Versions Compared


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Override Name:
Normally the game will use the sector coordinates to determine the text id of the name to use. But you can override this to use a different ID. Using "nameid" and "descid" to set the name and description text ids. (NOTE: the page remains the same)



Additional Global Values (globals.txt)

A number of additional global values have been added, some controlling new features, others for some existing features.

Code Block
SG_DIPLOMACY_MAX_INFLUENCE : 1000 : Maximum influence storage
SG_LFLPOINTER_VELOCITY_MAX	 : 65536 : 360 deg/s (pointer angular velocity)
SG_LFLPOINTER_ACCEL_MAX : 2621440 : 40 * 360 deg/s^2 (pointer angular acceleration)
SG_LFLPOINTER_FRICTION_DEFAULT : 65536 : 360 deg/s^2 (default angular deceleration)
SG_LFLPOINTER_FRICTION_MIN : 655 : 3.6 deg/s^2 (when destination under crosshairs)
SG_LFLPOINTER_RADIUS_PX : 120 : 120 pixels (radius in HUD)
SG_LFLPOINTER_FALLOFF_THRESHOLD_ANGLE : 3277 : 18 deg (angle from crosshairs where friction reaches default)
SG_HSAP_JUMPDISTANCE : 3000 : Distance to HSAP to use interplanetary drive, in m
SG_STATION_UPGRADE_TIME : 1800 : Base station upgrade time
SG_COMPLEX_CONNECTION_MULTIPLIER : 2 : Number of connections available in complex kits, multiplied by kit size
SG_MARINE_TRAINING_DEFAULT : 14 : Training flags for default stations. Sets the type of training available, 1 = Fighting, 2 = Hacking, 4 = Engineering, 8 = Mechanical
SG_MARINE_TRAINDURATION_BASE : 300 : Training time base value
SG_MARINE_TRAINDURATION_MULTI : 60 : Training time multiplier, applied per 5 skill. IE, duration = BASE + ((skill / 5) * MULTI)
SG_MARINE_TRAINCOST_BASE : 5000 : Training cost base value
SG_MARINE_TRAINCOST_MULTI : 2000 : Training cost multiplier, applied per 5 skill. IE, cost = BASE + ((skill / 5) * MULTI)
SG_MARINE_FACTORYSTORAGE : 2 : Storage capacity for marines at factories (Marine Training Barracks). Multiplied by scale factor
SG_DIPLIMACY_TRADEMIN : 10000 : Minimum value of trade to trigger the trade bonus
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_WAREDIV : 4 : This is the number of discovery points awarded when finding new wares: (Ware.RelVal * SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_WAREMULTI) / SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_WAREDIV
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_WAREMULTI : 1 : This is the number of discovery points awarded when finding new wares: (Ware.RelVal * SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_WAREMULTI) / SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_WAREDIV
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_SHIPDIV : 100 : This is the number of discovery points awarded when finding new ships: (Ship.RelVal * SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_SHIPMULTI) / SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_SHIPDIV
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_SHIPMULTI : 1 : This is the number of discovery points awarded when finding new ships: (Ship.RelVal * SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_SHIPMULTI) / SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_SHIPDIV
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_STATIONDIV : 200 : This is the number of discovery points awarded when finding new stations: (Station.RelVal * SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_STATIONMULTI) / SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_STATIONDIV
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_STATIONMULTI : 1 : This is the number of discovery points awarded when finding new stations: (Station.RelVal * SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_STATIONMULTI) / SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_STATIONDIV
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_MAXCAP : 5000 : The maximum amount of points awarded for unlocking wares/stations/ships
SG_EXPLORE_POINTS_SECTOR : 2000 : Points awarded when discovering new sectors
SG_DYNRACE_FRIEND_ALLY : 15 : The percentage of notoriety points Ally races receive
SG_DYNRACE_FRIEND_HERO : 10 : The percentage of notoriety points Hero races receive
SG_DYNRACE_FRIEND_KNIGHT : 5 : The percentage of notoriety points Knight races receive
SG_DYNRACE_ENEMY : 30 : The percentage of notoriety points enemy races lose
SG_DYNRACE_ENEMY_MAIN : 15 : The percentage of notoriety points enemy (in main sector) races lose
SG_DYNRACE_MAXENEMYNOTO : 33333 : This is the maximum amount of notoriety an enemy race can have. If you have a race with more than this value, any of them enemies will not be able to go beyond this point.
SG_PIRATE_SHIP_SPAWN : 0 : This adds pirate ships being spawned by GOD (instead of the normal jobs file)
SG_DESTROYED_LOG_MAX : 100 : The maximum number of entries in the Destroyed ship log (older entries will be deleted to make room)
SG_TRANSACTION_LOG_MAX : 100 : The maximum number of entries for your transaction logs (older entries will be deleted to make room). This is per account
SG_DIPLOMACY_SHOWINFLUENCE : 0 : 1 or 0 to show the influence amount needed by the task on the main diplomacy screen
SG_GOD_NEWS	: 1 : 1 or 0 to display news from GOD to the encyclopaedia (Station Destruction events)
SG_BOARDING_SENTRY : 200 : The fight value added by Sentry Lasers
SG_BOARDING_MAXDIFF : 35 : The maximum difference between attack and defence before no loses occur (Percentage of maximum fight value)
SG_BOARDING_HULLDAMAGE : 60 : The percentage of hull damage during the boarding operation (this is the maximum when engineering is 0)
SG_BOARDING_FIREWALL : 70 : The hacking defence value added by the Firewall
SG_BOARDING_POLARIZE : 150 : The Cutting defence value added by the Hull Polarizer
SG_BOARDING_RND_HULLMULTI : 1 : The random factor to add to hull cutting, (skill * SG_BOARDING_RND_HULLMULTI) / SG_BOARDING_RND_HULLDIV. Default=+- 10%
SG_BOARDING_RND_HULLDIV : 10 : The random factor to add to hull cutting, (skill * SG_BOARDING_RND_HULLMULTI) / SG_BOARDING_RND_HULLDIV. Default=+- 10%
SG_UPGRADE_FACTORY_S : 1500 : The relval production amount needed before upgrade from S is available
SG_UPGRADE_FACTORY_M : 5000 : The relval production amount needed before upgrade from M is available
SG_UPGRADE_FACTORY_L : 20000 : The relval production amount needed before upgrade from L is available
SG_UPGRADE_FACTORY_XL	 : 100000 : The relval production amount needed before upgrade from XL is available
SG_DYNRACE_FRIEND_ALLOWCORP : 1 : 1 or 0 to allow Corporations notoriety increase/decrease by dynamic relations
SG_DYNRACE_MIN_CAP : -10000 : The minimum of notoriety needed before dynamic relations start
SG_BESTBUYSELL_MAXRANGE : 5 : The maximum selectable range of the Best Buy/Sells devices
SG_STATION_NEWS_FREQ : 25 : The frequency of station news articles, this is a percentage. i.e. 25% of the generated news articles will be added to encyclopaedia.


This file contains the values used for marines and boarding


This file contains the dimensions of each station, used for Complex Construction