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Comment: added info on the famous super-highway glitch


Blue Super highways are pretty similar to regular highways. Only S/M ships can use them: they are tubes that connect different sectors rather than the zones within a sector. Their main differences are that they cannot be voluntarily exited before reaching their end, and there are occasional fiery obstacles that slow the Skunk and/or drain shields unless dodged (so stay in an outside lane!).

These highways had been famous in the past for their ability to ruin your gaming experience before version 2.0. Somehow, while you are flying in such highways (when there were still "lanes") you could suddenly be propelled out of the highway (which was not expected at all) and be thrown a few hundred km from your current position, making it impossible to return back to normal spaces. Extreme cases were reported to have been thrown out of the entire "system" for few dozen million km and enter the black cosmic void between the star systems. Luckily, it has been fixed in Version 2.0 with the removal of "lanes".


Jumping between sectors by capital ships
