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By Manoeuvring with Difficulty / Stoats not Goats

Mirror version available on steam-guides here


In this guide I've done the best I can to condense the process of unlocking all X4:Foundations achievements (sorted by type and in alphabetical order) and have provided links to other guides where a summary is insufficient and tried not to simply plug my own guides except where there are no other guides that I'm aware of.

Additionally, some of these achievements may have changed since I achieved them or I may have simply forgotten how I did it, please let me know what I've gotten wrong. :) 


Table of Contents


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A Good Investment:
Join a Trade Guild
Upon reaching level 10 with one of the following factions (ANT, TEL, PIO) you will get a mission offer in the guilds tab. Accepting this mission will give you guidance to a station where you can join a trade guild (at a cost of 10,000cr). Joining the trade guild completes the achievement

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A Pirate's Life for Me:
Intimidate a pilot into dropping some of their cargo
Use the "drop your cargo" dialogue option after scanning a ship, if the ship complies (ships with crew with lower morale are more likely to comply) the achievement will unlock

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Destroy 20 Ad signs

One of the easiest achievements despite only ~1% of Steam players having completed it. To get this achievement you must attack a station (SCA is best because they'll become friendly again after a while). Simply fly up to any 3-Dock T pier (other pier types are also okay but not as good) and shoot at the ad signs which have a glowing circular stand below (trade ad signs and similar small holographic ads don't count, you'll also know if you got it right because it should explode). Each dock module should have around 5-6 ad signs so flying between a couple of SCA stations gets it done quickly

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Answer the Call:
Sign up for a war subscription
Almost identical to "A Good Investment" .Upon reaching level 10 with one of the following factions (ARG, HOP, PAR, ZYA, TER) you will get a mission offer in the guilds tab. Accepting this mission will give you guidance to a station where you can join a war guild (at a cost of 10,000cr). Joining the war guild completes the achievement

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Back Home:
Have a ship return from a successful venture (Not Currently Possible)
  • Online login with Egosoft forums
  • Constructed S/M Venture Dock and Venture Module at a station
  • S/M Ship to send on a venture
Opening the venture menu in the venture module with a S/M ship docked gives the option to send the ship on a variety of venture missions. Upon your ship returning from a venture you will receive the achievement.

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Bling Bling:
Apply a paint mod to your ship
Simply open the context menu for one of your ships and select "redesign". This will bring up an interface which will allow you to apply a paint mod to your ship provided one is in your inventory, you can get them from guild and plot missions. Applying a paint mod unlocks this achievement

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Bug Fixed:
Destroy a Kha'ak ship
Pretty self explanatory, blow up a Kha'ak ship. At gamestart they can be found in Pious Mists IV, Silent Witness XII and Matrix #451

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Can't Shoot This:
Destroy 100 Turrets
Fairly self explanatory, if you want to achieve this without getting on the bad side of a main faction go destroy the turrets on SCA destroyers (Note: destroying a capital does not constitute destroying its turrets)

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Capital Punishment:
Destroy a capital ship
As it says on the box, any capital ship will do but SCA destroyers and isolated L traders are the easiest way to get this achievement particularly early in game

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Captain of Industry:
Achieve trade rank Entrepreneur
Pretty easy, any player will get this with enough time in-game. Auto-Traders, Miners and stations make it a lot faster though

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Circular Economy:
Recycle 100 objects
Have 100 objects recycled by a recycling module(s)

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Combat Pro:
Achieve fight rank Colonel.
Blow lots of stuff up (higher class ships in relation to yours yield faster fight rank gains). Note: This achievement only counts the ships that you personally destroy, fleets and wingmen don't count.

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Crash Course:
Pass the flight school
Open the tutorial menu (in a regular gamestart not a flight school scenario) and complete the first couple of tutorial missions

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Data Mining:
Acquire a blueprint through hacking
  • The hacking research relevant to the module you aim to hack
  • A ship that can escape quickly
  • EMP bomb (can be bought from some traders on stations or crafted)
To Start fly to the module that you want to hack (within 500m is good) and eject from your ship. Fly close to the surface of the module and deploy an EMP bomb on the surface. Detonate the EMP Bomb and activate scan mode. Scan the data leaks that are created by the bomb until you see "Blueprint Unlocked: <Module Name>" upon receiving this message you will receive the achievement. Note: In some cases this will make the station very angry for a short period so make sure none of your ships are in range

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Double Agent:
Sign up for a war on opposing sides
Almost Identical to "Answer the Call" but you need to repeat the steps twice for two opposing factions E.g. ARG and HOP

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Environmentally Aware:
Tow a recyclable object to a processing module.
Use a Manticore class tow ship to bring a salvageable object to a Scrap Processor module, hit F when the prompt appears to deposit the scrap in the module.

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Discover all sectors
Discover all sectors personally.

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Finders, Keepers:
Claim 50 ships
SCA minotaur gunboats bail fairly often making them a great target for getting this achievement

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Friends in High Places:
Reach the highest reputation with a faction
Reaching reputation level 30 is easiest with the major factions. Reputation gains come from missions, destroying enemies and trading

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Have to Start Somewhere:
Build a station
Even just one module or obtaining the headquarters will suffice

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Find all timeline entries by accessing data vaults.
There are 28 base-game data vaults (1 extra in CoH) and 5 more in ToA, the ToA vaults do not count, however all others do.

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In a Galaxy Far, Far Away:
Send a ship on a venture (Currently Impossible)
  • Online login with Egosoft forums
  • Constructed S/M Venture Dock and Venture Module at a station
  • S/M Ship to send on a venture
Opening the venture menu in the venture module with a S/M ship docked gives the option to send the ship on a variety of venture missions. Upon sending a ship on a venture you will receive the achievement.

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It Fell Out of a Ship:
Pick up 99 Containers in space
Note: This achievement only counts containers picked up by you in your current ship. Containers can often be found floating about in space after a battle or in lockboxes

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It's Just Business:
Join the Scale Plate Pact
Works similarly to the other guild missions in the game, however, as SCA reputation is locked at -5 it can be completed almost immediately. Simply fly to their main base in Hewa's Twin IV: The Cove and dock. Upon docking you should be offered to join the SCA and will be given guidance to an office on the station where you can join for 50,000Cr.

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Let's Build:
Build 10 stations
"Have to Start Somewhere" 10 times over

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Claim 10 Ships
Fairly easy, all modes of claiming including claiming ownerless ships (a list of which is available here), boarding enemy ships and forcing S and M pilots to bail are counted

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Miner's Luck:
Mine the most valuable crystal node
Burnite Crystals (the most valuable) are white and flash once with a pause before flashing twice more in quick succession. They can be found in all asteroid belts other than the weird stalactite looking ones. More on crystals can be found in this guide here

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Nailed Down:
Destroy the engines of a capital ship
Only requirement is to blow up all engines of one ship (L ships will have 1-5, XL ships will have 1-2)

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Nice Pile:
Get one billion credits in your account
Only counts money in your bank balance not the net worth of assets nor station budgets

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No Coup For You:
Destroy a storage module of a Duke's Lost Property Office station
Hunt down a Duke's Lost Property office (pirate base map icon) and take out its container storage, the stations are pretty small and in 5.0 beta 1 they don't have any weapons so any ship can be used to take out their sole storage module (but destroyers are most efficient). The stations can be found at gamestart in Godrealm or neighbouring Teladi space.

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Dock at a ship that is docked to another ship
It doesn't even have to be your ships. In fact a quick way to do this that is quite accessible early on is to dock to a Paranid Gorgon that is docked to an Odysseus

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Prepare a Disco:
Activate all ship modes in quick succession
Cycle through travel drive, scan, long-range scan and seta (seta not actually required). Doing this will activate disco mode with the cockpit outline changing colours

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Rising Property Values:
Licence the biggest available plot for your station
The largest possible plot size is 20km x 20km x 20km and depending on the sector and its position can cost between a couple hundred thousand to a few million credits.

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Ship Breaker:
Destroy all surface elements on a capital ship
Note: Destroying the ship itself while surface elements remain does not constitute destroying the surface elements. To determine whether you have destroyed all elements press the "Home" or "End" keys with the ship selected, this will allow you to cycle through all remaining components and make destroying them easier.

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Ship Collection:
Own at least 20 ships
Includes all ships you can fly yourself (drones and lasertowers do not count)

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Space Odyssey:
Travel through a superhighway in your space suit
The "superhighway" in the achievement description is a bit of a misnomer, it actually references the main highway ring but may also work in any other type of highway. All you have to do is position your ship near the highway, eject from your ship and use your space suit to strafe onto the highway (it is generally a good idea to have a save before doing or another ship to pick you up because of how far you may go after exiting the highway)

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Space Taxi:
Finish 20 passenger transport missions
Taxi missions can be found on any friendly station and will be indicated by the lightbulb "Think Mission" Icon, they can also be offered as part of war missions.

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Apply a modification to your ship at a workbench
  • Basic Weapons/Shield/Engines Modifications research completed
  • Enough materials to craft a modification (see requirements in workbench menu)
Locate a workbench on a station (always one on major stations) and open the crafting menu. Select the ship that is to have a modification applied form the drop-down menu. Apply a modification from the menu on the left.

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Treasure Hunter:
Find and open 33 lock-boxes
Fairly simple although some lockboxes can get quite difficult to open. Generally best to utilise one bust ray or other beam weapon to ensure the locks are destroyed and not the contents.

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Turning the Tide:
Complete 20 war missions for a faction
Note: war missions only refer to missions offered by war guilds, not all combat missions are guild missions and vice versa.

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Where Am I?:
Teleport to a different location
Requires a minimum of teleportation level 1 research

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X-Treme Fighter:
Achieve fight rank X-TREME
Probably the most repetitive achievement in the game. Takes a lot of shooting things

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X-Treme Trader:
Achieve trade rank X-TREME
Takes a fair while to complete, having lots of trading infrastructure really helps to accelerate trade rank increases

Headquarters Plot Achievements

Main article Player Headquarters Plot

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Meet Your MentorMeet with Boso Ta on the Headquarters (requires dock module)

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Finish a research item
Fairly intuitive, open the research menu, select a research item and set about supplying your station with the required wares. Research items take 10 minutes and the achievement is awarded after completion

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Something Strange in Our Neighbourhood:

Help investigate the strange readings

Deploy a resource probe, satellite and navigation beacon around the Grand Exchange anomaly

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That's no Moon:
Discover the mysterious installation
Fly the ship full of anti-matter cells to the Grand Exchange anomaly and then eject and get out of range

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What Just Happened:
Travel through an anomaly
After communications with Boso Ta fly through the anomaly (shimmering blue region of space)