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A timeline of events that constitute the background to X4 including events from previous X games

-1282042 Earth scientists create Jump Gates
-1242046 The jlight of the Winterblossom
-1182052 USC established
-1042066 Terraformer Project begins
-712099 Terraformer Project is terminated
-252145 The Terraformer Conflict
-232147 The Earth Jump Gate is destroyed To protect Earth
-232147 The Terraformer Conflict ends
02170 Earth is removed from the history of the conflict's survivors
1302300 First contact with the Paranid
2022372 Goner Sect is formed on the belief that Earth still exists
2152385 Xenon destroy the spaceport "Antigone", Antigone Memorial is named in its honour
2412491 Foundation of the Argon Federation
3232493 First contact with the Boron
3242494 The Boron Campaign
3282498 Community of Planets is formed
5142684 200 Years of Cold War
5502720 First contact with Teladi
5892759 Credits become the currency of the X universe
7352905 Xenon ship enters Sol using a Gateless Jumpdrive
7422912 Evolution of the Xenon
7422912X:Btf / X:TArrival of USC X and Kyle Brennan
7632933 First contact with the Kha'ak
7632933X2:The President's End massacre
7632933X2:The Battle of Omicron Lyrae
7642934X3:RThe race to find Earth
7642934X3:TCRelations with the Terrans begin to cool
7642934X3:TCOperation: Final Fury
7702940 Tensions Build over AGI usage
7742944X3:AP*The Terran Conflict
7782948X3:AP*The Destruction of the Torus Aeternal
7802950 Warp Instability
7822952 The Jump Gate Shutdown
8012971 The Alliance of the Word is established
8032973X:RThe Gates Reopen
8202990 The Gate Network Stabilises




NTNew Time
EYEarth Years /AD/CE
X:BtfX: Beyond the Frontier (1999)
X:TX: Tension (2000)
X2X2: The Threat (2004)
X3:RX3: Reunion (2005)
X3:TCX3: Terran Conflict (2008)
X3:AP*X3: AP (Prologue)
X3:APX3: Albion Prelude (2011)
X:RX: Rebirth (2013)
X4:FX4: Foundations (2018)