GigurumEnergyM0.5   14,00025.517200.050.040.1017345%n/a-324216
MercanciasEnergyM0.5   12,00025.220400.070.050.1225041%n/a-403832
NyanaeEnergyM0.5   16,00030.317500.090.060.1527538%n/a-402824
ToucanEnergyM0.6   14,00025.118900.080.060.148040%n/a-523827
RahanasEnergyL8.8 130,00014.8781501.300.301.6018219%11.2-24106
StyrvokEnergyL6.0   63,00010.482600.900.301.2019925%11.2-24148
VultureEnergyL6.6 130,00019.6801500.800.301.1016627%26.6-201010
LeptonMergedL4.0   40,0009.984600.600.300.9022233%2.8-281416
Rahanas C+ESegregatedL8.9   65,0007.3781501.300.301.6018019%11.2-24106
Styrvok C+ESegregatedL9.0 63,0007.074601.250.301.5517319%11.2-24106
AlbatrossEnergyXL11.8   42,0003.6751502.501.203.7031432%45.7-201010
Albatross XLEnergyXL14.8   84,0005.7751503.001.204.2028529%45.7-201010
CraneEnergyXL9.1   42,0004.6751502.200.602.8030921%23.6-201010
ScaldisSegregatedXL17.5   30,0001.7641502.101.803.9022346%5.6-2084
Phoenix MarauderUniversalXL73.8   50,0000.7951500.800.901.702353%80.7-251510
LyramekronUniversalXL43.8 240,0005.5681506.801.208.0018315%166.3-2084
LyraneaUniversalXL14.7 270,00018.3721503.600.604.2028514%35.4-2095
TiturelUniversalXL18.8 250,00013.3511501.801.203.0015940%43.8-2095

Bulk Trade ship stats (click on heading to re-order)

(M Cr)
(m3/ k Cr)
HP/k Cr
Shield /
Total HP
GigurumBulkM0.5   18,00036.618300.050.040.1019545%n/a-374721
MercanciasBulkM0.5   18,00034.220400.070.050.1225441%n/a-403832
NyanaeBulkM0.5   18,00033.917500.090.060.1527338%n/a-402824
ToucanBulkM0.5   18,00032.818900.090.080.179745%n/a-523827
RahanasBulkL8.4 170,00020.2781501.300.301.6019019%11.2-24106
StyrvokBulkL5.8   78,00013.482600.900.301.2020625%11.2-24148
VultureBulkL5.7 280,00049.2801500.800.301.1019327%15.4-201010
HermodMergedL6.6 240,00036.3763001.100.301.4021221%5.6-2497
Rahanas B+LSegregatedL8.4   85,00010.1781501.300.301.6019019%11.2-24106
Styrvok B+LSegregatedL8.5 78,0009.174601.250.301.5518119%11.2-24106
AlbatrossBulkXL11.5 208,00018.1751502.501.203.7032232%45.7-201010
Albatross XLBulkXL14.2 416,00029.4751503.001.204.2029629%45.7-201010
CraneBulkXL8.8 208,00023.5751502.200.602.8031621%23.6-201010
ScaldisSegregatedXL17.5   40,0002.3641502.101.803.9022346%5.6-2084
Phoenix MarauderUniversalXL73.8   50,0000.7951500.800.901.702353%80.7-251510
LyramekronUniversalXL43.8 240,0005.5681506.801.208.0018315%166.3-2084
LyraneaUniversalXL14.7 270,00018.3721503.600.604.2028514%35.4-2095
TiturelUniversalXL18.8 250,00013.3511501.801.203.0015940%43.8-2095

Liquid Trade ship stats (click on heading to re-order)

(M Cr)
(m3/ k Cr)
HP/k Cr
Shield /
Total HP
GigurumLiquidM0.5   32,00065.119400.050.040.0919146%n/a-425227
MercanciasLiquidM0.4   28,00069.520400.070.050.1229541%n/a-403832
NyanaeLiquidM0.5   36,00071.617500.090.060.1528838%n/a-402824
ToucanLiquidM0.5   32,00064.818900.090.060.1531040%n/a-523827
RahanasLiquidL8.5 310,00036.6781501.300.301.6018919%11.2-24106
StyrvokLiquidL5.9 147,00025.082600.900.301.2020425%11.2-24148
VultureLiquidL4.9   80,00016.3801500.800.301.1022427%4.2-201010
HermodMergedL6.6 240,00036.3763001.100.301.4021221%5.6-2497
Rahanas B+LSegregatedL8.4 155,00018.4781501.300.301.6019019%11.2-24106
Styrvok B+LSegregatedL8.5 147,00017.274601.250.301.5518119%11.2-24106
AlbatrossLiquidXL11.8 132,00011.1751502.501.203.7031332%45.7-201010
Albatross XLLiquidXL15.0 264,00017.6751503.001.204.2028029%45.7-201010
CraneLiquidXL9.3 132,00014.3751502.200.602.8030321%23.6-201010
ScaldisSegregatedXL17.5   70,0004.0641502.101.803.9022346%5.6-2084
Phoenix MarauderUniversalXL73.8   50,0000.7951500.800.901.702353%80.7-251510
LyramekronUniversalXL43.8 240,0005.5681506.801.208.0018315%166.3-2084
LyraneaUniversalXL14.7 270,00018.3721503.600.604.2028514%35.4-2095
TiturelUniversalXL18.8 250,00013.3511501.801.203.0015940%43.8-2095

1. Full price estimated to be hull+SEs+crew+drones:

  • Hull: Encyclopaedia base price (approximately equal to 2 x sum cost of all components at their base price).
  • SE (Surface Elements): Sold by shipyards at approximately 2 x base costs (1 Capital Field Generator = 3 FFPs).
  • Crew: 240 k Cr assumed for L/XL ships (65k Captain; 35k Engineer; 140k DO), or 30k for a Pilot.
  • Drones: 1.6 M Cr assumed for L/XL ships (5 constructors, 10 Cargo, and 5 Intie. Mk I).

2. In the case of Large and Extra Large ships, the listed cargo volume is the volume available for trading (10,000 m3 extra available for fuel).

Merged storage type: The entire cargo bay capacity can be used for any of the compatible ware type.
Segregated storage type: The cargo bay is divided into smaller compartments for each of the compatible ware type. Once a compartment is full, no more wares of that type can be loaded, even if the other compartments still have room.

Table changelog

20.02.2016Improved hull cost estimatesSwitched hull cost to encyclopaedia base price from 'cost of wares'
 Corrected SE cost estimatesShipyards sell SEs at 2x their base cost and now this table does too
21.03.2016Fixed multi-storage Styrvok stats

Corrected tables to use segregated storage instead of merged

24.03.2016Added Trends and Outliners

Aimed at providing some details for ships not apparent from the tables
Maybe too wordy or needs its own page

18.04.2016Added Drone capacityAdded drone bay statistics to all ships. Should be useful
05.05.2016Fixed M Trader cargo volumesDifferent racial M Traders now correctly have different cargo volumes

Ship-specific notes

The Lyramekron has very solid combat capabilities, and its cost-to-DPS ratio is excellent. However, it has some shortcomings as a trade vessel. Its sluggish acceleration, agility, and huge size often means lengthy docking and cargo transfer times (not so much a problem OOZ). It should also be noted that the majority of its damage comes from the massive number of HIT/MA turrets, which is a class below true destroyer weaponry such as Plasma/JET LR. Still, it is good for performing trade runs in dangerous areas, where its tough hull and combines DPS is likely to guarantee survivability.

The Titurel does not appear to have anything special going for it. However, it is fairly compact and agile, which allows for quick docking and cargo transfer times. It is also decently armed, able to easily deter pirate fighter squadrons. It is a very common sight, due to being heavily used by pirate factions, which makes them easy to acquire by early game players (good boarding practice) who may not have the money to purchase a large trading fleet otherwise.

The Phoenix Marauder is a unique ship. It is a combat vessel with an universal cargo bay. This makes it the only ship that's completely safe to use for trading in Fields of Opportunity, since the Teladi pirates are programmed to only attack ships designated with the "Trade" specialization. It is also an extremely fast and agile ship, with a speed of 95m/s and maneuvering thrusters facing both sides, allowing for quick turning. These qualities make it an excellent ship for making quick, high-value trade runs in general.



  1. Anonymous

    I am trying to improve these pages, but a moderator keeps reverting them. Can you let me finish and see if they look better?

    1. Anonymous

      While I am on the subject, let me outline my plan (since I find the current layout to be very difficult to read):

      Consolidate Trade & mining ships into one page, but separate them into L & XL and M categories.

      Also, for your tables, avoid duplicate listing (all universal and hybrid type ships are listed multiple times under each category). Break them apart into categories of their own:

      • Container
      • Energy
      • Container & Energy Hybrid
      • Bulk
      • Liquid
      • Bulk & Liquid Hybrid
      • Universal

      Much shorter tables, much easier to navigate.

      1. You can create separate page with your own way of comparing ships.

        Separate tables in this case allows to use confluence "sort table" feature for easier comprasion of ships in different capacities.

        -- solntcev

        1. Anonymous

          Hmm, let me explain my reasoning for categorizing trade & mining ships differently...

          First, people often look for ships by their size class. There's a reason Fight ships are separated into L/XL and S/M pages, because they perform very different roles.

          Same thing with trade and mining ships. People won't be comparing M-class trading and mining ships against L/XL-class ships of these type - if someone's shopping for M-class trading ships, then it's for a very different purpose than L/XL-class ships (M ships are only efficient for in-cluster usage). So I do think separating L/XL ships from M ships is a good idea.

          On the other hand, I think trading and mining ships should be merged into the same page, because these ships can be used interchangeably. Trade ships equipped with mining drones are perfectly capable of mining, and mining ships without mining drones are basically trade ships. There are some unique possibilities here for players to consider - for example the Onil, with its excellent speed, makes for a very fast Bulk trade ship. The Hermod, with its 300-drone capacity and large cargo bay, makes for an excellent gas miner (in fact better than any of the ships with an actual gas mining specialty).

          I won't re-organize these pages without moderator approval, but please think over my recommendation.

          1. Hi there,

            Thanks for the message and sorry for the late reply. Perhaps it will help to explain a little about the rationale for the existing organisation. It's not necessarily the best forum of organisation but an explanation could help inform discussion.

            The main reasons for separating Trade from Mine ships were:

            1. That they perform differently, automatically, when assigned to stations. Mine ships (and occasional Trade ship exceptions: Vulture and Scaldis) are offered for sale with a mining drone, and can Upkeep Missions reinforce that. The presence of a mining drone influences what they do (with mining drones they will start to mine if such wares are needed but they won't stop trying to mine when only tradable wares are needed).
            2. The tables aim to help people finding them (randomly or via hyperlinks) whether they want to use a ship for manual trading/mining or automated work via Station Managers.
            3. Those new to the game, or industrial aspects, may not won't understand that the presence of mining drones is of more importance than Trade/Mine designation. Whereas those that are more experienced may be OK with opening two browsers next to each other to be able to see Trade and Mine ships at the same time (although admittedly that is not as good for such players as a unified list).

            IIRC, Fight ship organisation (in terms of their separation across S/M and L/XL) essentially boils down to myself not being that interested in S/M ships so prioritising the manual addition of stats for L/XL to the wiki. Later, solntcev started making some cool scripts and added S/M ships ship stats automatically. They perform very differently to L/XL Fight ships (no jump drive; can't usefully escort ships with jump drives; automatically assigned as escorts to medium Trade/Mine ships by stations DOs) so leaving them separate made sense to me.

            Whereas medium Trade/Mine ships don't escort other ships (obviously...I just mean they don't have the equivalent limitation of S/M Fight ships) and their page was created during the 4.0 beta. With 4.0 introducing speed boosts and some cost reductions to medium civilian ships they changed into what looked like useful choices inside sectors. So having them as easily comparable with L and XL in terms of stats like cargo capacity per credit looked more helpful than the jump drive-based separation used in Fight ship pages.

            Anyhow, I hope that provides some useful insight and thanks again for asking about this topic rather than reorganising things. The above may how change your views and/or it may even have been predictably obvious (smile) Either way, it would be helpful to learn your current thoughts on the topic.


  2. Anonymous

    Is it just me, or capacities are way off? For example I see in game Nyanae/container 13k, while the table above lists 18k. Titurel has 260k instead of listed 250k.

    1. Thanks for the bug report. Some of the displayed cargo volumes for M Trade ships were inaccurate and have now been fixed.

      Regarding L/XL cargo volumes, the 10k m3 discrepancy was intentional but not explained (explanation also added now - thanks). Basically, the jump fuel volume has been left out from the table since it cannot be used for carrying regular trade wares. As a result, ships can be compared to each other on a more equal footing.

      - Sparky

      1. Anonymous

        Nice! But Titurel's total capacity is 270k. 260k is useful part. For example it can carry 26k units of water. Perhaps double counting fuel storage somewhere?

  3. Anonymous

    Looks to me like the Rahanas segregated ships can't actually be bought anywhere.  I sure couldn't find any, anyway, even in Home of Light.