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A timeline of events that constitute the background to X4 including events from previous X games

-1282042 Earth scientists create Jump Gates (2 billion years after 'The Ancients' created the main Jump Gate network).
-12412720462043 An Earth-built Jump Gate connects to a Jump Gate already in Alpha Centauri (Brennan's Triumph) revealing 'The Ancients' Jump Gate networkUSC established.
-1242046 The flight of the Winterblossom to explore the Jump Gate Network begins lead by René Farnham.
-1222048 The Winterblossom is recalled
-1182052 USC established
-1042066 Terraformer Project begins.
-712099 Terraformer Project is terminated.
-252145 The First Terraformer Conflict.
-232147 The Earth Jump Gate is destroyed to protect Earth and it's (By X4 its remains orbit Mars).
-232147 The First Terraformer Conflict ends.
02170 Earth is removed from the history of the Terraformer Conflict's survivors.
1032273 Terraformer Conflict survivors relocate to the 4th planet in the Sonra System, named Argon Prime after Nathan R. Gunne.
1032273 The Argon Federation is established.
1302300 Argon make first contact with the Paranid.
2022372 Goner Sect is formed on the belief that Earth still exists.
2152385 Xenon destroy the superstation "Antigone", The sector Antigone Memorial and The Antigone Republic is named in its honour.
2412491 The Argon Federation begins expanding throughout the Jump Gate network.
3232493 Argon make first contact with the Boron.
3242494 Split Patriarchy invade Boron space. Argon Federation aligns with Boron, Paranid align with Split.
3282498 Community of Planets is formed
5142684 200 Years of Cold War
5502720 First contact with the Teladi.
5892759 Credits become the currency of the X universe.
~608~2778 The Hatikvah Free League is established.
7352905 Xenon ship enters Sol using a Gateless Jumpdrive.
7422912 Evolution of the Xenon.

X:Btf /


Arrival of Kyle Brennan and USC X (Xperimental Shuttle) in the Jump Gate network after a Jump Drive test.
7422912 Arrival of Elena Kho and Getsu Fune in the Jump Gate network in search of Kyle Brennan and the USC X.
7422912 The Jump Gate network is reconfigured with the Teladi home-world (Ianamus Zura) cut-off from the rest of the network.
7432913 Terracorp is established by Kyle Brennan and Elena Kho to finance research to return to earth.
7632933 First contact with the Kha'ak.
7632933X2The President's End massacre.
7632933X2The Battle of Omicron Lyrae.
7642934X3:RThe race to find Earth between the Yaki Syndicate and the Paranid Empire.
7642934X3:RThe Paranid Empire constructs a Jump Gate to reconnect Earth to the Jump Gate Network.
7642934 The Earth Jump Gate is relocated to the Asteroid Belt.
7642934X3:TCRelations with the Terrans begin to cool.
7642934X3:TCOperation: Final Fury wipes out all known Kha'ak hives. Attacks become far more infrequent.
7642934X3:TCThe Xenon Hub is discovered.
7702940 Tensions Build over AGI usage between the Terrans and the Community of Planets.
7742944X3:AP*The Terran Conflict begins between the Terrans and their Argon cousins, The Community of Planets later joins in support of the Argon Federation
7782948X3:AP*The Destruction destruction of the Torus Aeternal occurs.
7782948X3:APHighways near completion in Albion based on Terran Trans-Orbital Accelerator technology reverse engineered by Jonferco (JSS)
7802950X3:FLWarp Instability occurs with increasing numbers of sectors becoming inaccessable. Jump drives become far less reliable.
7822952X3:AP**Beryll Astrotech unleashes a new AGI threat on Sol from reverse engineered Xenon fighters7822952 The Jump Gate Shutdown.


2952~2952 USC and ATF are reformed into the Terran Protectorate.
7822952X:R*Plutarch Mining Corporation (PMC) takes control of the Albion system. The remains of the Argon Government and Argon Navy form the Heart of Albion.
8012971 The Alliance of the Word is established.
8032973X:RThe Jump Gates Reopenreopen and realign.
8032973X:RA treaty is signed between the remnants of the Argon Government, Heart of Albion and The Republic of Canterra, bringing an a formal end to the Terran Conflict.
8202990 The Gate Network Stabilises
8202990 Paranid Civil war begins between the Godrealm of the Paranid and the Holy Order of the Pontifex after each faction establishes their own Pontifex during The Jump Gate Shutdown
8252995X4:FBoso Ta escapes Split capture and steals a Terran Science Station



The remains of the Free Families Fleet is destroyed by the Zyarth Patriarchy in Fires of Defeat/Victory.
8252995X4:FBoso Ta escapes Split capture and steals a Terran Science Station.
8252995X4:FThe Hatikvah Free League breaks away from illicit dealings with the Scale Plate Pact with Argon Federation support.





NTNew Time (years since removing Earth from Argon history)
EYEarth Years /AD/CE
**Epilogue / Immediately after story events of game
X:BtfX: Beyond the Frontier (1999)
X:TX: Tension (2000)
X2X2: The Threat (2004)
X3:RX3: Reunion (2005)
X3:TCX3: Terran Conflict (2008)
X3:APX3: Albion Prelude (2011)
X3:FLX3: Farnham's Legacy (2021)
X:RX: Rebirth (2013)
(TTO)X: Rebirth The Teladi Outpost DLC (2014)
(HoL)X: Rebirth Home of Light DLC (2016)
X4:FX4: Foundations (2018)
(SV)X4: Foundations Split Vendetta DLC (2020)
(CoH)X4: Foundations Cradle of Humanity DLC (2021)