Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Notifies the system that the ability menu was closed.
Aborts the specified mission.
Activates the drone in the given drone slot number (valid range: 1-8).

Activates all drones with passive abilities.

 AddAmmo(defensibleID, ammoMacro, amount)
Adds the specified amount of the ammo to the object.

AddCargo(containerID, ware, amount)
Adds the specified amount of the ware to the object.


AddInventory(entityID, ware, amount)
Adds the specified amount of the ware to the inventory of the entity. 


AddKnownItem(library, item)
Adds the item to the specified library, if not yet added. 

 AddLicence(faction, licencetype, licencefaction)
Adds the licence of the specified type of the licencefaction to the faction

AddLogbookEntry(category, text [, interaction [, interactioncomponent]])
Adds text as a logbook entry in the specified category.

 transferredamount = AddMoney(entityID, amount)
Adds or removes the specified amount to the entity account 
 AddPlayerDrone(macro, amount)
Adds specified macro as drones to the playership.
 tradeID = AddTradeToShipQueue(tradeID, containerID, amount)
Adds the specified trade to the queue of the container. Returns ID of the trade on the queue.
 AddUITriggeredEvent(screen, control)
Triggers MD/AI event condition <event_ui_triggered />.

AddUnits(defensibleID, unitMacro, amount, unavailable)
Adds or removes the specified amount of units to/from the defensible. Units can be flagged unavailable.

 string = AdjustMultilineString(string)
Helper function to fix unsupported line breaks.
 AIRangeUpdated(controllableID, entityID)
Triggers the object signal "range_setting_updated" on all subordinates of the controllable.
Triggers the object signal "update config" on defence npc
 hullfraction = CalculateBuildSlotHullFraction(componentID, sequence, stage)
Calculates the fraction of hull for an individual build slot of the component.
 hullfraction = CalculateTotalHullFraction(componentID)
Calculates the fraction of hull of the component. 
 bool = CanBeSubordinateOf(controllableID, othercontrollableID)
Checks whether the controllable can be subordiante of the othercontrollable.
 success = CancelConversation()
Cancels the current conversation, e.g. when closing a conversation menu.
 bool, error = CanTradeWith(tradeID, containerID, amount)
Checks if trade is possible for the specified container.
It may be necessary to call SetVirtualCargoMode on containerID first, if the container has a shopping queue.
 bool = CanViewLiveData(objectID or zoneID)
Checks whether live data is available for the specified object or zone.
 bool = CheckInputProfileRegression()
Checks whether inputmap.xml version regressed in the past.
 bool = CheckSuitableTransportType(containerID, ware)
Checks whether the specified container can transport the ware. 
 ClearContainerWarePriceOverride(destructibleID [, ware] [, buysellswitch])
Removes custom prices from the container of the destructible. Optional only for the specified ware and only buy/sell prices.
 ClearLogbook([keepnumentries [, category]])
Removes all entries from the logbook. Optional a number of entries can be preserved and only affect a specified category.
Clear the trade queue of the specified container. 
Clearing the trade queue will not happen instantaneously, especially if a trade is of the queue is already in progress.
 bool = CompareJumpRoute(numgates, numjumps, othernumgates, othernumjumps)
Compare the length of one jump route with another. Both are specified with the amount of gate transitions and jumps they include. 
 64-bit int = ConvertIDTo64Bit(luaID)
Converts a luaID to a 64-bit integer, interface with an FFI function.
 string = ConvertIntegerString(number [, separators [, accuracy [, notrailingspaces [, colorprefix]]]])
Formats number into a string with a given accuracy, thousand seperators, trailing spaces to offset SI prefixes and colored SI prefixes.
 string = ConvertMissionLevelString(difficulty)
Converts the difficulty of a mission into a string.
 string = ConvertMoneyString(money [,showcents [, separators [, accuracy [, notrailingspaces [, colorprefix]]]]])
Formats a money value into a string with a given accuracy, thousand seperators, credit cents, trailing spaces to offset SI prefixes and colored SI prefixes.
 64-bit int = ConvertStringTo64Bit(64BitStringID)
Converts a string representing a 64-bit value to a 64-bit integer. 
 luaID = ConvertStringToLuaID(64BitStringID)
Converts a string representing a 64-bit value to a luaID, e.g. to pass it to MD/AI as a component.

string = ConvertTimeString(time [, format [, separators [, accuracy]]])
Formats a time value in seconmds into a string with a format, seperators and accuracy.

Possible formats:

  • %s: All seconds
  • %S: Seconds (00-59)
  • %m: All minutes
  • %M: Minutes (00-59)
  • %h: All hours
  • %H: Hours (00-23)
  • %d: All days
  • %%: A % sign
  • %T: Use time format from TextDB, showing days only if time > 1d

Separators: Use thousand separators, only applies to %s, %m, %h, %d
Accuracy: Number of fractional digits. Only applies to %s and %S. Default is 0. Use -1 for automatic display. A non-zero value is not compatible with separators.

 descriptor = CreateInteractionDescriptor(param1, param2)
Creates an interaction descriptor with the specified parameters.
 clusterID, objectID = CreateObjectInPresentationCluster(objectmacro [, backgroundmacro])
Creates the specified object in a new cluster with the optional background.
The cluster needs to be destroyed using DestroyPresentationCluster, when it is no longer needed.
Destroys a previously created cluster and everything inside it.
 text or nil = ExistsText(page, line)
Returns text if it exists, nil otherwise.
 numgates, numjumps = FindJumpRoute(fromsectorID, tosectorID)
Calculates the distance between two sectors in number of gate transitions and jumps needed.
 ... = GetAccountData(entityID, ...)
Returns properties of the account of the specified entity. Possible properties are: "money", "minmoney", "maxmoney", "isdummy".
 componentID or nil = GetActiveGuidanceMissionComponent()
Returns the component with the active mission guidance if any.
 string = GetAdapterOption()
Returns the name of the current adapter.
 int = GetAimAssistOption()
Get current setting of the aim assist option. 
 componentIDArray = GetAllCommanders(controllableID)
Returns the chain of commanders for the specified controllable.

extensionSettingsTable = GetAllExtensionSettings()
Returns the settings for all registered extensions.

Code Block
extensionSettingsTable = {
  [extensionid] = {
    enabled = is extension enabled?,
    sync = is extension synced?

upgradeArray = GetAllMacroUpgrades(macro, sequence, stage, buildlimit)
Returns information about all upgrades on a specified macro, with options to limit the information to parts of the buildplan.

Code Block
upgradeArray = {
  [1] = {
    upgrade = upgrade type,
    name = upgrade name,
    total = total of available slots
  [2] = { ... }
 stringArray = GetAllStatIDs()
Returns the ids of all statistic properties.

upgradeTable = GetAllUpgrades(destructibleID [, buildlimit] [, tag])
Returns information about all upgrades of the specified destructible, with options to limit the information to the base buildplan and/or upgrades with the specified tag.

Code Block
upgradeTable = {
  upgradetype = {
    name = upgrade name,
    ware = upgrade ware,
    tags = upgrade tags,
    total = total number of upgrades,
    free = number of free upgrades,
    operational = number of operational upgrades,
    construction = number of upgrades in construction
  totaltotal = sum of total number of upgrades,
  totalfree = sum of number of free upgrades,
  totaloperational = sum of the number of operational upgrades,
  totalconstruction = sum of the number of upgrades in construction,
  estimated = is data filtered?

weaponTable = GetAllWeapons(destructibleID)
Returns information of all primary weapons and missiles of the destructible.

Code Block
weaponTable = {
  weapons = {
    [1] = {
      component = component id,
      macro = macro name,
      name = weapon name,
      range = bullet range,
      dps = hull and shield damage per sec
    [2] = { ... }
  missiles = {
    [1] = {
      name = missile name,
      speed = missile range,
      damage = explosion damage,
      macro = macro name,
      amount = amount number
    [2] = { ... }

wareKeyTable = GetAmmoCountAfterShoppingList(containerID)
Returns information of ammo counts on the container after the trade queue is resolved.

Code Block
wareKeyTable = {
  [ware] = amount,
Call SetVirtualCargoMode on containerID first, otherwise result will be empty.
 int = GetAntiAliasModeOption()
Returns the current anti alias mode setting.

aaModesArray = GetAntiAliasModes()
Returns all possible anti alias modes currently possible. 

 componentID or nil = GetAutoPilotTarget()
Returns the target of the auto pilot, if any.
 bool = GetAutorollOption()
Returns current autoroll setting. 
 bool = GetAutosaveOption()
Returns current autosave setting. 
 fontsize = GetBestFontSize(fontname, fontsize)
Returns the best matching font size available for the specified font and size. 

bonusContentArray = GetBonusContentData()
Returns information about all bonus content.

Code Block
bonusContentArray = {
  [1] = {
    appid = appID,
    name = "Name",
    description = "Description",
    path = "path\\to\\content",
    optional = true|false,
    owned = true|false,
    installed = true|false,
    changed = true|false, -- installation state already changed, can't be changed again
  [2] = ...
 bool = GetBoostToggleOption()
Returns the current boost toggle setting. 
 ... = GetBudgetData(entityID, ...)
Returns properties of the budget of the specified entity. Possible properties are: "min", "max", "responsibility".

componentID or nil = GetBuildAnchor(containerID or buildmoduleID)
Returns the build anchor of a container or buildmodule, e.g. the station a CV is building. 


builderMacrosArray = GetBuilderMacros(containerID or buildmoduleID)
Returns all information about all macros a container or buildmodule can build.

Code Block
builderMacrosArray = {
  [1] = {
    macro = macro,
    name = name
  [2] = { ... }
  method = GetBuildProductionMethod(containerID or buildmoduleID, macro)
Returns the production method used by the specified container or buildmodule to produce macro. 

duration = GetBuildSlotDuration(macro or componentID, sequence, stage)
Returns the time the construction of the specified build slot takes on average.


resourceTable = GetBuildSlotResources(containerID or buildmoduleID, macro or componentID, sequence, stage, upgradePlanArray)
Returns the needed resources to build the specified build slot with this container or buildmodule.

Code Block
resourceTable = {
  [1] = {
    ware = ware id,
    name = ware name,
    cycle = amount,
    price = price
  [2] = { ... },
  totalprice = totalprice
Code Block
upgradePlanArray = {
  [1] = {
    [1] = upgradetype,
    [2] = level
  [2] = { ... }

moduleArray = GetBuildStageModules(macro or componentID, sequence, stage)
Returns all modules included in the specified buildslot. 

Code Block
moduleArray  = {
  [1] = {
    macro = module macro,
    name = module name,
    library = moduletypes library
  [2] = { ... }

upgradeTable = GetBuildStageUpgrades(containerID, sequence, stage [, buildlimit] [, tags])
Returns information about all upgrades of the specified buildslot, with options to limit the information to the base buildplan and/or upgrades with the specified tag.

Code Block
upgradeTable = {
  upgradetype = {
    name = upgrade name,
    tags = upgrade tags,
    total = total number of upgrades,
    operational = number of operational upgrades,
    construction = number of upgrades in construction
  totaltotal = sum of total number of upgrades,
  totaloperational = sum of the number of operational upgrades,
  totalconstruction = sum of the number of upgrades in construction

buildTreeTable = GetBuildTree(macro or componentID)
Returns information about the build tree of the specified macro or component.

Code Block
buildTreeTable = {
  name = "Station (base module) name for display",
  [1] = {
    sequence = "sequencename"
    name = "Sequence name for display",
    currentstage = currentstagenumber or 0,    -- only if component supplied
    [1] = {
      stage = stagenumber,
      name = "Stage module name for display",
      primarycomponent = Primary component of that stage, if it is already build (Note: At the moment gives just the first of the primary components)
    [2] = ...
  [2] = ...
 bool = GetCaptureHQOption()
Returns current capture hq setting. 

wareKeyTable = GetCargoAfterShoppingList(containerID)
Returns information of ammo counts on the container after the trade queue is resolved.

Code Block
wareKeyTable = {
  [ware] = amount,
Call SetVirtualCargoMode on containerID first, otherwise result will be empty.
 componentIDArray = GetClusters([showonmap])
Returns an array of all player-known clusters.

collectableDataTable = GetCollectableData(collectableID)
Returns information on the content of the specified collectable. 

Code Block
collectableDataTable = {
  type = "ammo" | "wares" | "shieldrestore",
#if ammo:
  macro = ammo macro name,
  name = ammo name,
  icon = ammo icon,
  amount = ammo amount
#elseif wares:
  wares = {
    [1] = {
      ware = ware,
      amount = amount
    [2] = ...
  money = contained money
#elseif shieldrestore:
  restoretype = "duration" | "hp" | "percent",
  value = value (depending on restoretype)
 bool = GetCollisionAvoidanceAssistOption()
Returns current collision avoidance assist option. 

commanderID or nil = GetCommander(controllableID)
Returns commander of specified controllable, if any. 

 entityID or nil = GetCommanderEntity(controllableID)
Returns commanding entity of specified controllable, if any. 
removed 3.50 Beta 3

... = GetComponentData(componentID, ...)
Returns properties of the specified component. Possible properties are:

Code Block
titlePossible properties
- Any Component:
  "name", "uiname", "description", "image", "owner", "ownername", "ownershortname", "ownericon", "size", "zone", "zoneid", "sector",
  "sectorid", "cluster", "clusterid", "galaxyid", "macro", "parent", "revealpercent", "isplayerowned", "isfriend", "isenemy", "iskill", "isdock"
  "wares", "caninitiatecomm", "sequence", "stage"

- Destructible:
  "hull", "hullmax", "hullpercent", "shield", "shieldmax", "shieldpercent", "efficiencyfactor", "efficiencybonus", "efficiencythreshold",

- Controllable:
  "controlentity", "pilot", "defencenpc", "tradenpc", "engineer", "boardingnpc", "architect", "maxforwardspeed", "maxradarrange"

- Defensible:
 "missilecapacity", "boardingresistance", "boardingstrength"

- Object:
  "primarypurpose", "primarypurposename"

- Container:
  "engines", "shieldgenerators", "cargo", "products", "availableproducts", "allresources", "pureresources", "intermediatewares", "buildingmodule",
  "tradeoffers", "tradesubscription", "numtrips", "isshipyard"

- Ship:
  "hasjumpdrive", "basejumpcost", "issellable"

- Entity:
  "typestring", "typeicon", "typename", "skills", "combinedskill", "experienceprogress", "neededexperience", "skillsvisible",
  "repairqueue", "aicommandstack", "aicommand", "aicommandraw", "aicommandparam", "aicommandparam2", "aicommandaction", "aicommandactionparam",
  "iscontrolentity", "money", "commissions", "discounts", "hasownaccount", "isspecialist", "isremotecommable", "wantedmoney", "ismissionactor",

- Radar:

- CollectableWares/Crate:

- ControlPanel
  "requireditems", "iscontrolpanelhacked", "hackexpirationtime"

- Gate

- Highway, HighwayEntryGate, HighwayExitGate

- Space

- Dockingbay

- Production Module

- Zone
  "istemporaryzone", "hasjumpbeacon", "exitsector"

- Lockbox
removed 3.50 Beta 3
 name = GetComponentName(componentID, fontname, fontsize, availablewidth[, omitfaction[, forcewidth]])
Returns the name of the component. Iff the component is an object the name is formatted accordingly to the given parameters.
 bool = GetConfineMouseOption()
Returns the current confine mouse option. 
 objectIDArray = GetContainedObjectsByOwner(faction, [space])
Returns an array of objects owned by the specified faction. Optionally results can be confined to a specified space.
 shipIDArray = GetContainedShips([space], [showonmap])
Returns an array of ships in the specified space or the galaxy. 

shipIDArray = GetContainedShipsByOwner(faction, [space])
Returns an array of ships owned by the specified faction. Optionally results can be confined to a specified space.

 stationIDArray = GetContainedStations([space], [showonmap], [includeconstruction])
Returns an array of stations in the specified space or the galaxy.
 stationIDArray = GetContainedStationsByOwner(faction, [space])
Returns an array of stations owned by the specified faction. Optionally results can be confined to a specified space.
 price = GetContainerWarePrice(containerID or buildmoduleID, ware, buysellswitch)
Returns the price the specified container buys/sells the ware.
 contextID or nil = GetContextByClass(componentID, classname [, includeself])
Returns the context of the specified class of the component. 
 entityID or nil = GetControlEntity(controllableID, commandertype)
Returns the control entity of the specified controllable of the given type.
 bool = GetCrashReportOption()
Returns the current crash report setting.
 time = GetCurRealTime()
Returns the real time since session start in seconds.

sequence, stage, progress, upgradePlanArray = GetCurrentBuildSlot(containerID)
Returns information about the current build process of the specified container. Returns nil if not currently building.

Code Block
upgradePlanArray = {
  [1] = {
    [1] = upgradetype,
    [2] = level
  [2] = { ... }


resourceTable = GetCurrentBuildSlotResources(containerID or buildmoduleID)
Returns the needed resources to build the current build slot under construction by this container or buildmodule.

Code Block
resourceTable = {
  [1] = {
    ware = ware id,
    name = ware name,
    cycle = amount,
    price = price
  [2] = { ... },
  totalprice = totalprice

string = GetCurrentModuleName()
Returns the name of the current game module.

 time = GetCurTime()
Returns the ingame time in seconds. 
 int = GetDeadzoneOption()
Returns the current deadzone setting. 
 string = GetDifficultyOption()
Returns the current difficulty setting. 
 bool = GetDistortionOption()
Returns the current distortion setting. 
 dronecommanderID or nil = GetDroneCommander(drone)
Returns the drone commander of the specified drone, if any. 
 droneIDArray = GetDrones(shipID)
Returns an array of all drones of that ship. 
See also GetUnitStorageData.

number = GetEffectDistanceOption()
Returns the current effect distance setting.

 stringArray = GetEfficiencyUpgrades(destructible)
Returns an array with the macro names of all efficiency upgrades connected to the specified destructible.

bool = GetEMCutsceneOption()
Returns false 

 .. = GetEntityTypeData(entitytype, ...)
Returns properties of the specified component. Possible properties are: "name", "icon" 
removed in 3.50 post Beta 3GetEventmonitorName 

extensionTable = GetExtensionList()
Returns information about all extensions.

Code Block
extensionTable = {
  [1] = {
    id = extension id,
    index = extension index,
    name = extension name,
    desc = extension description,
    author = extension author,
    date = extension date,
    location = extension location,
    version = extension version,
    enabled = extension enabled,
    sync = extension sync,
    personal = extension personal,
    isworkshop = is extension in workshop,
    error = extension error ID, if any,
    errortext = extension error text, if any,
	warning = workshop update warning, if any,
    warningtext = workshop update warning, if any,
    dependencies = {
      id = dependency id,
      name = dependency name,
      version = dependency version
 string or nil = GetExtensionUpdateWarningText(extensionid, personal)
Returns the update warning text of a workshop extension, if any.
removed 3.50 Beta 3
 number = GetFOVOption()
Returns current fov setting. 
 amount = GetFreeCargoAfterShoppingList(containerID, ware)
Returns amount of free cargo space for the specified ware after the trade queue will be resolved. 
Call SetVirtualCargoMode on containerID first, otherwise result will be empty.
 GetFreeUnitStorageAfterShoppingList Call SetVirtualCargoMode on containerID first, otherwise result will be empty.
removed 3.50 Beta 3
removed 3.50 Beta 3
 GetWareExchangeTradeList(tradingshipid, tradedcontainerid [, sortby])Call SetVirtualCargoMode on tradingshipid SetVirtualCargoMode on tradingshipid and tradedcontainerid first, otherwise result will be empty.
removed in 3.50 Beta 2IsComponentValidreplaced with IsValidComponent().
added in 3.50 Beta 2IsValidComponent() 


 SetVirtualCargoMode(containerid, onoff)Vitual cargo mode should be disabled again when leaving the current menu.