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Comment: Revising section. -IG


Bug: If the target is too far off the neutral Z-axis, then the Overrun URV Mk2 drones will ignore it and fly to the neutral Z-axis and start attacking hostile ships close to the Z-Axis.

Strafing is critical to success in combat with the engine and shield configuration recommended by this guide. By rapidly changing strafe directions the auto aim of NPC turrets and small craft will struggle to hit you from a distance. This technique is so effective that even ships with excessive number of turrets such as the Lyramekron may only land a few hits per minute which is few enough that the shield damage is effortlessly recovered. This is less effective against tailing small craft as they are usually closer and more erratic however it is still enough to significantly reduce incoming damage. When taking on capital ships adjust speed to remain a fixed distance away and only depend on strafing to dodge incoming fire. Simply cycling the wasd keys in a circular pattern should be enough to dodge most turrets (not Plasma/JET Turret). In dogfights a combination of strafing, turning and speed adjustment is needed to help minimize incoming damage.

Building for the Future (Interlude)

With both ship and mind prepared for combat it With the Albion Skunk upgraded and prepared for combat it is time to start building up your company assets. With out going overboard you will want to obtain the followingup wealth for use later on. Combat orientated missions can now be performed which can net millions of credits, far more than simple transport missions. Pirate and mission spawned capital ships can be boarded for just the cost of a capital ship crew and sometimes a few missiles. Wealth accumulation can potentially be in the order of tens of millions of credits per hour.

Acquiring the following assets and wealth now can make the rest of the campaign considerably easier...

  • 3 * perfectly boarded trade ships (recommended)
  • 8050,000,000 Cr (note: amount may be reduced laterrecommended)
  • The following wares stored across one or more of the trade ships...
    • Energy Cells: 5,596 Energy Cells (minimum 1596 (recommended) 1,463 (required)
    • 521 Fusion Reactors (minimum 140: 521 (recommended) 140 (required)
    • 674 Bio-Optic Wiring (minimum 270: 674 (recommended) 270 (required)
    • 58 Forcefield Projectors: 58 (minimum 0recommended)
    • 135 HIT/MA Turrets: 135 (minimum 0recommended)54 Plasma
    • Plasma/MA Turrets: 54 (minimum 0recommended)
    • 8 recommended V-Launcher Turrets: 8 (minimum 0)Total value 48,090,006 Cr (minimum recommended)
    • Approximate Cr value: ???  (recommended) ??? (required)
  • 2 bulk mining * bulk mining capable ships with at least 32 Surface least 32 Surface Miner Mk1 units Highly (recommended)
  • 1 * highly skilled Metallurgist Specialist aboard Albion Skunk

Boarding SS owned Rahanas and Titurel ships is the easiest and quickest way to expand your fleet.

  • (recommended)

Later during the campaign an XL fight ship must be boarded. Due to the nature of such ships they have very high boarding resistance, even when at low hull percentages. As such it is recommended that at least 3 ships be boarded perfectly, without losing marines, to gain enough Veteran or Elite Marines to have significant boarding strength for the operation.

By saving up 50,000,000 Cr it is possible to take advantage of a massive 40% discount offered 3 times during the campaign to acquire the remaining software for the Albion Skunk. Although the last discount opportunity is offered towards the end of the campaign, amassing the funds now can give access to the software earlier.

The campaign requires the construction of an unique station to progress. This requires a certain amount of wares to complete which can be more easily acquired now than when they are needed. As this station is quite useful it is recommended to fully build it which will require considerably more wares. No Reinforced Metal Plating is required since the plot provides 2since 2,799 units will be provided which is more than enough for full construction.

Boarding SS owned Rahanas and Titurel ships is the easiest and quickest way to expand your fleet.


Example of the assets which can be amassed at this stage. Shown are 1 * Rahanas (Bulk & Liquid), 2 * Rahanas (Container & Energy), 2 * Sequana, 4 * Taranis and 8 * Titurel.
