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Comment: Added images -MWD


Fau t'Nnt is located on a random friendly station in the basegame systems, flying and talking to the split provides an opportunity to get one point towards the required 4 for the “Yes, Yes, Very Interesting” achievement. This point can be acquired in the slavery dialogue topic “On Slavery…”, to get it choose the option that says “Will slavery ever be abolished?”, there will be no indication that this will have progressed the achievement (except by checking the save) but rest assured it has.

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With all the talking with Fau t'Nnt wrapped up its time to take him home, mission guidance will select a random Split Sector to take him to. Upon reaching the first Split Vendetta system (It doesn’t have to be Split controlled) a Zyarth police Rattlesnake Class destroyer will intercept and order the transfer of the passenger (This ship is invincible and can’t be boarded so it can’t be fled from or fought).

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As it turns out, Fau t'Nnt is actually a member of Zyarth’s secret police and is screening entrants to Split space. On the ship the passenger deigns to give the contact details of Yu t’Knk who can provide more information on Split culture and the current conflict.


The first stage is to locate the ship, Boso Ta will provide guidance to what he thinks to be the stolen frigate but it is another Cobra frigate that is a bit worse for wear but is unowned and Boso wants it claimed. After claiming the ship Boso outlines the possible locations of the stolen frigate based on logs extracted from the abandoned one.

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There are a few false positives to start but a while the trail gets warmer and finally the stolen frigate is found in Tharka’s Ravine XVI. The escaped slaves do not like being found and suspect collusion with the Zyarth Patriarchy, they will then attempt to flee. Dal recommends attacking them to make them more compliant “Engage but don’t destroy that ship”. The frigate will understandably respond to any attacks in kind so its important when fighting it to stay under its belly where it doesn’t have any turrets a fast fighter is best for this because of how fast a cobra can be.

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The Cobra will surrender once it is below 60% hull integrity and 80% shield integrity and grant docking privileges to negotiate. Docking will allow Yu t’Knk to board, her ship the “Slave Trader 3” will radio in asking for her to be transported back (Slave Trader 3 cannot be boarded and neither can the stolen frigate even after the hostage negotiations).

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Dock at Slave Trader 3 and talk to the pilot Lae t’Shn, she will voice her displeasure at interference in Split affairs but will concede that amends can be made by bringing spacefly caviar (a Split delicacy illegal just about everywhere else) to a funeral for Patriarch Gau t’Pg of the Free Families. Spacefly caviar can be crafted from 25 spacefly eggs, the eggs can be pickup up as drops in areas where mining takes place (Second Contact 2 is always a safe bet).

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The funeral is conducted from the docking bay of the “Funeral Service Ship” (along with all the other buffalos in the plot it can’t be boarded). The funeral service is held in within the superstructure of the Heart of Acrimony II deactivated accelerator. Have a chat with Lae t’Shn to deliver to caviar and then with none other than Fau t'Nnt (acting under another alias) who offers a job in finding evidence to support Patriarch Noa t’Hlp at his trial in the Hall of Judgement. After all dialogue options have been exhausted the funeral procession will commence sending a funerary ship into the now active accelerator, the accelerator will once again shut down after the funeral and the missions resume.

The next goal is to provide evidence of Noa t’Hlp’s financial records which requires a satellite for hacking into the Free Families Trading station (usually located in Tharka’s Ravine XVI). Satellites can be picked up from wharves, shipyards and equipment docks (the closest being located in Heart of Acrimony II) and usually cost around 4,800 credits.

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Boso instructs to deploy the satellite near the station before scanning an exposed dataleak. Unfortunately, through Boso’s usage of the satellite it has mucked up the satellite network meaning the deployed satellite must be fixed before Boso can finish. Repairing the satellite is achieved in the same way as other repair satellite missions with the space-suit and repair laser (remembering that repair lasers have a range of 30m). While the satellite is being repaired Fau t’Nnt announces that it is too late and that Noa t’Hlp has already been executed.


Its time to return to the Funeral Service Ship for Noa t’Hlp’s funeral, on this occasion though things are a bit different, Dal is there in person. En route Dal explains what the missing funds meant and how there could be something important lying behind the funerary accelerator. After landing on the Funeral Service Ship the first person to talk to is Fau t’Nnt (using yet another alias) that is quite angry that Noa t’Hlp was executed before the information could be obtained. Afterwards head to Dal on the docking bay, he and Boso explain the plan to break into the funeral coffin ship and use it to get through the accelerator.

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The plan requires getting into the spacesuit, immediately after leaving the funeral ship the funeral coffin ship will launch and move slowly forward toward the accelerator before stopping. Place and detonate and EMP (provided by Dal) at the marked location and then scan a dataleak to gain entry to the ship (the docking port is on the underside) and watch the action unfold.

Well there is something big behind the accelerator, the “Ravenous Wight” in fact. Its a Raptor Class carrier complete with several wings of Balaurs. Throughout this section its impossible to leave the Funeral Coffin Ship. After the ship gets closer to the Ravenous Wight the game will cut to being in a jail cell aboard the Ravenous Wight. Lae t’Shn will appear and open the cell, from there it’s a matter of going to the Cabal of Curbs throneroom on the ship. Once there Lae t’Shn will explain the Court of Curbs.

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Its time to join the curbs to be allowed to leave the ship. This isn’t actually siding with the curbs like later and doesn’t count towards either ending, all it does is progress the plot towards the choice. There’s also an opportunity to work towards the “Yes, Yes Very Interesting” achievement by asking them about the slave revolts. To join them they will ask of proof of dedication and proof of worth, proof of dedication is achieved by following through with the below mission steps and proof of worth is achieved by providing the curbs with funds when choosing what to pay them always go for the highest or second highest choices (picking the two lower choices will incense them and make them demand higher amounts).


Split need you outside for minor maintenance. Take bombs.” –Yu t’Knk

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Yu t’Knk wants bombs placed upon the ship’s cargo drones which she has kindly provided. Time to re-enter the spacesuit for the final time in the mission chain. The spacesuit bay is located in the bridge section of the ship so its quite far aft and the drones (only 3) will launch from the prow, once they’re in range deploy a bomb on each and then return to the ship, any misplaced bombs can be disarmed and placed again and in the event that something goes really wrong Yu t’Knk can always provide more. The drones may take some time to return to the ship so there can be a bit of a wait before the ship gets underway.

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At this stage its okay to either wait until Slave Trader 2 docks or simply fly there independently (provided that reputation is sufficient with Zyarth to enable that). Either way, once on the station bombs need to be handed to an escaped slave hiding out on the station (Chatting to him about the separatists adds a point towards the “Yes, Yes, Very Interesting” achievement). A secure access pass must also be acquired to let out some prisoners being held on the station. The pass can be picked up from a random location on the main dock. To release the prisoners, use the transporter to get to the “Pen” and open the cells with the little buttons on the wall.

With a suitable amount of mayhem caused it’s a good time to get off the station especially since those rigged drones have taken out a significant portion of the station. Luckily the Argon have secured a getaway vehicle for escaping, it’s a Zyarth Chimera class heavy fighter.

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They’ll hand over control of the ship and Lae t’Shn will request assistance with the getaway. Undock from the Hall of Judgement (now controlled by the Argon) and fly to Slave Trader 2. This section is another opportunity to progress the “In Authority We Trust” Achievement. To unlock it instead of complying with Yu t’Knk’s requests to defend Slave Trader 2 from approaching Zyarth police opt to fly away. This can be verified if its been done correctly by Yu t’Knk opening comms and voicing her displeasure “Pilot cowardly. Did not expect this”. This stage of the mission concludes when Slave Trader 2 either fends off the Patriarch’s police or is destroyed. Its now time to return to the Curbs’ lair aboard the Ravenous Wight.


During conversation with Dal Busta on the headquarters a number of things occur. Dal presents justification for supporting each faction and some vague statements about how things might play out (For the objective results see the Curbs and Patriarchy rewards sections). A final extra point towards “Yes, Yes Very Interesting” can be awarded from asking about how each faction would treat slaves. Also at this stage the “Yes, Yes Very Interesting” achievement is awarded provided the minimum of 4 points have been earned from choosing the dialogue options.

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Yes, Yes, Very Interesting:

Learn all you can about slavery



The final decision of which faction to choose is clearly marked by two final dialogue options, the options will be the lighter blue indicating that they progress a mission. After choosing a faction to support it cannot be undone (without reloading to an earlier save). Picking a faction also rewards the achievement:

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Fires of Fate:

Learn about the Split and pave the path for change



For the Curbs plot outcome proceed to “Declaration Declaration of Curbs”Curbs

For the Zyarth plot outcome proceed to “Suppressing Suppressing the Coup”Coup

Curb Branch

Declaration of Curbs


The Curbs request attendance at their throne room as well as some more spacefly caviar before they make their declaration. Things get a bit haywire during the declaration with Zyarth attempting to crush the secession before things get out of hand. They deploy a fleet against the Curbs and mission guidance doesn’t instruct anything but its generally a good idea to protect the Curbs’ carrier to prevent it from getting destroyed.

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Zyarth Withdrawal


Next the Curbs want a random Zyarth-owned station destroyed to demonstrate their strength, because its random it could be either really easy or really hard (often it will be a defense station). A destroyer, fleet of destroyers or an Asgard is recommended for this role as they are best configured for station sieges.

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With the continuing successful offensives by the Curbs they have seized control of more of the Free Families space and have expelled the Zyarth Patriarchy’s police.

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To sustain their continued successes over the Zyarth Patriarchy the Curbs have requested a delivery of 1,000 units of weapon components and 10,000 units of missile components to either a Free Families or Court of Curbs controlled Trading Station (can be fulfilled in two runs by a Shuyaku Vanguard).

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This comes at an average cost of 375,000 Cr which isn’t all that extortionate but yet again the Curbs will request more financial assistance and its an even more extreme amount that nearly comes to 800M (the exact value is 799,625,000Cr but that doesn’t make it much better). The latest instalment in excessive payments is to be delivered to Dal Busta aboard the headquarters.

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After delivering the ordinance and money the Court of Curbs have become increasingly emboldened and want a Zyarth Patriarchy defense platform sabotaged. They have provided a Boa class trader (docked at the station where the munitions were delivered) to delivery bombs to one of their agents aboard the station.


Docking at the defense platform shouldn’t be a hassle because the Boa features a Zyarth disguise mechanic.

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Once aboard the station the agent will detonate the bombs enabling a slave revolt, the cover mechanic will not work after this point.


Zyarth Patriarch of all Split is toppled by Patriarch Rhak over his inability to quell the Curbs’ rebellion. All former Zyarth Patriarchy assets are reorganised into the Rhak Patriarchy. Patriarch Rhak signs a peace treaty with the Court of Curbs and withdraws all colonial police forces from Free Families space.

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Zyarth Branch

Suppressing the Coup


After destroying the station, provided that 3 correct choices have been made earlier, “In Authority We Trust” will unlock:

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In Authority We Trust:

Work with the Patriarchy Police during the Split storyline



Additionally, the station’s destruction will conclude the Free Families Conflict plot in favour of the Zyarth Patriarchy which will seize all defense stations in Free Families space (including wharves and shipyards and excepting Thuruk’s Demise). War will still continue to rage on between the Cabal and Zyarth but Zyarth will usually triumph as the Curbs don’t have wharves or shipyards to replenish their ships.

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Concluding this branch of the plot unlocks:

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Fists of the Empire:

Complete the Split storyline and side with the Patriarchy



Noting betrayal, Curbs relations with the player plummet to -30, this can of course be repaired but it would take some considerable effort and is beyond the scope of this guide.

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The final Zyarth faction from this branch can easily become a superpower
