Versions Compared


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The Phoenix is a Teladi destroyer introduced in XR 3.0. It is interesting in several ways: It is the smallest destroyer in terms of dimensions (it should have a L-classification), has a large number of anti-capital weapons complemented by pitiful anti-fighter capability. With only 6 rear-facing HIT/MA Turrets, it is very vulnerable to fighter attacks (and makes it a very easy target to board). The 6 forward-facing Plasma/Jet LR turrets, however, represents very heavy anti-capital firepower, as long as the Phoenix stays at range and faces forward (mod may be required to correct combat behavior). Other interesting attributes include strong component shielding (all Mk3) and large number of engines facing both sides, allowing it to be extremely agile (useful if you like hitching rides on capitals). Lastly, there is a Marauder version of the Phoenix that has yet another unique trait - 50K units of Universal storage, making it a viable trading ship (and if you are not interested in modding your game, this may be your only option for trading in Teladi sectors, as the pirate factions there will only attack ships flagged as traders, and the Phoenix is flagged by the game as a combat ship).


The "standard" version of this ship isn't nearly as impressive as its "Marauder" sibling, with a much-reduced speed and armament, and without the universal cargo bay. Its one saving grace is the increased hull HP, but the amount of speed it sacrifices for that makes the Condor a somewhat better choice if you are looking to buy a Teladi combat ship.

  • Total DPS: 55590
  • Hull: 900K
  • Capital Shield Class: Capital Field Generator Mk3 (x1)
  • Component Shield Class: Force Field Projector Mk3
  • Speed: 70 75 m/sStorage: 60K (Universal - Marauder Phoenix only, requires boarding)
  • Drone Capacity: 150
  • Weapons:
    • HIT/MA Turret (Argon) x6
    • Plasma/MA Turret x3
    • Plasma/JET LR Turret x6x3

<Info from Simoom's guide: XR Capital Ships>