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18 Billion18 Billion 
Memory of Profit  

Standard Terraforming



Reflective Cloud ParticlesSeveral strategically placed dispersal facilities spray an aerosol of highly reflective particles into the upper layers of the troposphere. This will decrease the amount of sunlight reaching and warming the surface
MoholesThese holes may seem deceptively primitive at first, but with depths in the tens of kilometres, they pose a significant engineering challenge
Black DustThere really is no more to this than sprinkling dark particles across the surface in order to increase the amount of energy the world absorbs from its sun's rays. The amount of material required is quite staggering, though
Excite Outer CoreIt requires a massive amount of material and energy, but it is theoretically possible to induce sufficient movement in the world's outer core to make it produce a stable magnetosphere
Brake Outer CoreIt requires a massive amount of material and energy, but it is theoretically possible to slow down the flows in the world's outer core, dampening the magnetosphere to a level that is harmless to electronics, while retaining its beneficial properties
Import WaterWithout readily available water sources, there are not many alternatives to importing it
Planetary IrrigationA massive system of canals, pumps and treatment facilities can provide most of the benefits of rivers with a reasonable, if still tremendous, amount of imported water
Global Water SurfacingMost worlds, even seemingly dry ones, have vast amounts of water hidden in subterranean caves and aquifers. We now have the technology to raise and make use of that water on a global scale
Import MethaneImported methane can not only have a positive effect on atmospheric pressure, as a potent greenhouse gas it also helps to warm up a cold world
Methane OxidisersGigantic fans blow the methane-heavy air through filters containing zeolite powder. The trapped methane is then periodically heated to form and release carbon dioxide (Oxidise Methane)
Carbon MineralisersWhen forced through tunnels containing a high surface area of certain minerals, carbon dioxide can be made to crystallise into a solid, removing it from the atmosphere entirely (Mineralise Carbon)
Targeted OutgassingBy letting loose swarms of carbon-eating nanites, we can release massive amounts of nitrogen into the atmosphere. They are programmed to stop at exactly the ideal air pressure
Clean Up ToxinsNow that the sources of toxins have been dealt with, we need to clean up the damage that's been done. It won't come cheap, but at least we'll be able to breathe the air
Volcano CapsThese structures are not mere physical plugs that block eruptions. A variety of systems, including vents and sprinklers controlled by a specialised AI, takes proactive measures to prevent the conditions that lead to eruptions in the first place
Tectonic ScaffoldingLattices of self-organising smart matter find friction points between tectonic plates and release tensions in a controlled manner
Clean Up Radioactive ContaminationSwarms of specialised drones to seek out and gather irradiated substances, enough material to entomb them, and gigantic filters to cleanse the air make this a horrendously costly undertaking. Unfortunately, it is not optional if people are going to live here outside of shielded environments
Tailored MicrobesIt will be a considerable effort, but we can genetically engineer an ecosystem of microbes that is specifically designed to thrive in this world's environment.

Jumpstart Microbiome

Why spend money and resources creating the perfect set of organisms when we can make nature do the hard work for us? Sure, basically throwing piles of biomatter around and seeing what sticks isn't very distinguished, but it might just work!

Microbial CullingThrough careful use of antibiotics, both tailored and wide-spectrum, the microbiome must be curbed before productive use of this world is possible.

These photosynthetic bacteria can be a vital part of a world's oxygen cycle.







Genetically Modify Toxic Fruit

A tailored virus, capable of sophisticated genetic modifications, should result in local fauna no longer releasing toxins into the air


Cull Toxic Fruit

We can release parasites that should eat only the toxic fruit. This will require a certain amount of trial and error, though, and may have adverse side-effects.



Cull Parasites

The parasites have unfortunately adapted to feed on other fruit as well. If we don't get rid of them, we will have a much harder time with agriculture.


 <t id="1661">An institution that teaches a wide diversity of artistic crafts, but also frequently organises exhibitions and other cultural events. <t id="2000">(


Xenon Terraforming Projects




 <t id="2010">Claim District

 <t id="2011">Using a system of precisely pulsed EMP bursts, we can disable the Xenon units in this area and then destroy them with targeted bombings. This leaves the infrastructure intact for potential future use.


 <t id="2173">The damage could possibly spill over to another district. <t id="3000">(


Terraforming Events


 <t id="3010">Ice Melt


Ice MeltThe global temperature has risen enough to melt the ice in the equatorial regions. The released water vapour has had a significant effect on atmospheric pressure


 <t id="3020">Global Warming


Global WarmingThe greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have trapped enough heat to significantly increase the global temperature


 <t id="3030">Quake


QuakeSensors are detecting an impending seismic event. Completed facilities have been hardened and will only suffer minor damage, but any ongoing construction is still vulnerable and likely to experience a setback


