Versions Compared


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The jobs file has been expanded with additional information and features, jobs files from previous games will not be compatible with X3FL.
NOTE: the The new data columns added are not added at the end, but are mixed together with the existing ones.

Check Script:

Added after the config script.
This is an optional script that can be run when a job is about to be created. The arguments for the script are the Job ID, the Race, the Sector and the Wing Leader (if there is one).
You should return [TRUE] from this script if you want the creation to go ahead. Returning [FALSE] will cancel the job created, and the ship wont be created.

Plot Flags:

This is added Added after Job Idle Rate
The plot flags are a series of flags that can enable different game states, these can be used by both scripts and missions. The plot flags are a bit mask, giving a total of 32 available (NOTE: Some of these are already used).
This should be set to a bitmask, which can contain 1 or more flags. The job will be disabled while the flags are not currently set, and then enabled, and jobs created when the flags are set on.
This allows you to disable/enable groups of jobs when the game is in a certain state (ie finished some kind of plot mission to adjust the universe)

Shiptype - Ship Classes:

Added after M7
The M7M and M7D classes have been added the class filters after M7

Shiptype - New Races:The new

Added after Yaki
The newly added races, and including the inaction inactive ones, have been added so you can make use these.
Added after Yakiof them.

  • OTAS
  • TerraCorp
  • Atreus
  • NMMC


  • Strong Arms


  • Beryll


  • Dukes


  • DarkSpace


  • Industritech


  • Race1


  • Race2


  • Corporation1


  • Corporation2

Shiptype - New Variants:

Added after Plus (Heavy) variant
The New variants have also been added to the ship type definitions
After Plus (Heavy) variant.ship type definitions
Advanced, Prototype, Experimental, Enhanced, Heavy Freight, Armoured Transporter, Heavy Miner, Extra1, Extra2, Extra3, Extra4

Location - Include Connected:

Added after , is not owner
When set, this will included the connected owner as a valid location as well. The connected owner is for the Corporation races that are linked to an existing Faction. IE if set, then OTAS will include both OTAS and Argon sectors as valid

Location - Trade/Pirate Dock:
Added after Has Shipyard
There are 2 flags, 1 for if the sector has a trade dock, and 1 if the sector has a pirate base

Location - Connected Sector:
Added after Sector X/Y
This is Coordinates
These are 2 values, the X and Y coordinates of a connected sector, or -1 for both to ignore
If this is set, then the location must have a connected route to this sector. IE setting this to 0,0 (Kingdom End) then the job will only be created in sectors that has a route to kingdom End.
in In X3FL the Universe is spilt split and some areas are isolated, this prevents jobs from being spawned in those isolated areas if you dont want them to.

Pilot - New Races:

Added after Pirate
The new races have also been added to the pilot mask, after Pirate

  • OTAS


  • TerraCorp


  • Atreus


  • NMMC


  • Strong Arms


  • Beryll


  • Dukes


  • DarkSpace


  • Industritech


  • Race1


  • Race2


  • Corporation1


  • Corporation2



Galaxy Map

There have been a few additional parameters added to the galaxy map. These are largely optional so existing galaxy map files should work.
The galaxy editor has also been updated allowing you to make use of these new values.


Any other value, will display that value instead, however, the value is in multiples of 1000. So setting a value of 1000, will display the population as 1M (1 million), 1100 would be displayed as 1.1M, etc. This allows a population display of upto up to 2 Trillion, or 2000Billion2000 Billion

Combat Track:
The value "c" in the file. Allows you to set a specific combat track for that sector

Planets Count:
The value "planets" in the file. This allows you to override the default planets count in sector information. Setting it to "-1" uses the default (counts number of planet objects). Any other value will display that instead

Moons Count:
The value "moons" in the file. This allows you to set the number of moons along with the planets. Using "-1" is the default, which hides the moons count.

Override Name:
Normally the game will use the sector coordinates to determine the text id of the name to use. But you can override this to use a different ID. Using "nameid" and "descid" to set the name and description text ids. (NOTE: the page remains the same)
