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The plot begins as soon as the Albion Prelude Main Plot (Commonwealth starting scenarios only) is completed, the Atreus Corp Corporate Headquarters in Queen's Harbor has been found and the player has the Race Rank of >+5 (Queen's Guard) with the Boron.


Missile Delivery

Clearing The Way

Cleaning House

Filling The Pantry

Preparing For The Worst

Long Lost Enemies

Further Preparations (Optional)

Backdoor Rescue

Missile Delivery

Objective: Accept the job offer by comming Atreus Headquarters in Queen's Harbor

Deliver 1,000 Mosquito Missiles, 100 Hornet Missiles and 40 Tomahawk Heavy Missiles to Atreus Headquarters in Queen's Harbor

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: N/A

Commentary: As soon as the requirements are met the player will receive a message about a job offer from Atreus Corp so head over to the Atreus Corp Corporate Headquarters in Queen's Harbor and comm the station. Accept the job and Gili Tosi will instruct the player to make some missile deliveries to supply the Boron navy. Depending on the state of the X-Universe economy at the time or if the player has complexes producing the missiles (unlikely for Hornet Missiles) this will either be very easy or very long. It is recommended that the player plans ahead and starts hoarding the missiles as soon as the player has the spare credits before completion of the Albion Prelude Main Plot.

By this stage in the game an extensive Advanced Satellite network should be established allowing stations that sell the missiles listed in the encylopedia to be checked for stock remotely. The purchasing of the missiles can also be completed remotely (do not worry about maying max price for them) so all the player needs to do to complete the mission is to swap ships and dock at Atreus Headquarters with the wares.

On completion of the mission a message will appear stating that the Boron are willing to employ the player for projects involving the Xenon HUB because Aron Derik (from the Albion Prelude Main Plot) has given a good recommendation.

Clearing The Way

Objective: Patrol Queen's Harbour and Queen's Retribution

 Destroy the Terran Advanced Satellites

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: Leave the current patrol sector without permission

Reward: N/A

Commentary: The mission is given as soon as the message from the previous mission is read. In preparation for the Xenon HUB reconnecting, Atreus Corps is tasked with securing between Queen's Harbour and Queen's Retribution so the player is assigned with destroying any pirates and Terran spy satellites in those sectors. In each patrol sector 3 Advanced Satellites spawn 5km from random Jump Gates (some can have two or even all three at one gate) and 5 pirate M3s are spawned at 30km from the center of the sector at a height of 5km.

Note that the patrol is bugged to also include any NPC ships hostile to the player that enter the system even if the owning faction is friendly to the Boron which results in local Boron ships turning hostile if those ships are attacked by the player. To avoid this problem just kill the satellites and pirates before waiting until the hostile ships finish passing through the sector or the patrol times out (120 seconds per sector).

On completion of the patrol the Xenon HUB connects to the North Gate of Queen's Harbour and East Gate of Kingdom's End. 

Cleaning House

Objective: Comm Muli Nilo at the HUB

Transport 75 units of Garbage from the Xenon HUB to Atreus Headquarters in Queen's Harbor

Transport 15 Cleaning Robots from Atreus Headquarters in Queen's Harbor to the Xenon HUB

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: N/A

Commentary: On completion of the patrol the player will be told to help the researches on the Xenon HUB with some housekeeping. Fly though the Queen's Retribution gate to Queen's Harbour to enter the Xenon HUB sector (Unknown Sector 13,8) and comm the docking point at the top of the sphere. Muli Nilo will inform the player that the researchers need to make room for supplies because the previous researcher has filled all storage areas with excess Microchips (a reference to the mission from X3: Terran Conflict to obtain the HUB) which need to be disposed of, so the player is tasked with transporting 75 units of Garbage (requires 75 free cargo space) back to Atreus Headquarters. This should be a simple task for the player ship especially if it is a Hyperion Vanguard or Springblossom.

At Atreus Headquarters the garbage will be removed and the player tasked with delivering 15 Cleaning Robots (15 cargo space required) to the Xenon HUB. There are 5 crates with 1-3 Microchips at 10-20km from the center of the Xenon HUB sector so consider collecting them on the return journey. After delivering the Cleaning Robots there is a 2 minute delay before the next mission.

Filling The Pantry

Objective: Trade a total of 15,000 Stott Spices, 10,000 BoFo and 15,000 Delaxian Wheat to the Xenon HUB

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: N/A

Commentary: After the time passes the player will get a message saying the researches have made a list of supplies they need and that the Xenon HUB has been opened up to trade by other traders to help meet the demand. Although NPC ships will occasionally deliver some stuff to the Xenon HUB, the majority will need to be supplied by the player. The Xenon HUB is set to only pay average for the wares so it is up to the player if they want to complete the mission quickly at a slight financial loss or to be slower and make a larger profit margin. It will take the entire inventory of several large factories to complete this mission so using a TS+ with the largest possible cargo bay is recommended (Sturgeon or Hayabusa are good).

Depending on the economy there will either be several maxed out NPC factories or they will all be empty so how fast this mission is completed is completly down to luck. It is recommended that the player plans ahead and starts hoarding the wares as soon as the player has the spare credits before completion of the Albion Prelude Main Plot if they have a spare TL or two. By this stage in the game an extensive Advanced Satellite network should be established allowing stations that sell the wares listed in the encylopedia to be checked for stock remotely.

Keep selling the wares at the Xenon HUB until the mission is completed.

Preparing For The Worst

Objective: Trade 20,000 Energy Cells to the Xenon HUB

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: N/A

Commentary: 1-2 minutes after completing the last mission there will be a message about Mahi Ma being taken captive by the Terrans (a mission from the Operation Loose Ends plot) and a further 30-60 seconds later there will be a message about the Boron having declared war on the Terrans. A Boron Megalodon (M2+) is created in Kindom's End and ordered to kill enemies in the Xenon HUB sector. 3-4 minutes after that the player is tasked with helping to supply 20,000 Energy Cells to the Xenon HUB for gate realignment. This should be a quick mission since NPC ships are better at sourcing energy cells nearby and the player should have a surplus on owned self sustaining complexes.

Between the start of this mission and the end of the plot the Xenon Hub will start selling the other delivered wares to NPC traders.

Long Lost Enemies

Objective: Connect the Xenon HUB to Zyarth's Stand

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: Limited HUB ownership

Commentary: Once the Energy Cells are on the Xenon HUB, ownership of the Xenon HUB is transferred to the player with limited functionality. Only Gate Pair 3 can be manipulated and the player is ordered to use the Xenon HUB to connect the gates to Zyarth's Stand to allow the Split to reinforce the sector against the Xenon. The player then needs to wait 2 game hours for the Xenon HUB gate reallignment cooldown to pass during which the player will receive messages about the progression.

During this time it is recommended to begin deploying rings of 6 laser towers around each Xenon HUB gate beginning with the pair they plan on using for the last mission.

Further Preparations (Optional)

Objective: Have >10,000 Energy Cells at the Xenon HUB

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: N/A

Commentary: This mission only appears if the Xenon HUB has less than the 10,000 energy cells needed to perform a gate realignment.

Backdoor Rescue

Objective: Connect the Xenon HUB to Segaris

 Protect the Prisoner Transport Scabbard until it docks at the HUB

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: Prisoner Transport Scabbard is destroyed

Reward: Full control of the Xenon HUB

Commentary: When the Xenon HUB is able to perform another gate reallignment the player will receive a message from Gili Tosi ordering the creation of an escape route for Boron citizens fleeing Terran space by connecting the Xenon HUB to Segaris. The player will gain access to all three Xenon HUB gate pairs. It is recommended to use Gate Pair 3 to avoid sending Xenon patrols through the Xenon HUB sector. Once connected a Prisoner Transport Scabbard will enter the sector from the Segaris gate and head for the Xenon HUB which the player is tasked with protecting.

The only way this mission can be lost is if a Xenon patrol enters the Xenon HUB sector immediately or the ship collides with another ship (more likely). It is therefore recommended to immediately jump out of the HUB sector and let the Lasertowers kill any hostile ships entering the Xenon HUB sector. Once the Prisoner Transport Scabbard reaches the Xenon HUB there is a message congratulating the player and giving full control of the Xenon HUB cargo.

There are likely to still be wares from the previous delivery missions which can now be sold again for additional profit. It is recommended to reallign the gates away from Segaris as the current configuration sends the Xenon J patrol and other Xenon patrols through the Xenon Hub sector.