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Sv translation

In alcuni casi (specialmente per determinare le cause di un crash) il supporto di Egosoft potrebbe chiedere quello che si chiama DXDiag e Vulkaninfo. I dati forniti contengono informazioni dettagliate sul tuo sistema e vengono usati per verificare che i driver e l’hardware siano compatibili con il gioco e/o vengono impiegati per appurare la fonte di problemi che si manifestano solo con una determinata combinazione di hardware e driver. Le istruzioni che seguono spiegano come recuperare queste informazioni.

Una nota sulla privacy

E’ utile ricordare che mentre questi dettagli sono intesi solo ed esclusivamente per fornire informazioni tecniche, possono però contenere informazioni che potrebbero essere considerate personali (come il nome della macchina che potrebbe includere il tuo nome o soprannome se così è stata configurata) e/o contenere identificatori unici che potrebbero permettere a chi le analizza di poterle associare ad altre informazioni personali (come l’ID della macchina o banalmente la combinazione degli elementi hardware che forniscono l’impronta digitale del tuo sistema). Egosoft da parte sua si impegna a utilizzare le informazioni ricevute solo a scopo diagnostico per risolvere il problema, ma se non vuoi condividere queste informazioni personali assicurati di averle eliminate dal file prima della sua spedizione.

Recuperare le informazioni di DXDiag

  1. Nel menù Start scrivi: “dxdiag” (senza virgolette) e premi INVIO.

  2. Compare il pannello del tool di diagnosi DirectX. Fai click su Salva tutte le informazioni…

  3. Salva il file sulla tua macchina. Questo è il file da inviare al supporto.

Recuperare le informazioni di VulkanInfo

Sulle macchine Windows

  1. Nel Menù Start scrivi "cmd" (senza virgolette) e premi INVIO

  2. Si apre un terminale a riga di comando. Scrivi:

    Code Block
    vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

    e premi INVIO

  3. Sulla scrivania dovrebbe essere comparso un file chiamato "vulkaninfo.txt". Questo è il file da inviare al supporto.

Sulle macchine Linux

  1. Apri un terminale

  2. Assicurati che il programma vukaninfo sia installato sulla tua macchina. L’installazione di tale comando varia in base alla distribuzione linux. Solitamente si installa con il pacchetto vulkan-utils (per esempio con sudo apt install vulkan-utils).

  3. Esegui vulkaninfo e copia il risultato nella mail per il supporto o fai il redirect del risultato in un file, digitando “vulkaninfo > vulkaninfo_output.txt” e INVIO (senza virgolette). vulkaninfo_output.txt sarà il file da inviare al supporto

Problema: il file prodotto da VulkanInfo è vuoto

Se il file creato è vuoto, esegui il solo comando “vulkaninfo” (senza virgolette né la parte “> %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt” o “> vulkaninfo_output.txt”) e INVIO. Se il risultato è una schermata come la seguente (il numero di versione potrebbe essere diverso da quello mostrato) è probabile che l’installazione del driver grafico sia andata storta.

Per risolvere la situazione bisogna reinstallare (l’ideale sarebbe rimuovere e reinstallare) i driver della scheda grafica. Se il problema persiste è opportuno contattare il venditore/fabbricante della scheda grafica.

Sv translation

In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

A note on privacy

Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

Retrieving the DXDiag

  1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    Image Removed
  2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    Image Removed
  3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

Retrieving the VulkanInfo

On Windows machines

  • In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    Image Removed
  • A command window opens. Enter:

    Code Block
    vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"
     and press ENTER
    Image Removed
  • On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.
  • On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    Image Removed

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.場合によっては(特にクラッシュの原因を特定する場合)、EgosoftのサポートチームがDXDiagとVulkaninfoの提出を要求することがあります。このデータにはシステム環境に関する詳細な情報がふくまれており、特定のハードウェア/ドライバの組み合わせでのみ発生する問題を解明するための手掛かりとして使用されます。 下記は詳細情報を取得する手順です。



    DXDiag を取得する

    1. スタートメニューで"dxdiag" ("マークなし)で入力し、[ENTER]キーを押してください。
      Image Added
    2. DirectX Diagnost Toolが開きます。「情報をすべて保存(S)」をクリックします。
      Image Added
    3. デバイスに情報を保存します。このファイルをサポートへの返信に添付してください。



    1. スタートメニューで"cmd"("なし)と入力し、[ENTER]キーを押します。
      Image Added
    2. コマンドウィンドウが開くので下記のように入力します。

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"


      Image Added

    3. デスクトップ上に新しく「vulkaninfo.txt」という新しいファイルが作成されます。このファイルを、サポートへの返信に添付してください。

    Linux の場合

    1. ターミナルウィンドウを開く
    2. vulkaninfoがシステムにインストールされていることを確認してください。インストール方法はお使いのLinuxディストリビューションによって異なります。通常、このツールはvulkan-utilsパッケージによってインストールできます(例: sudo apt install vulkan-utils)。
    3. vulkaninfoを実行し、出力結果をメールにコピー&ペースト、あるいは、vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_outputのように出力ファイルにリダイレクトしてください。


    作成されたファイルが空っぽなら、"vulkaninfo"(> %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt を削除)を実行してください。以下のような出力結果が表示されるだけの場合、Vulkan/グラフィックカードドライバのインストールでなんらかの損害が発生している可能性があります(バージョン番号は実行時によって異なる場合があります)。

    Image Added


    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.

    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.

    Sv translation

    In some cases (especially when determining the cause for crashes) Egosoft support might ask for a so called DXDiag and Vulkaninfo. This data contains detailed information about your system environment and is used to verify that drivers/hardware is compatible with the game and/or is used as a source to determine issues which only occur on specific hardware/driver combinations. The following instructions explain how to retrieve the details.

    A note on privacy

    Please note that while these logs are intended purely to provide technical information, they still contain information which might be considered personal (like the machine name which could include your nickname/personal name if you set your machine name as such) and/or contain unique identifiers which might allow the retrieving party of such information to connect the information with some other information of yourself (like the machine ID or simply the hardware combination in your machine which can also provide a unique footprint of yourself). While Egosoft will only use the provided information to resolve the crash issue, if you don't want to share such information with the recipient(s), make sure to filter this out before sending the data.

    Retrieving the DXDiag

    1. In the start menu enter: "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. The DirectX Diagnost Tool opens. Click on Save All Information...
    3. Save the information on your machine. That's the file you want to attach to your reply to support.

    Retrieving the VulkanInfo

    On Windows machines

    1. In the start menu enter: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press ENTER
    2. A command window opens. Enter:

      Code Block
      vulkaninfo > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt"

       and press ENTER

    3. On your desktop you'll then find a new file called: "vulkaninfo.txt". This file is what you want to attach to your reply to support.

    On Linux machines

    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Make sure that vulkaninfo is installed on your system. The steps to install this differs based on the Linux distribution you are using. Usually you can install this tool by installing the vulkan-utils package (f.e. by running sudo apt install vulkan-utils).
    3. Run vulkaninfo and copy/paste the output into the mail (or redirect it to an output file as in vulkaninfo >vulkaninfo_output)

    Troubleshooting empty VulkanInfo files

    If the created file is empty, try running "vulkaninfo" (without the > %UserProfile%\Desktop\vulkaninfo.txt part). If this just brings up output like the following, you most likely are suffering some corruption in your Vulkan/graphics card driver installation (note that the version number can differ in your run).

    To resolve this, you should reinstall (preferably do a clean installation) of your graphics card drivers. If the issue persist, please contact your vendor/manufacturer.

