Versions Compared


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With this kind of boarding the player uses Wildfire and Silkworm missiles (Wasp and Dragonfly missiles also work) at a long range to lower the shields of the target if no softening is performed before launching the drones.   Drones are launched at a distance of 6-8Km from the target and ordered to Attack Shields of the target.   Once the target shields are <10% the player can either start flying away from the target and uses the Launch Marines command to allow the target ship to fly into the cloud of Marines while being far enough away from the player ship that it is not actively firing towards the player and oncoming Marines (this is where you will pointlessly lose your personnel) or the player can try and fly underneath the target ship and launch the marines just as the ship flies overhead that all marines instantly contact the target hull (player is more likely to take damage with bigger targets but more synchronised boarding and lower losses however, fatal collisions with the target ship are more likely).   Ships recommended for spacewalk boarding are the TP class ships, Geochen (Teladi) (high shielding for a TP), Ocelot (Split) (has enough speed to dodge incoming fire) and Angel (Boron) (has Ion Disrupters to help reduce target shields and soften them up) and the Argon TM class ships ship (only good for non-Xenon M6 ships but can carry all ships and equipment needed for clean boarding and escape tactics)  and Zephyrus (high shielding, has Ion Disrupters to help reduce target shields and soften them up and Thunderbolt Missile compatibility for killing for depleting the shields).   It typically takes up to 50 missiles for a boarding operation of an M6.   The Mechanical Skill of the personnel used limits what ship classes can be boarded with this method
