Versions Compared


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Sv translation

Dans certains cas, surtout quand il s'agit de déterminer la cause d'un plantage, le support d'Egosoft peut demander ce qui s'appelle un DXDiag ou un Vulkaninfo. Ces données contiennent des informations détaillées sur votre système et votre environnement. Ces informations seront utilisées pour vérifier que votre matériel et vos pilotes sont compatibles avec le jeu et/ou pour identifier des problèmes qui n'apparaissent qu'avec certaines combinaisons de pilotes et matériels. Les instructions qui suivent expliquent comment récupérer ces informations.

Un mot sur la vie privée

Veuillez prendre connaissance que bien que ces informations ne soient utilisées que pour fournir des données techniques, il peut s'y trouver des informations que vous pourriez considérer comme personnelles (comme par exemple le nom de l'ordinateur qui pourrait contenir votre nom ou votre pseudonyme) et/ou des identifiants qui pourraient être récupérés et associés à d'autres informations vous concernant (comme l'ID de l'ordinateur ou tout simplement la configuration de votre machine qui peut être une sorte d'empreinte digitale de votre personne). Egosoft n'utilisera ces informations que pour résoudre vos problème, mais si vous ne souhaitez pas partager les données personnelles, assurez-vous de les épurer avant de les envoyer.

Récupérer le DXDiag

  1. Dans le menu démarrer, veuillez taper: "dxdiag" (sans les guillemets) appuyer sur ENTREE
  2. L'outil de diagnostique DirectX s'ouvre. Cliquez sur Enregistrer toutes les informations...
  3. Sauvegardez les informations sur votre ordinateur. C'est ce fichier que vous joindrez à votre réponse au support.

Récupérer le VulkanInfo

Sur Windows

  1. Dans le menu démarrer, veuillez taper : "cmd" (sans les guillemets) et appuyez sur ENTREE
  2. Une invite de commande s'ouvre. Tapez:

    Code Block
    vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

     et appuyez sur ENTREE

  3. Sur votre bureau windows, vous trouverez ensuite un fichier nommé : "vulkaninfo.txt". Ce fichier est celui que vous joindrez à votre réponse au support.

Sur Linux

  1. Ouvrez un terminal.
  2. Assurez vous que vulkaninfo est installé sur votre système. Les étapes pour l'installation changent selon la distribution linux que vous utilisez. Généralement, cet outil est disponible via le paquet vulkan-utils (eg. avec la commande sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
  3. Exécutez vulkaninfo et copiez/collez la sortie dans le mail (ou redirigez là vers un fichier grâce à vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output).

Problème de fichiers VulkanInfo vides

Si le fichier créé est vide, essayez d'exécuter "vulkaninfo" (sans le > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt). Si le résultat est semblable à celui ci-dessous, vous avez très probablement un problème de corruption des pilotes de votre carte graphique ou de Vulkan (à noter que le numéro de version peut changer).

Pour résoudre ceci, vous devriez réinstaller (ou refaire une installation propre) de vos pilotes graphiques. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter votre vendeur ou le fabricant.


Sv translation

In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

A note on privacy

Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

Retrieving the DXDiag

  1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    Image Removed
  2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    Image Removed
  3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

Retrieving the VulkanInfo

On Windows machines

  • In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    Image Removed
  • A command window opens. Enter

    Egosoft fragt in einigen Fällen (vor allem zur Ermittlung einer Absturzursache) nach DXDiag und Vulkaninfo. Diese Daten beinhalten Informationen zum System, die ermöglichen zu überprüfen, ob die Treiber/Hardware mit dem Spiel kompatibel sind und/oder ob Probleme mit bestimmten Hardware/Treiber-Kombinationen existieren. Die folgende Anleitung erklärt, wie man DXDiag und VulkanInfo abruft.

    Hinweis zum Datenschutz

    Während diese Daten einzig technische Informationen bereitstellen sollen, können sie dennoch persönliche Informationen enthalten (etwa den Computernamen, welcher einen Nicknamen/Echtnamen beinhalten könnte, wenn dieser so gewählt wurde), sowie Kennzeichen, die Empfängern dieser Information erlauben können diese mit anderer Information zu verknüpfen (z.B. eine Computer ID oder die Hardware-Kombination des Systems, welche ebenfalls eine eindeutige Zuordnung ermöglichen könnte). Während Egosoft die Informationen nur nutzt, um die Ursache eines Absturzes zu untersuchen, können Sie solche Informationen vor Versenden der Daten rausfiltern.

    DXDiag abrufen

    1. Geben Sie im Starmenü "dxdiag" (ohne Einführungszeichen) ein und drücken Sie EINGABE
      Image Added
    2. Das DirectX Diagnose Tool öffnet sich. Klicken Sie auf "Alle Informationen speichern..."
      Image Added
    3. Speichern Sie die Informationen auf ihrer Maschine. Dies ist die DXDiag-Datei, die Sie bei ihrer Antwort an den Support anhängen möchten.

    VulkanInfo abrufen

    Auf Windows-Systemen

    1. Geben Sie im Startmenü "cmd" (ohne Anführungszeichen) ein und drücken Sie EINGABE
      Image Added
    2. Ein cmd.exe-Konsolenfenster öfnet sich. Geben Sie das folgende ein:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"
       and press ENTER
      Image RemovedOn your desktop you'll then find a new file called:

      und drücken Sie EINGABE

      Image Added

    3. Auf Ihrem Desktop finden sie eine neue Datei "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running Dies ist die VulkanInfo-Datei, die Sie bei ihrer Antwort an den Support anhängen möchten.

    Auf Linux-Systemen

    1. Öffnen Sie ein Terminalfenster
    2. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass vulkaninfo auf ihrem System installiert ist. Der Installationsvorgang ist je nach Linux-Distribution anders. Üblicherweise kann dieses tool durch Installation von vulkan-utils installiert werden. (z.B. über sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in Führen Sie vulkaninfo aus und kopieren Sie die Ausgabe in die Support-Mail. (or lassen Sie diese in eine Ausgabedatei schreiben, zum Beispiel über vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running

    Fehlerbehandlung leerer VulkanInfo-Dateien

    Wenn die erstellte Datei leer ist, versuchen Sie "vulkaninfo" auszuführen (without the ohne "> %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run"). Wenn eine Ausgabe ähnlich der folgenden zu lesen ist, besteht vermutlich ein Fehler in der Vulkan/Grafikkartentreiber-Installation (Die Versionsnummer ist ggf. anders als dargestellt).


    resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturerUm das zu beheben, sollten Sie ihre Grafikkarten-Treiber neu installieren (idealerweise eine saubere Installation). Wenn das Problem weiter besteht, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Verkäufer/Hersteller.

    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.


    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.

    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.

    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.

    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.


    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.