Versions Compared


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Hints/Comments: The player starts out in a less durable ship compared to the Argon Peacekeeper starting scenario but does not start out as enemies with the Terrans.   The potential to salvage missiles from the warzones offsets the comparatively smaller starting funds.   Use the salvaged missiles to gain Argon Race Rank by selling them and get onto the Stock Exchange in PTNI Headquarters for the fastest start. 

Humble Merchant

Starting Ship(s): Discoverer (M5) and Mercury (TS)

Starting Equipment/Wares: Discoverer: 2x 1MJ Shield, SETA and 2x Engine Tuning

                                            Mercury: 5MJ Shield, SETA, 5x Engine Tuning and 5x Rudder Optimisation

Starting Credits: 9,543

Start Locations: Herron's Nebula,

Starting Race Ranks: Argon 0, Boron +3, Paranid -1, Split -1, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF -1, Goner +3

Unlock Requirements: None

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: None

Hints/Comments: Player starts with a TS for trading and an M5 for scouting but minimal shielding and no weapons making it a priority to avoid hostile ships early on.   As the Mercury is the largest source of income early on upgrade it first and get a Trade System Extension.

Bankrupt Assassin 

Starting Ship(s): Mamba (M3)

Starting Equipment/Wares: 25MJ Shield, 2x HEPT, Boost Extension, Duplex Scanner, Fight Command Software MK1, Fight Command Software MK2, Navigation Command Software MK1, SETA, Video Enhancement Goggles, 15x Engine Tuning and 7x Rudder Optimisation

Starting Credits: 0

Start Locations: Aladna Hill,

Starting Race Ranks: Argon 0, Boron -4, Paranid -4, Split 0, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF -1, Goner +3

Unlock Requirements: None

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: None

Hints/Comments:   The HEPTS allow good damage early on but the lack of accuracy can be problematic when engaging M5 ships.   Avoid taking on more than one enemy at a time until a second 25MJ shield is purchased.   Only kill Boron outside Argon sectors and Paranid outside of Split sectors.   Killing Boron and Paranid weapon dealers can be a good way to improve the firepower of the starting ship.   Head to the warzones and salvage missiles along the way to remedy the credits problem.

Tormented Teladi

Starting Ship(s): Harrier Hauler

Starting Equipment/Wares: 1MJ SHield, 2x IRE, Boost Extension, Duplex Scanner, SETA, 4x Engine Tuning, 6x Rudder Optimisation and 81x Cargo Bay Extension

Starting Credits: 1,914

Start Locations: Acquisition Repository, Sanctity of Corruption or Tears of Greed

Starting Race Ranks: Argon 0, Boron 0, Paranid 0, Split -1, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF 0, Goner 0

Unlock Requirements: Trade Rank of Petty Financier (15)

Scenario Misson/Available Plots:  Retreiving Your Ship! and Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: Use stock market manipulation of wares with a low cargo volume and high production rate like Space Fuel to buy and sell shares at a profit to drive up the player Trade Rank

Hints/Comments:   A challenging start due to the limitations of the starting ship.   Salvage missiles from the warzones for starting capital before using Stock Exchanges for the easiest start.   Completion of the starting mission gives an otherwise unobtainable ship (Enhanced Kea)

Poisoned Paranid

Starting Ship(s):

Starting Equipment/Wares:
