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Comment: added more starts


Starting Equipment/Wares: 2x 5MJ Shield, 4x PAC, Boost Extension, SETA, Duplex Scanner, Video Enhancement Goggles, 9x Engine Tuning, 5x Rudder Optimisation and 24x Cargo Bay Extension

Starting Credits: 1,823800-2,000

Start Locations: Omicron Lyrae


                                            Mercury: 5MJ Shield, SETA, 5x Engine Tuning and 5x Rudder Optimisation

Starting Credits: 9,543000-9,900

Start Locations: Herron's Nebula


Starting Equipment/Wares: 1MJ SHield, 2x IRE, Boost Extension, Duplex Scanner, SETA, 4x Engine Tuning, 6x Rudder Optimisation and 81x Cargo Bay Extension

Starting Credits: 1,914750-2,000

Start Locations: Acquisition Repository, Sanctity of Corruption or Tears of Greed


Starting Equipment/Wares: 2x 25MJ Shield, IRE, 4x Figher Drone, Boost Extension, Duplex Scanner, Fight Command Software MK1, SETA, 7x Engine Tuning, 6x Rudder Optimisation and 1,501x Cargo Bay Extension 

Starting Credits: 7,863750-11,000

Start Locations: Preacher's Refuge or Heaven's Assertion


Hints/Comments:   The player starts in hostile territory with the quickest route to safety being the gate to their right (East).   As the starting TS ship is slow it cannot outrun or outfight enemies so if military patrols, a Hyperion Vanguard, an M7M or just a lot of border patrol fighters spawns in the starting sector all the player can do is kiss their rear goodbye (up to 66% of starts).   The starting scenario puts the player on a knife edge which causes a single hostile action against Paranid ships to send the player to -4 Paranid Race Rank that will send even any escort fighters into a homicidal frenzy in all sectors.   If the player does not make a clean escape from the starting sector/has to use fighter drones then restart until docked safely at a station in the neighbouring sector.   The starting ship has a good volume of cargo capacity enabling the player to trade on the way to the warzones.    It is even possible to get on the Boron Stock exchange within 3 sectors of starting.   Trade in Nyana's Hideout until able to pass through the warzones.   Otherwise salvage missiles from the warzones for starting capital before using Stock Exchanges and eventually stock market manipulation.   Due to the exponential growth of income and having 6x the time limit, the starting mission for this starting scenario is easier than the Tormented Teladi one.   For completion of the mission the player gets a potentially overtuned Hyperion Vanguard and Advanced Perseus but such ships can be created in any starting scenario using Pandora Tunings on a boarded Hyperion Vanguard.


Aldrin Adventurer

Starting Ship(s): Medusa Prototype Spitfyre (M3+)

Starting Equipment/Wares: 5MJ 2x 25MJ Shield, 6x PBE, 2x PAC, Boost Extension5x E-EMPC,  Boost Extension, Jump Drive, Duplex Scanner, SETA, Video Enhancement Goggles, 4x 16x Engine Tuning, 4x 6x Rudder Optimisation and 71x 48?x Cargo Bay Extension 

Starting Credits: 23,2014,000-4,150

Start Locations: Tharaka's Sun, Tkr's Deprivation, Contorted Dominion, Family Pride, Kingdom's End(!) and Family RhonkarStarting Aldrin

Starting Race Ranks: Argon 0, Boron 0, Paranid -53?, Split -51, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF -1+3, Goner 0+1?

Unlock Requirements: Fight  Operation Final Fury completed, Terran Race Rank of Specialist Planetary Senator (16+7) and Split Race Fight Rank of Privileged Associate of Rhonkar (+7Crusader (24)

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418Operation Final Fury at Fight Rank of Professional

Fastest Unlock Method: Fly an M7M into Zyarth's Dominion and flatten all spawning XenonUse the Terran Commander start and a fully stocked Skirnir in the Terran owned warzones and level a few Xenon sectors between battles while working on completing the plots as quickly as possible.   The infinite Xenon spawns in Segaris near the end of Shady Business is ideal. 

Hints/Comments: Constantly growing waves of Paranid M5 ships will spawn from the nearest Jump Gate and attack for 15 waves of pain.   The lack of shielding and poor WSAD speed of the player ship makes dogfighting hard so when 4 or more Paranid M5s attack hull damage is likely.   Try and dodge any military or police patrols although players might be lucky and not have any spawn in the sectors between them and safety.   The Contorted Dominion start offers the shortest route to a friendly sector but the player will have to constantly intercept Tempest missiles being fired from the Large Orbital Weapons Platform.   The Kingdom's End start is the easiest but the player will still have to head South to Three Worlds to find a station to dock at.   It is advisable to put the PACs onto the turrets.   Dock at a friendly base and save before using the station to keep enemy fighters away (The Military Oupost in Faded Dreams is good) and use the repair laser to patch up the player ship.   The last several waves will consist of 6 ships so try to avoid losing any more equipment and weapons.   After the last wave save again.   Aim to get a better shield.   If the player started in Tkr's Deprivation the Boron region is a dead end so the player will have to backtrack with a better shield and more engine tunings.   The main strength of the Medusa Prototype (which is unique to this starting scenario) is the ability to wield Firestorm Torpedoes and Typhoon Missiles so getting Argon and Teladi Race Rank is a priority.   As both the Split and Paranid already hate the player piracy of TS ships from both can give Boron and Argon reputation and wares to act as starting capital.   Do not overtune the starting ship since it needs to be reverse engineered for use on M1 ships as a bomber.   Most of the excitement of this starting scenario occurs within the first hour of gameplay.  

Teladi Trafficker 

Starting Ship(s): Vulture (TS)

Starting Equipment/Wares: 5MJ Shield, SETA, 20x player starts off in a fast ship that can out speed many M5s able to carry L cargo and equip PM/A-MLs so there are few missions that cannot be done in the starting ship.   With only one initially hostile race and a powerful ship, it is not difficult building up a number of traders to get started.

Goner Witness

Starting Ship(s): Ranger (M3)

Starting Equipment/Wares: 25MJ Shield, 23x Energy Cells, SETA, Video Enhancement Goggles, Transporter Device, 16x Engine Tuning and 8?x Rudder Optimisation

Starting Credits: 350

Start Locations: Elysium of Light

Starting Race Ranks: Argon +3, Boron 0, Paranid -1, Split -1, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF +3, Goner +3

Unlock Requirements: Chose to end the war at the end of the Shady Business Plot

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: Do the plots from any starting scenario as quickly as possible and choose to fight the Yaki at the end.

Hints/Comments: The player starts in an unarmed M3 which has a slow speed but moderate cargobay and can equip a 200MJ shield enabling Transport Passengers type missions to be completed however it is recommended to switch to a better ship as soon as possible.

Unholy Traitor

Starting Ship(s): Medusa Prototype (M3+)

Starting Equipment/Wares: 5MJ Shield, 6x PBE, 2x PAC, Boost Extension, Duplex Scanner, SETA, Video Enhancement Goggles, 4x Engine Tuning, 4x Rudder Optimisation and 71x Cargo Bay Extension 

Starting Credits: 23,201

Start Locations: Tharaka's Sun, Tkr's Deprivation, Contorted Dominion, Family Pride, Kingdom's End(!) and Family Rhonkar

Starting Race Ranks: Argon 0, Boron 0, Paranid -5, Split -5, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF -1, Goner 0

Unlock Requirements: Fight Rank of Specialist (16) and Split Race Rank of Privileged Associate of Rhonkar (+7)

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: Fly an M7M into Zyarth's Dominion and flatten all spawning Xenon

Hints/Comments: Constantly growing waves of Paranid M5 ships will spawn from the nearest Jump Gate and attack for 15 waves of pain.   The lack of shielding and poor WSAD speed of the player ship makes dogfighting hard so when 4 or more Paranid M5s attack hull damage is likely.   Try and dodge any military or police patrols although players might be lucky and not have any spawn in the sectors between them and safety.   The Contorted Dominion start offers the shortest route to a friendly sector but the player will have to constantly intercept Tempest missiles being fired from the Large Orbital Weapons Platform.   The Kingdom's End start is the easiest but the player will still have to head South to Three Worlds to find a station to dock at.   It is advisable to put the PACs onto the turrets.   Dock at a friendly base and save before using the station to keep enemy fighters away (The Military Oupost in Faded Dreams is good) and use the repair laser to patch up the player ship.   The last several waves will consist of 6 ships so try to avoid losing any more equipment and weapons.   After the last wave save again.   Aim to get a better shield.   If the player started in Tkr's Deprivation the Boron region is a dead end so the player will have to backtrack with a better shield and more engine tunings.   The main strength of the Medusa Prototype (which is unique to this starting scenario) is the ability to wield Firestorm Torpedoes and Typhoon Missiles so getting Argon and Teladi Race Rank is a priority.   As both the Split and Paranid already hate the player piracy of TS ships from both can give Boron and Argon reputation and wares to act as starting capital.   Do not overtune the starting ship since it needs to be reverse engineered for use on M1 ships as a bomber.   Most of the excitement of this starting scenario occurs within the first hour of gameplay.  

Teladi Trafficker 

Starting Ship(s): Vulture (TS)

Starting Equipment/Wares: 5MJ Shield, SETA, 20x Cargo Bay Extension 

Starting Credits: 12,693

Start Locations: Seizewell

Starting Race Ranks: Argon 0, Boron +2, Paranid 0, Split 0, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF -1, Goner 0

Unlock Requirements: Teladi Race Rank of Teladi Company Owner (+7)

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: Kill Xenon in Grand Exchange or do Random Missions for Teladi

Hints/Comments: The player starting ship comes damaged so repairing it with a the Repair Laser of the Space Suit is recommended to increase the speed.   The poor shielding and lack of weapon or Fighter Drones means it is a priority to avoid any pirates early on.   The slow pace of the starting ship makes heavy use of the SETA recommended.   Next to the risk of faster ships tailgating the player ship at Jump Gates this slow paced starting scenario offers little challenge especially if the first stop is the Seizewell Stock Exchange.   For the sake of player sanity purchase Engine Tunings and a Boost Extension as a priority.

Yaki Insurgent

Ability to unlock this starting scenario was removed in a patch.   There are however hacks to force it to become unlocked.   To unlock this starting scenario Use an XML editor to open the file of the game (usually under Steam\SteamApps\Common\X3 Terran Conflict\Addon) and extract the gamestarts.pck file.   Open the gamestarts.xml file and go down until "<!-- Yaki Insurgent Weaver's Tempest Removed for X3TC 1.0", add "-->" after Tempest and delete "Removed for X3TC 1.0".    Finally six lines down delete the "–>" from "–>" and save.   Create the files L\true under the game directory (file?) and copy the .xml to it.   A similar tactic can also be used to unlock the old game starts from X3: Reunion but most of those lack access to the plots


Starting Ship(s): Advanced Chocaro, Tenjin, 2x Raijin and 2x Fuijin

Starting Equipment/Wares: Advanced Chocaro: 200MJ Shield, 2x IRE, Boost Extension, Duplex Scanner, SETA, Video Enhancement Goggles, 4x Engine Tuning, 4x Rudder Optimisation and 451x Cargo Bay Extension 

   Tenjin: 2x 5MJ Shield, 9x PAC, 2x IRE, SETA, 4x Engine Tuning, 3x Rudder Optimisation and 34x Cargo Bay Extension 

   Raijin: 1MJ Shield, 3x PAC, 2x IRE, SETA,  6x Engine Tuning, 6x Rudder Optimisation and 24x Cargo Bay Extension 

   Raijin: 5MJ Shield, 3x PAC, 2x IRE, SETA,  6x Engine Tuning, 6x Rudder Optimisation and 24x Cargo Bay Extension 

   Fuijin: 1MJ Shield, 2x IRE, SETA,  7x Engine Tuning and 7x Rudder Optimisation

   Fuijin: 1MJ Shield, 2x IRE, SETA,  7x Engine Tuning and 7x Rudder Optimisation

Starting Credits: 20,000

Start Locations: Weaver's Tempest

Starting Race Ranks: Argon -2, Boron -3, Paranid 0, Split -1, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF -1, Goner -1

Unlock Requirements: Needs a hack

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: Cheat

Hints/Comments: ???

Lost Lar

Starting Ship(s): Angel (TP)

Starting Equipment/Wares: 2x 25MJ shield, 6x PBE, 2x PAC, Boost Extension, Duplex Scanner, SETA, Video Enhancement Goggles, 5x Engine Tuning, 5x Rudder Optimisation and 800x Cargo Bay Extension 

Starting Credits: 12,693000-14,000

Start Locations: SeizewellXenon Sector 695

Starting Race Ranks: Argon 0-2, Boron +2-1?, Paranid 0-3, Split 0-1, Teladi 0, Terran/ATF -1, Goner 0

Unlock Requirements: Teladi Race Rank of Teladi Company Owner (+7)

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: Kill Xenon in Grand Exchange or do Random Missions for Teladi

Hints/Comments: The player starting ship comes damaged so repairing it with a the Repair Laser of the Space Suit is recommended to increase the speed.   The poor shielding and lack of weapon or Fighter Drones means it is a priority to avoid any pirates early on.   The slow pace of the starting ship makes heavy use of the SETA recommended.   Next to the risk of faster ships tailgating the player ship at Jump Gates this slow paced starting scenario offers little challenge especially if the first stop is the Seizewell Stock Exchange.   For the sake of player sanity purchase Engine Tunings and a Boost Extension as a priority-1, Goner -1

Unlock Requirements: Boron Race Rank of Queen's Protectorate (+7) and Fight Rank of Crusader (24)

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418

Fastest Unlock Method: Kill Xenon in and around Menelaus' Paradise

Hints/Comments: Interestingly this is the only starting scenario other than the Tormented Teladi where pirates start as seminon-hostile.   The player begins with a TP deep in Xenon territory with the shortest escape being to Segaris (travel through 3 Xenon sectors) or Grand Exchange (travel through 4 Xenon sectors).   To make matters worse the ship does not have any Fight Command Software to automate the turrets making the player have to manually aim and fire them.   As most sectors passed through will have at least one capital ship and several Qs, the player will have to prioritize shooting down heavy missiles which will instantly kill the player ship.   If the player can make it to safety is heavily dependent on where the Xenon ships spawn and if they are blockading any gates as the player ship will not be able to outrun or outfight M6 and heavier fighter ships while a lucky shot from a capital ship will shred the playership.   In Xenon Core fly behind the jump gate and circle by the furthest asteroids to avoid detection. Once back to safety start doing taxi missions to build up credits and reputation with the locals.   As the starting ship has an excess of weapons (assuming they were not lost during the escape) transfer the spares onto a newly purchased ship or sell them for starting capital.   If in Terran space it will be hard to find missions to get the Argon to allow access to core sectors so the player will either need a fast ship to get back into commonwealth space or trade in some Terran Race Rank by shooting up some Terran ships in Circle of Labour.

Savage Split

Starting Ship(s): Jaguar (M5)


Unlock Requirements: Fight Rank of Specialist of Fighter Chief (1617)

Scenario Misson/Available Plots: Commonwealth Main Plot when Argon Race Rank is +4, Terran  Race Rank is <0 and the player is in Argon Sector 418


Hints/Comments: This starting scenario has a unique save mode which automatically occurs on exiting the game preventing the ability save scum and also occupies a unique load slot.   Either trust your luck to get to a Pirate Base in Veil of Delusion or immediately dump the Space Fuel.   Head to the warzone and start salvaging missiles.   Gain Access to the Grand Exchange or PTNI Headquarters Stock Exchanges and start earning lots of credits. Start working on Terran Race Rank to get access to heavily shielded ships (bigger is better).   Do not get a Springblossom as the tail fins are a cause of avoidable deaths and docking clamp mangling.   Always use autopilot to undock from stations to avoid fatal docking clamp ejections.   Never open menus while in flight.   Start making friends with everyone by constructing a Space Fuel/Space Weed complex in Hatikvah's Faith and doing Build missions for the Pirates.   Where possible do all exploration and trading remotely.   Send a scout ship to both sides of a jump gate to look out for capital ships which might tailgate the player ship when jumping.   For the plot missions over prepare and keep the player ship away from anything that might kill it leaving other player owned ships to do most of the fighting.   Leave larger gaps between mines when assembling complexes.   Keep recruiting and training marines since losses will be unavoidable with boarding operations (yes, it is humiliating when an abandoned ship or TL mangles 21 marines with a high fighting rank).   If possible try to stay docked.  Keep a supply of Mosquito Missiles.

Aldrin Adventurer

Starting Ship(s):

Starting Equipment/Wares:

Starting Credits:

Start Locations: ,

Starting Race Ranks: Argon, Boron , Paranid , Split , Teladi , Terran/ATF, Goner

Unlock Requirements:

Scenario Misson/Available Plots:

Fastest Unlock Method:
