Versions Compared


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Comment: Added list of all purchasable factories and filled in argon ones


 Price (Cr.)    
Station Name  Argon Boron Paranid PiratesSplit Teladi Terran Yaki (Beryll only)*
Price (Cr.)Race Rank RequiredPrice (Cr.)Race Rank RequiredPrice (Cr.)Race Rank RequiredPrice (Cr.)Race Rank RequiredPrice (Cr.)Race Rank RequiredPrice (Cr.)Race Rank RequiredPrice (Cr.)
Advanced Drone Factory    2,898,204+5            
Advanced Satellite Factory  3,233,208+5             Ammunitions Factory 
Ammunition Factory 2,830,680+5             
Aurora Missile Factory - Cahoona Bakery L -             
Bio Gas Factory L - Cahoona Bakery M -             
Bio Gas Factory M - Cattle Ranch L -             
Bliss Place L - Cattle Ranch M -              Chip Plant 3,564,320
Bliss Place M -              Cluster Flak Array Forge 1,584,144
BoFu Chemical Lab L -             
BoFu Chemical Lab M - Complex Construction Kit -              
Computer Plant Cahoona Bakery L 2,187,480+4               
Concussion Impulse Generator Forge Cahoona Bakery M 874,980 +4               
Crystal Fab Carbo Cake Factory - -             
Crystal Fab Carbo Cake Factory - -             Drone Factory 
Cattle Ranch L 687,480 +3              
Firefly Missile FactoryCattle Ranch M 275,016 +3            
Chelt Space Aquarium L -  Firestorm Torpedo Factory -             
Chelt Space Aquarium M - Flail Missile Production Facility -              
 Chip Plant 5,599,036+5              
 Cluster Flak Array Forge 12,039,488+8              
 Complex Construction Kit 259,696  +5               259,696
Computer Plant 1,733,468+5           
   Concussion Impulse Generator Forge 9,572,120+7               
 Crystal Fab L 6,492,388+5            
   Crystal Fab M 3,129,332+5             
Cyclone Missile Factory - -             
Disintegrator Rifles Fab - -             
Dragonfly Missile Factory - -             
Dream Farm L - -             687,480
Dream Farm M - -               275,016
Drone Factory 2,898,204+5             
EMP Rifle Assembly Facility - -             
EMPC Forge - -             
Energy Bolt Chaingun Ammunition Forge - -             
Energy Bolt Chaingun Forge - -              
 Equipment Dock 51,160,024+7            
   Firefly Missile Factory 714,164+4              
 Firestorm Torpedo Factory 10,952,660+7              
 Flail Missile Production Facility 2,876,128+5             
Flak Artillery Array Forge - -             
Flavour Pack Production Facility L - -             
Flavour Pack Production Facility M - -             
Flower Farm L - -             
Flower Farm M - -             
Food Preparation Facility L - -             
Food Preparation Facility M - -             
Fragmentation Bomb Launcher Forge - -             
Gauss Cannon Ammunition Forge - -             
Gauss Cannon Forge - -             
Ghoul Missile Manufacturing Plant - -              
 Hammer Torpedo Fabrication Facility 2,876,128+5              
 High Energy Plasma Thrower Forge 6,850,768+6             
Hornet Missile Factory- -             
Hull Plating Production Facility M - -             
Hurricane Missile Factory - -             
Ice Harvesting Facility L - -             
Ice Harvesting Facility M - -              
 Impulse Ray Emitter Forge 2,721,092+5             
Incendiary Bomb Launcher Forge - -              11,372,068
Ion Cannon Forge - -             
Ion Disrupter Forge - -             
Ion Mine Fab - -             
Ion Pulse Generator Forge - -             
Ion Shard Railgun Forge - -             
Keris Drone Factory - -              
 Lasertower Factory 1,220,568+5              
 Low-yield Sidearms Fab 2,246,368+5            
 M/A-M Warhead Production Fab M - -              
 Mass Driver Forge3,999,312+6             
Massom Mill L - -             
Massom Mill M - -             
Matter/Anti-Matter Launcher Forge - -            
  Matter/Anti-Matter Mine Fab            
Mobile Drilling System Factory - -            
Mosquito Missile Factory 603,792+4            
Ore Mine L 905,688+3            
Ore Mine M 449,988+3            
Phantom Missile Fabrication Facility -            
Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge4,196,680+6           
Phased Repeater Gun Forge 4,856,308+6            
Phased Shockwave Cannon Forge -           
Photon Pulse Cannon Forge 12,777,020+8            
Plankton Farm L            
Plankton Farm M            
Plasma Burst Generator Forge           6,946,856
Point Singularity Projector Forge            
Poltergeist Missile Fabrication Facility           
Protein Paste Blending Facility L            
Protein Paste Blending Facility M            
Pulsed Beam Emitter Forge            
Quantum Tube Fab 4,135,652+5            
Rastar Refinery L           
Rastar Refinery M            
Recon Drone Construction facility            
Rimes Fact L 1,999,980+4            
Rimes Fact M 799,992 +4            
Satellite Factory 746,624 +4           
Scruffin Farm L            
Scruffin Farm M            
Shadow Missile Construction Facility-           
Shield Production Facility 1GJ            
Shield Production Facility 1MJJ 1,630,888+5            
Shield Production Facility  2GJ12,268,020+8           
Shield Production Facility  200MJ6,336,572+6           
Shield Production Facility 25MJ            
Shield Production Facility 5MJ            
Silicon Mine L 1,139,416+3            
Silicon Mine M 549,972+3            
Silkworm Missile Factory 2,876,128+5           
Snail Ranch L            
Snail Ranch M            
Solar Power Plant L 11,014,336+4            
Solar Power Plant M 4,895,260 +4            
Solar Power Plant XL 19,581,044+4            
Soyery L            
Soyery M            
Soyfarm L            
Soyfarm M            
Space Fuel Distillery L 5,500,028 +4           5,500,028
Space Fuel Distillery M 1,999,980 +4           1,999,980
Space Jewellery L  -           
Space Jewellery M            
Spectre Missile Manufacturing Facility           
SQUASH Mine Factory  -           
Starburst Shockwave Cannon Forge            
Stott Mixery L            
Stott Mixery M            
Sun Oil Refinery L            
Sun Oil Refinery M            
Teladianium Foundry L            
Teladianium Foundry M            
Tempest Missile Factory            
Thunderbolt Missile Factory            
Tomahawk Missile Manufacturing Plant 2,876,128+5            
Tornado Missile Factory            
Tracker Mine Fab            
Tractor Beam Factory            
Trading Station 29,929,912 +6            
Typhoon Missile Factory            
USC Food Supply Factory L            
USC Food Supply Factory M            
Vita Kai Production Plant L           
Vita Kai Production Plant M           
Wasp Missile Factory 1,525,712 +5            
Water Purification Plant L -           
Water Purification Plant M -           
Weapon Component Factory 720,656 +5            
Wheat Farm L 917,504  +3           917,504
Wheat Farm M 367,016+3          367,016
Wraith Missile Production Plant -           

* The Yaki shipyard only sells stations if the player sides with Beryll during the Shady Business plot.

NPC only Stations

Stations of Questionable Obtainability 
