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Comment: Added more to the list of required factories to supply built ships


  1. A credit source of approx. 500,000 credits per hour
    • 3-16 factories (Space Fuel Distilleries need the fewest factories)(missile factories are the most reliable income)
    • 2-5 Universal Trader TS/TS+ ships
    • Stock Market Manipulation
  2. A Self Sufficient Complex with the minimal requirements 
    • 1 XL Solar Power Plant (Boron cheapest)
    • 1 M Solar Power Plant (Boron cheapest)(can be larger dependent on size of additional complex elements)
    • 3 L Crystal Fabs (Race of Choice)
    • 5 Bio producing farms (Race of Choice)
    • 5 Food Processing factories (Race of Choice)
    • N Silicon Mine L (Teladi cheapest)(enough for 841 Silicon Wafers/h)(6x with a quality of 18 or 3x with a quality of 37 suffice)
    • 1 Ore Mine L with a quality of >2 (Teladi cheapest)
    • 1 Teladianium Foundry M
    • 1 Wheat Farm M
    • 1 Rimes Fact M (can be hard to obtain if hostile to the Argon)
    • 1 Chelt Space Aquarium M
    • 1 Rastar Refinery M
    • 1 Quantum Tube Fab (Race of Choice)
    • 4 Chip Plant Plants (Race of Choice)
    • 1 Computer Plant (Race of Choice)
  3. A TS with Commodity Logistics Software MK1 and a Jumpdrive
    • A Split Caiman is recommended due to fast speed
      Use the self sufficient supply complex as a supplier and the Player Headquarters as a consumer and to leave at least 10% intermediate resources at the supplier
      Set the Player Headquarters Dockware Manager to the following limits (+1 full trip of wares over the amount needed to build the most expensive ship):

      PHQ TypeEnergy CellsTeladiuniumCloth RimesRastar OilOreSilicon WafersCrystalsQuantum TubesMicrochipsComputer Components 

Ship Production Equipping New Ships (assuming mass production and weapon preference):

  • 1 Shield Production Facility 1GJ  (no frigate is built in less than 19 hours which equates to 11 shields worth of production)
  • 4 Shield Production Facility 1MJ  (Valkyrie)
  • 2 Shield Production Facility 200MJ (Katana)
  • 4 Shield Production Facility 25MJ (Solano)
  • 2 Shield Production Facility 2GJ (Xenon J)
  • 8 Shield Production Facility 5MJ (Enhanced Pericles) (3 for Sabre as the Enhanced Pericles is not available for all game starts)
  • 3 Impulse Ray Emitter Forge (Enhanced Pericles)(Xenon N is the runner up)
  • 28 Flak Artillery Array Forge (Xenon J)(3 is enough for all other capital ships)
  • 4 14 Ion Shard Railgun Forge (Xenon J)(4 is enough for Dragon/P)
  • 18 Phased Repeater Gun Forge (Pirate Buzzard Vanguard)
  • 18 Photon Pulse Cannon Forge  (Xenon J)(9 is enough for Xenon K)
  • 24 Pulsed Beam Emitter Forge (Pirate Scorpion)
  • 3 Starburst 4 Starburst Shockwave Cannon Forge (Xenon KOsaka/Tyr)
  • 3 Point Singularity Projector Forge (all equipping ships take forever to build while Xenon capital ships can mount the superior PPC)
  • 3 Cluster 9 Cluster Flak Array Forge (Xenon J)(3 suffice for the Astraeus Hauler)
  • 3 Incendiary Bomb Launcher Forge (Tiger/Shrike/Q)
  • 22 Ion Disruptor Forge (Mako)
  • 20 Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge (Enhanced Pericles)(Xenon N is the runner up)
  • 3 Phased Shockwave Generator Forge (Paranid M7s)
  • 5 Plasma Burst Generator Forge (Nova)
  • 173 EM Plasma Cannon Forge (Valkyrie)
  • 15 High Energy Plasma Cannon Forge (Pirate Scorpion)
  • 92 Fragmentation Bomb Launcher Forge (Enhanced Pericles)
  • 12 Matter/Antimatter Launcher Forge (Xenon J)
  • 38 Mass Driver Forge (Drone Hauler)
  • 17 Concussion Impulse Generator Forge (Xenon J)
  • 6 Energy Bolt Chaingun Forge (Nova)(if the player manipulates the stock market using Energy Bolt Chainguns then there will be far more factories) 
  • 10 Gauss Cannon Forge (Xenon K)

As can be seen from this list the Valkyrie, Enhanced Pericles and Xenon J are very weapon and shield hungry ships