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StartNameRaceAgeStart MoneyStart ShipDifficultyDescription 
Argon OfficialBranda BranoArgon3720,000Advanced DiscovererAverage

While wars are raging in the universe, it is level-headed people like you who bring all parties involved to the peaceful table of diplomacy.
No distance too far, no burden too heavy - peace is the only thing that matters.

Teladi CourierJoranas Dasinos Rusiris ITeladi1820,000Advanced KestrelFaster
Making your first million is the hardest, they say. But with a well-equipped ship and the profit-hunger of a real Teladi, nothing can stop you.
Boron ScientistLar IasoBoroBoron2020,000Enhanced MakoSomewhat Slower

The Xenon, a supernova, enemy forces from outside the galaxy, or even Ancient intervention - your research into the gate shutdown revealed many possible explanations. Giving up is not an option, for you or the universe.

Split VeteranCho t'HntSplit4010,000Mamba RaiderShould be a breezeYears on the battlefield have taught you this: not every battle is won by shooting indiscriminately. Showing a little restraint can go a long way. Sometimes it is enough to just prepare for the perfect shot.
Paranid OutcastElmanckelttakParanid8022,222Pericles RaiderSafeYou chose the ways of the two-eyed and were punished with the supreme contempt of your whole race. Yet, you cannot deny your heritage when new challenges present themselves.
Peace SeekerTerrel PolerGoner5017,000Goner RangerCould be challengingAfter decades preaching the story of Earth, the events of recent years have left a mark on you. But all is not lost. Even in these dark days, there is hope for peace in the universe.
Moo-Kye's EnforcerToki SilarnYaki2915,000Susanowa PrototypeIntriguingA target and a gun; no questions asked. That's your maxim. However, with the universe falling apart, you become curious as to whether other ways may be more satisfying.
