Versions Compared


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The Player Headquarters acts as a player owned Shipyard and Equipment Dock.   The Player Headquarters is obtained as a mission reward from the Operation loose Ends (Terran Headquarters) and Headquarters Plot (Commonwealth Headquarters).   The only difference between the two variants of the Player Headquarters is the number of docking points and that the Terran version has an extra 200,000 cargo hold volume enabling it to construct Valhalla M2+ destroyers (require 555652 volume of goods to make) which cannot be built by Commonwealth Headquarters which only have a 500,000 volume cargo hold.   The Player headquarters can also equip docked ships using weapons, shields and equipment from other friendly equipment docks in the sector.

What headquarters the player can obtain is determined by the game starting scenario chosen.   Terran Commander is the only starting scenario able to get the Terran Player Headquarters.


  1. A credit source of approx. 500,000 credits per hour
    • 3-16 factories (Space Fuel Distilleries need the fewest factories)(missile factories are the most reliable income)
    • 2-5 Universal Trader TS/TS+ ships
    • Stock Market Manipulation
  2. A Self Sufficient Complex with the minimal requirements 
    • 1 XL Solar Power Plant (Boron preferredcheapest)
    • 1 M Solar Power Plant (Boron preferredcheapest)(can be larger dependent on size of additional complex elements)
    • 3 L Crystal Fabs (Race of Choice)
    • 5 Bio producing farms (Race of Choice)
    • 5 Food Processing factories (Race of Choice)
    • N Silicon Mine L (Teladi Preferedcheapest)(enough for 841 Silicon Wafers/h)(6x with a quality of 18 or 3x with a quality of 37 suffice)
    • 1 Ore Mine L with a quality of >2 (Teladi Preferedcheapest)
    • 1 Teladianium Foundry M
    • 1 Wheat Farm M
    • 1 Rimes Fact M (can be hard to obtain if hostile to the Argon)
    • 1 Chelt Space Aquarium M
    • 1 Rastar Refinery M
    • 1 Quantum Tube Fab (Race of Choice)
    • 4 Chip Plant (Race of Choice)
    • 1 Computer Plant (Race of Choice)
  3. A TS with Commodity logistics Logistics Software MK1 and a Jumpdrive
    • A Split Caiman is recommended due to fast speed
      Use the self sufficient supply complex as a supplier and the Player Headquarters as a consumer and to leave at least 10% intermediate resources at the supplier
      Set the Player Headquarters Dockware Manager to the following limits (+1 full trip of wares over the amount needed to build the most expensive ship):

      PHQ TypeEnergy CellsTeladiuniumCloth RimesRastar OilOreSilicon WafersCrystalsQuantum TubesMicrochipsComputer Components 

Ship Production (assuming mass production):

  • 1 Shield Production Facility 1GJ  (no frigate is built in less than 19 hours which equates to 11 shields)
  • 4 Shield Production Facility 1MJ  (Valkyrie)
  • 2 Shield Production Facility 200MJ (Katana)
  • 4 Shield Production Facility 25MJ (Solano)
  • 2 Shield Production Facility 2GJ (Xenon J)
  • 8 Shield Production Facility 5MJ (Enhanced Pericles)(3 for Sabre as the Enhanced Pericles is not available for all game starts)
  • 3 Impulse Ray Emitter Forge (Enhanced Pericles)(Xenon N is the runner up)
  • 28 Flak Artillery Array Forge (Xenon J)(3 is enough for all other capital ships)
  • 4 Ion Shard Railgun Forge (Dragon/P)
  • 18 Phased Repeater Gun Forge (Pirate Buzzard Vanguard)
  • 18 Photon Pulse Cannon Forge  (Xenon J)(9 is enough for Xenon K)
  • 24 Pulsed Beam Emitter Forge (Pirate Scorpion)
  • 3 Starburst Shockwave Cannon Forge (Xenon K)
  • 3 Point Singularity Projector Forge (all equipping ships take forever to build while Xenon capital ships can mount the superior PPC)
  • 3 Cluster Flak Array Forge (Astraeus Hauler)
  • 3 Incendiary Bomb Launcher Forge (Tiger/Shrike/Q)
  • 22 Ion Disruptor Forge (Mako)
  • 20 Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge (Enhanced Pericles)(Xenon N is the runner up)
  • 3 Phased Shockwave Generator Forge (Paranid M7s)
  • 5 Plasma Burst Generator Forge (Nova)
  • 173 EM Plasma Cannon Forge (Valkyrie)
  • 15 High Energy Plasma Cannon Forge (Pirate Scorpion)