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Description Summary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sit amet molestie diam. Quisque aliquam imperdiet justo, at molestie ligula dapibus eu. Vivamus gravida felis ac elementum viverra. Donec eget metus quis lorem porta pretium. Duis nec pulvinar urna, vel faucibus tellus. Nulla sodales justo in sollicitudin luctus. Sed laoreet nisl in ultricies egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non lorem mi.

 The Cargo Bay Hacker is a system that allows bypassing systems that usually avoid wares to be beamed out remotely by using a transporter device. While the system itself is not illegal, using it on stations or ships without authorisation is considered an act of aggression which may result in retaliation and loss of reputation. The system requires both a Transporter Device and a Freight Scanner to be installed on the same ship. It also requires to trigger system defined as most ship don't have it setup by default, this is usually done in the control scheme where pilots choose a free slot key that allows them to start the hack by pressing just one button.

The system requires to be rather close to the object its transferring wares from, for smaller objects its around 300m but can be up to 600m for lager. Once started, the ships interface shows a list of transferable wares, selecting one prompts the need to define the amount and after confirmation the transfer will start. Depending on the ware this may take more or less time per ware and may trigger security measures which then will abort the process.


Detailed Info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sit amet molestie diam. Quisque aliquam imperdiet justo, at molestie ligula dapibus eu. Vivamus gravida felis ac elementum viverra. Donec eget metus quis lorem porta pretium. Duis nec pulvinar urna, vel faucibus tellus. Nulla sodales justo in sollicitudin luctus. Sed laoreet nisl in ultricies egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non lorem mi.